Nanny Diaries

"Interracial power couple brings their nanny into their lifestyle"

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“See you Sunday night!”

Joan waved at the kids and her parents as she pulled away from her childhood home. She had just dropped off Tasha and Jerome Jr. (JJ) for a weekend with “Gramma and Grampa.” She looked at her watch … 3:30… with luck and minimal traffic she could be home by 5:30. She was pretty sure Amber would still be around.

It was a perfect early summer day, mid-70’s and not a cloud in the sky. She turned on Spotify and began the drive back. She wished she had her BMW convertible, but the two-seater didn’t work for hauling the kids. When JJ was born she could have bought something more practical but she was adamant; she was never having a minivan or even an SUV. It wasn’t her style. She laughed at the irony of mentally complaining that she had to drive her husband’s Jaguar XF. It wasn’t like she was slumming.

She hopped on the freeway and began the drive home. She loved her kids dearly but this weekend she and Jerome had a kid-free forty-eight hours and they were not going to waste it.

She thought how much her parents had evolved over the past years. When she started dating Jerome, as much as they tried, her parents couldn’t warm up to the handsome, polite, smart, black man their daughter had fallen in love with. But Jerome knew best and he said to just give them time. He adored their daughter and was quite the gentleman. He promised her they would eventually come around to their relationship. However, even after they were married and had become financially well off her parents were still distant. Joan knew that the real reason her parents finally softened was the arrival of Tasha and then JJ. Becoming grandparents did it. Since Tasha was born eight years ago, and JJ three years later her parents became accepting and loving with the whole family. On that end, life was about perfect.

Joan’s cell phone chirped. It was Beth, one of their good friends, both in and out of their lifestyle crowd.

“Hey Joan, just checking to make sure we are still on for tomorrow.”

“Yep, we were thinking 8-8:30. The Carringtons are coming too. I think Amber will be there and she may have a date.”

Beth laughed and said that if Amber was going to be there Terry, her husband, would need more Viagra. The guys loved Amber. The women did too, for that matter. Joan replied that if Amber brought a date one thing was certain; he wouldn’t need Viagra.

“Ahh, youth,” Beth laughed and said they would see each other tomorrow and hung up.

For the next hour, Joan’s mind wandered. She met Jerome right after college and sparks flew. Joan had never dated a black man and, while he had dated some white women, she was his first real relationship. At 5’3” and very petite, Joan was dwarfed by Jerome’s 6’2″, 200-plus frame. He treated her like a queen and she simply adored him. The fact they both had budding careers made their relationship grow slowly and respectfully. This was the South though, and they had to deal with the looks and comments about their skin color. They dated four years before getting married.

Beth was her maid of honor and had been her best friend since her sophomore year in college. The two of them had chased guys, flirted with a lot of the same ones and had their first threesome with a guy they picked up at a sorority party. Joan preferred men, so did Beth, but they had satisfied each other now and then. A year into Joan and Jerome’s relationship Beth admitted to Joan that she had to know what Jerome was like in bed. From anyone else, Joan would have told them to go fuck off but a few weeks later, after telling Jerome she thought it could be hot, she watched her best friend take her boyfriend’s beautiful, black, thick, eight-inch cut cock; first into her mouth and then, with her legs spread wide, deep into her pussy. After letting her enjoy Jerome for a bit Joan joined in for a sexy threesome. It was the first time she and Jerome did anything of that sort, but it wouldn’t be the last.

A short time later, Beth met Terry and in no time the four of them were getting together every couple of weeks for marathon sex. Terry took to partner swapping like a fish to water. Overnights were common and fun.

Beth and Terry got married first. Joan and Jerome surprised them on the last two days of their honeymoon in the Keys and the four of them went to a swing club in Florida the second night. They joined a lifestyle group the next month. Joan and Jerome married a year later. By then, they had met the Carringtons, who lived about ninety minutes away, but that is another story.

Joan pulled into her gated community and as she turned to the cul-de-sac she saw the bright yellow Jeep Wrangler in the driveway. Amber, their nanny, was home. She opened the garage and saw her Z4. She smiled; Jerome was home early. Interesting.

Inside the house, Joan saw Amber’s computer and notes on the kitchen table. In addition to being their nanny for the last eighteen months, Amber was also a second-year Ph.D. Economics student at the local university. Smart, vivacious and great with the kids, she was a real find. The kids adored her and she had become an integral part of their family. She had her own room even though she shared an apartment in town with another doctoral candidate.

