Natural Seduction

"Overt, Covert & Coerced, a Transcribed Therapy Session"

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“Can you tell me Doctor, where is the line between bisexual and gay? I mean it’s a confusing thing for a straight guy, scary actually. I dunno if maybe I’m bi now, that’s scary enough, but what if I’m gay? Does it really matter?

“I guess it’s why I’m back, even though our first two sessions were a waste. I’ve never seen a therapist before you. To be honest…”

“Yes, be honest.”

“To be honest I thought it should probably be a man, a male therapist, you know because it might be easier for me to talk to a guy about this stuff.  Corinne’s the one who thought it would be better talking to a woman and well it’s been hard but I’m beginning to think she’s right. I mean I don’t think it’d be any easier for me to talk about it with a man. The way thing’s been ragging on me I sure need to talk to someone and well you are a good listener you really are.”

“It is, of course, my job.”

“Yeah, and I know it’s not your fault we didn’t accomplish much. I mean it was me not really talking about the things bothering me. All just nervous chatter but you listened, I’ll give you that. I’m not usually like this, this nervous. I’m twenty-eight and I don’t ever remember being this nervous talking about anything!”

“You’ve been fine. It’s normal. Just let it go.”

“I don’t know where to start.”

“You already have, You were worried about being bisexual.”

“Yeah. I mean I’ve always been highly sexual and active you know and straight, very straight. Since like sixteen I’ve buried my share of pipe, more pipe than a Texas oilman.

“My wife too, Corinne, before we met in our senior year at Columbia, she was wild for cock. She never fessed up to taking more than one guy at a time or anything like that but I wouldn’t be surprised, if you know what I mean. She never even mentioned anything about women either for Christ sake. It doesn’t matter though because since the day we met there was only each other.

“We were a real match from the start, she with that smokin’ body and me, well, it’s nice to be endowed if you know what I mean.

“I wouldn’t.”

“You wouldn’t what?”

“Know what it’s like to be endowed.”

“Yeah, heh heh,  no I guess not, but at least Corinne does if you get my drift and Corinne likes to fuck, be fucked is more like it, hard and rough. Oh, I’m sorry, is that too much detail? Too graphic?”

“No. You’re feeling more comfortable, it’s fine, I’m not here to judge. Go on.”

“In the beginning it was like we were rabbits you know, fucking every chance we got, three even four times a day. That fever wore off after a while but now, six years later we’re still at it, on average, about once a day. Well almost anyway.

“So here’s where the story takes a turn and it’s a doozie. We went to this wedding of some old college friends. The one I mentioned last week. That’s kind of a funny story on its own, since the wedding couple didn’t hang out together at Columbia but had in fact gone to the same high school together.  I guess they knew each other enough that they weren’t strangers but their paths didn’t cross much at all. After college they completely lost touch with each other only to kind of reacquaint at their ten-year high school reunion last year. Bam! They fell in love and had this wedding like six months later, in May.

“She, the bride and I, were an item in like my sophomore year at Columbia but drifted apart to only remain Facebook friends. Corinne as it turned out had a history with the groom before me at Columbia so I guess with the combined strength of our past with them we somehow ended up on their wedding short list which wasn’t at all short. We didn’t think we’d be going at all because of Covid but then the vaccines came out so yeah we were anxious for some social time. the wedding was a huge affair at some grand estate turned wedding venue. Turns out it did kinda become a little spreader event for the idiots not vaccinated ”

“But they really aren’t part of this story, only the wedding is because that’s where we met Paul and Sue, seated at our table.

“When they introduced themselves as system analysts with a big tech company I thought BORING but they turned out to be bright and entertaining. During the course of dinner eight of us at the round table, all strangers, were engaged in conversation about Covid and travel and varied experiences but as we worked through the corses and interruptions galore with toasts and silverware pinging on glassware the conversation pared down to just the four of us.

