Having been asked to dress for the occasion, the 38-year-old 6’ businessman stood there in his suit, staring at the doorbell. He wasn’t being paid , but he understood this would be very much an adult party that he was attending. Having groomed himself for the possibility of being the entertainment, he still didn’t fully understand Lexi’s intent. For just recently they had ended up having mind blowing sex at the gym that they both went to, and he was pretty sure he was intended to be a gift to the bride to be. Or at least he had hoped.
Giving one last look back, Brayden noticed there were only a couple of cars at the home. He assumed this was a small low key kind of party, so psyching himself up, he reached out and rang the bell.
Buzz, Buzz came from the house, quickly followed by the sound of a group of women, “Wooo!”
What am I doing! This is crazy! He thought to himself.
The door opened, it was Lexi dressed in a short black mini dress. Her rather large breasts were on display with a very low cut neckline, much to Brayden’s pleasure. While short in stature she made up for it in aggressiveness, as his memory of the gym flooded back. That’s when he noticed she was wearing a pair of cat ears in her hair.
“Hey Brayden, glad you made it. OK, we need to talk first, so follow me,” Lexi said.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Brayden responded, noticing the cat tail attached to Lexi’s perfect shaped young ass.
Leading him into a hallway adjacent to the front door, Lexi stopped in one of the bedrooms. As Brayden entered, he noticed a black briefcase sitting on the bed. He couldn’t help but think, Is she paying me with a briefcase full of money.
“OK. I hope you’re ready for this,” Lexi said with a smirk on her face.
“I think so. What am I getting ready for exactly?” Brayden inquired.
“Well, I want you to play a role for me. Because your handsome and a bit older, I want you to pretend to be a salesman,” Lexi said flirtingly.
“OK, what kind of salesman?” Brayden asked with a bit of skepticism.
“Well, we all are wearing kitten ears and tails as part of Misty’s bachelorette party. They are all black while hers are white. Anyway, I want you to come in and say, ‘I heard you kitten’s lost your mittens. I happen to be in the area and thought I would show you what I have to offer.'” Lexi said.
Motioning down to the briefcase, Lexi unlatched the lock and opened it to reveal an assortment of vibrators and dildos, each placed in different colored mittens. There was a tiny box taped to the top of the inside of the case. Lexi reached over and pulled the little box out of the case and handed it to Brayden.
“I know you’re a pervert from our previous experience, so I assume you would be OK with the toys, ” Lexi said with a wink. “Now, so you know, you’re not just here to deliver toys to a bunch of girls drinking. Inside the box, you’ll find a blue pill. I want you to take it; you’re the main entertainment for all of these women. I want you to do whatever any of them ask you to do with or to them. Are you OK with that?”
“Wow! So I’m basically the plaything for all of you?” Brayden asked.
“Yes! I want you to pretend to be selling these ‘mittens’ to all the kittens in the room. You can instruct them on their use and features, but if someone wants the real thing, then you must provide that as well,” Lexi informed him.
“OK, yeah. I’m… Wow! OK, I’m in,” Brayden said.
What Brayden was thinking though was, Hell yeah I’m in! What guy doesn’t dream of this type of thing? Fucking Lexi, or maybe the bride to be would have been more than he had hoped. But the idea of performing for an entire group of women, that was a dream come true. All he needed was to take that blue pill and last as long as he possibly could.
“Oh, and if the bride-to-be asks for something, obviously she’s first. I want you to make my best friend’s bachelorette party to be one she will always remember. And remember, none of this ever happened, and you will not remember anyone here after you leave. Understood?” Lexi requested.
“It’s so hard to believe you’re so young. You’re very demanding,” Brayden said, “But yeah , understood.”
Lexi handed a bottle of water to Brayden as he opened the box and put the blue pill in his mouth. Swallowing, there was now no turning back, he was in this for the long haul now.
“I’m an old guy. Why me? You could have hired a stripper or something,” Brayden inquired.
“Because, you’re handsome. For a perv. You’re not some greasy stripper. I know you have a big dick, and I know you can use it. Plus, I want my friends to see it too.” Lexi admitted.
“Well, I’ll take the compliment,” Brayden replied.
“Just make sure you stay up, Smokey,” Lexi said as she closed the briefcase. “Now follow me to the living room.
Walking into the living room, Brayden counted maybe ten to fifteen women. All of them dressed nice and varied in age from mid-fifties to one girl that had to be eighteen. Just like Lexi, all of the women were quite attractive; apparently the bride had no ugly friends. He quickly realized he could have his hands full with this group.
The women all got quiet as he entered the room with the briefcase. A few snickered as they whispered to one another. It only took a moment before one of the women yelled, “Take it off!” Which was quickly followed by laughter and a few yelling, “Wooo!”
Looking over to see who said it, Brayden saw a curvy woman in her fifties wearing a blue skirt and blouse but wearing the black cat ears that all the women were wearing. Here he was, this thirty eight year-old professional man, being cat called as if he was a stripper. He knew that he was that and more for tonight. He quickly got into his role and cocked an eyebrow at the woman.
“Ma’am I’m not sure what kind of salesman you think I am,” He said sternly.
All the women laughed, the woman was slightly embarrassed by the rebuff. Brayden sat his briefcase on the coffee table in the center of the room. The women that were not seated on the two couches gathered just behind, as the bride-to-be sat at the center of the couch in front of the table.
Lexi sat next to the bride-to-be, and introduced her to Brayden “The Salesman”. “This is Misty, she’s soon to be married, would you mind telling her what brings you here,” Lexi said in a very informative tone.
