I was filled with terror as my mistresses drove me home in the light of day. I was definitely not used to wearing female clothing, and I was so relieved when the garage door closed behind us. Beads of sweat had collected on my forehead by the time I got out of the backseat of Brenda’s car.
“What’s the matter, Mandy?” Sherry noticed my nervousness.
“I was freaking out cuz the neighbors might have seen me dressed like this.”
“Don’t worry, Mandy,” she assured me. “It’s our responsibility to protect you. Brenda’s car has tinted windows. No one can see you in the back seat, where a sissy’s supposed to sit.
“The only ones who’ll know about your sissy side will be me and Brenda. As far as everyone else is concerned, we’ll make it look like nothing has changed, even though everything has changed.”
“Come inside, Mandy,” Sherry said with a troubling look. “Let’s relax a little bit before we have to tell you some things.”
I knew something was up after we’d been in the living room a good while, with Brenda and Sherry hardly saying a word.
I was still on my sissy high and feeling pretty good, so I thought I’d try breaking the ice with a generic question, which turned out to be not so generic.
“How was your trip to Tahoe?” I innocently asked.
“We didn’t go to Tahoe,” Brenda said with a shaky voice.
“Wait… what…?”
“Mandy,” Sherry nervously spoke, “I might as well just come out and tell you. There’s no easy way to say this, but Brenda and I are in love, and have been for quite some time. I’m still very much in love with you, however, but it’s not the same as it was before.”
“So are you trying to tell me you want a divorce?”
“No,” her eyes became watery, “I don’t want that at all.”
“Then what do you want?” I needed answers. “Brenda’s been over here a lot since I caught you two in bed. You’re obviously liking sex with her more than me, so it’s really no surprise that you’re in love with her. What am I supposed to think?”
“Well, first off,” she took a deep breath, “you didn’t catch us in bed, we let you catch us. We’d fallen in love a couple weeks before that, and I had to figure out a way to tell you.
“I know it was a hurtful way for you to find out about it, but at the time, we thought letting you catch us in bed was the best way to show you what we were into, and also give you the opportunity to join us, which you did.
“And yes, I much prefer sex with Brenda. For me, our sex life sucked until we started doing strap-on sex. The best sex we’ve ever had has been with the strap-on, and I think you like it as much as I do.
“I get it,” I kinda chuckled, “you like my ass more than my cock.”
“Well, now that you’ve experienced black dick, it should be pretty obvious to you that you’re severely lacking in the penis department. It’s not your fault, but you have to understand, sometimes I need about six inches more than what God gave you.
“So here’s the deal… Brenda’s moving in, or I’m moving out. We’re going to live together no matter what, but if we can work it out, we’d like you to live with us. I lied about going to Tahoe. We were actually fixing up the spare bedroom.”
“So Brenda’s moving into the spare bedroom?”
“No, Mandy, you don’t understand. We fixed up the spare bedroom for you. Brenda’s going to be sleeping with me. You’re moving into the spare bedroom.”
“You mean I can’t sleep with you anymore?”
“No, not quite like that. You’ll sleep with us on your pussy rewards nights. And the other nights, well, at first I’ll only be sleeping with Brenda. But that could change, Mandy, that could change.”
“Shit, what choice do I have?”
“You have two choices, actually. Accept these changes, or divorce me. I wouldn’t blame you if you did, and I won’t hold your sissy video or the pictures on Brenda’s phone against you. We won’t ever let anyone know about what you did. We’d never do that to you.”
“Then why did you leave me alone at the motel Friday night? Why did you convince me to stay there all by myself yesterday?”
“Because I wanted you to experience it without us around. I wanted you to be by yourself, to discover on your own, what we already knew. You like dick, Mandy, and don’t say you don’t. Thad told us how you got into it with him.”
“Oh, God…” I blushed.
“You loved it, didn’t you? Don’t lie to me. I see your face all lit up when I mentioned Thad’s name.”