“By the time desert arrived Paul had directed a number of flattering comments toward us and particularly Corinne, verging on flirtation in plain sight of everyone.  Nothing he said came across as sexist or anything, I mean he didn’t say anything lewd about her body or looks or anything like some men often do but it was clear he found her attractive. He was very smooth but it sure seemed like this guy was coming on to my wife right in front of me and she was liking it!”

“How did you respond to that?”

“I can be quite a charmer myself so I accepted the flirting and upped the ante on his wife in return. She was a skinny thing but kind of sexy in her own right. She seemed kinda cold but behind her aloofness there was a glimmer in her eyes, if you know what I mean. I found that combination alluring and to be honest It made me want to crack her at get her to crack a real smile. It seemed hopeless, she wasn’t giving me much at all. But then after all the plates were cleared and the band started playing a version of ‘Jump’  she suddenly appeared to up the ante on me by asking Paul if he minded her dancing with me.”

“After the first song was followed by another lively number, Paul and Corinne joined us and the rest of the crowd already up dancing and we all bounced around in a typical wedding dance fest. Let me correct that because Corinne and Sue both looked extremely sexy dancing outside on one of those portable parquet dance floors in the late afternoon sun. It’s not that they were dancing suggestively or anything, but both of them had control of their bodies and the way they moved rhythmically with the music as their hair blew in the gentle breeze made them look, I don’t know, really good. Dancing seemed to thaw Susan’s demeanor. Her sparkling eyes remained locked on mine and she was smiling!

“Corinne too, seemed to be looking at Paul the same way except for our quick glances at each other, you know just kinda making sure that everything with still copacetic, which it seemed to be. Looking back, ya think it might be easier to be seduced as a couple?”

“Possibly, if you are both so inclined.”

“Yeah, well anyway when the first slow song began Susan folded herself into my arms before I could shuffle off. She sure felt good glued up against me like she was some sexy T-1000.”


“Yeah, you know, the advanced Terminator model in the second movie. It seemed every part of her body was against mine like molten metal. Damn she felt good and I’m not usually all that into skinny women, no offense.”

“None taken.”

“Anyway, the band announced a few songs would be dedicated to dances with the bride and groom so to form a line, bride over here and groom over there. 

“During my twenty-second spin with Bonnie, the bride, she commented right away on how well it seemed Corrine and I were getting on with her friend’s Sue and Paul. She said she had thought we might get along and that’s why she put us at the same table. She noted that Paul sure seemed enchanted with Corinne.

“Like I said earlier Corinne has a hot body, nice big boobs, a tiny waist and a full bottom. Yeah well you met Corinne briefly at our consultation. so you know, I mean her body was built for sex and I say this with pride, she can take a pounding.  Sue on the other hand has a lean lithe figure.  A couple inches taller than Corinne she was almost as tall as me in her 4 inch heels. She had boobs too, not as big as Corinne’s, but since she was so skinny I thought they were big enough to be add-ons if you know what I mean.

“Anyway, with the way Sue stayed poured against me, her right leg between mine as I led her through all my best slow dance steps there was no question about her feeling my schlong against her thigh.

“It was still just hanging but I sure could feel her leg rub against it and realizing that made it start to tingle and plump. I was even beginning to worry that it might get out of hand.

“At about that point Susan pulled her head back, looked me square on and said, ‘Oh my!’, with a big bright smile on her face. The next thing I knew she dropped her hand and gripped the thing through my pants! Right there on the dance floor! In broad late afternoon daylight!

“That ‘oh my’ thing was kind of rewarding so I pulled her in tighter and she lifted her hand back up and wrapped that arm around my neck.

“Still face to face she says to me, ‘just checking’.

“I told her I understood and that I’d been tempted to feel if her boobs were real all afternoon.

“Yup, all me,” she says and folds her face into my neck and pours her body against mine again so I can feel the soft globes again squish against my chest. She felt fantastic in my arms. I was getting to like her skinniness. 

“As dusk settled people began leaving and broke up into smaller groups. The four of us were the only one’s left at the table outside. With the evening chill setting in Corinne suggested we move inside.

