If you have seen my profile or read my previous story, you know I am eager to experience a threesome or foursome with my wife. Hell, I would be happy to share a twosome more often with her.
She has always told me that the most sexually exciting experiences she’s ever had, were one-night stands before we met. Something about the novelty of the situation and not knowing the person gave her sexual freedom. She becomes much more sexual when we travel and we experience much more sex when we are in hotel rooms. I think this is because of her memories of those one-night stands.
After twenty-nine years of living together, our sex life is not very active. We talked about this and she told me she was just not sexually passionate anymore. I let her know that, if she wanted to experience the type of excitement that a one-night stand gave her, she was free to find someone. I really did not care if I was involved or not. I just wanted her to have some sexual excitement, the kind that was not happening between us.
She vehemently declined and let me know very strongly that she did not want to do that anymore. It would not be the same, she said. She did not want that type of sexual encounter.
Being a member of Lush Stories has helped me to understand that I am not a pervert and my sexual desires are not bad. I do read the stories about people having sex at the drop of a dime, I feel that at least some of them are bullshit. I am relating the truthful reality of my life here and I hope it gives you some understanding of your own sexual situations.
Not long ago, something happened that seemed to signal a change in how she views herself and, perhaps, rekindled a flame of desire within her.
Earlier this summer, my wife had taken a walk with a few of the neighbours. We live in a rural area with at least a half-a-mile between each house. One of the women with her was getting ready to move house. She had shed many things. Some they sold, gave some away and then put others at the end of their driveway with a ‘Free’ sign.
My wife had been gone a long time. I thought that the woman were having a long goodbye walk with the woman who was moving . Perhaps even sharing a coffee or tea together.
When she returned from her walk, she looked very different than I had ever seen. I wondered what was going on or, more exactly, what had just happened to bring about this change. She looked directly in my eyes, then said. “Something very weird just happened.”
A smile came over her face that I knew happens when a woman is happy sexually.
I asked her to tell me what had happened. She then told me this story…
The group had started out as four women but it dwindled down as they reached each house. Finally, it was just her and the woman who lived next door to us. The way they were heading meant my that my wife would walk past our house to accompany her home and then walk alone back to our house. She liked this person very much and she chose to walk her home.
Earlier, as the woman were walking and talking, an older red Toyota car had driven by quite often. It was a young twenty-something man who was loading his car with the wooden pallets that the moving couple had left at the end of their driveway. He kept going back for more.
He drove slowly and was respectful of their space on the road, which is dirt and not very wide. He waved each time he passed and smiled at them. She said they’d commented how nice he seemed; some had said he was good looking. The woman shedding was happy to have the pallets gone.
While she was walking alone, returning from accompanying our neighbour, the red Toyota drove by again. It slowed as it had before and the young man smiled and waved as he passed her. Because she was alone, he did not need to slow down and move over as much. This time he drove even slower and came a little closer than he had been to the group. The car stopped then backed-up a little, until he was alongside my wife.
He stated very quickly, “I don’t mean to freak you out or anything but your hair is amazingly beautiful.”
My wife is in her late fifties and has had grey hair in some amounts since her twenties. Her body shape and face are very sexy and beautiful. Her hair was long at this time and pulled back into a ponytail. The colour of it was a brilliant white with a few blonde streaks. I always tell her how beautiful she is but she laughs at me and tells me about all of the parts of her body that she does not like. She thinks that her stomach is too big and that she is flabby.
It was a beautiful sunny day, and the light must have been hitting her hair just so, making it very striking and sexy looking. A long ponytail on a woman who looks just about thirty bouncing along in the sunlight is a beautiful sight. I am sure he also admired her ass. She has a very sexy one, much sexier than some younger women’s ass.
The young man in the car then said. “My name is Jeremy and I live just a few miles away. I just moved to the area. I hope I did not freak you out about what I said about your hair. I just wanted to let you know that I think you are a very beautiful woman.”
My wife was startled when he said this but she told me she felt amused. She was comfortable talking with this young man, she was enjoying the attention. She said she felt like she couldn’t pull herself away from his car, she wanted to talk with him more. That feeling surprised her – but scared her even more.
