When we first laid eyes on Curtis, the thing we both noticed was that he walked very erect – and when I say that I’m not referring to his posture. He walked up and down the nude beach, meandering, killing time, chatting with people, occasionally wetting his feet in the surf, and the entire time his substantial cock stood rigidly upright at about the one o’clock position, waving back and forth with his stride in a very jaunty and gregarious way.
If it’s possible for a cock to express friendliness and conviviality, his seemed to be doing a marvelous job, and everyone greeted him with a smile and words of welcome. He seemed to be a well-known and popular figure here at the beach, enormously stiff penis and all, but even though we’d been there several times, he and his impressive and persistent erection were new to us.
Perhaps it was his demeanor – relaxed, without a hint of embarrassment or shame about his condition – which put others at ease and took the stigma away from the egregious display of his aroused manhood. Perhaps women just liked his cock.
Whatever the case, people were very accepting of both him and his glorious erection, and he seemed quite popular, women frequently speaking to him or posing alongside (some with one hand wrapped around his engorged girth, or with it poised at their lips or pressed to their tummies or boobs) while husbands, girlfriends, or boyfriends snapped photos.
Once seen, we couldn’t unsee it, nor could we help but follow his progress as he strolled the beach, and when he eventually walked by about ten feet in front of us, he turned and smiled, nodding acknowledgment.
We smiled and nodded in return, and after he’d passed and we were watching his muscular butt move away, Kimberly said, “Wow!”
“Wow? Seriously?”
She laughed. “Oh, come on! You saw it – that’s a very nice cock, don’t you think?”
“I guess I’m not quite the cock connoisseur that you are.”
“Bullshit! Don’t pretend you didn’t notice.”
“Oh, I noticed – I also noticed that you spread your knees apart and gave him a look at your pussy.”
“Matthew! I did not!”
“Yes, Kim, you did.”
“Well… okay, maybe I did, a little. Probably just instinct, but he was giving me a nice look at that magnificent cock; it seemed like it was only fair.”
‘Magnificent’, huh? Jesus! My wife, the cockhound… “Yeah, and you’re horny. Judging by the look on his face and the way he stared, he thought it was more than fair; excellent, if I’m any judge.”
“Thank you! What do you think, maybe nine inches? Thick too!”
“Damn, Kim! Down, girl.” I shook my head. “But yeah, probably about that, I’d guess – remember though, size isn’t everything.”
“True; it was also very, very hard and had that perfect shape, getting extra thick toward the base. Oh, and it also has quite a sexy, handsome stud attached.”
I laughed. “I’m surprised you noticed anything above his waist.”
“No, Matt, I took in the whole package – and, you know, the whole package too. Again, wow!”
“Babe, your inner slut is showing.”
“She does that sometimes – and admit it, you love it when she does.”
“I do. Are you wet?” It was hot, and she had a sexy sheen of sweat between her bare breasts, but the wetness lower down (of which I was quite sure) was due to an entirely different kind of heat. The erect nipples were another clue for a sharp-eyed detective such as myself.
“Yes, dripping. Why are you so hard?”
“Because I knew you’d be dripping.” She was right, I was rock hard, and while my cock would likely never be described as “magnificent”, it was a respectably thick six-plus inches of eager and ready manhood. When Kim was horny and acting slutty it usually responded accordingly and had again. When she reached over and ran her fingers up and down my length it did nothing to soothe the savage beast, and when I gently pinched and tweaked her hard nipples I was not trying to soothe the savage breasts either.
She moaned softly. “Mmm, fuck. So, you’re very horny and I’m about to die here. What are we going to do about that?”
“What would you like to do about that?”
She leaned forward and looked past me down the beach, where the source of her arousal, perhaps twenty yards away, stood talking to another couple. In profile to us, his ongoing genital magnificence was conspicuous, his horn still flamboyantly tumescent.
“Oh-ho, so that’s your solution! I figured you’d love to get your hands on that.”
“Hands, sure… to begin with.”
