I never felt prouder of my wife, Brooke. She not only earned her B.A. in education, but she also passed the state exam and was a certified teacher. After the commencement ceremony last night, I took pictures of Brooke, her friend Ella, a hot redheaded friend of Ella’s, and some frat guys they knew. Since no one bothered to introduce me to the guys, I nicknamed them Beard, Dude, and Bro. Beard was the big muscular guy with you guessed it, a beard.
Dude and Bro looked like brothers. Dude was dark-haired, Bro was blonde. I gave them those names because Dude always started or ended everything he said with dude. Bro did the same thing, but with bro. I gave them those names because I saw them checking out a girl and heard their conversation. “Dude, she’s hot.”
“Yeah, she is, bro.”
“I’m gonna try and get her number, dude.”
“Bro, she’s Tom’s girl.” I couldn’t believe anyone talked like Spicolli anymore.
While I snapped pictures with six cell phones, Ella said, “Hey Brooke, I’m having a grad bash 2morrow. Y don’t U & UR husband, Randy, join us? It’s our last chance 2 B 2gether. Gary, Brad, Doug & Cindy will B there.”
So let me tell you about Ella. She had become my wife’s best friend despite the fact she wasn’t even twenty-three. Her most outstanding feature was the thirty-eight C cups she got for her eighteenth birthday. They were a gift from her father. I was more than a little creeped out by that. The other reason I avoided her was how she talked. She sounded like an IM. I never met anyone that spoke like a tweet before, and it grated on my nerves. Ella loved Brooke and had a bit of a schoolgirl crush on me. I know because she told Brooke she thought I was hot and offered to be our unicorn if we ever wanted a threesome. Brooke and I discussed her offer. We declined. It wasn’t that we didn’t want a threesome, but not with someone that young and immature.
Ella always invited us to every party she had. We went to the first one, her nineteenth birthday, during freshman year. It was awkward, and not just because the place she called home was worth more than most people earn in a lifetime. The age gap made me… uncomfortable. Even Brooke, who was younger than me, felt out of place with kids barely out of high school. They were still in the drink till you puke stage, even though none of them could imbibe, legally. We had left that stage of life behind.
Ella loved to tell Brooke about the shenanigans at her parties. Strip games, drunken dares, screwing as people watched. Ella was a hedonist and lived a wild and wanton lifestyle with little to no supervision from her globetrotting parents. We aren’t prudes by any stretch of the imagination, but the age difference made me feel like a lech. While Ella and Brooke remained close and spent time together, we didn’t socialize with Ella’s other friends or go to her parties.
I opened my mouth to decline, when Brooke said, “Of course we’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss it.” Then they all hugged and kissed as I returned phones to their owners. Not one of them said thank you, to me, as they took their phone. Each one hugged and kissed Brooke once more before they walked away. Not one of them said goodbye to me. ‘That was a little rude,’ I thought. ‘They could have at least said goodbye or thanks, or something.’ I shrugged it off, took Brooke’s hand, and headed off to meet our families for a celebratory dinner.
As I started our car I asked Brooke, “Why’d you agree to go to her party? I thought we agreed to avoid those drunken orgies?”
“They’re not orgies. It’s just young people having fun like we did not that long ago. Besides, except for Ella, Cindy, and Gary, everyone else will be flying home in a few days. We’ll never be together again. I’d like one day of fun with them first. We spent years of our lives working, studying, and stressing. We deserve to have fun together for a change.”
“Can’t argue with that,” I admitted, but I still had reservations. “I would prefer not to spend my day off at a party watching frat boys getting drunk and acting like fools, as they try to get into a fake-titted bimbo’s pants.”
“What’re you, eighty?” she teased. “They’re not that much younger than you. It wasn’t that long ago we were the ones getting drunk and acting like fools. Hell, if you hadn’t been a drunken fool the night we met, I wouldn’t be Mrs. Robinson today.”
“Okay… okay, I concede. You win, we’ll go.” I laughed as I turned into the restaurant’s parking lot.
“Good! I bought a new swimsuit for her party, and I can’t wait until you see it. You’ll love it.” She got out of the car before I could respond.
My brow furrowed in thought as I hurried to catch up to her. ‘We just got invited to this party. How did she already have a new bikini?’ I was about to ask when we rounded a corner and found our families waiting for us. I decided to let it go. We had a great dinner, except for our parents telling her how little money teachers make, how little respect they get, and how hard they work. We plastered our ‘whatever’ smiles on our faces and made non-committal sounds. After dinner, we said good night and drove home.
