Negotiating The Rent

"How a young couple struggling to cope is saved when the landlord accepts a payment in kind"

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It had been a hard year, the twins recently started preschool, Mike had his overtime cut, and the cost of everything seems to rise with every weekly shop. Sophie was finally free to start the part-time job she had been offered at the local supermarket. At twenty-six, with a degree in Political History, this was not the life Sophie had imagined.

Raised in a middle-class household, Sophie excelled at school, had a wide circle of friends, and would have been considered one of the ‘beautiful people’ by those around her. Popular, pretty, well-mannered, and always willing to help others. University opened her eyes to a wider world, life away from home and boys. Sophie had enjoyed herself, not enough to get a reputation, but more than her parents would have liked.

On finishing University with a first, Sophie secured an Internship in the City which she hoped would be the step into Politics she had planned. Living back at home saved money, but was a culture shock. Sophie met Mike on a night out, he rented a studio flat, which made him far more attractive than he deserved. Many evenings were spent in bed in his place, which was no better than a bedsit.

Mike fell head over heels for Sophie, she was everything he wasn’t. She was driven, and intelligent, with a career and a nice family. Sophie fell pregnant despite taking precautions, she did not even think it possible until morning sickness started. She decided to keep the baby, which the first scan confirmed to be twins. She had to give up the internship and with it her dream career. Sophie’s parents did not approve of Mike.

Mike and Sophie had moved a little further out of town and rented a two-bedroom flat on the ground floor of a converted house. The landlord called monthly for the rent, in cash, and Sophie made sure it was always ready. She went without many things to ensure they kept the roof over their heads for the children. The rent had gone up by over three hundred in the three years they had been there.

Two weeks into her new part-time job, Sophie got paid, and all the extra money and some of the rent that had been put aside was used to fix the boiler again. A week later Mr. Wilson, the landlord, knocked on the front door. Sophie had just collected the twins from preschool.

“Hello Mr. Wilson, I’m sorry but I am short this month, only fifty, but we had to fix the boiler. I can get it in a week or so, honestly.”

Mr. Wilson could not remember Sophie ever not paying in full, on the day. He had often fantasized about Sophie missing a payment and agreeing to ‘pay in kind’. It was a cliché he knew, but Sophie was the most attractive tenant he had by far. Mr. Wilson had never taken a ‘payment in kind’ from anyone, his wife would probably kill him in his sleep if she knew he even thought about it.

Mr. Wilson tried to put on as friendly a smile as he could, but it looked a little creepy. “That’s OK Sophie, I think I can trust you, this is the first time ever I think. I’ll call back in a week, you can call me Brian.” He smiled again, took the rent, and left.

Behind him, Sophie closed the front door and cried a little, neither she nor Mike would be getting paid in the next week.

“Why can’t you ask your parents?” Mike asked when he got home. “They have plenty of money, ask them.”

“You know they won’t help. Mum would, but Dad looks after the money since he retired from the civil service. He says he has a plan and a budget for his whole retirement. I can’t ask them, and you know it.”

A frosty evening followed with Sophie trying to think of things she could sell or pawn to raise the money. A week of worry went by. Sophie asked her manager if she could get an advance on her wages. He called her into his office as she finished work that afternoon and asked what she could offer or do for him in return. Sophie understood what he was asking, and was desperate, but also had to walk nearly a mile to collect the twins from preschool on time, so excused herself and left.

Sophie raised thirty-five towards the rent, selling a few unworn clothes on an internet auction site, she hoped Mr. Wilson would accept it and let her pay the rest with next month’s rent. The bank account was empty. A knock on the front door made Sophie’s heart sink.

“Hello, Mr. Wilson.”

“Brian, please.”

“Oh, yes, sorry, Brian. I have another thirty-five for you now. Please can I add the rest to next month’s rent? I promise it will all be there next month.” Sophie held out the money and smiled.

“I don’t think I can let it slide to the end of the month.” Brian had been playing this moment over in his mind all week. “I wonder if we could come to an arrangement.” He tried his friendly smile again.

“I’m not sure what you mean.” Sophie lied.

“Could I step inside, just for a minute, I might have a solution to your problem.” Brian took a step forward.

Sophie stepped back into the hallway and Brian followed her in, closing the door behind him.

“I can see you are struggling, so many people are these days, and I like you as tenants, no trouble and always paying in full. What if I said to keep the thirty-five for now, and you could do something for me in return?”

For a few seconds, silence hung in the air between them. Brian was fearful he had seriously miss judged things and overstepped the mark. Fearful that Sophie would report him, tell his wife, and cause all sorts of trouble. Sophie knew what he wanted, knew it would sort the rent shortfall, but wondered how to be sure Mike never found out. Sophie knew Mike would be home in an hour and didn’t want to get caught having sex for fifty in rent arrears.

“Just exactly what are you proposing?” Sophie asked. “Just so we are clear.”

Brian was starting to wish he had not brought it up. He knew this was a bad idea, a fantasy he should have kept in his imagination. Brian struggled to find the words to explain, and tried to think of a way to back out of the obvious innuendo.