I laughed again. “You’re usually not quite this, uh, unabashed about things like this. Feeling especially slutty?”
“Is that a problem?”
I shrugged. “Not for me. I enjoy seeing your inner slut from time to time – we’ve played before and it’s always been fun. I’ve just never seen you quite so… eager, I suppose. You’re practically quivering.”
“Something about him works for me, and it’s not just that gorgeous cock. Maybe it’s his confidence and easygoing attitude, his sexuality.”
“Kim, I think I can deal with it. We can go for the gusto if it’s important to you.” It wouldn’t be our first rodeo, and although I’m still jealous every time she writhes, cusses, and moans through one of her boisterous orgasms with another man, it’s always beautiful and arousing to see.
“Thank you… Maybe it’s sort of like you and Lily.”
“I’ve always thought of Lily as being for both of us.”
“Matt, I love her dearly, but she’s more yours, isn’t she?”
“Mmm… I suppose. You think this guy might be your Lily?”
“Maybe. We’ll never know if we don’t try, right?” When I didn’t respond, she continued, “You’re sure that it would be all right with you?”
“I think, maybe… yeah. It wouldn’t be quite the same. I mean, you and Lily are bi, and I’m not. We don’t know if this guy is either, but since I’m not…”
“Matt, Lily is bi. I’m not, except with her. She has a way of making everything seem… exciting. Sensual. Good, maybe natural, even.”
It was true. We’d met Lily on this same beach four years earlier when we were both twenty-seven. She was forty-five at the time, but once I’d seen her, I was addicted. She wore her prematurely silver-grey hair in a long ponytail, and while time and gravity had not completely passed her by, they had treated her gently. She was slim and fit, with fine, smallish breasts and a nice figure, and a proud, almost regal bearing that few would be able to pull off while strolling stark naked on the beach.
I’d been to the beach hut and was headed back to Kim, carrying two cold beers, and when Lily smiled at me as we approached each other I smiled back and said hello. Looking at me expectantly, she stopped and reached up to brush back a loose lock of hair, and when I looked into her gray-green eyes I was undone. There was a sparkle of intelligence and humor and keen self-awareness, but also warmth, a burning sensuality, and an invitation for me to know her fully.
Her perfectly formed forehead was unlined, but she had tiny lines that radiated from the outer corner of each eye and small parentheses that bracketed her full lips, which were turned up in a friendly smile, and like the soft caress that the years had laid on her body like a fine patina, the effect created character, depth, and interest. I somehow knew this was a woman that loved life and lived it to the fullest, and that I desperately wanted her, yet we’d exchanged only a single hello.
She looked at the bottles. “Those look good.”
“They are. Cold too, most importantly. Can I get you one?”
“Oh, I can get it. The issue, however, is that I have no way to carry cash in this outfit.”
I laughed. “That is, unquestionably, its only drawback. Here…” I switched both beers to one hand and gave her the wet cash I’d been clutching against the neck of one bottle. I also had no pockets, of course.
I went on, “Once you get it, please join me and my wife. That’s Kim, right over there.” I indicated her with a nod of my head. “I’m Matt, by the way.”
She stuck her hand out, forcing me to again take both bottles in my left hand. “Lily. I saw you two walking together earlier. Your Kim is quite beautiful. She has such lovely breasts.”
“Thanks. I’ve always thought so. You’ll join us?”
“Of course.” Her eyes dropped to my groin as she studied me with no hint of timidity or embarrassment, but also no sense of disapproval; I’d grown rigidly, throbbingly hard as we’d talked, which surprised and somewhat embarrassed me; although I’m often horny, I usually have at least a modicum of control, which she’d somehow quietly demolished. It didn’t seem to bother her in the least. “Is that in my honor?”
“I think it must be, yes. I’ve never reacted that way so, umm, unexpectedly before… I hope you’re not offended.” I knew I must be blushing crimson.
“On the contrary! It’s quite flattering and quite impressive. Let me get my beer and I’ll come meet your wife, and we can decide if or how we should pursue a resolution to your problem.”