On the floor, next to her computer, was Amber’s blouse and Joan recognized the cream lace bra that Joan had bought her the last time they had gone shopping together. She wasn’t surprised. Joan moved to the staircase and walked quietly up the stairs. Before she reached the top of the stairs she could hear the muffled sounds from Amber’s bedroom and a rhythmic thumping of something hitting the wall. Joan smiled and walked down the hall and looked in.

Amber was on her back, her legs almost straight up in the air and parted like a V. Joan couldn’t see her face because most of her body was covered by the black man lying on top of her. She knew it was Amber if for no other reason than the raised left leg had an Ace of Spades anklet wrapped around it. She looked down at her own matching bracelet and smiled. They had bought them online as a joke but decided to never take them off. She looked back up and saw that Amber’s hands were on the spindles of the headboard and she was holding on for dear life. Above her, his head low, arms out holding his body over her, his taut butt flexing and thrusting deep into her was Jerome. He was fucking her. There was no other way to describe it. He was simply fucking the heck out of her. It looked like they had been for a bit. When he tilted his hips away she could see his cock almost exit Amber’s pussy before he thrust hard and deep back onto her. Each time he did so the headboard hit the wall.

Amber was groaning with each thrust in the same rhythm with the headboard hitting the wall.

“Oh… Oh… Fuck… Jay, you… are … going… to break … the … bed,” she said.

Joan cleared her throat loudly and said with a smile, “Jerome, don’t break the bed, we just bought it.”

The black body stopped mid-thrust and she heard a muffled chuckle from him. Then he resumed thrusting into Amber but was far more restrained.

“Oh shit, she caught us,” he laughed.

“Hi, Mrs. Jones,” Amber said from below him in an artificially high voice followed by a giggle, “Mr. Jones offered to help me make the bed and well… Do you want to join us?”

Joan couldn’t help but smile. Amber never referred to her as Mrs. Jones except when she and Jerome were about to, in the middle of, or had just finished sex. It was a standing joke between them.

“Don’t ‘Mrs. Jones’ me, Amber,” Joan said with a false sternness, “and, if you are serious, I would love to but just for a taste.” Joan smiled.

She came into the bedroom, unbuttoning her blouse. The weekend was getting off to a great start. Jerome rolled off of Amber and lay sideways next to her, his cock wet and stiff. He was grinning, clearly happy with the developments. Joan stood with her blouse undone and unbuttoned her shorts and shimmied out of them.

She moved to the side of the bed and leaned forward to kiss her husband. She caressed his hard wet cock for a just a moment. She leaned over more to kiss Amber, slipping her tongue into her mouth. Amber responded by sexually sucking her tongue deeper into her mouth. She reached for Amber’s breast and fondled it and tweaked her already erect nipple. She broke their kiss and then moved to suck the nipple playfully. Both Amber and Jerome made appreciative noises and she felt them kiss above her.

She slipped away telling them she had things to do, grabbed her blouse and shorts and headed back downstairs but heard the two of them laugh and then she heard movement, and she knew Jerome had begun to fuck her hard once more.

Fifteen minutes later Jerome walked down the stairs wearing a light robe loosely tied at his waist. He was not covered up but that was fine. Joan looked over and couldn’t help but admire his body. Even at forty, he worked to stay in shape. He didn’t have the abs he had when they first met but she had no complaints. His chest was still defined, he had a little patch of hair between his pecs that ran down to his belly, which was still pretty flat. She gazed lower and smiled. His beautiful cock was still engorged, hanging between his thighs and glistening from the wetness of Amber’s pussy or mouth or both. He saw her look down and laughed. He walked up to her and they kissed. Joan reached between his legs and caressed his cock.

“Do we still have a bed?” Joan teased, “More importantly, do we still have a nanny?”

“Yes, we do, as to both,” he chuckled, “She is just taking a quick shower and will be right down.” He paused, “We had to get the weekend started right don’t you think?”

“That girl is amazing. How we did we luck into this?” she laughed

“My good looks and your negotiation skills?” he replied.

Joan thought perhaps a little of both but who knew for sure.


In retrospect, it was probably just luck. Their previous nanny was really great but much older and more conservative. She had worked for them two years when, in an amazing screwup, she walked into the house one Sunday morning believing that she was supposed to watch the kids that day. Instead, she saw Joan being spit roasted by Jerome and Terry on the living room floor while Beth was on the couch, naked, drinking coffee. To say she was offended was putting it mildly. She loudly gasped, got over her shock, turned, walked out and emailed her notice from her car on her way home. No amount of apology, begging, or even a salary increase could bring her back.