“Okay, I liked it, maybe even loved it. I should be really pissed at you, but strangely, I’m not. I’m kinda embarrassed to admit this, but I did love cumming that way. I for sure didn’t feel like a woman, but I felt something come alive in me.”
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Brenda pointed out. “You had a sissy orgasm, Mandy. Sissies cum like that when they get ass-fucked. It’s the only way sissies can really even cum.
“Your sissy side is what you felt coming alive, because that’s what you are, a sissy. But you’re not a fucking little cunt kind of sissy. You’re a sweet, sensitive, lovable sissy.
“There’s nothing wrong with being a sissy, nothing at all. We both saw the sissy in you when you adapted to the strap-on so well. That gave you away, as far as we were concerned. That’s why we arranged for you to experience some real dick. You took to those big cocks like a true sissy, Mandy, you really did.”
“Sherry and I have been into black dick for a while, so we know how big Thad is. It’s easy to love a cock like that, and it sounds like you did.”
“You’ve been in bed with Thad?”
“We both have,” Sherry admitted. “Together, at the same time.”
“Shit,” I sighed, “my little dick can’t compete with a monster like that.”
“We’re not asking you to compete with them,” Sherry said. “We’re asking you to accept your proper place in this fun game we play. Sissies can have a lot of fun when they know where they fit in.”
“Come over here, Mandy,” Brenda gestured with her finger.
She was getting her keys out of her purse as I timidly went over to the chair where she was sitting.
“I wasn’t planning on doing this till tomorrow night,” she said, lifting the front of my dress, “but you deserve to be let out early.”
To my surprise, she was holding the key to my cage, instead of Sherry. I’d find out later that they each hold a key to my cage. She smiled at me as she unlocked it and freed my cock. She then stood up and gave me such a warm, loving hug, I nearly had an orgasm right then.
“We’ve given you a lot to think about,” she calmly said. “Sherry and I already know where we’re going with this. It’s up to you whether or not you want to come along with us. How about you give yourself some time to think about everything, before you make any hasty decisions?
“I know I’ve acted like a bitch to you at times. I’m sorry about that, and I’d like to make it up to you, if you’ll let me.”
Just then I feel Sherry’s arms around me from behind. “I’ve been a bitch too, sweetheart,” she tells me. “Will you let us take you to bed and show you how we really feel about you?”
Shit, how could I say no to that? I’d been caged for three weeks, with three weeks’ worth of cum built up in my balls. I had two women asking me if they can take me to bed. Hell yeah! Of course, I said yes.
Sherry then said to Brenda, “I think we need to change our sissy back to a man. I don’t think she’ll want to wear her tits to work tomorrow.”
We all started laughing, and that’s just what we needed to break up the tension we’d all been feeling. When Sherry referred to me as ‘our sissy’, somehow I didn’t mind thinking of myself that way.
I felt strangely subservient to them when they took me into the bathroom to remove the breast forms. They left me alone to take a shower and wash off what was left of my makeup, and said to meet them in my new bedroom when I was finished.
By myself in the shower, I was amazed at how sensuous a bar of soap could feel as I ran it over my hairless skin. I was discovering a whole new side of myself, and I was kinda liking it.
I stared at myself in the mirror as I dried myself off, but it was not Mark looking back. The person looking back at me was Mandy, the sissy Sherry and Brenda had created. Even without the wig, she looked happy, pretty, and quite sexy.
‘Can this possibly be me?’ I asked myself. ‘Is this who I am now?’
I pondered these questions for a few minutes, until I realized I was tired as hell from being fucked all weekend. I’d been through so much, that I really couldn’t think straight. I decided to take Brenda’s advice and give myself some time to let everything settle in my confused brain.