I laughed. “Kim will love that!”
She smiled. “I hope so.”
I’d completed my walk of shame, covering the final twenty yards to our spot with my erection leading the way. It wasn’t terribly unusual to see an erect cock on the beach, and it always drew a lot of eyes, but this time it was my erection; I felt horribly conspicuous, but only because I was.
When I got back to Kim, she was laughing. “You’re red as a beet!”
“Sunburn, I guess.”
“Bullshit! As hard as you are, I’m surprised you have enough blood left to blush.”
“Stop, or I’ll drink your beer.”
“Don’t be embarrassed, you have a great cock. You’re making the girls wet and the guys jealous.”
“You’re not helping, okay?” I handed her a bottle.
She laughed again. “What did she say to you to cause that?”
“Nothing; she was a perfect lady. There was just something about her…”
“Babe, it’s not something I can explain, it just is. She radiates… something. Sensuality, maybe? You’ll see; she going to join us in a minute.”
She did, and I made the introductions, and within fifteen minutes, it was as if we’d known each other all our lives. That had to be Lily’s doing because it wasn’t a skill that Kim or I possessed. I remained hard as stone the whole time we talked, which somehow didn’t surprise me; what did surprise me was that before long, both Kim and Lily were practically vibrating with arousal. Kim had never shown any sexual interest in women before, but Lily had the same effect on her that she’d had on me.
They each managed to sit and move in such a way that they displayed their obvious arousal to each other and to me. Both were wet and puffy, lips swollen, and flushed of face, neck, and chest, and both had erect nipples; my arousal remained flamboyantly, glaringly obvious, but by now had added a steady drip of precum to the display.
Our arousal was contagious and incendiary, and by the time Lily suggested that we vacate the beach in favor of her cottage a couple of blocks away, we were near-frantic with lust, and some of the people nearest to us were also displaying symptoms, feeding off our obvious arousal.
At her cottage, we were all over each other. Kim and I were sexually experienced and enthusiastic, but Lily was an artist, an insatiable, thoughtful, sensual, and marvelously talented lover. She was uninhibited, unabashed, unashamed, and unapologetic, and she took her sex as she gave it, thoroughly and with a deep focus on pleasure for herself and her partner – or, in this case, partners. She was a revelation, and she carried Kim and me along on a wave of eroticism and sensuality that neither of us had experienced before.
She took my first orgasm deep inside her soft heat and then rode my face as she brought my wife off again and again with fingers and tongue. I’d never gone down on a cum-filled pussy before, but there was no thought of doing otherwise; with Lily, it was just a given, a natural thing. Everything with her was sensual and new. It was pleasure in all its forms, and when I saw, heard, felt, and tasted the orgasms she experienced due to my lips and tongue, I felt ashamed that I’d never given that unique pleasure to Kim in the past. It was a valuable addition to my sexual repertoire.
And that’s how it is with Lily. Sure, she’s older than us, but she’s beautiful and brilliant, and I’ve never met a more purely sexual and sensual person. She has other lovers, of course, but I think we’re as special to her as she is to us, and we still see each other at least a couple of times a month, sometimes for a full weekend. I never have less than five or six orgasms each day on those occasions, but for both Kim and Lily, each powerfully multi-orgasmic, that’s known as just getting started. Sometimes I just watch, but my god…
Kim has learned much and become enthusiastically bisexual, but only with Lily. Among so many other things, I’ve learned that when I’m spent and awaiting recovery, there is so much I can still do with them to both give and enjoy sexual pleasure, and I always have the sense that Lily is showing us something new and erotic about ourselves each time. But yes, while I’d always thought of her as being for both of us, for our mutual pleasure as a loving and committed threesome, I had to admit that she was mostly for my pleasure and her own; Kim was along for me, and our pleasure as husband and wife, but not as fully into Lily as I was.
And so, when she expressed her interest in pursuing the guy with the giant beach boner as a possible outlet for her extra-marital sexual interests, I could hardly say no. I didn’t imagine that it could turn into a long-term thing as it had with Lily, but even if it was just a wild night or two, Kim certainly had earned the right.