Joan was distraught. As a temporary fix, she had placed an ad for a part-time nanny at the university hoping they would find one or two college kids to help out and split the work until they could get someone full time. She had interviewed a few prospects when Amber called and asked if the job was still open. They met for an interview and, in five minutes, Joan knew she had found a nanny. She was easygoing, smart, and at twenty-five, older than they had expected, which was a great plus. As a doctoral candidate, Amber had a teaching schedule but otherwise was very flexible. She had stipend but needed some extra cash to make ends meet. Amber said her parents couldn’t help out after paying for undergrad. She had younger siblings, had nannied in college a bit and was just perfect. Plus, she was a doll. Five foot six, some curves, a million-dollar smile, and beautiful beautiful red hair. Joan sensed a sensual vivaciousness about her and offered the job right away.

In two months she had become as close to them as if she had been there forever. The kids adored her and the feeling was mutual. Jerome, ever the gentleman, was smitten and treated her like a princess because of the way she was with the kids and, to be honest, because he is simply a great guy. Amber was such a part of them that when her car broke down they leased her the Jeep. They bought her clothes, took her to dinners, an occasional family trip, and she had friends over at the house often. She stayed at the house when she wasn’t working and quickly became family.

Joan thought back to how she had stressed over their lifestyle and how she really worked to hide it from Amber because she didn’t want a repeat of the previous nanny. That was unnecessary stress; it ended up being so simple.

She had come home one day to find Amber in the den sitting on one of the easy chairs looking at some pictures. The kids were upstairs playing with a neighbor friend. When Joan walked in Amber looked up, blushed, and held up a photo for her to see.

“Nice!” Amber said playfully.

Joan saw the picture she was holding and remembered that at that moment she was embarrassed but, inexplicably, not mad. She just had a feeling that unlike the last nanny, it was going to be okay. Amber was looking at pictures from a couple years earlier when Beth had taken up photography. They were of the four of them on a trip to Florida in various states of dress and undress. In the photo Joan was on her knees, topless, her back to the camera, in front of an obviously naked Jerome. You couldn’t see anything, but it looked like she was giving him a blow job. Joan felt the color rise in her face because she knew that in the other pictures Amber had looked through there was no doubt she was.

“I always wondered about the four of you,” Amber said, “I knew you were more than good friends. There was just something about how you interact. I think it is so hot.”

Joan went to the bar in the family room and poured herself a glass of wine, took a long sip and asked Amber if she wanted any. Amber nodded and she poured a second glass. She asked Amber whether this was an issue and what did she really think. Amber admitted she was always attracted to both of them and just knew there was something was different about them. “But,” she said quickly, “in a good way.”

Joan smiled and said that she and Jerome had often talked about her and “wondered” how she would react if she knew about their secret. Joan spent the next half an hour giving Amber a tutorial on swinging and their lifestyle. With every new revelation, Amber just nodded her head and said, “Wow.” They each knew then that their lives had changed

A few nights later, after the kids were in bed, the three of them were outside by the pool having a drink, and Joan told Jerome that Amber had discovered their secret. Jerome’s initial shock and concern was immediately abated as Joan quickly unbuckled his belt while Amber walked over to sit on the other side of him. Joan leaned over his lap and began sucking his cock while Amber kissed him and unbuttoned her blouse. Then Amber switched with Joan and after some quick outdoor foreplay, they spent the next few hours in bed where Jerome realized that Joan and Amber had clearly had previous sexual experiences with each other. 

The night was a bit of a blur in Joan’s memory but the three of them had sex in almost every combination they could imagine. She did have a distinct memory at one point, of Amber eagerly taking Jerome’s cock in her mouth and taking him deeper down her throat than Joan had ever seen anyone do. She was a talented, experienced cocksucker and she clearly loved doing it. Joan spent a lot of the time going down on her while Amber pleasured Jerome. Joan enjoyed pussy almost as much as cock and Amber’s pussy was quite enjoyable. 

By the time they seduced Jerome she had enough experience with Amber to know what made her tick and she made sure Amber came more than once. When they had finished, Amber reluctantly retreated to her room to sleep before it got too early in the morning. They couldn’t have the kids find the three of them in bed together. From that night forward Amber was a part of their sexual adventures.


Joan let go of his cock and told him he ruined her afternoon plans.

“I was planning some fun time with just me and Amber before you got home. We have the party tomorrow night and well, I was hoping she and I could have some alone time.”

Before Jerome could answer, Amber walked in and had overheard them.