The white cat eared bride-to-be was quite beautiful, Brayden thought. She had long straight brunette hair that matched her long legs. Toned legs that were exposed in a short black mini skirt with a green sleeveless button-up blouse. He couldn’t believe his luck, Misty, who couldn’t have been more than twenty five, was built just as well as Lexi was, toned and busty.
“Well Misty, I’m Brayden, and I was informed that there were some naughty kittens in this house, that have lost their mittens. I happen to be in the neighborhood and thought I would see if any of you naughty kittens would be interested in some mittens, Brayden said staying entirely in character.
“Wooo.” Erupted from a few women as the excitement level increased in the room.
“Misty, would you like to see what I have to offer?” Brayden asked.
The bride, nodded yes and giggled innocently, but shied away from actually opening the briefcase. Lexi encouraged her, and eventually the rest of the women did as well, telling her to open the case. Leaning forward Misty, punched the buttons to unlatch the briefcase locks. Slowly she lifted the lid, taking a peek before opening it all the way.
Quickly, Misty jumped back and laughed. The rest of the room saw what was stored in each of the mittens inside of the briefcase, and a roar of laughter and cheers erupted.
“Misty, as the bride-to-be, would you like to pick out a mitten?” Brayden said as he watched most of the women shift in posture.
Some were uncomfortable with the initial reveal, others seemed excited by the offering. However, the older woman in the blue from earlier that had told him to take it off, had quite the scowl on her face.
“I think it’s time for Jennifer to leave, she’s too young for this,” The woman in blue said.
The bride turned and quickly said, “Mom, Jennifer can be here, she’s eighteen and… well, she already has one of these. Just like you.”
The Mom blushed and replied, “Well, OK, but only because you’re getting married.”
Looking over, He could see that the younger sister was embarrassed by the situation and while blushing she hid her face. He once again motioned to the selection of mitten wrapped toys and as he began to speak he could feel himself growing in his slacks. The little blue pill was starting to take effect, and rather quickly.
“Ladies… excuse me. Kittens, please select your mittens,” Brayden said as he held his hand out for Misty to decide first.
Leaning forward, Misty reached out and let her fingers run over the selection of mittens. Eventually, she stopped at a purple mitten holding a purple rabbit vibrator. She picked it up to the cheers and laughter of the women. It was clear that many of the women were intoxicated with the free flowing of wine and mixed drinks, and they were definitely having fun .
“It seems the bride-to-be, is quite the naughty kitten and has selected a purple vibrator, ” Brayden announced to the crowd. “Who would like to choose the next?”
Lexi turned around and suggested that Misty’s sister Jennifer should come up front, and pick second. Instantly a few of the women started with an ooh cheer, as the young lady maneuvered through the women in her black knee length skirt and tight white blouse that accentuated her small breasts. She was still blushing but apparently buying into the fun.
While the mother in blue had a slightly disapproving look, Brayden knew he would have to remedy that issue. That is if he was to keep everyone happy. At the same time, he could still feel his slacks tightening as his manhood continued to grow. The sister, Jennifer, reached into the briefcase and pulled out a translucent blue vibrator wrapped in a blue mitten.
“It seems a naughty kitten has picked a blue vibrator. Since we are on the color blue…” Brayden motioned over to the mother of the bride in the blue ensemble. “Ma’am why don’t you come and pick out one as well.”
The mother initially shook her head no but was quickly jeered by the women. Giving into the peer pressure, she walked up as Jennifer went back to the side of one of the couches. As the mother stopped and bent at the waist, Brayden could see where the daughter’s got their great legs and looks. She quickly picked up a flesh toned dildo wrapped in a pink mitten. As she stood back up, Brayden stopped her before she could go further.
“Seems we have a connoisseur of flesh colored dildos. So while the other mittens are passed to all my other lovely and naughty kittens, why don’t we let this naughty kitten give us a demonstration for our bride-to-be, on how to properly give a blowjob,” Brayden said to the laughter of the women.
“No, I’m not going to do that,” the mother said.
Misty, was laughing hysterically at her mother, but at the same time encouraging the bad behavior. “Come on Mom. Have some fun!”
Hesitantly, the mother held the toy in front of her face and started to giggle. The other women in the room began laughing and cheering her on. She would bring the toy close to her mouth but then start laughing again, unable to keep her composure.
“Ladies, why don’t you all come up and take a mitten and help out this struggling kitten teach the bride the proper technique,” Brayden suggested.
While the mother of the bride struggled to keep her composure, the other women came up and selected a toy for themselves. Watching this process was fascinating to Brayden, as not only was it incredibly erotic to watch these women pick out sex toys but seeing how many of them were quite excited at their turn to pick one. Even the ones that were shy or embarrassed by the selection had a glimmer of naughtiness in their eyes.
Finally, the mother of the bride was able to contain her composure while only a few women selected theirs. She held the dildo by the base and licked one long lick from the base to the helmet of the toy. Instantly cheers erupted from the women, encouraging her to go further and she did. Holding the toy lower, she licked in circles around the helmet before taking it between her lips. With her eyes closed, she sucked softly on the tip of the sex toy.
Watching this, Brayden became quite erect, especially after noticing a few of the women fondling their sex toy while watching. Looking over at Misty she was laughing and covering her eyes at the sight of seeing her mother performing the sex act on the toy.
“OK, OK. You can stop now,” Brayden said to the mother. “Seems the mother of the bride… what’s your name, Ma’am?”
Opening her eyes once more and blushing, the mother turned to Brayden and said, “Tanya.”
“Well, Tanya, it seems you are one naughty kitten. We won’t embarrass you anymore,” Brayden said as all the women clapped and continued to cheer.