When I opened the bathroom door, I saw the skirt Sherry was wearing laying on the floor. A few steps past that was Brenda’s denim skirt. Then I saw Sherry’s blouse followed by Brenda’s sweater. The trail of clothing lead me to both girls’ bras laying side-by-side, and at the door of my new bedroom, they had laid their panties out for me to see.
I snuck up to the bedroom door and peeked my head inside to see them passionately kissing each other. The site of their naked bodies in the flickering candlelight made my dick quiver the instant I saw them. They were unaware of my presence as I quietly stood there watching.
The way they were kissing, it was quite evident that they were clearly in love. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel any hostility or jealousy towards Brenda for the way she was stealing my wife away from me. Quite honestly, Sherry looked happier with Brenda than she’d been with me the past couple of years.
“You two look like you’re really in love,” I said as I slowly walked into the dimly lit room.
“Hi, sissy-doll,” Sherry softly said to me.
“Come here, Mandy, you sweet little sissy,” Brenda followed. “Come here and let your mistresses show you how much we love having a cute little sissy like you.”
I was completely beside myself and overwhelmed by their kindness, especially from Brenda. I couldn’t see much in the candle-lit room, but it felt very romantic with fragrant perfumes filling the air and the flickering candlelight dancing on our bodies.
As I approached them, they held out their hands to help me onto the bed. The covers were pushed to the foot of the bed, and I remember the luxurious feeling of satin sheets on my smooth skin as they laid me down between them.
“I love you,” Sherry whispered as she bent down to kiss me.
“I love you, too,” Brenda kissed me as well.
Sherry then took my head and held it in her arm as she kissed me with a passion I’d not felt from her since the first year of our marriage. At the same time, Brenda was kissing between my flat tits, and then sucked each nipple into her mouth and made them tingle.
I ran my fingers through her soft hair and took a breast into my hand. She gently pushed my hand away and whispered in my ear, “Lie still, little sissy. Your pussy rewards night is tomorrow. You can make love to us all you want then.
“Tonight is our night to make love to you. We’ll make Sunday nights sissy appreciation night. Just lie still and let us take you to heaven. This is what you can expect if you decide to become our sissy.”
I was a little puzzled when she said ‘if I decide’ to become their sissy. I thought I already was. I started to say something, but Sherry put her finger over my lips to hush me.
Brenda continued kissing her way towards my cock as Sherry’s tongue played in my mouth. I felt totally under their control, and I wouldn’t have wanted it any different in that moment.
Brenda got up and told me they’d bought me a few special new toys over the weekend. I couldn’t see anything, of course, Sherry was smothering me with sweet kisses. When Brenda returned she caressed my inner thighs and gently spread my legs apart.
I felt her lubed finger pressing into me, bringing quiet moans from somewhere deep inside me. “Open your sissy-puss for me, Mandy,” Brenda whispered in the most romantic tone I’d ever heard from her, “I have something very nice for you.”
Like a tamed little kitten, I let her raise my knees and push a small butt plug into me. The diameter of the plug was just right to give me soothing pleasure and little tingles around my ring, with the absence of any pain. It helped me feel more comfortable about being a sissy.
I’d been caged for three weeks, and after all I’d been through since Friday, let’s just say that my physical needs were pretty well backed up. It didn’t take Brenda more than two or three licks to get me harder than I’ve ever been and ready to blow my load.
“Look how fast you’re little clitty got hard,” she giggled at me.
“I know, my cock feels amazing. I got so horny doing all those guys and not being able to cum.”
“That’s what turns sissies on,” Brenda told me. “Sissies love giving pleasure more than receiving pleasure themselves. That’s what the cage does for you. And it’s not a cock… it’s a clitty.”
She kissed the tip of my clitty, and swirled her tongue around the head a few times. “Feel how sensitive you are after being caged?”
Sensitive was an understatement. My cock had never felt like this before. The way Brenda was fluttering her tongue around my head, it really did feel more like a clit than a cock. Her tongue was wrapping itself around my head when Sherry got involved and sucked my balls into her mouth.
