I am a nudist, and I am constantly looking online for places to get together naked with other people. So, When I found a Naked Tantra Yoga class available, I immediately signed up for it. The class was for couples, but single women were allowed to sign up, and men too if they were lucky enough to be paired by a single woman. My some miracle of fate, I was paired with the one single woman who signed up for the class.
The instructors, Pete and Karen were an attractive couple. When we arrived we were given some preliminary instructions and I met Cindy. Cindy was a beautiful Asian/American about half my age. I am 66 and Cindy is in her 30’s. She had no problem snuggling up next to me when we met, despite our age difference. I heard Pete say, “If you like orgasms, there will be plenty of orgasms in this class, but tonight is just an introductory session.” My heart began to beat very fast.
We set up our yoga mats in a circle with our instructors in the middle. We started to undress. Cindy has a very lithe body with long light brown hair, and bikini tan lines that make her naked body look so sexy. Again, I was amazed at my good fortune in having her for a partner. To one side were Fernando and Debbie. Debbie pulled off her shirt revealing very beautiful milky white breasts contrasted by her long dark brown hair. Her partner had a very slight build, but a huge cock.
All the men in the group were well endowed, but Fernando looked striking, contrasted by his small frame.
To the other side were Ron and Sandy. Ron was very muscular, looking like we worked out in the gym for several hours per day. Sandy was a beautiful tall, shapely blonde with with large, lovely breasts.
Our instructor Karen was a short, slender, perky blonde while Pete was dark haired, average height and build.
We began by doing yoga positions, which I am a complete novice at, so I watched the instructors carefully and did the best I could. Being naked with four beautiful women and doing yoga together was so completely exhilarating. If I had known that Yoga was this hot, I would have started years ago! Everyone except for me seemed to be a real pro and seemed to have had years of experience striking and holding the various positions.
Did I use some of the time to steal glances at Cindy and the other women’s gorgeous bodies? Of course. This was a blissful experience already. And it got better.
The second part of the session were group “trust building” exercises. We started simply by having the eight of us form a circle and hold hands while we took turns talking about our experience together. Everyone had positive things to say. Everyone was clearly enjoying themselves. Then we got into two groups of four, and did the activity where you close your eyes and fall backward and two people catch you. I have done this activity before, but never naked! After you were caught, you would just relax while the other two held you up for awhile. Ron and Sandy were our partners and it was interesting watching them catch Cindy’s naked body while she fell and just hold her. I also enjoyed Sandy’s naked body dropping down into my arms and holding on to her. It was a trust building exercise, but I have to say that it was sexually stimulating as well.
After we had all tried this three times, Pete said “Okay, now we’re going to take this to another level.”
Fernando and Karen held Debbie after she fell, and Pete came up behind her head and said “Is it okay if I touch your breasts?”
Debbie said that it was okay. While Debbie relaxed in the arms of Fernando and Karen, Pete expertly caressed Debbie’s breasts and nipples. He told Cindy, Sandy, Ron and I to run our hands all over Debbie’s body while he caressed her breasts.
Debbie was breathing very heavily as her body relaxed and yielded to the extreme pleasure she was feeling. Her nipples were so erect. Brushing my fingertips across her clean, smooth, labia, I could feel the wetness there. I realized that Pete had cleverly manipulated us form a yoga session to a group sex session. But nobody was complaining.
All four men had a chance to caress Debbie’s breasts before we changed partners. After all of the women had a turn, it was time for the men. Karen demonstrated how this would be done. With Pete and Debbie holding Fernando in place, Karen asked Fernando if it was okay to touch his male primary. He said yes of course. After feather stroking his scrotum with her fingertips, she grabbed his huge, fat cock and started to stroke it.
All four men were fully erect even before our turn started. I fell back and felt two pairs of strong hands catch me. I feel relaxed, but helpless as I am held there. I feel a hand gently brush against my erect cock sending waves of pleasure through my body. My eyes are closed, so I don’t know whose hand it is. I feel other hands gently running up my thighs and down my chest. She is squeezing and pulling on the head of my cock, making me want to cum so badly, but I have to hold back. Then the first hand leaves and is replaced by a second hand and the sweet, sweet, torture continues.
Then Pete announced that the culminating activity was to learn our first tantra position. Pete sat cross legged on the floor, Karen stood in front of him and slowly lowered herself onto his lap. She guided his fully erect penis into her vagina as she sat down on him and wrapped her legs around him. Then it was our turn. Cindy was standing in front of me. Her legs were spread and she was dripping wet. I wanted her so much and I was so hard for her. When she lowered herself onto my cock, I let out a loud gasp, the feeling was so intense!
Pete said, “The persone on top can rock a bit to maintain the erection, but don’t cum. The point of this exercise is to build your sexual stamina. Look deeply into your partner’s eyes and hold the position.”
Karen demonstrated rocking her hips slowly on Pete’s cock.
I was amazed that when I gazed into Cindy’s eyes, I could actually feel the emotion she was experiencing. It was a look of pure joy. I have never seen such happy eyes. With my cock feeling the intense heat of Cindy’s pussy, the image that was permanently burned into my mind was those gorgeous, joyful eyes. Then she put her head on my shoulder and melted into my arms. I held her tightly and was feeling pure bliss.
I don’t know how long we stayed in that position, but it seemed like hours. About a half an hour in, Cindy’s hips started rocking faster thrusting my cock deeper into her and I felt her going into an orgasm. She whispered in my ear that she had cum and it was very intense. Orgasms are great, but I realized at that moment that for me it’s not the orgasm that’s important. It’s the intimacy.
When it was time to go, I asked Cindy if she wanted to come back next week as my date, and she said “Absolutely!”
I smile all of time thinking about Cindy’s happy eyes and the great intimate tantra position that we shared. And I think about Pete saying, “If you like orgasms, there will be plenty of orgasms in this class.”
I can’t wait for next time.