“No worries, Mrs. Jones, we can find plenty of time. The kids are gone until…?”

Joan laughed and told her they were getting picked up late Sunday afternoon, more like 6:00.

“Plenty of time,” Amber replied with a knowing look.

Amber was dressed and said that she had to go because she had committed to a study session with a couple of her undergrad students and had already canceled twice. They discussed the weekend plans. Amber had told her students she had limited time because she had “other responsibilities.” She expected to be back before midnight.

As for Saturday, Jerome was playing in his basketball league in the morning and would be back by noon. They agreed that they had to get food and things for the party but no one was expected until 7 or so.

“The Carringtons are staying in the guest bedroom and will leave Sunday morning,” Joan said. “Amber, are you bringing anyone? You know as long as you are discreet you can bring whomever you please.”

“I know I can’t bring any students but what about a graduate? I ran into a guy at an alumni function and he is really nice and I am sure would be great. He doesn’t live near campus and I can make sure he is okay. Would that be alright?

Given Jerome and Joan’s position as large donors to the university, they were always careful about connections to the college but trusted Amber and said it was up to her. They told her to have a nice evening and looked forward to seeing her later.

“Well? We have alone time, hun,” Joan said to Jerome, “what shall we do?”

He said he needed some time to recharge and admitted Amber had taken him twice, once in her mouth and once in her pussy. He sighed and said he wasn’t as young as he used to be. He went to the wine rack and suggested that he take care of Joan. She smiled and said that sounded fine.

Jerome led her to the family room, turned on the gas fireplace, grabbed a large blanket and laid it out on the floor. He suggested she get more comfortable and walked upstairs saying he would be right back. Joan got wet knowing what he had in mind. She quickly took off her blouse and slacks, setting them neatly over the arm of the couch, unhooked her bra and tossed it on the table. Naked except for her satin thong she lay down on the blanket while reaching for a throw pillow for her head.

She heard some movement and sensed the lights being dimmed and then soft jazz on the stereo. She opened her eyes and saw that Jerome had set three things on the table next to her bra. Massage oil, her seven-inch multispeed vibrator and their current favorite curved insert vibrator that she could wear even while Jerome fucked her.

“My God, baby, this is looking like it is going to be nice! Your ‘special massage’?” she purred.

“When the kids are away …” he replied with a smile.

For the next hour, Jerome proceeded to drive her to the top and back multiple times. She loved it when he gave her his special massage treatment. He used the oil and rubbed her shoulders and mid-back, kneading some of her tension but really just using his hands to relax her. He knew she loved to be teased and his hand would wander lower across her ass and lightly down her thigh and back up, getting close to her slit but not touching it. She would moan slightly to encourage him and they often talked dirty as he did it. But for the moment he was quiet.

She closed her eyes and let him take over. After spending sufficient time on her back he moved down her body and settled between her feet. By now she had parted her legs and he could easily kneel between her ankles. He concentrated on her legs now and with pressure on her skin, he moved his hands up to her butt and lower back and then down each leg on the outer thigh and calf and then back up inside, and each time, his fingers brushed her thong-covered pussy. Occasionally he used a bit of pressure and pressed one finger under the seam of her thong, slipped between her lips and pressed in. He stayed clear of her clit, just teasing her. She was now soaking wet.

“Oh my God, baby, you are driving me crazy, I need to cum.”

“In time baby, in time,” he replied. “Are you ready for more?”

She nodded, and he reached up and gently slid her thong down from her hips, thighs and past her feet. He then leaned over her and she felt his hot tongue between her ass cheeks wetting her skin, then pressing the tip of his tongue to her rosebud. He let it stay there for a bit, tingling her and she felt his fingers spread her ass apart and then he began to lick and rim her slowly and sensually. She reflexively lifted her hips, tucked her knees under her some, to give him better access. She cooed in pleasure until she felt him move away. Her eyes were closed and she was trying to picture what he was up to. She heard a click and the hum of one of the vibrators. She felt a dab of warm oil at her backdoor and then the coolness of the seven-inch slim against her bottom.

“Ready?” he asked, and she nodded.

He gently pressed and she felt the pulsating shaft slide slowly into her ass. He knew she loved the tingling sensation even if she really wasn’t into anal sex. Joan moved her knees a bit more as he pressed the slick vibe a bit deeper; she sensed that it was about halfway in. Even as he was inserting it, his free hand was massaging her legs and gently, now rhythmically touching her clit

“Oh fuck, baby,” she panted. “that feels sooo good.” He had done this so many times before, by the time he had slipped the vibe all the way in she had convulsed in a deep, satisfying orgasm. She grabbed the blanket with her clenched fingers and let out a long slow moan of pure pleasure. He worked all seven inches of the vibrator deep in and out of her ass.