I woke up to the sound of a woodpecker slamming his head into a tree. “I gotta find a way to discourage Woody from waking us up at the crack of dawn,” I complained to Brooke when I saw her eyes were open.
“How about at the crack of Brooke?” She threw the covers off her body and eased her panties down her sexy toned legs. She spread her firm thighs apart and offered her womanhood to me.
I rolled over and got between her legs. My mouth found her left thigh and I kissed and nipped the tender flesh. Her arousal grew as my mouth moved toward her creamy center. “Baby, just so you know, I downplayed how wild these parties get. They do turn into orgies.” Brooke ran her fingers through my hair. My dick twitched and went from semi to full schwing when I imagined seeing some of the barely legal coeds wet, naked, and fucking. “I want to be a little wild today. How would you feel if I flashed my tits?” I growled and nipped her clit, something I know she loves. “OH FUCK! You like the thought of me showing my boobies to frat boys, don’t you?” I bit her nubbin hard, and she screamed in pleasure.
She moaned when my tongue flicked her clit while I inhaled the pungent earthy aroma of her sex. I was about to drive my tongue into the folds of her sweet spot when her phone rang. She was incapable of ignoring her phone when it made a sound, it was Pavlovian, she had to answer, no matter what. I ignored the distraction and tried to focus on my favorite pastime.
“Hey girl what’s up?” she purred as she pushed my head away from her thighs, swung her legs off the bed, and stood up. It was another of her quirks. She had to pace while she talked on the phone. I reluctantly sat up and watched as she spoke with the person I hated most in the world. I had no idea who it was, or what they wanted, but whoever it was, had cock-blocked me. I sat there annoyed and listened to her side of the conversation.
“OH, shit! That sucks!”
“Of course, he can do that.”
“We’ll stop at the store, it’s on our way.”
“Be there ASAP.”
“Love you too. See you soon babe.”
She put her phone down and looked at me, “The caterer was in an accident, the food for the party is strewn all over the interstate. Ella remembered you’re a chef and asked if you’d be willing to cook lunch. She already gave her kitchen staff the day off. There’s no one else. She called Publix and ordered the food. She said add anything else you’ll need. I told her we’d pick it up since it’s on our way and you have that big ass truck. I hope you don’t mind. I’ll make it up to you tonight.”
I hid my disappointment. Between finals, the state test, and some shit at my job, we hadn’t had time to be a married couple in almost two months. “No worries, babe,” I lied. “I guess we gotta go soon huh?”
She looked at the clock on her nightstand. “The order won’t be ready for another forty-five minutes. We have time to shower and pack our swim gear before we head out.” I got out of bed and looked down at my still-hard cock. Brooke leaned forward and kissed it, which made me moan in delight. “If you do a good job today, I’ll give you a special treat tonight.” She swiped her tongue over the slit in the crown. My knees buckled and I grabbed the bed to stop myself from falling.
I went into our bathroom and jumped into a cold shower to ease my swelling while Brooke packed everything she thought she might need. After my shower, I pulled on my swimwear. I threw some things in a daypack and went to the kitchen and grabbed my favorite apron, my knives, and a few of my special homemade seasonings and sauces.
By the time I had all my cooking gear ready, Brooke finished her makeup. She wore a thin sundress that buttoned up the front. Only four buttons held the dress closed. She left the rest undone. The effect was erotic, to say the least. When she walked her left leg came out of the slit and you could almost see the entire leg. If you were lucky enough to be in the right spot, you would see her hip. Her long tan legs would catch many eyes as we shopped, and the top was so loose that if she bent over her valley would not be hidden at all.
Anyone facing her as she walked would be able to see her bikini bottoms. I ogled her for several seconds and felt proud she was my woman. I loved when people leered at her. It gave me a thrill. There was a small green-eyed monster that fought for control. It whispered that she was mine, and no one should see that much of her body.
“Is that appropriate?” I asked as I wiped some drool off my chin.
Brooke glanced at my crotch. “You like it. Besides, it’s a pool party.” She said that last bit like I was a moron. “I put this on over my bikini because I didn’t think it was appropriate to go shopping in a swimsuit. This’ll be easy to strip off when we get there.”