I was moaning and squirming with both of their tongues working me over. I’d never felt sensations like that in my wildest dreams, and they never once touched my shaft. Everything they did was on my head and my balls, and brought me to the edge of orgasm at least three or four times before I finally came.
It was probably the best orgasm I’d ever had up to that point. My cum shot halfway up my stomach and I just closed my eyes as Sherry and Brenda licked it all off me and swallowed every drop.
They both then covered me with kisses, but I was so tired and exhausted from all the sex I’d had all weekend, I quickly fell asleep with their arms around me.
I slept like a baby that night, and woke up like a girl… errr… I mean… sissy. Being exposed to so many well-hung studs over the weekend had convinced me that sexually, I didn’t measure up as a man. I realized I was somewhere in between a male and female. I was a sissy.
The silky-soft sheets felt so good on my smooth, naked skin. I opened my eyes to the feminine color of pink, and the feminine-perfumed air in my new bedroom excited my senses. The butt plug Brenda had inserted into me the night before made my ass feel full and wonderful.
I was pleasantly interrupted when Sherry walked into my bedroom, looking so hot and sexy in her see-through nightie.
“Morning, Mandy,” she softly said as she got in bed with me. “did you sleep well?”
“I must have been really tired,” I yawned, “I don’t even remember going to sleep.”
“All that sissy-sex you had over the weekend wore you out. You needed a good night’s sleep. Tonight you’ll be sleeping with Brenda and me. We’re looking forward to giving you our pussies to use any way you want.”
“Mmmmm… I’ll be thinking about it all day.”
“So will we, sweetheart. It’s getting a little late. You better get up and go back to being Mark. Monday morning reality is upon us.”
“Where’s Brenda?”
“She goes to work earlier than you. We’ll have every morning to ourselves. Maybe we’ll play around in bed sometimes, like we used to.”
“I’d like that… I need to get this plug out of my ass.”
“It’s not in your ass, silly,” she giggled. “You’re not a virgin anymore, Mandy, so you know what it’s used for now. From now on you’ll refer to it as your sissy-puss.
“You’ll be sleeping with your plug every night. Either Brenda or I will take it out for you in the morning. You’re not allowed to take it out yourself.”
“What if it falls out on its own?”
“It won’t. It’s designed to stay put, no matter what you do. We’re gonna keep you plugged until you’ve adjusted to your new reality. Now, into the shower you go, while I fix your breakfast. You don’t want to be late for work.”
The plug felt wonderful when I woke up, but when I got up, it felt like a foreign object was stuck up my butt. I awkwardly walked into the bathroom to shower, wondering how long I’d be ‘adjusting’ to my new reality.
“Sherry..?” I called out from their bedroom after my shower. “Where”d you put my underwear? They were in this drawer Friday morning.”
Sherry came into the bedroom, her tits bouncing so beautifully under the sheer fabric of her nightie, “You’ll find your underwear in the top dresser drawer in your new bedroom.
“We’ll keep Mark’s clothes in this bedroom, for appearance’s sake. You know, like when our parents come over. All your girly things will be kept in your sissy room with some of Brenda’s clothes, so it looks like it’s Brenda’s room.”
She followed me into my ‘sissy’ room, and made me get on my hands and knees before she’d take the plug out of my ass, whoops… I mean… sissy-puss.
She stayed with me while I went to get my underwear out of the drawer.
“There’s only panties in here!” I complained.
“That’s right. You’ll be wearing panties from now on. That way, wherever you are, your panties will always remind you of what you are, a cute little sissy.”
“But what if someone sees them?”
“Are you planning on flashing your girly panties to everyone at work?” she asked sarcastically.
“No, of course not, it’s just that…”
“Then hush about it,” she abruptly cut me off.
“If I hear any more whining out you,” she holds up my butt plug, “I’ll make you wear this up your sissy-puss! Every day, all day long. Am I clear?”