“Are you asking me to be nice to you in return for the rent shortfall?” Sophie emphasized the ‘be nice to you’ part. Sophie smiled at Brian. “The twins are asleep upstairs, and Mike gets home soon so I don’t have a lot of time today.” Sophie walked slowly through to the kitchen and leaned against the sink.

Brian could feel himself losing control of the situation. He followed her into the kitchen, clean and tidy, like Sophie. He noticed the clothes airer in the corner draped in clothes, the top rung with bras and knickers seemed to shout to him for attention.

Sophie could not miss the double take and seized upon his distraction. “Do you like the look of those?”

Brian was flustered, and Sophie could see it. It seemed strange she thought for a man, she guessed in his fifties, maybe even early sixties, to be so easily unsettled. She knew she was financially in a tight corner and had little time so decided to make her move. Unbuttoning her blouse she held it open to show her pert ‘B’ cup boobs to him, glad she had worn a good bra today.

“Is this what you meant earlier?” Sophie cupped her boobs over her bra and pushed them up and together a little more.

“Brian blushed and began to stutter. “Err, err, ye ye yes, yes.” He managed, staring the whole time. In twenty-eight years of marriage, Brian had never been propositioned like this, and he could feel his face glowing.

Sophie took the few steps across to him and slowly dropped to her knees. She wondered how far she would have to go. Brian stood, frozen to the spot, staring down at the best pair of boobs he had seen for years. He watched Sophie’s hands unzip him, unbuckle his belt, and felt his trousers fall to the ground. Sophie could smell fresh soap, and looked at a baggy pair of ‘Y’ fronts.

Brian was glad he had bathed earlier today, his wife had questioned it, but he said his back ached and he wanted to relax. He was also glad he had pulled out his newest pants too, all part of the preparation for his fantasy, ‘just in case’ he had told himself.

Sophie pulled his pants down to mid-thigh and let them drop. She was surprised at the size of his cock hanging down, and his balls hung low too, ‘I hope he comes quickly’ she thought to herself.

Brian felt her warm soft hands hold and stroke him and worried that his fear or nervousness would overcome his desire. With just a few strokes though, his cock was hard, pointing toward her. Sophie examined it closely, the oldest cock she had seen or handled. The foreskin seemed really long and stretchy, and his patch of pubic hair was sparse and mostly grey. His cock smelt clean as she leaned closer, with the tell-tale dribble of pre cum slowly spreading around the tip.

Sophie opened her mouth and as she pulled his foreskin back flicked her tongue across the tip, just a taste of pre-cum. ‘Tastes just like normal’ she thought.

Bending to look down, Brian saw her tongue dart out to touch his cock. Then he watched, as if in a dream, as Sophie twisted her head to one side and looked up at him with a smile. He stared open-mouthed as she slid her lips down his cock and felt the wet warmth of his first-ever blowjob. His heart pounded in his chest, he felt dizzy.

Sophie was confident now, in her element, sucking a cock was a skill she learned at University to save having to have sex with too many guys. She gripped the base of his cock and pushed him hard into the back of her throat two or three times. Then she pulled back, swirling her tongue around his glans, then taking a few long strokes before returning to his most sensitive cock head with her tongue.

Brian stared at the kitchen wall, his mind in turmoil. ‘Have I been missing this all my life? He thought, thrilled, excited, overcome, by the intense feelings coming from his cock. He had no idea this could feel so good, his whole body seemed to be tensing and tingling. His eyes caught sight of the airer again and he wondered how those skimpy knickers looked when she wore them.

Brian came quite suddenly and unexpectedly, Sophie barely had the tip of his cock in her mouth when the first pump of cum flooded it. There were no jets of cum, no spurting sprays, just long pumps of thick cum. Eight or ten times his cock pumped nearly a mouthful at a time, she swallowed what she could, and the rest spilled out, covering her boobs, and soaking into her blouse.

Brian could not remember the last time he had even had sex with his wife. He could not remember ever coming so quickly or so much, not since his teenage years perhaps. He worried he might pass out, or even have a heart attack because the feelings were so strong.

Sophie let his cock go, already softening, and stood up to face Brian. “Are we all good? Is the rent sorted?”

Brian mumbled yes and nodded. He could see his cum on her chin, and her boobs, her bra, and blouse had thick blobs of cum sliding down. He pulled up his pants and trousers, fastening them as quickly as he could, and started out for the door.

Sophie followed him and stood behind the door as she opened it, out of sight of the street. “I’m glad we came to an arrangement Brian, thank you.”

“No, thank you, Sophie, thank you very much. I’m sure everything will be fine now.”

On the way home Brian stopped at a cashpoint and drew out the fifty he was short to be able to show his wife that he had been paid in full.

Indoors, Sophie stripped out of her clothes and put them all in the washing machine for a quick wash. She pulled on a soft loose top and bottoms a few minutes before Mike got home. He asked why she had already changed from work. “Oh, just some old bloke, spilled cream all over me.” She wondered if he could taste anything when he kissed her, remembering she had forgotten to rinse her mouth.

As Mike went upstairs to change and shower, Sophie started to think about asking her boss for a raise, confident in her renewed negotiation skills. She also thought about renegotiating the rent to see how much she could save.

Published 2 years ago

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