My World Cup Runneth Over

"Two Spaniards have a multicultural experience in Qatar"

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For as long as I can remember, I always loved soccer. I was a member of the local club when I was six. I played with my brothers and my neighbours in the street. Although my hopes of being a professional were ended by an injury, I still play when I can. So, when the chance to attend the World Cup presented itself, I naturally jumped at the chance! It came about through winning a competition with the Spanish Football Association. My best friend Lola and I managed to get tickets to all three group games. As you will see, the soccer wasn’t the most memorable experience of my time in Qatar.

My name is Paulina. I’m six foot tall, and I come from Barcelona. I’m a brunette, and I wear glasses. As of the World Cup 2022, I’m twenty-four years old. You’ll have to take my word for this, but I wasn’t sexually prolific prior to this summer. I’d been with three guys. Two boyfriends and a one-night stand in Ibiza. What went on in the Middle East was quite unlike me.

Our first game was against Costa Rica. Lola and I were in a mixed section of the crowd, with fans of both countries sitting together. We’d bought scarves and horns. I wore my Spain shirt tied up around the midriff, showing off my belly. It was hot enough so they could hardly complain. Next to me sat a pair of Costa Rican lads. We said hello. Pedro and Jorge were brothers. I was next to Jorge. We chatted as the game went back and forth. By half time, I knew I was attracted to him. I politely accepted his request for my number.

Ah, the atmosphere! We were young and over-excited to be there. We were singing all the songs and doing Mexican waves and blowing horns. And Jorge had a wicked sense of humour. I can’t explain it. It just…happened.

Spain scored their fourth goal in the seventy-fourth minute. I leapt to my feet with the crowd, and a surge of energy and passion swept through us. I hugged Lola and then Jorge. Jorge held me closed. He was firm in his grip and I felt his hand stray downward, brushing my bottom. In the excitement of the wild celebrations, something in me flipped. I wanted him. I stood and pulled him with me, hand in hand. He followed willingly.

We ran together down the stairs, hand in hand. We left the raucous sounds of the celebrations and the crowd and hurried through the exit and out into the concourse, and it was quiet. All the security guards were, it seemed, focused on the game. We found a dark corner under a stairwell. Here. We had moments before we would be caught, or the heat of the moment died. It was now or never, and I wanted it. I unbuttoned my jeans and quickly pulled them down, then I bent over, bracing myself against the wall in the shadows. I felt the warm air on the bare skin of my ass. As I did so, Jorge unzipped his trousers and quickly pulled his dick out. I never even saw Jorge’s dick. He was out of his trousers and into my pussy in seconds flat. He slipped inside me. It wasn’t gentle, but I didn’t need gentle. We didn’t have time to make love.

“Do me. As quickly and as hard as you can.” I said, and he didn’t disappoint. He pumped me firmly and quickly, holding my hips and my bottom, and I felt his dick massage my clit.  I felt my body respond. In – out – in – out. His cock drove hard into me, reaching as far in as I could remember being penetrated. I closed my eyes, feeling the heat on my skin. My orgasm built quickly. And after just over a minute, I came, and, just ten seconds later, I felt his cock shiver and contract. I felt his semen burst into me. Less than three minutes had passed since the goal.

He buttoned up his trousers. I stood up and pulled my trousers up. Amazing. Just pure adrenaline. I kissed him and we went back to watch the rest of the game. For the rest of the match, I was distracted by my juices wetting my panties and the warmth of the fading orgasm.

“Did you guys…fuck?” Lola asked me later that night in the hotel. We had rooms next to each other.

“That would be telling,” I said with a grin.

“Dude! You slut!” she laughed.

But I’d put her in the mood. She brought a Danish guy home that night and I had to hear them doing it. The walls in the newly built hotel were, it turned out, paper thin. It was like

“Oh…Ah!” (that was Lola’s contribution to the conversation) and “Oh, Lola. Just suck it. Nice and slow. Oh, yeah.”

And so on, all night. I barely slept.

We were there for the football. Figuring we’d best at least pay lip service to interest in Qatar, we went to a museum or two. But after a day of sightseeing, there wasn’t much that held our interest. More interesting was the mixture of people around the city. There was the greatest cross-section of humanity you could imagine. We chatted with other Spaniards. We practiced our English with Americans, Brits, and Aussies. We flirted with Qatari guys who flashed their wallets about and drove sports cars. We had some beers with a sweet, drunk Japanese couple who were so excited about beating Germany that they were like teenagers, even though they were both in their forties.

