“So, you’re Brittany. I’m Heather. Your friend Susan said that you wanted a complete waxing. Do you want a full Brazilian, as well?”
My wife giggled. “Heather, Brittany told me she just wanted her ‘area’ taken care of along her panty line,” she said grinning.
I had no idea what they were talking about, but soon found out. I was led to a room and told to strip naked. Off came the heels, skirt, jacket, camisole, bra, panties, garter, hose, everything.
Heather knocked on the door, handed me a robe to put on, and put all of my clothing carefully in a bag to give to my wife. I could not help noticing how incredibly beautiful she was. Stunning green eyes, really sexy fluffy blonde hair, awesome body, huge breasts, and fantastic legs – this was one hot babe! My thoughts were running on how I really wanted to date this chick and bang her all night long.
She must have read my thoughts, as she gave me this sexy little smile that ran right through me! At that very moment she began to speak, probably wanting to move our date forward, I guessed. “When you walked in here, I couldn’t help to see how sexy your eyes were, and really kissable lips !” she exclaimed.
“Wow, this is moving right where I want it to,” I thought excitedly. ” I’m going to have a really great night with this one, for sure!” I thought.
Her soft feminine hand moved toward my face, I thought she wanted to kiss me right then, which was perfect with me. Caressing my cheek and looking deep into my eyes, her face was then only inches from mine. She slowly started to speak. I was hanging on for her every word.
Leaning even closer, she then spoke, “Like I said, you have really sexy eyes, and super kissable lips. Do you, do you, well…” she hesitated.
My mind was racing. She was really into me, and this one would be great for a night or two! She hesitated again and I really was getting turned on. Should I just kiss her to get the ball rolling. As I thought that was the best track to take, she started to speak and my anticipation of what was next was killing me.
“For having such sexy eyes, and kissable lips, do you use Lancome or Clinique ?”
What did she just ask? What was she talking about? All of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. Reality. It least my NEW reality. “I’m still Steve, and ALWAYS WILL BE, DAMN IT!” I shouted out in my head.
Oh, if my wife had heard this exchange…. Oh would she have LOVED it! Heather then looked at me, wondering why I was speechless. She waited another minute and said, “Oh and I just LOVE your lingerie, very sexy!! It must be Donna Karan, like your lace stockings, I just think they are soooo pretty!” She gushed.
To add even more insult to my injury. ” Just wait till I’m done with you Missy, you’ll be so silky that your boyfriend will be ALL over you!” she cheered.
I was so sad, I wanted to cry. How will I ever live like this for thirteen years? I couldn’t help but wonder how I could get through a day more. Heather took me into another room and for three hours, put warm wax onto legs, arms, chest, and all over, letting it cool, and peeling it off with excruciating pain! This went on for hours. When I thought she was finally done, she told me to lay on my back and spread my legs. She then studied my “zone” looking suspicious.
“See, it looks fake, and everyone will know.” I thought with some aspect of gratitude that I knew I wasn’t a ‘real girl’ in the sense.
Heather then spoke and said, “Wow, I don’t want to get weird here, but you have a beautiful pussy, you know.”
Even more to feel like Steve is not around. She then said, “Sorry for studying you, but I want to get your panty line just perfect here.”
She then applied a sort of masking tape in spots and waxed on the outside areas of the taped line. Pulling off my hair down there hurt more than even the last hours of torture did. She then removed the tape, leaned back smiling and said, “Brittany, you now have an even more perfect and especially sexy pussy. You are going to thrill your boyfriend even more now!”
Would she stop with comments? I was now sort of sore all over, but glad she was finally done!!
She handed me my robe, and asked me to follow her. We went into a room with some tubs of green gooey stuff, and other women soaking in them. She told me to take off my robe and get into one of the vacant tubs. Instinctively, I was embarrassed to get naked in front of a group of women, but then I caught a reflection of myself in a large mirror across the room, and saw that I was just another one of them, not some naked guy to shock and excite them. Getting in the goo, it felt cool, and very relaxing. As I relaxed and soaked, Heather came over to me and said she had just one more task. Tilting my head back, she pulled out a pair of long pair of surgical tweezers.
She leaned forward and said,” We need to clean up and shape those unruly eyebrows of yours, young lady!!”
While I thought my pain was done for the day, piercing my poor ears, stripping my body bare, everywhere… I mean everywhere! Then feeling the pain of pulling out my eyebrows, was more pain than I had ever experienced!
After another hour of plucking and “shaping”, Heather leaned back, and said,”Well, Brittany, you have been really fun to work with, and I’m really glad we got to get acquainted. Here’s my cell number, let’s go out for a drink soon.”