“Now why don’t we see what our bride-to-be has learned,” Brayden gestured for Misty to join him in front of everyone. “Let’s see just how naughty this kitten can be.”
As the women encouraged Misty, it was Lexi that also stood up once Misty was in front of everyone. Lexi held out an open hand while raising her other hand to get everyone’s attention.
“Ladies, why don’t we all together show Misty how to give a blowjob at the same time. But first, Misty, hand me yours. We don’t want to give you any ideas, just yet.” Lexi said.
Most of the women followed suit in at least attempting to perform a blowjob on their sex toy. Giggles abound as each of the women fondled, stroked, licked, and even a few sucked on the toys. Brayden couldn’t help but think how he would love to have recorded this, despite all the laughter he couldn’t remember ever seeing this many women performing a sex act like this together.
Misty handed her toy to Lexi as Brayden rested his hand on her lower back. As soon as his hand touched the back of her blouse, he could feel a pulse through his body straight to his manhood. The pill was definitely in effect, and as he looked down, he realized how noticeable it had become. Looking back up, he noticed a few of the women were aware as well, and a couple even winking at him as they performed on their toy.
“With instruction like this, you should be an expert in no time,” Brayden said to Misty as they watched the women for a minute or so.
Holding up her hand once more, Lexi said to the women, “Now since we are showing our beautiful Misty how naughty kittens get back their mittens, it seems our salesman here has grown quite excited.”
The women collectively let an “Ooo.” Lexi motioned Misty to turn towards Brayden. He was pretty sure this was Lexi’s plan from the start. And it was awesome for him and his manhood.
“Take it off!” Tanya, Misty’s mother, yelled once more to the roar of the women.
“Yes, Tanya soon enough,” Lexi replied to the comment. “Misty, I want you to kneel down and unzip our salesman ‘s slacks and show us what he’s hiding from us kittens.”
One woman walked over to Misty and delivered a shot of whiskey and a chaser before she knelt. Misty threw the shot and chaser back and got on her knees in front of Brayden. She couldn’t keep a straight face, but reached up letting her hand brush along Brayden’s slacks. Between giggles, she looked up and raised her eyebrows in a flirtatious manner.
Reaching the zipper, Misty slowly pulled it down causing Brayden’s black boxer briefs to be exposed through the opening. While his previous experience with Lexi had been unique, here he was in something completely foreign in concept to him. He was about to have his manhood exposed to an entire room full of women. The mere thought was exhilarating and terrifying. Now he actually understood why Lexi had given him the blue pill.
“Take it out! Take it out!” The women began chanting joyously.
Misty reached for the trap door of Brayden’s boxer briefs and took his manhood in her hand. With a bit of a struggle, she eventually pulled his erect penis from the slacks. The women cheered, as Misty’s hand let go and revealed it to the crowd.
“Wow! Your cock is so big!” Misty said with a surprised but wanting look on her face.
“Misty, now that you have watched all these naughty kittens. Are you ready to show them what you have learned?” Brayden asked as he motioned to his manhood.
“Mmhmm,” Misty replied with a devilish grin.
Reaching up once more, Misty took hold of Brayden’s hard penis. She leaned forward and slowly licked the shaft, just like her mother, Tanya had done with the dildo. Brayden’s eyes momentarily rolled up into his head at the touch of Misty’s warm tongue. His muscles clenched at the flow of adrenaline released from being touched and licked.
“Ooh, that’s it Misty. You definitely got a reaction from that,” Lexi said.
“You like that?” Misty asked looking up at Brayden.
“Yes, I do,” Brayden replied, but he was thinking something different. Suck my cock, right here in front of all of these women.
Pulling his shaft so that it pointed straight up, Misty licked the underside of his shaft from his balls to his head. That at any other time would have sent him over the edge into an animalistic mode, but he contained himself. As he looked around, he noticed that many of the women were quite engaged in watching Misty’s performance. One or two flirted with him as he looked at each of the women. As Misty continued licking, the alcohol flowed, and inhibitions lowered as the cheering faded slightly to something else.
“Don’t just lick him,” Lexi said. “Suck that big dick. Make him want you like no one else.”
Taking the command in stride, Misty scooted up a bit closer to Brayden with her knees at shoulder’s width apart. She licked circles around the head of Brayden’s hardness, and finally pushed her lips over his head and kept going.
Taking in over half of his cock before Misty stopped, he could now feel the warmth of her mouth surrounding him. He closed his eyes momentarily, to the sound of a couple of the women letting out soft “Mmm.”
“That’s it Misty. Get that dick all hard for us to see,” Lexi encouraged.
“Ohhh,” Brayden let out, as Misty’s tongue and lips slid slowly up and down his hardness, and oh was he hard and getting harder.
Misty bobbed her head up and down on Brayden’s long manhood. She held on to him with her index finger and thumb wrapped around the base for stability. Sucking to the enjoyment of the audience, sucking to Brayden’s enjoyment and seemingly to her own.
What happened next changed the party for the evening. Misty held Brayden’s rod with one hand while she sucked, her other hand reached under her black miniskirt. Brayden first heard a gasp from one of the women, but not sure who before looking down at Misty and noticed what was occurring. Misty sucked vigorously while her other hand started rubbing herself.
“Now that is a naughty kitten,” Brayden said in a lustful tone.
“Mmm. I guess you like your bachelorette present,” Lexi said.
” Muumgh hmmm,” Misty mumbled with Brayden’s cock in her mouth.
As Misty continued to suck, she moved both of her hands to her waist and then to the hemline of her miniskirt and pulled it up. Exposing her green satin panties, this sent a shockwave of intrigue through the room.