“Yes, Sherry. I’ll wear panties,” I pouted.
“Thanks, Mandy. I know how different everything feels to you right now, but trust me, you’ll grow to love this exciting lifestyle.”
“More exciting for you, than for me.”
“Mark!” she scolded, “ever since we found out we can’t have kids together, our sex life has been pure shit, and our marriage has become one boring, piece-of-shit existence. If you want to stay married to me, help me make it exciting for both of us. I love you, Mark. I don’t want to leave you, but you’re gonna have to work with me.”
I grumbled all the way to work that morning. It was humiliating having to wear fucking panties from now on. I felt embarrassed as hell walking around the office until I realized no one else even had a clue what I was wearing.
Sherry was right again. As the day wore on, I forgot I was even wearing them, except for when my mind would drift off, thinking about how I’d been fucked so many times over the weekend. My panties were my secret reminder of what I’d become, an admitted sissy.
My cock got hard several times during the day. Since I wasn’t caged, I almost slipped into a toilet stall to jack off, but the thought of fucking Brenda tonight made me want to save all my cum for her.
If I had enough left for Sherry, that would just be icing on the cake. It was Brenda I wanted tonight. That bitch had stolen my wife, and me fucking her brains loose would be my revenge. A partial payment of the debt I felt she owed me.
If I’d stopped to actually analyze my thoughts, I might have realized how ridiculous my whole premise was. Brenda and Sherry are into black dick… big black dick. Like I was somehow gonna walk in there with my sub-five-inch twig and ‘punish’ this bitch? I know what you’re thinking… ‘Who does this stupid sissy think she is?’
I walked into the house that night, determined to have my way with the bitch who now sleeps with my wife. Sherry and Brenda were in their bedroom, and heard me when I came in.
“We’re back here in our bedroom, Mandy,” Sherry shouted out, “Come join us.”
I felt like a stud when I walked in and saw them all laid out on the bed for me in the sexiest baby doll nighties over their skimpy bras and panties. These two bitches were mine, all mine! Macho-Man Mark stuck his chest out, ready to pound his fists and yell like Tarzan.
As usual, I was so wrong about that. My inner caveman would have expressed itself if I’d had an inner caveman to express. I just stood there in the doorway, drooling at these two beautiful babes offering themselves to me.
I might have stood there all night, if Sherry hadn’t gotten off the bed walked up to me. She put her arms around me and planted a delicious kiss on my lips.
“Hi, baby,” she cooed at me, “how’d it go today, wearing your panties to work?”
“It was fine, I guess,” I defeatedly said, “after I while, I forgot I even had them on.”
“See…? Didn’t I tell you? How many times did your panties remind you that you’re a sissy?”
“I don’t remember, but quite a lot.”
“You thought about fucking Brenda all day, too. Didn’t you?”
“Yes, I can’t lie about that.”
“No surprise. You’ve been wanting to fuck her since you first laid eyes on her, you horny little sissy. Well, tonight you can fuck her with my blessings.
“And when she’s off-limits to you, I’m giving you permission to dream of her, lust for her, anything you want… except jacking off to the thought of her. Your jacking off days are over, sissy, but you’ll love what we’re replacing it with.
“I’m going to go make dinner and leave you two alone for a ‘get acquainted’ fuck. Save some for me, if you’re man enough,” she snickered. “Have fun… sissy.”
I was admiring her ass wiggling as she walked out of the bedroom, when Brenda came up behind me and nibbled on my earlobe. “So you’ve been wanting to fuck me… huh…?” she seductively whispered.
“You know I have,” I replied, “I never thought I ever would.”
“Of course you never thought you would,” she looks down at me. “You know you’re unworthy to fuck me, or any woman, for that matter. Sherry and I are giving you privileges other sissies can’t even dream of. It’s because we actually love you.