‘Wow, not only am I not going to get a date with this hot chic, she wants me to go out with her as another girlfriend.’ Heather told me I would soak and relax for awhile, and she also washed off all of my makeup and cleansed my face, covering it with cucumbers and a moist cloth.
Two other women came in the room, and as I soaked, they took off my old nail polish on my fingers.
I was awaken by one of the nail women, who politely said my nails were dry and cured, and I should get out and take a shower. She removed the cotton balls and helped me out of the tub. She said I had slept for over two hours and my friend, Susan, had told them to let me rest as I had a big evening planned that night.
“What was she even talking about,” I thought as I stepped into the shower. The water felt soooo nice and warm, my pain was completely gone now. As I washed off the goo, a very strange thing occurred. My skin now was smooth, I mean smooth like the bottom of a baby, smooth. Smooth – the feeling of silk, smooth, everywhere! I could not believe how I felt. The best words I could describe was soft, very very soft, silky smooth soft. I was to wash my face clean of the exfoliant and wash my hair twice and finish with a conditioner rinse.
Doing all of this, I finished, turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. There were two big white towels there on a rack, along with a fresh robe. Drying myself, the sensation of how silky I felt was so much in my thoughts. I could not really believe how smooth I was then. My finger nails did look perfectly shaped and actually looked “nice,” I thought, in a weird way. I dried my hair a bit, and wrapped it into the other towel. Slipping on the robe, again I thought, how soft everything feels to me now. Another woman, Brandi, popped her head in and said I should follow her to get pretty.
“Oh, great, what now,” I thought.
She led me to a chair, and said,”Hightlights, styling, and a sexy evening makeup look is what you have to look forward to, lucky lady. I hear that you have had the works today. Must be one special evening planned, I’ll bet,” she gushed.
‘What are they all talking about? What plans does Susan have for us tonight.’ I had plenty of time to think as Brandi colored, cut, shaped, and dried my hair. She spent an awful lot of time with my makeup, I had never seen so many different tubes, bottles, brushes, containers of colored powders and pencils.
Finally, she stepped back and blurted out, “Wow, wow, wow. Did I ever outdo myself with you, pretty lady!”
“Great, another fabulous part of the primping I get to do,” I thought sarcastically.” Well, just how bad could it be. Spinning around and getting up to look in the mirror, I almost fell back in the chair! My hair was a really amazing honey blonde, and highlights that gave my hair the look and shine of spun gold! My makeup was yet another story. My eyes were so pretty for lack of better words, full, and sparking, and really colorful yet muted. My lips were an amazing shade of light burgundy and glistened like they were wet!
Brandy just smiled at me and said, “Speechless, I’m guessing you LOVE the look.”
Not wanting to hurt her feelings, and in reality she had done amazing work, I said, “Oh Brandi, I just am so amazed by how great you did, just fabulous!” I said that with as much fake enthusiasm as I could muster.
She shook my hand and told me that Susan had gone shopping for me while I was being pampered. She had an outfit in the dressing room for me, and picked out a stunning outfit for me for that night. I still had no idea of what she was talking about.
Getting in the room, I began opening the packages, one by one. There were a silk one piece lace underthing in beige, and beige pantyhose. The shoe box held, what else, stiletto heels in beige, with a little peep hole at the end of the toes. I slipped on the silk one piece, and the hose, and was really amazed at how silky I felt then. Slipping into the heels, they felt quite comfortable, for having a 4 1/2″ heel, as the box said.
On the wall, hanging up was a garment bag. Opening it, I found a very soft silk dress in beige with a little flower print all over it. Slipping it on, what another surprise, it was very short in the front, but the hem was uneven, longer in the back and sort of wavy all around. There was a very thin beige belt and a bag with a group of very thin bracelets, a ring, and a thin necklace, along with a small clutch purse also in beige. I put it all on, and at that moment, I was done with getting myself dressed.
All of a sudden, I had time to see myself. Oh my God, I didn’t just look like a woman, I looked like the softest, most feminine woman that ever walked… or lived! I looked young, but really, really, really hot!
Susan had left me a note saying that I was all paid up, including all of the tips. She said I should walk across the mall to meet her at the West entrance. From there we could the leave to go home. Walking out of the spa, I was so incredibly taken back by how soft and silky I felt. Walking in the silk dress, with silk pantyhose and lingerie on, I felt so different in how I was now. My walk was graceful, my silk hem was tickling my legs as I walked, and my hair was softly blowing in the breeze of the mall air.
There was some construction by the walkway along with several workers. As I walked by, they all whistled, and said what a real fox I was. They said what a hot date I would be for any lucky guy. One guy said I was poetry in motion. For the first time, I felt fine hearing their comments. In reality I was now excited to have men notice me that way. I felt like the most feminine woman in the world! My heels clicked as I gracefully walked across the mall.
Now to the West entrance.