Brayden just kept his hands to himself watching this beautiful young brunette have her way with his manhood. He thought how this was probably going to be the best night of his life as he watched her rub herself and suck him at the same time. Looking around the room, he noticed Misty’s younger sister Jennifer. She was biting her lower lip and watching intensely. It wasn’t just her, Tanya the mother was too, and Lexi. Hell, most of the room was lustfully watching.
“Take it off!” Tanya said again.
“Yes, and Misty, let the rest of us have a look as well. It’s only polite to share,” Lexi said in a jovial but lustful tone.
Still rubbing herself through her bikini cut panties, Misty let her lips pop off of Brayden’s cock. She looked up at him and pooched her lip as if she wanted to continue.
“Thank you, Misty. That was incredible,” Brayden said.
“Your cock has me so wet,” Misty whispered.
Leaving her miniskirt above her hips, Misty stood and walked back to her seat on the couch. Everyone’s eyes focused back to Brayden and what he would do next, but before he could start taking his jacket off, Misty interrupted.
“All I know is, I better get off! You girls have me worked up, giving me this big cock in the room but not allowed to touch,” Misty announced.
With a chuckle, Lexi responded, “Oh don’t worry.” She handed the purple rabbit vibrator back to Misty. “Now Mr. Salesman, why don’t you take the rest off.”
Not wanting to disappoint, Brayden took his jacket off and laid it on the floor. Turning around and unbuttoning his shirt, he did the best he could at imitating the moves of a male entertainer. One of the other women in the room turned up the music to a pulsing beat. As he pulled off his shirt, women were screaming for him to take it off. He flipped the shirt off to the mother of the bride, Tanya.
Flexing his muscles, showing the women all the hard work that he had put in at the gym. The gym is where he first met Lexi, and how he ended up in this position. Kicking off his shoes, he unbuttoned his slacks and bent at the waist as he slid them down and off. Tossing the slacks to another woman that was most likely closer to his age. He was pleased with himself at how well received he was, despite being older than almost all of the women in the room.
“Take the boxers off too!” A woman yelled.
Not to disappoint, he slowly lowered the boxer briefs down off his ass, still facing away from the majority of women. He thrust his hips and flexed his ass to the amusement of the women.
Finally, Brayden turned around to the women screaming, “Wooo!” to which he responded by placing his hands on his hips and as the beat of the music continued he thrust his hips forward. The motion caused his hardness to leap up into the air with each thrust, over and over.
Looking over to the bride he was shocked to see, not only was she watching, but had left her miniskirt up and begun rubbing herself through her panties once again. Only she was using the tip of the purple vibrator while she stared at him with lustful eyes. He showed off his abs and his clean shaven manhood, not to just her, but to all the women.
Lexi walked over to Brayden and stood behind him. Matching his movements, the two started to dance, sort of. She had her hands on his hips and matched his thrusts. However, after a few thrusts she reached around him as she moved up against his backside and took his manhood in her hand.
“Ladies, what do you think? Do you like his big dick?” Lexi asked.
“Yea!” The room responded with the added, “Woo.”
“Want to see me stroke his dick for you all?” Lexi polled the women again.
“Stroke that dick!” One woman yelled.
“Yea, jerk that big cock,” Jennifer could be heard saying.
Brayden couldn’t help but feel excited that all of these women were enjoying seeing his cock. Even the young sister of the bride, Jennifer, seemed to be turned on by the sex act going on in the middle of the living room.
“Hey now!” Tanya said very pointedly at Jennifer.
It was evident Tanya was upset again, with not only Jennifer saying what she did, but at the situation in general. For a split moment, the room paused, even Lexi’s hand.
“This is supposed to be fun for everyone, and she’s old enough to have just as much fun,” Lexi fired back at the mother. “Matter of fact. Jennifer, come up here.”
It was evident that Tanya was mad, and that she didn’t want to see this anymore. She picked her things up and headed into the kitchen.
“Well, I don’t approve,” Tanya said walking off.
For the next few seconds, the mood was thick, and while one other woman joined the mother. The room quickly came back to focusing on Brayden and his very hard manhood. Jennifer made her way next to Lexi and Brayden and stood there, eyes fixated on his cock.
As the room became lighter, Brayden noticed that Misty could have cared less about the previous conflict. She was staring at him with her legs open while she continued to rub the purple vibrator across her panties. A few of the women stood around the couch had noticed. None of them moved away, with one watching both her and Brayden.
“Now, Jennifer. What was it that you said? Say it so we can all hear you,” Lexi asked.
“I said, jerk that big cock!” Jennifer announced to the room.
“Mmm, you like my cock?” Brayden asked. “Naughty words from a naughty kitten.”
“She is naughty,” Lexi said. “Jennifer, why don’t you ‘jerk that big cock’ for us.”
Looking into the eyes of Jennifer, Brayden could tell that she wasn’t very experienced but desperately wanted to touch him. She looked scared, excited, embarrassed, and horny all at the same time. Lexi, let go of his manhood from behind him as Jennifer reached in to take over.
“Why don’t the rest of us show Jennifer, how to stroke a man by demonstrating with our toys,” Lexi suggested.
As the women once again openly fondled their toys, a red headed woman standing next to where the mother had formerly been had a different take on the assignment.
“Look at all of these women, Brayden. Clearly hot and bothered,” Lexi said.
Before Brayden could reply, Jennifer asked politely. “Can I jerk your cock?”
“I was hoping my naughty kittens would be extra naughty with me. Yes, please,” Brayden responded.
