Nature’s Rewards – Consummation

"She took, I gave, she asked, she received..."

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Spring…it’s only just here, and already I can feel it’s effects. 
As other organisms in nature begin to respond, so to do I.
An awakening of sorts, a stirring from deep down.
My own nature stirs in earnest, hungry and anxious 

For new and fertile ground to flourish in.
My root grows in it’s desire to plunge deeply, 
Gathering strength and girth as it does so, 
Seeking a moist, warm environment to nourish and invigorate, 

Causing it to glow and vibrate with vitality.
I revel in the act of drinking deeply from one of life’s most precious wells.
And as a direct consequence of the gathering strength, 
And as life’s most basic essences gather at the very base of the root, 

It surges anew. The bud quivers and swells, burning, 
It’s crimson satin aching for release, a single bead of nectar 
Eases an escape with a promise of the splendor yet to unfold before it.
For you it shall spring forth, for only you can coax it 

To full fruition, only you can find a home in your garden and your heart 
To nourish and suckle, to breath your life into it, 
To find the fulfillment and rapture, to satisfy the yearning, 
And celebrate in the fruits of your splendid and heated labor.

“She took, I gave, she asked, she received!”

“He took, I gave, he asked, he received!”

Published 11 years ago

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