Besides, as I said, I’ve been with her in more than one threesome with another guy before, and, despite my jealousy, I’d found it intensely arousing and fascinating to see how she reacts and to see her orgasms with another man. I’d also discovered that I was a huge fan of immediate sloppy seconds, eager to experience her warm, fluid sheath even as he slid out, his cum warm and glistening white as it spilled from my wife and I slipped into her.
I find her beautiful and sexy and I love watching her come, so I was pretty much open to the opportunity the beach guy presented… despite the size and apparent endurance capabilities of his (according to Kim) “magnificent” cock. I was a little jealous, of course, but that’s part of it, and I had to suppress a bit of insecurity and penis envy, but I know I’m more than adequate, which helps. I don’t know how truly under-endowed, tiny-dicked guys cope, because, much as I wanted to see Kim enjoy that big cock, even I didn’t find the prospect of her enjoying his significantly larger endowment easy to embrace.
Still, with my (at least superficially) eager acquiescence, when he strolled back down our way, Kim stood up, brushed the sand off herself, and stepped out to meet him. He stopped and smiled at her, turning to meet her as she approached.
I had to admit she looked great, the sun gleaming off her long hair, her full breasts swaying slightly as she walked and her nipples hard, her ass high and firm and her long legs reaching from that perfect ass all the way to the ground. Her neck and chest were flushed, which I knew was not just from the sun, and her labia were wet and pink and puffy, protruding slightly. He offered his hand and they shook, making introductions as they did so.
Even if Kim hadn’t expressed her interest in him, I’d have known now; she stood very close to him, something she unconsciously does with men she finds sexually attractive, in this case so close that his erect cock was within a fraction of an inch of brushing her tummy, or the underside of her breasts. In fact, as they exchanged a few pleasantries, she made very sure that it touched, and I knew they were both hyper-aware of it.
I’d been erect before he’d come back, Kim’s arousal contagious, and watching her moves as she broadcast her interest, in effect seducing him, made me throb with arousal. When she led him the few feet to introduce him to me I was at least as hard as he was.
“Matt, this is Curtis; Curtis, my husband, Matt.”
He told us to call him Curt as I reached up and shook hands with him; he towered over where I sat, his massively engorged sex just about my eye level. Until now, I hadn’t realized that he was smooth as a baby’s behind, and I had the random thought that if there was a demand for penis models he could have made a handsome living at it.
He was tan, good-looking, good-sized, and quite fit, and his cock was genuinely flawless, even from my less-than-enthusiastic perspective. The size, thickness, rigidity, and veined contours of it were as impressive and perfect as could be, and together with the heavy and well-formed pair of testicles suspended in the smooth sack beneath it made an incredibly virile and masculine statement. I had to admit, if I was Kim – or most any other heterosexual woman – I’d have probably been as curious, aroused, and eager as my wife was.
He sat with us, Kim in the middle, as we got to know each other. She was intentionally touching each of us, and I could feel the heat radiating from her body; I thought she must be almost quivering with arousal. Equally aroused, his erect cock stretched up well past his navel as he sat, his erection showing no sign of abating.
When she turned to look at me all I could see was her arousal, her pupils dilated even in the bright sunlight and her lips puffy, full, and shiny as she kept licking them; everything her body could do to display her interest and sexual arousal was on full display, like an animal in heat, and I knew he was picking it up as much as I was.
It didn’t take her too long to get down to brass tacks. “Curt, how do you stay hard like that?”
He laughed. “I thought you’d never ask. I’m priapic, very much so. Been that way for years though, so I’m pretty used to it.”
“But we’ve been here over an hour, and you’ve been like that the whole time. Does it hurt?”
He shook his head. “No… well, sometimes, if I go too long without relieving it. It’s a medical condition, but I know how to manage it.”
She frowned. “So, do you… masturbate? A lot?”