And there were still three days until the next match.

Escaping the heat, we stayed in the next day. We both just hung out, tapping away into our laptops. At about three o’clock, with a game on TV in the background, Lola called me to her room.

“Look at this.”


“Just read the ad. Tell me what you think.”

I looked at the screen.

Adult-themed party at the Grand Doha Hotel. Strict forty-guest limit. All nationalities are welcome, between the ages of twenty and forty. Send a photo and brief bio. The first twenty men and twenty women approved will gain admittance. Absolutely no racial profiling will be countenanced, but we aim for a diverse group of nationalities. Email: [email protected]

“An orgy?” I said.

“Looks like it.”


“No. But yes.”

“Ever been to one?”

“No. You?”


“We…could just send in an application? They probably won’t choose us.”

“And if they do?”

“We can decide on the spur of the moment.”

“We should find out more details. Make sure it’s safe.”

“Of course.”

The next few hours were something like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We waited anxiously to see if we would get our Golden Tickets. Meanwhile, I looked into it. Rumours were flying online that a wealthy sheik had booked a floor of suites for an orgy. The police had been paid off with a vast bribe to look the other way. The chatter online was that it was the real deal.

At nine pm, we were watching the evening game on TV. The laptop was on, but we weren’t looking at it. Suddenly, an email notification popped up. Lola grabbed the laptop.



“You’re not going to believe it. But we’re in! Listen;

Congratulations. You have been chosen to participate in the adult-themed party. Please arrive on the third floor between nine pm and ten thirty. We ask that you arrive well-dressed and with a high standard of personal hygiene. Security will be present to remove people considered drunk or under the influence of alcohol. Contraception is mandatory and will be provided. Management is not responsible for…. Blah blah blah.

“Lola,” I said.


“If I don’t go, I’ll wish I had.”

This was true.


“We’re going, aren’t we?”


That night, I lay awake, too excited to sleep. Who would I meet? What would I see and do? It promised to be a night to remember.

The cab dropped us off at nine forty-five, exactly, outside the Grand Hotel. We had both showered and sprayed on our best perfume. We both had little black numbers on.

“Good evening. How can we help you?” the clerk at the hotel reception asked.

“We’re here for the…event in room 201,” I said, trying to keep a straight face.

“Very good, ma’am. Please take the elevator to the twelfth floor, and you’ll be shown to the event.” The man spoke seriously. I wondered if he knew what was going on up there.

“Thank you!” we chorused.

We arrived on the third floor, and we showed our ID to the doorman. We were ticked off the list and invited into Room 201. Looking around, we saw rooms 202, 203, and 204 were all ajar. We could hear that the party had begun in those rooms. There was certainly sex going on in each of the three, judging by the sounds we could hear emanating from the doors.

We saw that room 201 was a chillout room. There was a buffet of food and glasses of champagne laid out for everyone. There were about ten other people there. They were sipping drinks and chatting. I caught the eye of a woman sitting with a guy. She smiled and I sidled over.

“Hi! Mind if we join you?”

“No, please.”

They were Lyam and Lili, a married couple from France. They’d been at the Australia game and had tickets going forward. Lyam was thin and wirily muscular. His wife was a brunette and had a tattoo on her neck. We bonded over the trials of visiting such an alien culture, but then we agreed that we should get on with what we came for. Perhaps we could start things off as a foursome?

We felt eyes on us as we walked into room 202. There were already people there in full swing. I saw an Asian man screwing a woman from behind. She was leaning on the wall and taking his cock. There were four mattresses on the floor with silk sheets in the room. On one, a man’s bottom was going up and down, and a woman was moaning softly. On another, an Arab-looking woman was giving head to a guy. A third mattress had a fully dressed couple making out. As I watched, he pulled her shirt up, and I saw a pleasantly formed belly with a little puppy fat and a deep navel. One mattress was unoccupied. The four of us stood around it, suddenly nervous.

“Well, we’d better start,” said Lyam. He pulled his jumper off, and then his t-shirt. He was well-built. His chest was firm. His wife ran her hand down it. Lyam helped Lili pull her blouse over her head, and then she unhooked her bra. Lola looked at me. I nodded and turned around so she could unzip my dress. When it was loose, I let it fall and then stepped out of it. I unzipped Lola and giggled when I saw she had come without panties. But she wasn’t embarrassed at all. She stepped towards Lili, who took her hand. Lyam and I watched as they stepped close, hesitated for a second, then kissed.

