exams coming up in a week
not nauseated but a bit sick
feeling the anxiety and imbalance
when it comes to sense
that 500 pages of my text
are left unturned for my test
developing relations, drawing up sleeves
rubbing all over body, counting her ribs
like a naked girl, pages are exposed
ready to be pulled near
but I have a hidden fear
i may not be able
to make love to them,
may be I am not capable,
to study those pages all around
to memorize the body parts,
from the end or as it starts,
would it be a sixty nine,
or missionary would be fine
can’t figure out a line to draw,
blend from all pages, or take it raw ..
would a kiss suffice to arouse
undress her from pants, or her blouse
read all chapters, time is risky
get glimpse from summary, make a quicky.
should I write a note to revise
would a romantic love making be wise
or a gag to stop all the noise
or moan loud to wake neighbor’s wife
this week will be fun, but too slow
all the orgasm, I shall blow
exams shall show,
how strong my bond with books are
will I orgasm in a row,
or run from her, really far ..