“The great room of the estate had a bar set up at one end. Remaining guests spread out among seating clusters of arm chairs around small tables left no space for us. Some of the guests, mostly family and close friends of the wedding couple, were staying right there in the dozen or so rooms at the venue.

“Corinne asked Paul if they were staying there and he told her they were staying at the Marriott about a mile away.

“Corinne cried out ‘Us too!’ with like way too much joy.

“It was only like eight o’clock but Bonnie and Jake left already so Paul offered to keep the party going in their room and asked if Corinne would ride with him.

“Corinne told Paul no, that she’ll ride with me, that she wanted to go to our room first and change out of her dress and heels.  What she really wanted was a chance to talk with me.

“‘What do you think?’ she said as soon as I started the car, ‘Are they trying to seduce us?’

“When I told Corinne that I was pretty sure they were swingers she said the she never met anyone as aggressive as Paul or as charming. I told Corinne that Sue couldn’t have more convincingly let me know she wanted to be my slut tonight if she had come right out and said it.

“We drove in silence for a minute before suddenly arriving at the Marriott . ‘Ya wanna roll with it?’ I said.

“Corrine let out the high pitched giggle she makes when she’s excited then said, ‘Total freedom followed by complete amnesty?’

“I nodded and we got out of the car. We joined up with Paul and Sue on our way across the parking lot of the hotel and Corinne, all casual and natural like, just slipped her arm inside Paul’s. Sue did the same with mine and we walked into the small lobby of the hotel like that. Wives totally swapped. No question.

“Paul stopped and asked if we wanted to go to the bar and no shit, there was a sudden look of panic on Corinne’s face.”

“Panic over what?”

“She wanted to get fucked! By Paul or by me she didn’t care but I could see she didn’t want to waste any more time at a bar. I was pretty sure she wanted to fuck Paul and that he was just messing with her cause he knew it too!”

“Well you wanted to have sex with Susan.”

“Did I ever! So I mentioned the two bottles of wine we had in the car and just like that Corinne’s face brightened.. 

“Sue and I walked to the car while Corinne and Paul headed to the elevator. Sue got downright giddy and playful as we walked. She was like ten years older than me, late thirties I guessed, but suddenly, there she was practically dancing around me as we walked, acting like a school girl.

“When I reached for the car door Susan ducked in between me and the car looking for me to kiss her and I did. God was she ever hot, her mouth a cauldron of wet tongue bubbling over into mine.

“After about thirty seconds, maybe more, I lifted my head away. Believe me it was hard to leave those lips but I wanted to look around the parking lot. I saw two maybe three sets of people walking toward the hotel and another car pulling in. Without all that I might have hiked up Susan’s dress and fucked her right there up against the car. I’m sure she would have let me too. I mean she was like in heat!

“‘I better just get the wine.’ I said. We walked toward the hotel, both bottles hanging by the necks in my left hand, my right hand around her shoulder, her left arm around my waist inside my suit jacket.

“Susan speculated about what Paul and Corinne were up to, kind of teasing me, gauging my reaction.

“I said something, maybe I shouldn’t have, something about about how Corinne probably already fucked Paul in the elevator.

“‘I hope so,’ Sue said, ‘because as soon as we get into the room I am gonna suck that cock of yours like it’s never been sucked before’.”

“‘Sure’, I thought sarcastically to myself, recalling this amazing amazon chick from before I met Corinne , a big married woman that could…”

“Keep on topic, Frank.”

“Yeah, right, okay. Anyway I really was anxious to get to the room. I mean I was cursing the other people in the elevator to myself.

“Susan opened the door with her key card and I walked in to see Corinne on the bed with Paul from the little hallway just inside the door. 

“They still had their clothes on, hell Corinne still had her heels on. I could only see them from the waist down but it was clear they were engaged in some full facial intercourse. The flowery summer dress Corinne had worn to the wedding was bunched up in the space between her open legs as Paul’s hand kneaded her sex.

“The last thing I saw before Susan tugged me back into the little hallway to kiss me was Corinne’s hand covering Paul’s pulling it harder between her legs as she began to writhe against it.