He smiled. “Sometimes, as needed. I prefer to find other solutions that aren’t quite so, uh, self-involved, if you get my drift. Sometimes a little ice or a cold shower does it too. Occasionally, it will let up for a while on its own.”
Kim nodded. “Well, I guess that’s good, and you know how to deal with it.”
“Not that I’d ever turn down a helping hand or, well… you know. But yeah, it always comes back, usually in just a few minutes.”
“Really? Wow!”
I could almost see the wheels in Kim’s mind turning with the possibilities, and I laughed. “Down, girl! She’s very fascinated with that possibility. So, Curt, you don’t take anything for it, nothing like that?”
“Nope, nothing to cause it.” He laughed. “The boner pill industry will not be getting any of my money. There is a surgery they could have done to stop it when the limp dick drugs didn’t work, but either might have left me permanently impotent, which seemed worse.”
“Yeah, for sure! You don’t seem very, um, self-conscious about it, I gotta say.”
He shrugged. “You get used to it – plus, I’m a terrible exhibitionist.”
Kim interjected, “On the contrary, I think you’re an excellent exhibitionist!” She blushed crimson as we laughed at her words, but she was grinning too. “Well, you are! You’re sexy and you have a beautiful cock. I’d guess any woman would be glad to help you with your, uh… problem.”
He was still chuckling. “That’s often true – and I also suffer from satyriasis, so it’s like the planets all aligned on my assortment of complementary pathologies.”
She said, “Satyriasis…?”
I answered her. “It’s like the male version of nymphomania, although I’m not sure either term is popular right now.”
“How would you know?”
I shrugged. “I dunno, guess I must have read about it somewhere.”
“Your husband is right. I can never get enough sex, either for my physical condition or my emotional one. I love it and crave it all the time. Experts call it sexual addiction now, but I prefer the satyr image. Addictions are bad, right, all the negative connotations? Good old mythical sex is amazing.”
Kim was biting her lower lip, but she laughed. “Yes, it is, and a human satyr? Mmm, I like that idea!”
He reached over and took her hand, then placed it on his erection. She moaned softly as she closed her hand on him, her fingers not fully encircling his girth, and slowly began to stroke his cock. I glanced around quickly, but nobody was nearby or seemed to pay any attention to us. Kim, getting into it, turned her body toward him and cupped his heavy scrotum with her free hand.
When she moaned another low, “Mmmm…” I knew she wasn’t planning to stop. I knew she loved that feeling, one hand wrapped around a hard cock while the other held and fondled a warm, heavy sack of nuts. She does it to me often, and I enjoy it as much as she does. Often, it would lead to a round of vigorous lovemaking; other times she merely wanted to tease me and watch me come, knowing I’d return the favor.
He was sitting with his legs splayed out in front of him, and when Kim moved between his thighs and hooked her legs over his it positioned her to easily continue to stroke him but also opened and displayed her pussy to him. She was wet and glistening, her labia pink and puffy with arousal and her prominent clit jutting, hard and eager. She was so aroused that her juices were dribbling from her pussy and down her ass.
With her legs hooked over his, she was close enough that she could push his cock down and rub its tip on her hard clit or between her puffy lips if she chose, or she could even move forward and up and straddle him to take it inside of her. I knew she was aware of those things too, but she did neither, continuing to give him a slow, sensual hand job instead.
He watched her hand move on him for several seconds, then reached forward and stroked her pussy, his fingers on her aroused sex causing her to shudder. When he made circles on her clit with his thumb she shuddered again, adding a long moan, and when he slowly pushed two fingers into her she groaned and came, her hips thrusting forward for more.
I sat there and watched, throbbing, precum leaking copiously from me and running down my shaft to drip from my balls to the sand below. I felt like there was an electrical current running through me, almost vibrating because my arousal was so strong, and while I’d felt that before during intensely erotic moments, this felt stronger. I felt almost like I was on the edge of an orgasm myself, although nobody had touched me.