“Yes, sissy, I’ve actually come to love you these past few months. Enough that I actually want you to fuck me. As long as you’re our sissy and remain obedient to us, you’ll have privileges to my body every Monday, maybe even more, depending on how good of a sissy-whore you turn out to be, we’ll just have to see how it goes. Turn around, Mark, kiss me.”
Words can’t describe the way I felt right then. She’d just humiliated me, but I knew it was true. My pathetic excuse for a cock has no business inside the pussy of a beautiful woman like her, and I knew it.
The humiliation she’d heaped on me only made me want her more, to be more submissive to her, to worship her. There would be no revenge fuck tonight, not like I had envisioned it, at any rate.
I turned around to see her tongue fluttering between her half-opened lips, igniting the lust in me. Brenda stands about six inches taller than me, so I had to stand on my tiptoes to reach her lips as she obligingly leaned down to meet mine.
“From now, until we wake up tomorrow,” she whispered very romantically, “you’re not our sissy. We’re your female playthings, so use us as you wish, Mark.
“Use me like a bitch, or use me as a little kitty cat, it’s all the same to me. Just don’t get too used to it, sissy, cuz you’ll only be having me once a week, and only if you’ve earned it at the motel.
“So, sissy, what is it you’d like to do with me?”
“I’d love for you to suck me like you did last night,” I timidly mumbled, “but I’m afraid I might not last long enough to fuck you.”
Like the bitch she was, she didn’t give an inch and humiliated me again.
“I’ll give you a blow job after you’ve stripped your clothes off,” she hissed at me. “There are places I just won’t go, and I won’t lower myself to undress a sissy. Leave your sissy panties on and lie on the bed.”
“You were Mandy last night,” she says as I’m getting on the bed. “Mandy doesn’t have a cock, she has a clitty. So I didn’t suck your cock last night, I licked your tiny little clitty. Understand?”
I nodded my head ‘yes’ as she pulled the waistband of my panties under my balls and rolled her tongue around my sensitive, fleshy head. She looked up at me with a grin. “Mandy gets her little clitty licked up here on Sunday nights,” she flutters her wet tongue all over my head. “Mandy’s never allowed to feel pleasure along her short little shaft.”
“On Mondays, we’re letting you be Mark,” she says, “and Mark has a cock, albeit a tiny one. Lie back, Mark, and let Mistress Brenda pleasure you like the man you wished you were.”
I almost wanted to punch her out for humiliating me like that, but instead, I was getting really turned on by her humiliating words. She was keeping me in my place, and pushing me further into a sissy mindset. I knew that only my obedience would earn me the pleasures of her body.
I let out little sissy sounds as she flicked her tongue up and down my tender little boy-meat. She sucked so differently than Sherry, the way she took control over me. Even as she took me into her mouth, I felt her dominating presence.
I squirmed and moaned as she easily swallowed me whole, balls and all. She just held me inside, running her hot tongue up and down the short length of my little sissy-cock nestled within the confines of her mouth.
‘Shit…!’ I thought to myself, when it didn’t take that bitch more than a minute before she had me prematurely ejaculating into her mouth. She kept her mouth clamped around me as my male orgasm ran its course and my almost-five inches shrunk back to its normal three-and-a-half.
She came up to press her lips to mine and spilled my own cum down my throat. She kissed me as I swallowed it all, then dominated me with her tongue as I surrendered to her even more.
“Wasn’t that fun?” she giggled sarcastically at me. “I didn’t think you’d be able to last long enough to fuck me. But don’t worry, sissy, I’ll suck you back up later and give you the piece of ass you’ve been craving.”
“Who’s hungry?” Sherry bursts into the room with a platter full of chicken tenders and fries.
“Smells good,” I raised myself up on my elbows.
“Did you get your elusive piece of Brenda’s ass yet?”
“Not yet,” Brenda laughed, “he blew his load in my mouth before we even got warmed up.”
“I couldn’t help it,” I begged for understanding.