My cock throbbed at the word strip, as my imagination pictured her naked in front of her classmates. For some reason, that image was a huge turn-on. She stood up and lightly kissed me, then took my hand and led me to our car.
There was a chill in the air, so when I started the car, I turned on the heat. The radio announced that it was “sixty-four degrees, mostly sunny, with a high of eighty-one degrees, with a forty percent chance of thunderstorms later in the afternoon. I knew that meant the pool water would be chilly. I wasn’t sure I wanted to risk hypothermia and doubted I would get in the water.
We were treated to a gorgeous sunrise and no traffic. When we got to Publix, they were still unlocking the doors. The senior citizens that waited with us kept giving Brooke the side-eye. As we entered, two guys had a hard time getting a cart from the corral. I swear they had to give themselves whiplash as Brooke walked past them.
We got the food, and I added a few things I needed. We loaded it all in my car and drove to Ella’s mansion. When I say mansion, I mean a twenty-bedroom, thirty-five bathroom, fifteen-thousand square foot three-story home. It sat on fifteen acres with a four horse stable, two tennis courts, an Olympic-size pool, and of course, the outdoor kitchen. That kitchen had better quality appliances than the three-star Michelin restaurants I trained in. Some of the equipment had never been used.
Their pool house was bigger than any four houses I had ever been in, combined. I drove up the long winding driveway until a domestic stopped me. “I’m Randy. I have the food for Ella’s party.”
“Park next to the carriage house. I will have the food brought to you.”
“Thank you.” I parked, and we got out of my truck. I slung my daypack over my shoulder, grabbed our beach chairs and two of Brookes bags. She took her other two, and we walked the quarter mile to the outdoor kitchen. When we arrived, I put everything down on the picnic table and looked around to re-familiarize myself with the layout.
As Brooke and I set up the prep area, Ella ran over. Her oversized fake tits barely moved even though her bikini top looked more like a spider web than clothing. The only part of her breasts I couldn’t see was the nipples. Her pale pink areolas stood out against her pale white skin.
I shook my head as she hugged Brooke and gushed, “OMG. U r a lifesaver.” I groaned at her butchering of the American language. “I need ur help with the booz.” She grabbed Brooke’s hand and led her away.
“Well hello, Ella. So nice to see you. No, I don’t mind working for free, so you don’t look bad in front of your groupies. It’s not like it’s my job or anything, or that this is my first day off in three weeks,” I muttered to myself as they flounced away hand in hand.
First, I got the smoker going for the chicken thighs and then started to make the dry rub for them. Once that was done, I poured the marinade for the steaks into a large baking dish. As I finished the little I could do, the house staff brought me the food. I got the steaks marinating, put the dry rub on the chicken thighs. I chopped vegetables for the salad and carved a watermelon into a shark, the school mascot. Once it was carved, I used a melon baller to scoop out the interior flesh for the fruit salad. I kept working as other guests arrived and were greeted by Ella and Brooke. They were typical trust fund assholes, who ignored ‘the help’ until they needed something.
Six or eight guys arrived all at once with the redhead from last night. I thought I recognized a few of the guys too. Distance made it hard to be sure. The new arrivals surrounded Brooke and they tugged on her sundress. I couldn’t hear the conversation, but it wasn’t hard to guess. They wanted her to strip to her bathing suit.
I was about to walk over and shoo the ruffians away when she laughed and unbuttoned it. She held it closed and then flashed like a guy in an overcoat. They all cheered, which made everyone else look over. The few who caught sight of my wife’s body joined in the cheer. She wormed her way out of the group of guys who watched her walk toward me.
The guys high-fived and talked about her body and how she flashed them. ‘That must be one hell of a suit,’ I told myself as I saw a few of the guys shoot me dirty looks. “Do those guys know you’re married?” I asked when she was within earshot.
“I only know Gary, Brad, and Dave. I think they know. It’s not like I introduced myself as Brooke the married lady. I told people, but I can’t swear who knows and who doesn’t.” She kissed my cheek then whispered, “I wanted you to see my bikini first, but the Alpha Eta Pi boys wouldn’t let me leave until I showed them, so I gave them a quick flash. But you get to take off my dress and see the whole thing. She stepped back and smiled.