Lili and Lola snogged. Lyam, and I knew that the door was open for us. My skin was bare, and I wanted hands on it. To not just stand there like a dummy as everyone did around me. I stepped forward, towards him. With practiced ease, he reached behind and undid my bra. Immediately, he fell upon my breasts. He kissed them fiercely, then he took my nipple gently between his teeth. I closed my eyes and felt his hands grip my panties and pull them down.

Lyam continued to kiss my upper torso, and I put my hand on the top of his head, like my ex used to when I’d kneel to blow him. I stepped out of my knickers, and then he slipped two fingers between my legs. I watched Lola push Lili down to the mattress. Lyam’s fingers entered me just as Lili was pulling Lola’s pants off, and I was impressed with her forthrightness as she dived between the stranger’s legs. My friend lay back and let the Frenchwoman lick her pussy.

“We can try that,” Lyam said. I didn’t need to be asked twice.

Ninety seconds later, I was on my back and Lyam was exploring my vagina with his tongue, while his wife administered a similar treatment to Lola next to us. Slightly more than five minutes passed. People were watching us now. There were naked men and women standing over us, urging the pussy lickers on.  

As pleasure mounted in me, I took Lola’s hand, as if we were comforting each other through an unpleasant medical procedure. I gave it a squeeze and then…Lola came. Now, attention shifted to me, but I was feeling the eyes on me, and it was distracting.

“Close your eyes. You have to relax,” Lola whispered. I did, sinking into my own world. Lyam was doing good work. Now, he slipped two fingers in. But I suddenly realized what I needed.

“Give me your dick. Please! Now!” I cried. There was some laughter and applause.

He quickly pulled down his pants and his penis burst out. Average size. Good and hard. Warm in my hand. Nice. I helped him enter me and he began to push in, to thrust up and down and I felt my g-spot come to life…

“Ah! Ah! Si!” I came in full view of the watching public!

Someone called out “Blow him! It’s only fair!”

“I’m happy like this, to be honest!” said Lyam, still pumping, and I laughed. Lyam increased his stroke.

“You happy? Or ready to move on?” he asked a minute later.

It so happened that a guy standing over us caught my eye. He was an Arab by skin tone. Our eyes met. We looked each other up and down. I saw his cock was erect and ready. He grabbed it as soon as we made eye contact.

“It’s been fun. But let’s switch it up!” I said, and Lyam agreed. As he pulled out, I saw his wife being led away by the hand of a burly looking African.

I jumped up to get to know the Arab guy a little better. Moving his hand aside, I grabbed his cock and fondled it. 

“Name?” I asked.

“Ashraf. You?”


“Paulina, would you suck my cock, please?”

I made no reply, except to kneel down and caress the tip of his penis with my tongue. I cupped his balls with my hands. I took Ashraf’s penis into my mouth and began to suck hard.

“Very good. Mmmm…just like that.” I felt his cock press against my inner cheek. It went deep, and I pulled my mouth back firmly, tugging with my lips. Taking a breath, I saw Lyam being mounted by Lola.

“Do I get some?” I asked a few minutes later.

“Yes. I’d like that.”

Ashraf lay on his back. His cock was glistening with my saliva and his pre-cum. I climbed aboard and rocked back and forth. Mmm….lovely. His chest was hairy and his cock was long. Lyam had been good with his tongue, but Ashraf was certainly the more manly. He was turning me on more. Ashraf lasted a good while, enough for me to really go for it. His penis worked magic inside me as I bounced up and down on it. He rubbed my belly and squeezed my nipples to help me along. Another guy, quite naked, moved to stand beside me, inviting me to suck his cock while I rode Ashraf. He was young and skinny. Didn’t look like he got much action, to be honest, so I obliged. I sucked that young man’s cock briefly, but Ashraf frowned and asked me to stop. He wanted my undivided attention.

I gave it to him. Ashraf had me take to my knees, and then, with a surge of energy, he increased his stroke, pounding me hard and it just felt so fucking good. My juices were flowing for sure. Ashraf came inside me with a yell.     

I took a five-minute break and drank a coke. An Asian man, naked as the day he was born, came over and sat beside me. It was amazing, I realized, how quickly all the nudity and upfront sexuality had become unremarkable. Imagine a naked Asian stranger coming to sit next to you in a normal café! But here, it was like

“Nice to meet you! Want to fuck?”