“How did that make you feel.”

“I gotta admit, it was strange seeing Corinne respond to another man like that but I didn’t feel jealous or anything, I think I felt relief because with Susan’s lithe body pressing up against me and her lips kissing mine as if she were a sex starved nymph, I decided Corinne can have her fun because I was gonna fuck the hell out of that one right there in my arms.

“Susan sealed the deal by rubbing her hand over my bulge getting harder by the second and dropping to her knees to undo my belt and pants.

“I can’t really be sure if I gave a little downward nudge that made her sink to her knees or if she ducked down on her own before I pushed. I mean it was as if she was ahead of me every step of the way and, Jesus, it was exciting. I mean to have a stunning woman want to suck your cock like it’s her goddamn birthright, that’s special.

“Still, I couldn’t stop myself from glancing over at the bottom half of Paul and Corinne. I mean I felt like one of those cucks that wants to watch his wife have sex with another guy but it was so damn erotic hearing Corinne moan, seeing her respond like that to him.

“Most of the time I was looking down at Susan trying to take my fat cock as deep in her mouth as possible. It was entertaining right from the start, I mean she struggled with the thickness, but then she relaxed and impressed me by taking me deeper and deeper. She even managed to look up at me and smile with her eyes while her mouth was all stretched and distended.  Damn it was good.

“After the first minute I could tell this was gonna be an epic blow job. She had me as hard as ever and just a few minutes later she already had me ready to blow in her mouth. Hearing the sloppy sounds of Paul’s fingers rapidly slapping into Corinne’s wetness wasn’t hurting either. When it stopped I glanced over.

“Seeing Paul roll up onto his knees and lower his pants before falling forward onto Corrine again grabbed my attention. I mean, is it fucked-up that watching my wife about to get fucked by another man was turning me on?”

“It’s not uncommon.”

“But you know what was really messed up?”

“Tell me.”

“I wanted to see his cock.”

“Of course you did. Most men like to compare.”

“Yeah, I mean I didn’t want him to be bigger than me. Then again I wanted him to be big enough for Corinne, you know not a disappointment, because you know, I could already tell Susan was not going to disappoint me. What I really wanted to see, and this might sound strange, but I wanted to see his cock going into her.”

“Do you watch a lot of porn?”

“Some, mostly together with Corinne. Susan grabbed my attention back by gagging herself before pulling off sputtering just enough to be sexy. When she went straight back onto it I put my hands on her head and forced her hard enough to make her gag again. I don’t think I have ever done that so crudely or forceful with anyone before, I felt possessed or something. She began to struggle and push against my thighs.

“When I let her go she pulled off with a loud gasp, breathing heavily she caught her breath, smiled up at me and plunged herself fully back onto my slick sloppy cudgel. She was amazing, almost as good as the plus sized housewife.

“When I came Susan held only the head of my pulsing cock between her lips and took it all without missing a drop. She kept sucking hard, as if she was hungry for more. I really wanted to pull her hard onto me again but when I put my hands on her head she wrapped her fingers around my shaft with a firm protective grip.

“She stood up and kissed me, even though she had swallowed some it was a cum filled kiss. It wasn’t my first cummy kiss but it was the first fully erotic one I ever had, a few girls did it to me in college but this was totally free of any of the repulsiveness I felt then. It was amazing, Susan kissing was so hot anyway.

“Suddenly She ducked into the bathroom to pee and there I was leaning against the wall listening to Corinne breathing heavy and the gentle sloppy sounds of Paul fucking her. I quietly zipped myself back in place and could hear him telling her how he was gonna fuck her all night long. I had never witnessed other people having sex before and there I was witnessing my wife with another man!

“The troubling thing was that even though only a few minutes had passed since unloading in Susan’s mouth I was getting hard again. I felt like such a perv that listening to my wife have sex was doing that!