Taking Brayden’s hardness in her hand, Jennifer sighed almost immediately. His cock was already slick with precum from the stroking of Lexi, and Jennifer took notice. She slid her hand the entire length of his manhood several times, teasing. Then taking a firm grasp she slid her hand up to the helmet and back to the base, slowly at first.
Watching the young woman stroke him with a firm but gentle hand, Brayden smiled reassuringly. He was in absolute heaven, this being the third woman with her hands on his cock in just the last few minutes. A few of the women continued to fondle and stroke their toys, but the redhead had turned her dildo around and had it firmly pressed against her panties, just as Misty had. The redhead was watching Jennifer stroke his cock and matching the motion, stroke for stroke.
Lexi had returned to the couch, next to Misty. Leaning in, Lexi placed a hand on Misty’s thigh and kissed her cheek.
“I see you’re enjoying your party,” Lexi said.
“Mmhmm,” Misty replied still rubbing herself.
While Lexi and Misty seemed to be getting more friendly with Lexi caressing Misty’s thigh, Jennifer slowly shifted side to side as she jerked Brayden off. Letting her free hand run over the smooth cut chest of Brayden she sighed before moving down her chest. Her hand found its way to her skirt before pulling it up, exposing her light blue panties before pushing in a hand. Instantly she sighed as her eyes quickly closed while facing Brayden.
“You like stroking my cock?” Brayden asked.
“Mmhmm, I’m so horny,” Jennifer replied as she started rubbing her womanhood.
Still stroking, Jennifer’s hand rocked back and forth in her panties as the other women looked on. Lexi smiled at him, before focusing her attention back to Misty. While Misty watched her younger sister rub herself and Brayden.
“Jerk that big cock, Jen!” Misty said just before Lexi’s hand moved to the crease between Misty’s thigh and panty.
Without even looking, Jennifer responded, “Best bachelorette party ever.”
Several of the women agreed with a “woo” or a sensual “Mmhmm.” Lexi’s hand stopped Misty from continuing to rub herself and leaned over and gave her another kiss on the cheek.
“Well, I think it’s time Misty took these off and had some real fun,” Lexi said while her index finger and thumb lifted the edge of Misty’s panties.
“Why don’t you come over here Mr. Salesman and give her the hard sell,” Lexi commanded of Brayden.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Brayden responded before whispering to Jennifer. “Keep rubbing your pussy for me.”
“God yes!” Jennifer responded as she pulled her hand out of her panties only to slide them down and off.
She began taking her skirt off as well when Brayden noticed that several of the women were in various stages of undress. A couple of them had taken seats and had their dresses pulled up, but the majority were more than happy to continue to drink and watch the festivities.
Lexi stood up and slid Misty’s panties off for her, exposing her shaved pussy to the room. As soon as they were off, Lexi pulled her short mini dress completely off and quickly out of her panties, exposing her shaved pussy to the room as well.
Brayden had never been in a room with so many horny women. The thought of it was causing his cock to pulse with excitement. He couldn’t help but think about the idea of fucking every single one of them. His first task was assigned, and he was more than ready and willing. He walked up behind Lexi, who was wearing only a bra.
Quietly Brayden whispered, “Thank you. This is amazing.”
“What was that?! You want to fuck the bride-to-be?!” Lexi announced to the room. “Well Misty, what do you think?”
“I want his cock in me,” Misty said boldly.
“Does the bride want a big cock to fill her naughty pussy?” Brayden asked.
“Mmhmm!” Misty responded as she slowly spread her legs revealing just how ready and willing she was.
Moving out of the way, Lexi sat back down on the couch next to Misty and started whispering something to her that was inaudible to Brayden. She unbuttoned Misty’s green sleeveless blouse as she leaned in and began kissing Misty. It seemed to Brayden that this wasn’t the first time the two woman had kissed.
Moving into position, Brayden got on his knees between Misty’s legs. He slid his hands over the top and the length of her thighs, before quickly slipping them under her legs and pulling her pelvis to the edge of the couch. Straightening up, he took his manhood in his hand and pressed the helmet against her wetness. He rubbed her womanhood up and down with just the head of his cock, teasing and flirting with her.
Lexi caught on to what he was doing and leaned back after opening Misty’s blouse. She was watching him tease Misty, as she took Misty’s purple rabbit vibrator and started using it on herself. Rubbing the head of the vibrator against her pussy as she spread her legs next to her friend.
With wandering eyes, Brayden caught glimpses, not of just Lexi, but other women watching him or each other. There were a couple that discreetly were enjoying themselves and the redhead from earlier had pulled her panties to the side and was actively toying herself. Looking back over to his left he saw the young Jennifer, standing next to the couch with one leg propped up on the armrest, while still in her tight white blouse. However, with no panties or skirt just a little trimmed pussy, Brayden imagined she was quite wet and tight. She was doing just as Brayden had asked her to, still rubbing herself.
Lexi broke the lustful silence of women breathing heavy and softly moaning, “Ladies, do you like his big dick rubbing and teasing Misty’s pussy? Or do you want to see him fuck her?”
“Fuck me!” Misty said staring right into Brayden’s eyes.
That statement alone would have been more than enough motivation for Brayden. However, there was more coming. Even the women that were just watching were adamant in the insistence that he stop teasing.
The redhead was the first yell out, “Fuck her!”
Another woman, “Yea. Fuck her!”
Jennifer jumped in, “Fuck her!”
“Sounds like you better, fuck her with that big dick of yours,” Lexi said to Brayden before leaning over and kissing Misty.
As the two women broke from their kiss, Misty looked at him once more, and unabashed said, “Fuck my pink pussy!”