“Sure! And as luck would have it, we’re both undressed already!” and it didn’t feel weird at all.  

His name was Yoshio, Japanese, of course. I’d heard Japanese men were not as well endowed as westerners, but Yoshio lacked nothing in that regard.

“How ready are you?” he asked.

“Ready and waiting,” I said. I stood, turned away from him, and placed my hands on the wall. Yoshio rubbed his cock a little to firm it up, then he slipped easily into me. He began to push into me, gently at first.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” I replied.

“How many guys have you been with today?”

“You’re number three.”

“Tell me about the others. Talk dirty. Describe it.”

 Yoshio pumped me in and out. Turning around, I saw that he had closed his eyes.

“First, a guy ate my pussy. Then, he put his cock inside me. He was French. His cock was the oldest and thickest, but not the longest. I came with my legs up in the air.”

“Ahhhh,” Yoshio moaned.

“In fact, he screwed me while his naked wife ate my friend’s pussy, just to the left of us on the mattress.”


“Then, I met an Arab guy. I sucked his cock really hard.”

“Oh, oh, oh!”

The memories and the dirty talk were inspiring both of us. Yoshio was pumping me properly now, and I was getting rapidly more aroused. Yoshio’s cock was swelling…

“I sucked it, and he ran his fingers through my hair. I sucked his balls and…and then we lay down. I rode his dick, and he fondled my breasts.”

At that, Yoshio reached under me and grabbed a handful of my breasts. He increased his stroke…

“And then he came…he came…he…” My orgasm shook me, and Yoshio felt it, and then his cock shivered inside me and…

“Ahhh! Yes!”

We came together. Yoshio bent over me and held my body close to his briefly, his chest and tummy pressed to my back. Then he pulled out.

“Thank you, Paulina. I came good.”

“Oh no. Thank YOU. Oh, and Yoshio?”


“Congratulations on beating Germany!”

“Japan will win the cup! Yeah!” and he threw his arms up in mock triumph. We both laughed.

Where had Lola gotten to? I looked into two rooms before I found her. In 202, there she was. Lola was engaged in an enthusiastic sixty-nine with a Caucasian guy. I stood a short distance away, leaning on the door frame, just watching out of curiosity. The guy’s cock was big, the biggest I’d seen this evening, in fact, and Lola was getting quite a mouthful. It was hot to see that cock appear and vanish and reappear as Lola dipped her head up and down. It was hot to see the curve of her ass poised delicately above the guy’s head. It was hot to see his tongue strumming on her clit like a bow to a violin.

“You know her?” a deep voice said beside me. I turned. A guy stood beside me. He was naked, of course. He was my height, clean-shaven, and black. His cock hung down like a pendulum.  

“Yes. A good friend.”

“I’m with a friend too. I never thought I’d be watching her have sex. I just watched her being plowed by this big, Australian dude. I’d never so much as seen her in a bikini before today, but there she was, on her knees in her birthday suit, with a big one inside her. I hope our friendship survives it because it’ll be hard to see her the same way again.”

“You came with a girl?”

“Yep. But we’re mates. Just… open-minded.”

 “So I gather.” I couldn’t imagine coming to an event like this with a male friend.

“To be honest, it’s quite new for me. Being with girls. I’ve been in the gay scene since I was a teen, but, lately, I’ve been experimenting as bi.”

This was not a surprise. He did give off a slight but unmistakable whiff of camp in his manner of speaking.

“Really? And how do you find it?”

“I love the way a woman sounds when she’s having sex. The sweet noises and the squealing. I like the feel of a wet pussy on my cock. And a blowjob is a blowjob, whoever is giving it. But, no matter how hard I try, I can’t help wishing there was a cock around to play with and to…stimulate me. I’m starting to think that what I really want is a woman with a cock!”

I laughed.

“I can’t help you with that.”  

“No. But if I found a gentleman to join us, would you be interested in a try?”

I thought for a minute. Looked his body up and down. He was fit. What, I was going to turn prudish now?

“Sure. Go find us someone and we’ll give it a go. I’m going to stay until the end of the show.”

And I nodded to Lola and her beau. The black guy disappeared. The end of the show was not long in coming. Lola came just seconds later. I watched her throw her neck back and, as she came, she reached back and twisted her hair into a ponytail with her fist, which I thought was cute.

Then she got off him and went to work with her hands. She shook that big penis and twisted it and pumped it up and down and then he exploded, and a great fountain of semen shot up onto Lola’s face. It was hot as hell to watch, let me tell you.