“The bathroom door opened in a blast of white light in which Susan, totally nude and alien thin, was silhouetted. I held my finger to my lips and ushered her back into the bathroom. I told her what I had heard. She smiled and kissed me again. I saw her dress and shoes and bra and panties piled in the corner. Without her bra her breasts had flattened a bit but appeared super sexy to me. I wanted to touch them but instead put my hands on her ass and pulled her close.

“She leaned back and began unbuttoning my shirt. Soon I was as naked as her and licking her shaved pussy while she sat on the vanity.”

“Okay, really. Is it important for you to tell me every graphic detail?”

“Oh, Sorry, but yeah I think it is, to explain…to explain to myself as much as you about what happened.”

“Okay, so continue.”

“Yeah, well anyway, when we came back out of the bathroom Paul and Corinne were both completely naked too. We stood at the opening of the room. Corinne was riding him cowgirl style, very slow, more of a grind than a canter with her back and side to us. God she looked sexy. She put her hands up in her hair and arched her back in her slow and rhythmic undulation on Paul’s pole buried invisibly to the hilt. The side view of her full glorious breast heaving as she moved in the soft light of the single hotel table lamp gave me a feeling of pride that this was my beautiful wife, my woman, lost in pure pleasure and putting on a show for another man. That’s what it was, no jealousy, just pride.

“Susan pressed up behind me the way only she could. Looking over my shoulder with her tits against my back Susan and I watched Corinne ride Paul.

“I have to admit that when Susan wrapped her arms around me and massaged my hanging pork loin with both hands I was hoping Paul would lift his head and look over but he was busy with his hands on Corinne’s tits as she rode him.  

“Susan kept at it, her fingers a marvel of sensation. I moaned a little.  She cleared her throat with authority. Paul finally looked over and nodded. My cock really began to stiffen.

“Before I knew it Susan guided me to lie on the bed next to Paul. Right beside Corinne she straddled me and began sliding her wet pussy lips along the underside of my shaft. Taking hold of me with one hand she lifted herself up and then slowly down on me. I never felt anything so tight.  She winced and moaned as she carefully lowered her tight wet opening onto my full erection.  I admit I always liked watching the effect my big cock has on a woman.

“The pain?”

“Yeah, I guess, but the way they take the pain, oddly seem to enjoy it, force themselves past it to get to the pleasure. I’m sure Susan was enjoying seeing the pleasure on my face as well. I mean I might have been wincing too she was that tight. Anyway she soon settled fully onto it and got into a slow sexy rhythm 

“Susan folded herself diagonally to Paul and kissed him passionately. ‘Love you so much.’ She said loud enough to hear over the squishy noise of Corinne fucking herself in his pole. I admit, I wondered if Paul could still taste my cum.

“That possibility excited you?”

“Yeah for a second, then Susan sat up and turned to Corinne with a passionate kiss and a hand crossing to her breast. Corrine kissed her back as normal as can be and moved a hand from her hair to Susan’s stoking the passion.

“Susan pulled away from the kiss just as Corinne’s whole body seemed to be overwhelmed with passion. That’s when Susan really began riding my cock. Corrine right alongside was working herself just as vigorously on Paul’s.

“For some reason, I’m not sure what came over me, I moved my hand upturned onto Paul’s abdomen and began rubbing Corrine’s clitoris. She responded well. A moment later I had two fingers up inside her, the backs of my knuckles along Paul’s cock.

“She smiled down at me, covered my hand with hers to keep me there until the budding orgasm I had briefly interrupted exploded. It was amazing to feel the contractions of her pussy pinching my fingers against Paul’s cock. Then suddenly I could feel Paul reaching terminal excitement as he bucked powerfully up into Corrine. Then I felt his cock pulse. I tried to pull my fingers out but Corinne’s hand held me tight. Then the slickness of Paul’s spunk overwhelmed my fingers and it commanded my total focus as Corrine kept pulling my hand into her during the final throes of her orgasm.

“I’m telling you Doc…”

“Please don’t call me Doc.”

“Yeah, ok, sorry, but I’m telling you it was incredible, so sexy. I almost completely forgot about my own cock inside Susan. She too had stopped while our spouses came.