With that statement, Brayden guided his cock into her wanting slit. At first, his cock moved in slowly, pushing her lips to the side before it relaxed and accepted him in. With his cock sliding in deeper, Misty’s eyes grew large before closing, as she let out a moan heard by all in the room. Deeper he pushed as his hands took control of her hips. As her eyes reopened, her horny intoxicated eyes turned to deep lust filled pools.
“Your cock is so big,” Misty said in a sultry tone.
“Fuck her!” Jennifer shouted once more.
“Fuck her!” The redhead repeated.
“Fuck her! Fuck her! Fuck her!” The women started chanting joyfully. Not just a couple but all of the women. Some, held their glasses up in the air like it was a sporting event.
Taking the encouragement to heart, Brayden gripped Misty’s hips slid his cock slowly half way out, then quickly back in. Misty had gasped before he repeated the slow pullout and quick thrust back in.
“I’m going to fuck your pussy!” Brayden said to Misty.
“Plow that pussy!” Lexi moaned as she slid Misty’s purple vibrator into her own.
Looking around, he quickly noticed the chanting women were all smiling or completely engaged in pleasuring themselves. The redhead had gotten undressed completely, and was stunning, with freckles across her breasts and all. Jennifer had as well, exposing her perky 18 year old tits as she rubbed her blue vibrator across her pussy while watching him and Misty.
Pulling Misty’s hips into his, Brayden rammed his hardness deep inside of her wanting hole. As Misty gasped, he quickly pulled back and rammed again. He pushed hard and deep, in rhythm to the women chanting, until Misty screamed in ecstasy.
“Ohhh god! Yes!” Misty screamed as her head slammed back against the couch.
“That’s it, give her that big dick,” Lexi said to Brayden as the other women cheered.
“Just like I gave it to you?” Brayden grunted at Lexi, referring to their previous encounter.
Before Lexi could respond, Misty lifted her head up and pushed her torso up. Propped up by her arms, she rocked her hips into Brayden’s and unleashed her naughty kitten mouth in a way that most of her friends had never heard before.
“Yea! Fuck my pink pussy! Fuuuck, shove that cock in me!” Misty yelled at Brayden.
“Make my pink pussy cum on that fucking hard cock! You like fucking my pussy?!” Misty asked quite forcefully.
Scooping his arms up under Misty’s thighs, Brayden increased his thrust by getting off of his knees and pushing her legs up. Lexi took notice and helped hold one of Misty’s legs while another woman that was still fully clothed behind the couch reached over and held the other. Brayden now had the leverage and ability to thrust his hips as he power rammed his cock into Misty.
“Fuck my pink pussy!” Misty kept screaming as Brayden did just that.
Letting go of Misty’s legs, realizing their assistance was no longer needed, the one woman went back to wine while Lexi focused back on herself. She leaned back watching Brayden and her friend have sex right next to her while she rubbed her womanhood. Brayden took notice and gave a wink as he plowed her friend as instructed. He grunted with each thrust as his breathing became labored.
Misty couldn’t keep her breathing under control either, as she moaned and repeatedly screamed. It was clear that all of this had her extremely turned on, as her face was incredibly intense with lust. After a couple of minutes of intensity, she started grunting, and Brayden could feel her pussy muscles constricting around his manhood. Her gaze shifted to Lexi as the grunting increased, the two clearly had some connection.
“I wanna cum on his cock!” Misty pleaded with Lexi.
Biting her lip as she continued to play, Lexi met Misty’s gaze and then looked around the room. Finally looking to Brayden, as he continued to thrust away.
“Make her cum on that big fucking dick!” Lexi demanded.
Knowing he was doing just that, he continued focusing on his task the best he could. He couldn’t help but think of how incredibly hard he was, and that he was extremely thankful he was that his stamina was holding out. He could hear the other women, talking about what they were doing or moaning themselves. Reaching up, he turned Misty’s head, so she was facing him again.
“You going to cum on my cock?” Brayden grunted.
“Uh huh!” was all that Misty could get out before being interrupted, as he asked again.
“You going to cum on my fucking cock?” Brayden grunted again.
Misty’s body started shuddering uncontrollably.
“Uhh huh! Agghh!” Misty screamed and started what seemed to be a painful orgasm to Brayden.
Not missing a beat, Brayden continued to thrust his way into Misty’s “pink pussy.” He didn’t slow until he was positive she had fully cum for him. Letting his pace slow with her breathing, he realized his job wasn’t done. Looking around the room, several women were giving him the eye of “me next.” As Misty collapsed back into the couch, she smiled wildly at him before turning her head to Lexi.
“Thank you, Lexi. Love my gift,” Misty said still breathing heavily.
“You’re welcome, but now I want a taste,” Lexi said as Brayden was pulling his manhood from Misty.
Moving over, Brayden was ready just for that. He remembered being in Lexi before and was eager to please that request.
“Only if I get to play with your pussy,” Misty said to Lexi.
Lexi turned her body so that her thigh went over Misty’s and leaned on an elbow facing Brayden after he moved closer. She reached for his still hard shaft and quickly grasped the base. She gave one long lick and took him into her warm mouth. Misty had already reached for the purple rabbit vibrator and was busy rubbing Lexi’s wet shaved pussy. Lexi’s abs flexed as she sucked hard on his cock, it was as if she was trying to suck the cum from him before he even orgasmed. Eventually, she came up for air moaning as Misty had slid the vibrator in Lexi’s love box.
“You taste so good on his dick,” Lexi said to Misty.
The redhead off to the side that was playing with her toy spoke up, “Let us have a turn too.”
Brayden, while in his late 30s and quite a bit older than most of the women in this party, was more than happy to accommodate the request. Finally, his hours spent in the gym were paying off in spades.