“More?” he asked after she had finished climaxing. She shook her head no and he slid the vibe from her bottom and turned it off. He had her roll over.

Joan opened her eyes as she did and looked down her body to her gorgeous husband smiling at her, clearly pleased that he pleased her. His robe was still untied and she looked down and saw that his cock was engorged but unlike usual when they played like this, he was not stiff and erect like a steel rod.

“Aren’t you turned on, babe?” she asked. He smiled sheepishly.

“I am incredibly turned on, hun, but I am still recovering. Amber might have taken a bit out of me.” He grinned. “Give me a bit, I will be there.”

He reached for the couples’ vibe they liked to use, turned it on, moved close and inserted it into her damp, aching pussy. The vibe was a soft U-shape that rested on her clit on the outside and had a flat hard spot that just hit her G-spot on the inside. He positioned it just like he knew she liked it before moving up her body and coming to rest with his cock hanging by her face. He began to lightly massage her nipples and breasts while he held the vibe in place with his free hand. 

Joan quickly was taken to the edge once more. She closed her eyes and let the feeling take over. She took his cock and lifted it to set it on her lips. Reflexively she opened her mouth and let the head fall into her waiting mouth where she sucked it and let her tongue roll around the head. He tasted of cum and sex from his previous encounters that afternoon. She felt him stiffen slightly as she enjoyed his flesh.

“Mmmm, God I love how you use your tongue, honey,” he sighed.

As she played with the head of his cock she felt the second orgasm from the vibe in her pussy and she paused to let the feeling overwhelm her. As she enjoyed the second orgasm she let his cock fall from her mouth and asked him if he would climb on her. She looked as Jerome moved down her body, straddled her and reached down to grasp his partially hard cock and guide it to her pussy. He left the vibrator right where it was and pushed his cock in slow and deep. He had to go slow so everything would stay in place. His cock caused the inner part of the vibrator to press up to her G-spot. With his heavy manhood in her, she was completely full.

Jerome moaned as he got his cock deep in her and then began to slowly fuck her. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his back, lifted her legs and interlocked them behind his lower back and she let him thrust his cock deep into her while the vibe added sensation to the both of them. Jerome told her the first time they had used it he felt weird but they enjoyed it now. She looked down her body and could see the teal blue vibe resting and pulsating on her pubic bone, her clit completely covered and reacting to the vibrations and pressure of the engorged black shaft filling her up.

“Oh my God, baby that feels so good. Do you have some for me or did Amber take it all?”

“I saved the best for you, hun,” he laughed as he thrust deep over and over. They were in total sync, relaxed and enjoying the time alone. He continued to fuck her in time with the slow jazz playing in the background. Because Jerome had so recently orgasmed she knew this was going to be a marathon session and she was all for it. 

Jerome rolled her up a bit so her knees were higher than her shoulders and began to drive deeper and deeper. She was groaning in pleasure knowing they were alone and she could enjoy the moment. She made noises she usually muffled when the kids were home. As he thrust deep she felt the third wave begin to rise and told Jerome to fuck her just like he was. He plunged into her over and over, lifting his hips slightly each time he was deep inside her pussy, pressing the vibe and his cock against her G spot. He kissed her deeply and her body just released as she came one more time, less volcanic than the first two but longer and equally satisfying. 

She whispered to him that she was sensitive right now and to stop for a minute. He leaned back onto his heels, slid his cock out from her and then slowly removed the vibe before turning it off.

“Are we done?” he asked. He had a sad puppy dog look to him.

“Now I need a pause, babe. That was number three for me …” she looked over at the clock on the table, “in forty-five minutes. Honey, you were amazing! I am exhausted!”

He got up and walked over to the bar and poured two glasses of wine. She got up from the floor and went and sat back on the couch leaning against the arm, one leg on the floor, the other on the couch, displaying her puffy swollen sex for her husband. She caressed herself gently then reached for the wine. Jerome sat close and they clinked glasses in a silent toast.

“Delicious,” she said after they both tasted it. He nodded in agreement.

“I know you haven’t cum yet, do you want me to suck your cock? It only seems fair after all you just did.” She licked her lips.

He begged off saying he was willing to wait and just relax with her. She moved on the couch and snuggled into his arms and they sat silently, drinking wine and enjoying the moment. She fell asleep with a contented smile.


To be continued…


Published 6 years ago

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