I reached up and pulled open the dress. I drank in the front of the swimsuit. I’m a chef, not a fashionista, so I don’t know the terminology to describe what she wore. It looked like one of those Japanese bondage harnesses. There was a small triangle that covered her mons and two smaller ones that covered her areola. I stared at her dumbfounded, until Brooke asked, “Do you like it?” I nodded as she shrugged the dress off and turned around so I could see the straps on her back were clear. It looked like she was naked when you saw her from the back. My cock swelled and I licked my lips as I stared at her firm ass. I wasn’t even sure if anything was covering her perfect rosebud.
“Brooke, we need you for a game.” A male voice called. I stood there and stared at my almost naked wife. My dick throbbed at the thought of all the people who would see her like this. She kissed my lips. “Can I go have fun?” Her tone left ‘daddy’ unspoken. She sounded like a little girl asking for permission to play with her friends. I nodded, she kissed me again and flounced off. I watched her ass as she returned to the pool. I lost sight of her when the frat boys swarmed her. After a few minutes, everyone but Brooke jumped in the water. Brooke jumped in soon after and yelled out “Marco.”
Everyone responded, “Polo.” I shook my head at how immature they were. I hadn’t played Marco Polo since middle school. I tried to follow the action, but I was busy with prep. I wanted to get everything ready so all I would need to do is cook. Once it was all set I planned to join the festivities.
When I looked up it seemed that Brooke had caught someone. But she was still ‘it’, She caught a few more and each time there was a struggle. My phone alarm sounded, so I tore my eyes away from them and went to the smoker to add more wood. When I shut the door, I heard a cacophony of male voices ring out. I looked over and saw Ella on the pool deck, her swimsuit bottoms in her hand. She slowly turned as everyone in the pool cheered and whistled for the bottomless hostess. Once they all got an eyeful, she pulled her bottoms on, then placed the blindfold over her eyes, jumped in, and called “Marco.”
I wondered why Ella flaunted herself like that, so I paid more attention. I watched Ella as she tried to catch someone. She submerged when she got close to Red. Red scurried away. After this was repeated a few times, with different people, a guy yelled, “FUCK! She got me.” Ella popped up, tossed a black… something… onto the pool deck, and handed him the blindfold. I realized Beard was the one getting out of the pool. When he stood up, I saw he was naked. ‘The black thing must be his bathing suit.’ I smirked when I realized this was a strip version of Marco Polo.
Now, I never thought of myself as small. I was seven and a quarter long and almost an inch thick. I never felt insecure about my size, until I saw Beard naked. Even with shrinkage from the chilly water, he was fuckin’ huge. He had to be over six inches long, flaccid. This time the girls in the pool were catcalling as he struck several classic bodybuilder poses.
That’s when it clicked. Whoever was ‘it’ had to strip someone to make them ‘it’. The new ‘it’ had to flaunt themselves before they tried to catch someone. That explained Ella’s show, and why Brooke was ‘it’ for so long.
I looked at the pool and saw Brooke’s long wavy honey brown locks. She was the closest to Beard and stared at his dick. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought she licked her lips in desire.
He pulled on the blindfold and jumped toward Brooke. Brooke backed away from him as he hurtled toward the water. He made a huge splash that blocked my view. As soon as he surfaced, he yelled “Marco” and lunged for Brook. I grabbed my beach chair and headed for the pool deck to get a front-row seat to the action.
I hoped to see a few naked coeds shake their moneymakers. Before I took a dozen steps, an impeccably dressed man approached me. “Sir, I am James, the Butler, and house manager. Miss Ella wanted me to let you know she would like to eat between one and two o’clock.” He gave a slight German bow complete with a heel click, did an about-face, and marched away.
I looked at my watch and cursed under my breath. To have it ready at one, I had to start cooking ten minutes ago. I glanced over and saw Red get out of the pool. I thought she was gorgeous last night in her cocktail dress. Today she wore a skimpy bikini that her large natural breasts fought to escape. Her firebush was on full display. She was… angelic. I sighed and turned from the sight, so I could get the meat on the grill.
As I watched the sizzling meats, I tried to keep track of the game, but with so much going on I missed most of it. While the food sizzled, Brooke walked toward me. Her unsteady gait told me she had consumed more than a few drinks and felt no pain. As she got closer, I noticed her bikini was askew. Her right nipple was exposed, and part of her labia hung out the side of her bottoms. She had a strange, dreamy smile on her face and looked both guilty and happy. Before I could tell her to fix her swimsuit, she gushed, “Honey, I need to tell you something.”