Lexi released her grip from Brayden’s manhood and said, “You heard the woman.”
Walking over to the redhead, Brayden was taken in by her green eyes and freckled perky twenty something breasts. She, on the other hand, was looking at him as if he were a big juicy steak. While she was sitting, her ass was on the edge of the seat. She motioned him to come closer, at which point she took a hold of his penis by the base as well and proceeded to stroke his length. The redhead’s hands were amazingly gentle, enough to make Brayden moan at her touch.
“You’re so big. Mmm. You like me stroking your big hard on?” The redhead asked.
“Your hands are so soft. I do.”
The gorgeous redhead gently stroked Brayden as she toyed herself. Another brunette woman, in a maxi dress, walked up and leaned in, kissing the redhead. The brunette caressed the redhead’s breast, playing with her nipple as they kissed. As they broke their kiss, the brunette whispered encouragement for the redhead to play with Brayden. As the redhead smiled and stroked him, the brunette reached down taking the dildo and began fucking her.
“Ohh fuck, yes!” The redhead exclaimed as slowly her hands left Brayden’s cock and focused on the brunette.
Usually, one might feel rejected by such a situation; that wasn’t the case here with Brayden. How could it be with so many woman, and just him? Not to mention he had already made the bride-to-be cum. It didn’t look like it would be much longer before the redhead came as well.
None the less, Brayden took his manhood in his hand and stroked it every few seconds to keep it nice and hard as he walked around the room. Some of the women shied away, despite enjoying the eyeful. He would walk up to other women and ask if they were enjoying themselves. Only to have the woman take hold of his manhood and caress for a moment or two, or grab his ass. The women were quite handsy, but not offensive. After all, he knew what he was here for. For their pure carnal pleasure, to be the real toy at their disposal.
From the other side of the room, Jennifer the younger sister could be heard moaning. When Brayden looked over, she wasn’t beside the couch anymore; she was straddling Lexi’s face. While Misty was still licking Lexi, Lexi was now eating out Jennifer. The moans were intense coming from Jennifer and muffled moans coming from Lexi. The view was that of something Brayden would have watched in porn, but here it was.
“Eat my pussy, Lexi!” Jennifer begged to the reply of moans of Lexi.
One of the women next to Brayden asked, “You like that? You like watching them play together?”
“How could I not?” Brayden responded.
Now to put the question in proper context, the woman did have her hand firmly on his penis while asking him. She stroked him as the two of them watched the three women. Before long Lexi’s large breasts began to jiggle uncontrollably as she thrust her pelvis towards Misty. Giving up on licking, Misty was frantically fingering Lexi and rubbing her clit at the same time. Jennifer continued to beg Lexi to eat her, despite Lexi’s uncontrolled moaning.
Abandoning Jennifer’s want, Lexi had pushed Jennifer off so that she could reach her own orgasm with Misty. That’s when the woman still holding on to Brayden suggested he join and help finish the job.
“Why don’t you go over there and fuck her. We all know you want to fuck Jennifer, too.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” Brayden said with a broad grin as the woman released her control of him.
Jennifer had resorted to rubbing herself again, desperate for release. Brayden approached the three women on the couch and asked if he could be of assistance. Lexi’s breasts were bouncing with the intense fingering by Misty, but she still turned to Brayden.
“Holy fuck! Fuck Jennifer! Make her cum with me,” Lexi moaned.
“God yes!” Jennifer said desperately. “I need you to fuck me! Now!”
Doing her best to move more vertical, Lexi halfway sat up as Misty continued to finger her with her ass in the air swaying side to side. Misty started to lick Lexi’s nipple as her fingers slid in and out of the wetness of Lexi’s pussy. Looking up at Brayden, Misty smiled as she encouraged him to continue.
“You like seeing all this pussy in one room?” Misty asked. “You know, every one of us is wet.”
Jennifer faced the back of the couch and with her knees on the edge of the sofa , pushing her ass out towards Brayden. She rubbed her clit, as she tossed her hair over her shoulder and waited. Her perfect eighteen year-old body was tight and firm everywhere, and her lips glisteningly awaited him.
Moving behind Jennifer, Brayden ran his hand down her back before slapping her on the ass.
“Want my cock?” Brayden asked.
“Yea. Put that big cock in me,” Jennifer begged.
“Yea? Want me to fuck you?” Brayden asked.
“Yes! Fuck! I fucking need it!” Jennifer demanded as she continued to rub herself.
Slowly, Brayden pushed the helmet of his hardness against Jennifer’s perfect little pussy lips. Initially, she was way too tight, despite having been toying with the vibrator. With a slight whimper from Jennifer, her tight hole opened up, and his cock slid in.
Immediately Jennifer screamed, “Oh fuck!”
The squeeze on Brayden’s cock was immense, so tight that he could feel his cock pulsing inside of Jennifer. He took no time in taking control of her perfect little ass, slapping it once more as he pulled slowly back.
Moaning from Misty’s fingering, Lexi said to Brayden, “Give her that big dick! Ohh.”
Jennifer turned to Lexi, moaned back with just inches separating their faces, “Yea, tell him to fuck me.”
Without responding, Lexi just reached up and pulled Jennifer’s chin to hers and kissed her. Brayden could see their tongues intertwining and stimulated by the vision and by the tightness of Jennifer. Misty aggressively started rubbing Lexi’s clit, before looking over at Brayden.
“Make her cum on that cock like I did,” Misty said to Brayden. “Let’s make them cum together.”