I only had one more shag in me that night. I wanted to make sure it was a good one. The black guy returned with another man. This guy had shoulder-length hair and an impressive cock.

“This is Max. From Italy. Would you…?”

“Let’s go.” I shook hands with Max and nodded at the mattress, which Lola and the Australian had vacated.

The two naked strangers made a sandwich of me. Max lay behind me and the hot black guy…

“Hey, what’s your name?” I asked him, as I brought his cock to life with my right hand and kissed him.


“Got a whale for me, Jonah?” I asked.

He laughed, and gently raised my left leg up, parting the lips of my vagina. Jonah entered me and, wasting no time, began thrusting firmly into me.

“Can I try from behind?” Max whispered.

“Try it.”

It took quite some doing. But when I twisted so that I was more on top of Jonah than facing him, we got Max’s cock in too. I realized I’d had more cocks inside me in this one night than I had had in all of my twenty-four years before.

Max was on his side, and he caressed my buttocks and back. Jonah played with my breasts. And me? Their two cocks were like the two piston-driven arms of an old steam train. One moved forward as the other moved back, and then forward then back, and although steam did not actually come out of my pussy, it felt like a hot coal fire was burning inside, and, in five minutes, I was close and then I gave Jonah a big, deep kiss and kissed his neck and his cock increased slightly in speed and then…

I came harder than I ever had before, and I could not stop myself from giving voice to my orgasm. I came so hard that it was as if the gates of paradise had opened for me and all I could do was scream with four or five great gusts of breath that emptied my lungs. There were whoops and cheers of encouragement from across the room. Breathless, I had to lie back for a minute to recover.

We switched positions. I took to my knees and blew Max, while Jonah entered me from behind. We were attracting a crowd by now. Lola was standing above me, grinning. Yoshio stood next to her, tugging at his once again erect cock. Occasionally, people would call out encouraging things like

“Oh yeah, suck that cock!”

“Go on, son!”

“She’s really good. Hope I get a turn.”

I sucked that penis a little too well, it seemed. Or, at least, my pussy had warmed him up too well, for, after just a few minutes, Max came in my mouth to much applause.

Jonah continued pumping me, and it felt like there was room in my pussy, oddly, as if the double penetration had stretched it. But he was enjoying himself, so who was I to complain? Max got up and walked over to him. I turned and saw that Max and Jonah were making out, even as Jonah continued to thrust his cock into my wet pussy.
At this point, I was starting to think about what happened when Jonah finished. I was a bit torn. I’d been fucking with different guys for hours now, and my pussy was a bit sore. I’d just had a fantastic orgasm. I was ready to call it a night. And yet…

Would I regret going home now? Would I ever go to an orgy again, and if not, would I wish I’d had just one more guy while I had the chance? And what’s more, I’d fucked a Caucasian, an Asian, and a Black guy. Were there any other ethnicities about I could tick off the list, while there were so many concentrated in one city?

Jonah was speeding up. I felt his cock in my pussy, and it was as hard as it would get. He was getting into his stride.

“Oh, Christ! Oh yes! Goal! Goal! Goooaaal!” he yelled as he orgasmed in me. I normally like to feel a guy’s cock shake as he comes. But the shout! Goal?! It was so strange that it took my mind off his cock and I couldn’t help but laugh. In fact, I collapsed into helpless giggles right there on the public mattress! I buried my head in my arms and laughed out loud.

Lola and I were given the option of crashing at the hotel, but we decided to head back to our accommodation, as we had tickets for the Germany game the next day. It was nearly five o’clock when we wearily climbed into bed. Both of us slept far into the day.

Spain thrashed Costa Rica, failed to beat Germany, and then we lost to Japan. Thanks to Jorge and Yoshio, I’d had sex with someone from two of the three nationalities in our group, but I never succeeded in bagging a German. In fact, the orgy was the end of my sexual exploits in Qatar. I’d slightly shocked myself, to be honest. It was rather like when you’ve had a particularly wild drunken night and you are so hungover the next day you put the bottle away for a week. You don’t regret it, exactly, but you can hardly carry on like that night after night for long.

On the plane home, Lola and I drank wine and reflected on our experiences.

“I’m very glad we came to the World Cup,” I said.

“Me too. Just one thing I regret.”

“Oh, really? What’s that?” I asked her.

“We never made it beyond the group stage!”

Published 2 years ago

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