Naughty or Nice

"Santa Claus is coming..."

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Spinning on the ball of her black leather flat, she twirls in front of her friend. The hem of her light-green tartan dress fans around her thighs in unison with her dirty-blonde curls. The sudden motion brings them face-to-face and stops them dead in their tracks.

Nicky cocks her head, her deep-blue eyes darting left to reinforce the gesture. Grinning wolfishly, her fangs glow white with menace. A breathy chuckle flees the growl in her throat. It leaves the giddy anticipation of her dare hanging heavy between them.

Humming a chuckle of her own, Nina’s tongue subconsciously slides along the back of her front teeth. Before she even looks over, she knows this is going to be a good one. Her head tilts, causing her soft bangs to sweep across her face. Catching a small clump of raven strands between her lips, she slowly closes her eyes and turns her head to the right.

“Oh my God!” Nina guffaws, slapping her fingers over her gaping mouth. Her whisky-brown eyes are wild with disbelief.

Nicky waits for her schoolmate’s incredulous glare to meet her own before responding. “Uh-huh,” she confirms.

Nina scans the mezzanine balconies above that ring the shopping mall’s central court for potential witnesses. Their balustrades are strangled by lush garlands and a galaxy of fairy lights. Behind them, the walkways and stores beyond heave with Christmas shoppers. “You can’t be serious!” she laughs.

“C’mon.” Nicky grabs Nina’s arm and drags her towards the Santa’s village display at the base of the towering Christmas tree. “There’s no line. You’re next.”

The two schoolgirls queue at the faux wooden gate to wait their turn. They look across the field of fake snow and plastic reindeer to see Santa balancing a bouncing baby boy on his knee. The doting mother squats a few feet in front, cooing and clapping at her son in an attempt to elicit a smile. A tall photographer snaps away over her shoulder, his flash strobing every few seconds.

“Oh, Nicky, I can’t,” Nina pleads, “He’s going to take photos.”

“Yeah he is,” she teases, almost bursting with delight. She grabs the brunette’s shoulders and leans in, her nose an inch from Nina’s. “Naughty, naughty photos.” Then she theatrically mouths, “Lots of them.”

Nina chews her bottom lip as she ponders the challenge. Her heart thunders in her chest, the lump in her throat almost choking. Despite her better judgement, she knows she’s going to do it.

They both do.

Fishing around in her schoolbag, Nicky retrieves a tube of lip gloss and hands it over. As her friend reapplies the glittered pink to her lips, she slips a lollipop into her mouth and crinkles Salvador Dali’s daisy wrapper back into her bag. She looks back up, her blue eyes narrowed in appraisal. “Hmmm.”

“What?” Nina knits her brow, her lightly sparkling lips parting in a bemused smile.

Nicky repositions the Chupa Chup with a flick of her tongue, the lollipop clicking across her teeth and forming an obscene bulge in her cheek. Without a word, she unfastens the top two buttons of Nina’s uniform and reaches inside. She scoops her burgeoning breasts out of her bra, the straining cups pushing them up and together to give the illusion of cleavage.

“Hey!” Nina half squeals, half laughs. Her excited nipples are already tenting the green tartan of her dress.

“Trust me,” Nicky growls as she continues preening her friend. She brushes some of Nina’s long dark hair forward with her fingers so it falls about her chest like a mermaid. “He’s gonna totes wanna fuck you.”

“Ahhh, okay, kids,” a harried woman in her early-forties balks, having just arrived in the queue behind the girls. She bustles three pre-teens away in the opposite direction, explaining in response to her children’s oblivious outrage at the sudden change of plan, “We’ll just quickly go get a muffin before we see Santa, okay?”

The raucous agreement of the kids catches Nicky’s attention, as too does the filthy look the woman shoots her over her shoulder as they retreat. Snorting a laugh, Nicky offers a shrug by way of apology before returning to the task at hand. She watches the other mother gather her baby from Santa’s lap and make her way over to the cashier to review the photos.

“You’re up, Porn Star,” Nicky breathes in Nina’s ear. With a pat on her friend’s ass, she goads, “You ready to give Santa a little Christmas cheer?”

Nina wrinkles her nose; her final act of defiance at such an outrageous proposition. Then her pale pink lips curl into a devilish grin. Committed, she plucks the Chupa Chup from Nicky’s mouth with a slurping ‘pop’. She gobbles the lollipop into her mouth and bats her eyelids at the blonde.

With a wink, she sets off. Almost on cue, the deep male harmony of “Ba-boom, ba-boom” fills the air as the mall’s speakers beat out the sultry bassline of Eartha Kitt’s Santa Baby. Swinging her slender hips in time with the music, Nina slowly struts towards Santa’s throne.

“Hey, Santa,” Nina sings, her tone deep and smooth, but shaped by her impish grin.

He looks up through the clear glass of his spectacles. “Ho, my…” he gasps, still in character.

“Got room on there for me?” She waves the lollipop at his crotch with a flick of her wrist.