“When Corinne lifted herself off I finally saw Paul’s cock. It was thinner than mine but almost as long!

“Susan wrapped her hand around his slopped-up cock and slid along its length and came up with a palmful of combined fluids. We all looked at it for a second before she lifted it to her mouth as if holding an open oyster shell to let it slide between her lips.

“Next thing you know she’s kissing Corrine and Corrine is obviously into it, which is surprising because Corrine has never been much of a cum queen. I mean I could count on my fingers the number of times Corrine took my cum in her mouth since we been together and half of those she spit it out. Her idea of a BJ is using her mouth to get me hard again between fuck sessions but there she was trading cum spit with Susan even as some of it dribbled down onto her tits, which Susan quickly licked back up.

“At the same time Paul took my hand, also drenched in cum and pussy juice and brought it up to his mouth. I don’t fight him as he licked it clean, swiping his tongue between each pair of fingers. When he’s done he moved my hand back down and rubbed it all over his softening member. I almost jerked it away but for some reason I didn’t. Maybe it’s because at that moment Susan leaned down and gave me another cummy kiss except this time it’s with PAUL’S cum. It was disturbing but I was swept along on the taboo eroticism.

“Is that what made you upset?”

“Yeah, I got pretty agitated at myself and all of us. I rolled Susan over, lifted her legs on my arms and pushed myself back in and started driving, hard, viscous, half in anger half in passion.

“‘Yes, oh yes’, she yells, ‘Fuck me hard, hurt me’.”

“This woman, so impossibly skinny, skinnier than you, is taking all of me and begging for more. So I go even harder, it gets loud, she gets loud, until I feel her start to orgasm. I mean first I feel her cunt, sorry, her pussy start gripping me even tighter, then her legs start to shake, then her whole body. She’s breathing like she’s gonna explode. I’m still driving and she’s about to make me pop for the second time when Paul says “Cum on her.”

“It was just in the nick of time too. I pulled out. Susan squirted one little blast with a loud orgiastic moan. Corinne took hold of my fully loaded gun, pulled up on me and  I immediately begin shooting rope after rope of jizz on Susan’s tits and neck.

“Then Susan herself takes hold of me and pulls me up even further and begins rubbing my cock all over her face, spreading my cum around with it, taking it in her mouth.

“I’m telling you it was wild. I had never been with such a cum slut before. Even more shocking was Corinne who, like I said never had much of a taste for cum, began licking my cum off Susan’s tits and kissing Susan while she massaged Susan’s pussy with her hand.”

“Really Frank is all this necessary?”

“Yeah it is for what comes next. After things settled down Corinne and I began talking about going back to our room and getting some sleep. There was the suggestion by, I don’t remember either Sue or Paul, that we swap spouses all night but Corinne said she had enough wildness for one night.

“We went to our room and quickly fell asleep. The next thing I know I wake up with my morning wood in Corinne’s mouth. “She pulls off with a purposeful pop and with a big happy smile on her face says, ‘Fuck me’.

“As soon as I finished inside Corinne she jumped up, saying she needed to take a shower, that Susan had invited her to go out to a cafe she knew and then do some window shopping.

“I laid in bed watching her get dressed. I gotta tell you, not only did she look as sexy as ever but she was happy and even enjoyed my teasing about what a slut she had been.

“When she left I got up and showered. Just as I finished shaving there was a knock at the door. I put on the white hotel robe and opened the door without a thought. 

“It was Paul, also wearing a hotel robe.

“He turned his head glancing left then right. I turned and walked into the room saying I was about to order breakfast.

“‘Yes, they have a nice Greek omelette on the menu,’ he said.

“I picked up the phone and ordered a Denver omelette for me and a Greek for Paul.

“‘Hey tell them to deliver it in about an hour,’ he said, looking at his watch, ‘say eleven o’clock.’ I do so, stressing they bring coffee and OJ along too.

“‘Why wait?’ I said after hanging up.

“He says because we have something to discuss. Which stops me cold at the foot of the bed.