She said, with a stammer because she was nervous, “I am not freaked out.
“What is you name?” he asked.
“Connie,” she said.
“Are you married?”
She said she laughed when he asked that question. She does not wear a wedding ring, so she thought it was an honest question. “Yes I am,” she said.
“I hope I am not bothering you by asking these questions,” he said.
“Not at all, I don’t mind. You can ask me anything,” she said, not knowing what she was saying before it left her lips. She then blurted, “You must realize, I am much older than you are.”
She told me that she felt stupid when she said that to him.
“Your husband must be a lucky man. I sure hope my wife is as beautiful as you are when she is your age,” Jeremy said.
She was not sure if he was married and did not really understand if he meant it as a compliment or a wish for his wife.
He then bluntly asked, “Do you smoke marijuana?”
My wife smiled. “Yes, I do some.”
She then realized she had smelled pot when he backed up and started talking with her. She thought he must have been smoking in his car as he had been driving by. He lifted a pipe up to his mouth and gave her a smile.
“Do you want to join me?”
“No… thank you, though,” she replied.
He then asked if she would like to share some later on. She told me that this is when she was sure that he was trying to pick her up. She experienced a tinge of fear. She still kept talking with him,though, as she was now aroused and intrigued. It was unbelievable to her that a young man like this would be saying these things to her, right out of the blue and on the road she lived on. As I said, she does not admit to herself how hot she is.
She then thought, I better get a hold on myself and get out of this person’s control. So she quickly said.”My husband may not like me doing that, he is probably wondering where I am right now.”
As she said that, she started to be a little bit scared that perhaps he might come on stronger. She was now figuring how far it was to our house and how long it would take her to get there. She felt she had given this young man too much of her attention and time. She now thought, he was thinking that she was amenable to his advances. She also wondered if she more interested in this young man than she realized?
She told me that during this time, while she was waiting for him to speak or make a move, she felt helpless and under his control.
He then said. “I am so glad to have met you. You are a very beautiful woman and seem to be a real person. I appreciate the time you have just spent with me. I hope we meet again.”
When he said this, the spell she was under seemed to lift and she wanted to get home to let me know what had happened.
“It was nice to meet you also. Who knows we may meet again soon.” She was in total disbelief she’d said that.
“I will keep an eye open for you out walking if you don’t mind. I would like to stop and talk again. Perhaps we can get to know each other better.” Jeremy then smiled and started to slowly move his car forward.
This time she was speechless and just stared at his car as it moved away from her. She thought it was a good thing that she’d stopped talking. He drove slowly down the road away from her. Though her legs were shaky she started to walk and was now coming to our driveway. Because of the slow speed he was driving, she could still see his car. She thought that, if it didn’t get out of sight before she reached the driveway, she would walk beyond it. She did not want to let him know were she lived. She was scared – and excited. That was the look I saw on her face when she got home.
I know (maybe I’m wrong) there was no sex on the road or in the car but this wass a huge step forward for my wife. I do notice now that, when we make love, she is moving her hips in a way that she never did before. She has also been giving me the best blowjobs that I have received from her since we met. Sometimes, I wonder if she is meeting Jeremy and he is teaching her these new moves. I really don’t care if she is. I think giving her that attention that day may have been enough to bring out the sexier side of her.
Connie has told me that she has started to notice that other young men have been flirting with her. I am sure many men always did, but she was too shut down sexually to admit it was happening.
While we were at a restaurant the other night, a young twenty-something man stopped by where we were sitting and talked us up. He did say some suggestive things and used the word cougar. As we were walking to the car, I asked if she realized that he was fishing to see if we were up for a sexual experience with him. She was so surprised when I said that. She was in total disbelief and said it was all in my head. I just let it go.
The next day she brought up the meeting.
“Did you say the word cheetah when we were talking to that young man last night,” she asked.
I had no idea what she was talking about. It didn’t occur to me at first that she meant cougar. I laughed when I realized though, I thought she may be already a “cheater” with Jeremy.
I let her know that I had not mentioned the word cougar, it had been the young man. I then saw that smile that I saw on her face when she came home from meeting Jeremy.