My Wife Unaware She Was Visible to the Public While Taking a Shower

"My Wife Unaware She Was Visible to the Public While Taking a Shower"

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I have a very sexy and beautiful wife named Ava. She is of Asian descent and looks like a Pacific Islander with golden brown skin and long, jet-black hair in a very toned body. I often see guys checking her out when we are around town. She has long, beautiful, slender but strong legs also. I am always trying to get her to wear sexy clothes like miniskirts or very low-cut blouses but she always tries to stay looking sophisticated and not slutty.   She is aware that I am always trying to show her off and get her to be an exhibitionist but she will never be that. Occasionally, I will try to leave the blinds open in our bedroom or something like that so that maybe someone could see her undress or something like that but she always seems to catch me and close the blinds.

When my wife and I moved to Arizona we decided to rent an apartment for a few months until we were able to locate a house that we would like to buy. The apartment that we were given was on the ground floor and it had what appeared to be a normal layout. There were two bedrooms and two bathrooms and a living room. The master bedroom had a small bathroom attached to it with a stand-up shower. Being that this apartment was on the ground floor and it was on the end of the building where the main sidewalk to the apartment complex was, I tried to see if any of the windows could possibly be seen through from the outside easily if the blinds were cracked open.

In the master bedroom, there were two windows on the wall facing the sidewalk on either side of the headboard above the nightstands. They were both about three feet tall and two feet wide and had vertical blinds. One of the first days that we were there I left the blinds cracked open a little so that someone walking past could possibly see into the bedroom, but not soon after Ava noticed and closed them and knew that I had deliberately left them open slightly so that some guy could possibly watch her undress.

Over the next few days, I had made a few friends with some of the guys that were neighbors with us and they all had inquired about Ava and what her nationality was. I told them and asked them why and they said that she was very pretty and sexy and that I was a lucky guy. They would occasionally hang out in the picnic area near the end of the apartment complex which was also near the windows of our bedroom.

So, one day I had an idea to simply open the blinds of the bedroom window which was right next to the door to the bathroom, and possibly catch Ava coming out of the bathroom after her shower without realizing the blinds were open. I thought maybe I’ll get lucky and she won’t even notice the blinds were open while she got dressed from her towel to her clothes. So, when she went in to take a shower I opened the blinds and then went outside just to see how it would look if someone were walking by the sidewalk and that’s when I noticed the perfect layout of the apartment.

As it turned out, with the bedroom window vertical blinds open on the window closest to the bathroom door and if the bathroom door was halfway open, anyone outside on the sidewalk could clearly see through the bedroom and into the bathroom with a direct view of Ava in the shower.  To paint the picture, the shower had a clear glass door. I could clearly see her naked body in the distance about eight to ten feet away. She was shampooing her hair and completely unaware that she was in full view of anyone on the sidewalk outside of our bedroom.

I got really excited about this as this was probably the first time in a long time that someone other than me and her doctor might see her naked. I went back in the apartment and closed the blinds and waited for the next night when Ava would shower and how I could possibly get the guys from the apartment that I made friends with, who had made comments about Ava to possibly see her take a shower without actually telling them to come to look at her in the shower. So, my plan was to make a sitting area outside the apartment by the sidewalk which actually looked pretty normal with two outdoor patio chairs and a small table.

So the next night when Ava went to take a shower I went into the bathroom pretending to get something and then left the door of the bathroom open on the way out and then opened the blinds in the bedroom and then went outside and sat in the patio chair. I sat there and watched Ava take her shower for at least fifteen minutes. It was an incredibly clear view of her lathering herself up and rinsing off and washing her hair. Unfortunately, none of the other guys were out at night.

Before Ava finished her shower I went and closed the blinds so that she was unaware. I did the same routine for a few nights and then one night finally one of my friends came over and sat down to chat and as soon as he looked around he immediately jumped up and said, “Holy shit, I can see your wife in the shower.”

I said, “Yeah, I know isn’t that awesome.”

He couldn’t believe that he was watching her in the shower naked and that I was okay with it. I told him that I was fine with it because she is so beautiful and sexy. I also told him that chances are if I was sitting out in the chair in the evening, it would be because Ava is in the shower.

After we were done watching Ava for a few minutes I told him I better go back in and close the blinds and so I did. The next night the same routine happened but this time my buddy wasn’t alone. He had told some of the other guys in the apartment and sure enough, as soon as they saw me come out and sit down, they came over. Now there were a total of four of us. The two new guys couldn’t believe that they were able to just watch Ava take a shower from about ten feet away.

It was the best night ever to watch her because she did everything you could imagine in the shower. The first thing she did was wash her long black hair with shampoo and then with conditioner. Then she got her razor out, put one foot up on the bench, and shaved all of the hair around her pussy lips leaving a small patch on top. As if that was not enough, she then soaped up her body from head to toe and then rinsed it off. As I thought it might be time for me to get back inside and close the blinds, I saw her take down her douche bag and fill it up. We all watched as she put one foot up on the bench and slid the douche wand up inside herself. She then squeezed the bag of water and water came out of her. She repeated that process one more time as we watched. After that, I told the guys that I definitely had to go back inside and close the blinds before she was done. Kudos to whoever designed the layout of that apartment.

Published 4 years ago

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