“I knew that, Mark,” Brenda said in a much sweeter tone of voice. “I got you off fast so I could drain you and get you ready to fuck me later. I’m such a bitch, and I know I am, but that’s just part of me.
“I really do love you, and I’m gonna make sure you get a real nice fuck tonight. If we decide to keep doing this, we’ll train you to be able to last longer with us.”
“What do you mean, ‘if we decide to keep doing this’?”
“Mark,” Sherry snuggled up close to me. “What you did this weekend, you know, having sex with all those black guys and letting us dress you up enfemne?
“That wasn’t really your choice. We set it all up to more or less force you into trying sissy-sex, cuz you never would have tried it on your own.
“I told you last night that I’m in love with Brenda, and that’s not gonna change. We’re a couple now, and we’re always gonna keep a sissy around to play with. We’d like that sissy to be you, but only if you freely choose to be our sissy.
“In case you were worried about it, Brenda’s already deleted the pictures off her phone, and I destroyed the video this morning after you went to work.
“So now you know how great sissy-sex can be when a real cock makes you cum, and we’re giving you female sex tonight. This is what your life will look like if you want to go down this road with us.”
“You mean, like I have a choice?”
“Yes, baby,” Brenda kissed me on the cheek. “We’ve got nothing on you, there’s nothing to threaten you. We want you to be our sissy, but only under your own free will. If you decide you want to, just know what that means.
“We’ll demand your total obedience. You’ll be completely under our control, and you’ll do exactly everything we say, without question, because you want to, not because we’ve forced you.”
“I’ll still have to wear panties every day?”
“Yes you will,” Sherry says. “We’re gonna want to feminize you as much as we can, without making our families suspicious of the lifestyle we’ll be living. You’ll have to trust us to protect you from embarrassing situations when we’re out in regular society.
“There’s a whole wonderful sissy society out there we want to introduce you to. It’ll be a blast dressing you up and showing you off at sissy parties.”
“Will I still have to turn tricks at the motel?”
“Maybe not always at the motel,” says Brenda, “but you’ll be turning tricks for us. A sissy needs to be regularly fucked by real men to keep her in her place. All the sissies we know get fucked by their masters at least twice a day. We obviously can’t give you real cock, so we’ll be pimping you out as we see fit. We’ll make sure you get all the cock you’ll be needing, and the money you’ll make will be used to buy you all the pretty things every sissy needs and craves.”
“So what do you say, Mandy?” Sherry asks. “Will you be our sissy?”
“What if I say yes, and then change my mind?”
“Then you’ll be free to go. We’ll have no chains on you other than your complete obedience as long as you choose to stay with us. But if you leave, we’ll get another sissy. You’ll be on your own, and probably never see me again.”
“Okay,” I said, “I’ll be your sissy under one more condition.”
“What’s that, baby?”
“I want to spend one night a week with you as my wife, not as your sissy. I love you, Sherry, and I can’t imagine life without you.”
“Oh sweetheart,” Sherry covers me with kisses, “I was already planning on doing that. I might just require you to fuck me as your wife every morning after Brenda goes to work. I’ve loved you since fourth grade, and I don’t wanna stop now.”
“So it’s settled?” Brenda giggles. “We own you?”
“Yeah, how could I not wanna be owned by two girls as pretty as you.”
“Oh! I love you, Mandy!” Brenda shouts with glee.
“We have a gift for you to seal the deal,” Sherry opens a box she had with her.
She holds up a black leather collar about a half-inch wide with my sissy name “Mandy” engraved on a metal plate.
“This collar signifies your submission to us” she places it around my neck. “When we take you to sissy parties, it’ll mean you’re our property. No one will touch you unless we say they can. We’ll get some in different colors to match the different outfits we’ll be dressing you in.
“You’ll wear it at all times, except when you go to work or when we decide it’s best to uncollar you in certain social settings. Is that clear?”