“All of a sudden he’s up in my face asking me all agro like if I liked the way his wife sucked my fat cock. I dunno what it was all about but I took umbrage. I wasn’t about to be pushed around. I told him, that yeah, I liked it a lot and what a real cum slut she was, without a hint of the nervousness that I was already beginning to feel. I then asked if he liked the way my wife rode his cock, almost saying skinny cock, but didn’t.

“He took another step and was nose to nose with me. ‘Susan’s good,’ He says ‘but you obviously don’t know what good is.’ He put two fingers against my chest and pushed just hard enough to trip me back onto the bed. As I did my robe fell open. Before I knew it Paul was down on his knees, down on me, his hand around the base of my soft cock, flipping it side to side. He begins slapping his face with it and his tongue as his other hand surrounds my ball sack.

“I was in shock! I tried to push him away, I tried to squirm up the mattress to get away but he got his mouth over the tip and tightened his grip on my balls. It didn’t hurt but I knew he could make it if he wanted.

“In fact what he was doing felt pretty good. I relaxed a bit.  It was only about a half hour since I came inside Corinne yet I felt myself growing erect. He took the head deeper in his mouth.

“There was nothing gentle about what he did. He hadn’t shaved and whenever he came off my cock he rubbed it against his raspy face. It was like he wanted me to know it was a man sucking on me. In fact the roughness was erotic. I got even harder.

“He said, “‘Never had a man suck your cock before, did you?’”

“Without waiting for an answer he hocked a gob of spit onto the head and rose up enough to jam his mouth down hard onto my tool. No way it didn’t hurt his throat. I mean he had his mouth wide open and he was like noisily reaming out his throat on my knob as if reaming a lemon.

“He took hold of my hand and placed it on his head and pushed on it before leaving it there.

I began pushing him further down on me, then harder and harder, I felt him gag on my cock squeezing it in his throat, but he didn’t try to pull off. He settled down so I pushed harder and jabbed my hips a couple of thrusts to go deeper than I had ever been in anyone’s throat before.

That made him struggle to get off but I admit I was brutal, totally gobsmacked by what we were doing, and held his face tight against me until finally he powered off gagging and sputtering for air. What a fucking mess! 

“I felt sure he had enough but he kept massaging his slime all over my cock and balls, talking the whole time, asking me if anyone ever swallowed all of my cock like he did. ‘It felt good didn’t it?’

I didn’t say anything but he stood up and bent over going right back down on me. I put my hand on his head and started pushing again. He was working my cock as if possessed by a demon. I was pushing hard enough to own his mouth.

He was right, he was further down on my cock than anyone, Susan or even the Amazonian housewife. After swallowing my whole shaft one long time before gasping off, wiping his chin and sliding his hand up and down on my slime covered shaft saying “You’re liking this shit, aren’t you?’,

“I put both my hands up behind my head and flashed a relaxed smile. ‘Yeah, I’m finding it entertaining, just don’t expect me to return the favor.’

“He smiled at me and increased the length of his hand strokes to swirl down over my balls also thickly coated with his saliva. He assured me he wasn’t expecting anything, just enjoying the pleasures at hand. His finger reached down further and circled my anus, pushing gently. ‘You ever have anything in this ass?”

“I’m telling you, my mood turned back just like that. I’m amazed I didn’t throttle this guy right then. I mean I was amazed I had even let him suck my cock at all! But I guess I must’ve bee kinda shell shocked or something because all I said was ‘Fingers,’.

“He kept talking, asking me things like who’s? Corinne’s? Who else? I bet lots of girls. He’d ask a question then answer it himself.

“‘Ever take a dildo in the ass? Yeah I bet you did. Corinne’s, right? Yeah, but I bet it was your idea, right?’

“Paul pushed a little harder and  his finger popped in. ‘You liked it didn’t you?’

“I didn’t say a word, too terrified to speak, unable to deny any of it. I just looked at him as he began working his finger deeper into my ass.

“‘Ever wonder how a real dick might feel?’ He said.

“I remained silent with a lump in my throat, betrayed by my piece of spring steel swaying neglected between us.