Santa gaups.

He’s a statue, stunned silent by the adolescent vixen before him. He can’t find the words, or even the muscle control to close his mouth.

Nina giggles wickedly, then sweeps his right knee over to meet his left with the outside of her own. Pirouetting towards him, she plonks herself down across his lap and wriggles herself into a comfortable position. His right hand reflexively rests on her left knee farthest from him, while his other holds her steady on the small of her back.

“Aren’t you a little old for this?” his real voice cautions suspiciously, revealing him to be much younger than the costume suggests.

“But, Santa,” Nina pouts, “I’m only sixteen.” She swings her feet back and forth and sucks at her lollipop.

Santa huffs a single laugh, his whole body bouncing. While certainly uncommon, he is familiar with the occasional private schoolgirl making a game of testing her feminine wiles on him. “Let me guess,” he continues sardonically, taking his lead from Eartha’s opening lines. “You’re going to tell me how you’ve been an awful good girl?”

“Hmmm.” Nina pauses, tipping her lollipop away from her mouth. She realizes she’s matched by a man at least twice her age, and it takes her a few seconds to counter. “I think you know I’ve been a bad girl this year, Santa,” Nina whispers. She grinds her right hip into his lap to emphasise her point.

He smirks behind his thick white beard, but the wrinkles around his hazel eyes betray his amusement. He squeezes her knee in response. He’s instantly aware how smooth her skin is and how perfectly her lower thigh fits in his hand. The pressure of her hip against his groin, too, has its desired effect. Despite himself, he can’t help but react to her.

Smelling blood in the water, Nina strikes again. She rolls her hips, rubbing her ass against the red corduroy beneath her. The sensation of his hardening erection against her thigh spurs her on.

She seductively licks at her lollipop, leaving it glistening under the photographer’s lights. Looking down at him through hooded lids, she breathes, “Do you watch me when I’m sleeping, Santa?”

Another roll.

“Do you know when I’m awake?” She grinds herself into his stiffening cock again. Leaning in, she whispers into his ear, “Do you watch me then, Santa?” She moans. “You know, when I’m naughty?”

Nina wiggles her bottom in Santa’s lap as she straightens back up. She’s definitely coaxed him to full hardness. Thoroughly proud of herself, she kisses the lollipop like it’s the head of a cock and laughs.

“Ho ho ho!” he booms, trying to mask his own chuckle. “What am I going to do with you, Young Lady?”

Nina shrugs and sucks the lollipop into her mouth. She doesn’t register Santa opening his legs, causing her left knee to slip from his right and her foot to fall to the floor. She doesn’t notice the natural slide of his hand from one knee to her inner thigh on the other side. She doesn’t even realise Santa’s left hand now cups her ass.

“I used to give girls like you…” He gives the soft flesh of her inner thigh a few quick squeezes under the hem of her dress. “sticks and lumps of coal for Christmas.”

“Is that the stick you’re gonna give me, Santa?” Nina breathlessly giggles, grinding her ass into his rigid cock.

“Oh my God!” he barks with laughter. “You’re too fuckin’ much.”

“Santa!” Nina cries in mock astonishment. “That’s so naughty.”

“Mmm, so’s this,” he growls, running his index and middle fingers through the sodden cleft of her panties.

“Oh, fuck!” she gasps, shattering the lollipop between her teeth. Dozens of sticky shards tumble down the front of her light-green dress.

He feverishly presses the soaked cotton between Nina’s labia. Burrowing his thumb into the nub of her clit, he works it in tight circles as best he can. It’s all he can do to find the rhythm with her gyrating pelvis.

“Oh shit, I’m gonna come,” Nina drools.

She looks around in a panic. A barrage of camera flashes capable of triggering seizures explode a few feet away. Her best friend watches on from the fence line farther back, chewing through the nail of her thumb. But thankfully, none of the dozens, if not hundreds of other people in this part of the mall seem to be aware of what’s happening.

Out of nowhere, Santa clamps down on Nina’s right breast. He sucks her nipple through the thin tartan dress like his life depends on it. He nurses himself through a bucking orgasm, his cum warming the crotch of his cord trousers.

The wet sensation against Nina’s right hip pushes her over the edge. Her thighs clamp down on Santa’s hand, pinning him in spasms. She manages to grit her teeth and keep her climax silent, but the heat flushes through her entire body like a tidal wave.

Nina is frozen in rapture, trembling on Santa’s lap. Her face, neck and chest glow a shameful shade of pink. A string of saliva drips from the end of the lollipop stick still hanging from her mouth.

They sit a minute, catching their breath, before Nina stands and straightens her uniform. She brushes off the broken pieces of candy. But there’s nothing to be done about the wet spots on her dress from Santa’s saliva on her nipple, his cum on her hip, or her pussy on her backside.

“Um, merry Christmas, I guess,” Santa offers weakly.

“Yeah, thanks, Santa,” Nina giggles as she strides off towards her friend. “It’s been real.”


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Published 8 years ago

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