His fingers inside of her were making wet, squelching sounds, and when she said, “God, yes, right there! Ohhh, fuck…” I knew he had found her G-spot, and he made her come again, his thumb on her clit and fingers stroking the front wall of her pussy forcing her to climax. She struggled to be quiet, mostly succeeding, but I knew she wanted to scream out her pleasure.
Curt lost it at that point, my wife still stroking him, and her sounds, the sensation of her sex tightening on his fingers, the scent of her and the beauty of her climax pushing him too far, and he said, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum…”
Kim skillfully shifted her grip on his balls, moving two fingers behind his sack to stroke his taint and tickle his asshole, and he came. His first huge spurt splattered onto her lips, chin, neck, and shoulder, leaving trails of gleaming white. She directed the next two onto her breasts, creaming them beautifully, and the several smaller gushes which followed painted her tummy, thighs, and pussy with his semen, all in all, an enormously wet and productive display of male virility.
As I stared, I realized I was going to come too, one way or another, so I rose to my knees and grabbed my cock, moving to where I could pump my load onto my wife as well. It took only a couple of strokes, my arousal already so intense, before I was spraying my contribution across the streaks of his, finishing the job of covering Kim with our cum. It was almost painfully intense, every muscle in my body tensed as I pumped and flexed and spurted, watching my massive load shoot out of me and splash onto her,
Kim was staring at my cock as I came, a small smile on her lips, and Curtis was watching both of us, his cock and balls still in my wife’s hands as I came, a stream of semen leaking from him and running down across her fingers. I continued to squeeze and stroke my cock long after I’d stopped spurting, the spasms and contractions of orgasm continuing inside of me as I dry-pumped. It had been one of my strongest orgasms ever, and it didn’t seem to want to end – which was okay, since I didn’t want it to either!
As it eventually slowly abated, I remembered where we were and looked around. We’d drawn a small circle of spectators – not unusual, and Kim and I had joined such a circle on a couple of prior occasions – and several of the male onlookers were sporting erections of their own, a few of them masturbating as they watched.
One woman was also casually touching herself, one hand at her sex, fingers working on her clit while the other strummed one of her dark, hard nipples and another was stroking the man next to her, presumably her husband. As I looked, one guy spurted happily onto the sand in front of him, his cock leaping with each spurt, his orgasm eventually ending with white cream streaming down the length of his slender shaft, each drop suspending from his balls on a glistening thread before dropping to the ground.
Curt had barely begun to lose his erection, his cock softening just enough to droop and be slightly bendy, when Kim leaned forward and took the head of it in her mouth, sucking the last of his cum from it. While nudity was acceptable, open sex on this beach was technically frowned upon but the laws against it were rarely enforced; as long as it didn’t turn into an all-out orgy we’d probably be okay, but Kim, covered in cum and sucking his cock as others watched might draw the wrong kind of attention.
I touched Kim’s shoulder and she let his cock slip from her mouth, turning to look at me. She seemed surprised and embarrassed to see that we had an audience, but she laughed as we received a smattering of applause, the circle of onlookers beginning to disperse. I helped my wife to her feet, and she moved into my arms for a hug and a cum-slick kiss, pushing her semen-flavored tongue into my mouth as I remembered too late that her entire front was also cum-slick; but hell, at least it was warm!
She held on and rubbed herself against me, sharing the spermy wealth and grinning because she could feel me trying to pull away, but afterward we all went in the water for a little while, swimming and letting the waves wash away the sticky, slippery traces of our escapade. By the time we emerged, he was rock-hard and upright again, and Kim suggested that we take our adventure to the small motel that sat above the cliff, just across the highway from the beach parking lot.
The rest of the day and the night that followed turned into quite a marathon sex session, wearing out everyone except our new well-endowed and seemingly indefatigable friend. We repeated the experience – with variations – several times in the next few weeks. Suffice it to say that my wife had now found her fantasy lover, her male version of my Lily!
Speaking of which, later on, we also brought Lily into the equation for some multi-player games – it turned out that the two of them already knew each other, naturally – but that might provide good fodder for other stories. Perhaps I’ll write them someday…