It seemed inevitable to happen, so naturally Brayden agreed. As he pushed his hardness back into the delight of Jennifer, he glanced around the room once more. The redhead was now standing and with her hand under the brunette’s maxi dress, the two women kissed as they rubbed each other’s pussy. The redhead was very close as her breathing was heavy and with a very tense face between kisses. The other women watched the different groups with excitement and thirst, offering encouragement when the mood struck them.
The tight young lips wrapped around his manhood twitched with excitement. With a begging moan for more, Brayden’s focus was brought back to Jennifer. Lexi and Jennifer shared another kiss as he pushed back, deep inside. Sliding his hands up and under Jennifer, he took her small perky breasts in his hands and kneaded them as he pushed in over and over. He could feel his cock throbbing inside of her but continued despite his now labored breathing.
“Feel how big his dick is?” Lexi asked Jennifer in a half airy half intense tone.
“Mmhmm!” Jennifer responded.
“Fuck!” Brayden said with a grunt as he reached back for Jennifer’s ass and started thrusting faster.
Next to Brayden, Misty had knelt between Lexi’s legs on the floor. She used the vibrator to simulate fucking Lexi while she furiously rubbed her exposed clit. Lexi had a face of intense lust as she moaned Misty’s name.
Jennifer repeatedly yelled out, “Yea! Yea! Fuck yea!”
All the while, Brayden continued to fuck Jennifer from behind, the other women encouraged her to ride him and all sort of dirty things. Just as the redhead had made the brunette in the maxi dress cum, now Jennifer was reaching her orgasm. She attained the point of explosion without Brayden rubbing her clit. It was an actual vaginal orgasm.
“Fuck!” Jennifer screamed.
“Yea fucking cum with me,” Lexi demanded of Jennifer, before looking to Misty.
“Rub my fucking clit, Misty!” Lexi demanded of Misty as she started thrusting her hips up as Misty rubbed faster.
“Fuck! I’m cumming!” Lexi shouted.
“Uh huh!” Jennifer concurred.
As soon as Jennifer started to cum, she took an almost death grip on Brayden’s manhood. Her ass jerked and violently shook as she whimpered in pleasure. Her reaction was completely the opposite of what Brayden had expected given Lexi and Misty’s reactions. The tightness of her pussy on his dick was so immense that he was fighting a lost cause of his own. Jennifer’s body jerked violently once more, and she was spent just as Lexi was after a couple more thrusts.
“Fuck, I’m close to cumming too!” Brayden announced.
That one statement seemed to grab the attention of the entire room.
“Misty, your gift. Your call.” Lexi said in a tone that exuded ecstasy.
Sliding his throbbing manhood from Jennifer’s hot little body, Brayden was ready to shoot his load. He didn’t care where or with who, all he knew was he need to cum and cum now.
“Fuck! I need to cum!” Brayden pleaded to anyone willing to listen.
Jennifer sat down to face the same direction as Lexi towards Misty and Brayden. That’s when Misty got off her knees, and sat at the edge of the couch, squeezing between Lexi and her younger sister.
“You wanna cum on my soon to be married pussy and tits? Coat my pussy with your hot cum?” Misty said in the dirtiest voice imaginable.
“Fuck yes! I want to cum for you,” Brayden replied.
Leaning back on her friend and sister, Misty started slowly rubbing her pussy once more. Showing Brayden her pussy as inspiration.
“Jerk your big cock for us. Look at all the pussy in the room and stroke that cock. Make it cum all over me,” Misty demanded.
Going with the theme Misty had just stated, Both Lexi and Jennifer also spread their legs slightly to show their bodies off for Brayden as well. Brayden stroked hard and fast, moaning and grunting as he grew closer and closer. His cock was pulsating, ready to explode.
One of the women that had not participated but only watched chimed in out of nowhere, “If this weren’t your party Misty, I would suck that dick so hard right now.”
“Jerk that cock!” Misty demanded.
Then with a roar, Brayden’s cock pulsed, firing a rope of hot sperm into the air. The spurt of cum landed between Misty’s tits and roped down to her belly button. A second ejection erupted at which point, Brayden aimed his cock at her waiting pussy, coating Misty’s hand and womanhood.
A third pulse rocketed out even further but at an angle, hitting Lexi’s large breasts and roped down to Misty’s thigh. Each time, Brayden grunted with a sexual rage and force that even he didn’t know he had. Misty sat back up and took his manhood in her hand and stroked him. She continued to milk his cock of every drop of cum she could before releasing his spent fuck rod.
“Mmm. I feel so naughty with your cum all over me,” Misty said releasing Brayden from her grip.
“I told you, I had the perfect gift,” Lexi inserted while kneading her breasts.
Wobbling slightly, Brayden was woozy from the blood rush to his member. While his manhood drooped a bit, he could already tell that there was still more left in the tank. He wasn’t sure if it was due to the predicament he was in, or the pill he had been given, nor did he care. It also didn’t take long before someone else asked as well.
The redhead was the first, “Think he’ll be back for more fun?”
Before Brayden could respond, Lexi replied, “Yes, let’s give him a few minutes to get a drink and take a break.” She looked to Brayden as he nodded. “Plus it will give me and Misty and anyone else that would like to join a chance to freshen up in the shower.”
“How could I pass up the opportunity to make sure all the naughty kittens have been pleased with their mittens and service,” Brayden said in an attempt to get back into character.
Within the hour, Brayden had not only recovered but was back in the game. The night went long and he stayed hard thanks to the little pill. It turned out to be one hell of an adventure that Brayden is likely never to forget . As for Misty, she was married shortly after and showered her sister and Lexi’s new friend with benefits. He was even told by Lexi that she even admitted to masturbating while remembering that night frequently.