“I’ll use a condom,’ he said pulling one out of the left pocket of his hotel robe, ‘And real lube!’ he said lifting a small bottle from the right hand pocket.”

“I’ll admit, I was enthralled, this was something totally different, I mean I didn’t think of it as gay or at least I wasn’t bothered if it was, it was just, you know, like sexual playing, like I said was kind of shell shocked or sex drunk.

“I began moving my hand from behind my head but Paul said, ‘No touching.’”

“Paul shucked off his robe and I watched him roll on the condom. His cock looked even harder than mine, not as thick, but definitely bigger than the dildo Corinne used on me. I admit I was frightened but damn, even more excited.

“After lubing his latex covered shaft Paul squirted some lube in his hand, dropped the bottle on the bed and began massaging around my anus. He inserted one finger and after moving it around pleasurably for a moment her inserted a second one.

“He used the free hand of his other hand to push my leg up before pushing the thumb of that hand into me as well.

“I was surprised at the absence of pain, I mean it felt good as he plunged and pulled with his fingers at my opening back there.

“It did hurt when he first began to push his cock into my ass but not as much as I expected and only for a little while. “The truth is the sensation was phenomenal.”

“That’s when you worried it was homosexual…

“Not right then. That thought didn’t yet cross my mind! I mean it probably should have but it wasn’t like we were kissing or anything.  Paul wasn’t telling me how sexy I was or how tight my ass felt. I was just lying back with my legs pulled up and my eyes closed enjoying the powerful new sensations of his thrusts. It was good. I guess you probably haven’t taken it anally, have you?”

“This isn’t about me.”

“No, you’re right, but it was different and yeah, very good. I mean Paul began getting super excited. He had one arm wrapped around my right leg, hugging it to his chest and his other hand pushing my left leg up by my ankle. He began driving into me harder and faster, full powerful strokes and my poor cock was flailing about begging to be taken hold of.

“I started trying to keep my eyes open as much as I could because, well I mean it was such a strange thing, and exciting, especially when I could tell Paul was getting closer to cumming. I mean I was getting close too, I was just about ready to move my hand to take hold of myself when Paul buried himself deep inside me and held there throbbing powerfully. He released my ankle and grabbed my cock and I immediately exploded onto my own belly.

(Here there was a long silence in the session tape before the therapist renewed the conversation.)

“So you will do it again?”

“I dunno, I mean I hadn’t even been with another woman since I met Corinne then bam, we meet Paul and Sue at that wedding and are seduced by them and it was all so, you know,  exciting and new and thrilling.  I mean I end up having sex with both of them!  So did Corinne but I’m the one here still trying to sort it all out.”

“You seem to be doing fine with that.


“Most men couldn’t talk so candidly about a homosexual experience.”

“More of a walk on the wild side, you know like that song, than homosexual I think.”

“So you’re saying it was a one off.”

“Well I don’t know, I mean we are planning a weekend visit with Paul and Susan, not this upcoming weekend but the one after.”

“So Corrine is fine with seeing them again?”

“Corinne is totally excited, she liked all the attention from both Sue and Paul.

“And you?”

“Let’s just say Susan is gonna get worked for sure.”

“And Paul?”

“Corinne keeps teasing me that he’s gonna want to get worked as well and she wants to watch.”

(There was another long gap in the conversation.)

“I think we’re done here. You don’t need a therapist. I think you’re sorting things out fine for yourself.”

“But this was good, I mean I finally feel like I’ve gotten somewhere with you today.”

“You have, but I don’t think you need a psychiatrist. There is nothing wrong with you. If you feel you need to see someone at a future date I’ll recommend another therapist.”

“Wait, so you’re dropping me as a patient? I’m sorry if I offended…”

“That’s not it at all. In fact there will be no bill for this session and you will drop me as your Doctor.

“Okaaaay…You are no longer my Doctor?”

“Good enough. Now I would like to invite you and Corinne to a small dinner party my husband and I are hosting this Saturday evening at our home.

Published 3 years ago

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