It felt like a door was shutting on my old existence when Sherry snapped the collar around my neck. I was now, by my own free will, imprisoned to being their owned sissy. All the worries I’d had about Sherry leaving me for Brenda were now shut out, no longer my concern.
“Yes, Mistress Sherry,” I willingly and happily replied. “I will do my best to be a good sissy for you and your lover, Brenda.”
Just then I feel Brenda’s hot mouth wrap around my limp cock. “Ready to fuck your mistress?” she grins up at me.
“Oh yes! Mistress Brenda. Make me a happy sissy!”
“We want our sissy to always be happy,” Sherry kisses me.
She lays me on my back, removes her skimpy panties, and straddles my face.
“Your mistress wants her pussy licked,” she looks down on me.
“Oh yes! Mistress Sherry! You know how much Mandy loves your pussy.”
“Good little sissy,” she pets my head.
I tell you, I never felt better in my life. I had the hot and voluptuous Mistress Brenda sucking my cock and I’m licking the sweet juices of my wife and my Mistress Sherry. Can it get any better for a sissy who’s just accepted herself?
Yes, it can. Brenda sucked my cock for a good half-hour after that as Sherry pushed her deliciously hot pussy into my face.
“I want some sissy-cock,” Brenda tells Sherry.
“Well c’mon up and get some,” Sherry generously replies, “Mandy’s already made me cum three times. She’s gonna be a great little fuck-toy.”
Sherry got off my face and Brenda kissed her way up to my lips.
“Hi, sissy,” she kisses me. “I command you to fuck your mistress. Actually, baby, I’m not commanding you, I’m asking you.”
She puts her arms around me and rolls me over on top of her. Before I can get situated, she grabs my cock, which was hard as hell, and puts it at the entrance of her steaming hot cunt. “Push it in, Mandy,” she tells me, “push it in.”
Finally getting into Brenda’s pussy was a dream come true. Since she’d already drained the cum out of me before dinner, I had the stamina of a stud. Well, a stud as far as sissy standards go. I don’t know how long I fucked her, but it was definitely longer than I’d ever thought I could.
Somewhere in there, Sherry came up behind me and stuck a lubed finger up my ass. It was only foreplay before shoving my butt plug into me.
Brenda had her arms and legs wrapped around me as Sherry worked the plug in and out of me. I felt a gigantic eruption deep inside me as my balls contracted and shot another load right into Brenda’s pussy.
The intensity of the moment made me shake as it seemed like my entire body spasmed all at once. I collapsed on Brenda’s heaving breasts and felt Sherry’s body slide on top of me to sandwich me in between my two mistresses.
“I’m so happy you’re our sissy,” Sherry whispers in my ear.
“So am I,” Brenda says. “You’re actually a pretty good little fucker, too I’ll have you know.”
“Thank you, mistress,” I appreciated her rare compliment. “I know I can’t compare to the big cocks you’re used to having, but I’ll always try my best to please you.”
“I’ll let you in on a little secret, Mandy,” she calmly coos. “Big cocks aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Sure, there’s nothing more thrilling than riding a huge hunk of black meat every now and then. When we take you to sissy parties, you’ll see me and Sherry taking it up both holes, and we’ll be loving it.”
“But for everyday pleasure, girls just don’t feel like being split apart like that every night. We want a nice little cock like yours around to give us nice, soothing fucks. You think you can handle fucking both of us every time we want it?”
The last thing I remember from that first night as their ‘collared’ sissy was lying in their bed with Brenda kissing me and Sherry sucking my cock until I fell asleep.
The next morning, I was awakened with Sherry giving me another blow job, sucking me with more feeling and passion than I could remember. When she knew I was awake, she kissed her way to my mouth and begged me to fuck her like I fucked Brenda the night before.
“Oh God, Mandy,” she moaned as I pumped her full of sissy-cock. “We’ve got our marriage back!”
THE END… or is it…?