“I saw the game. I’m fine if you showed off a little bit.”
She touched my arm. “At first, we had to expose someone’s genitals. That person had to get out of the pool and flaunt themself. As the game went on, the rule changed.”
“Changed how?”
“Well, to catch a girl you had to get a finger or tongue inside her pussy. If you caught a guy you had to get his dick in your mouth.”
“Did anyone catch you after the rules changed?” I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hear the answer or what I wanted it to be. All I knew was that my dick pulsated at the thought of one or more of these guys fingering my wife, or her taking one of them in her mouth.
“No. Not really.”
“What does, ‘not really’ mean?” I was annoyed at her evasiveness.
“Every time Gary was ‘it’ he would follow and grab at me. He felt my slit a few times but never penetrated me. Her voice held a note of pride that she had let a frat boy cop a feel but not finger bang her. “He tried to distract me and slipped his hand inside my top and played with my tit. I hope you’re not mad. It was only a little harmless fun.” I looked at my wife and felt a rush of love for her. I grabbed her arms and pulled her to me. Her tits crushed against my chest. I kissed her hard and drove my tongue into her mouth. As we kissed, I reached down and squeezed her ass. When we came up for air I told her, “As long as you’re having fun, I trust you. If things get too crazy, shout my name and I’ll rescue you.”
“Thanks, babe, you’re the best.” She kissed my cheek and headed back to the pool. She turned and walked backward while she shouted, “I’ll send you a drink.” Then she turned and ran up to Beard and jumped into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist. His hands cupped her exposed ass cheeks. He jumped into the pool still holding Brooke’s ass. They surfaced, still intertwined, and laughed.
While they laughed, someone yelled “chicken fights.” I chuckled and checked the chicken thighs. I added a bit more wood, then glanced at the chicken fights to find Brooke, but the activity made it difficult to find a specific person. As I scanned the crowd, something bothered me about what was going on in the pool. Unlike Gary, I couldn’t put my finger on it. Before I could puzzle it out, James came up to me and thrust a beer at my chest. “For future reference, I serve guests, not hired help. Don’t expect more, unless that snooty bitch does more than flash her tits.” He stormed off without waiting for a response.
It took a second for me to realize that James meant my wife flashed him, and he thought I was part of the catering staff Ella hired, not a guest. “Fuck!” I wasn’t a guest, I realized. Ella didn’t say hi or even speak to me when I arrived. She thanked Brooke, not me. No one except Brooke and James had spoken to me all day.
I wasn’t even ‘hired help’ because I wasn’t being paid. That pissed me off. Only my pride and professionalism stopped me from serving ‘blackened’ New York Strip steaks. That, and my love for Brooke. I didn’t want to ruin the first day of pure fun she’d had in over a year.
Once the food was ready, I marched over to the pool so I could let Ella and her friends know. Before I got more than a couple of yards from the kitchen, James grabbed my arm. “You are to stay in the outdoor kitchen.”
I glared at him. “I was on my way to tell Ella and her OTHER guests that lunch is ready,” I snarled.
“I will let MISS Ella know. YOU stay in the outdoor kitche.” He glared at me.
Our eyes locked. I seethed with rage but held back from going off on this self-important stuffed shirt for Brooke’s sake. I swallowed my pride and controlled my anger as I stormed back to the outdoor kitchen and made a plate for Brooke.
“Madame lunch is ready,” I heard him tell Ella. Everyone climbed out of the pool and grabbed towels to dry off. I searched for Brooke and watched her as she climbed the ladder. She was bottomless with a Cheshire cat grin on her face. Her legs trembled, as she wrapped a towel around her waist. Her stride faltered as she walked over to me.
“Hey, hun. It all looks so yummy.” She took the plate from my hands and kissed me. She had a faint taste of salt and sunscreen on her lips. She gave me her brightest smile, but there was fear in her eyes.
I smiled back; my anger faded as I looked at her beautiful face. “You may want to put on some sunscreen. Your face is turning red.”
Her shoulders slumped and her head dropped as she whispered, “It wasn’t the sun…”
“It wasn’t the sun.” She couldn’t meet my eyes and her face reddened. “During the chicken fights, Ella lost her balance and was about to fall off Brad. Somehow, she saved herself but ended up backward. Then she knocked Cindy off Doug. Ella claimed it was her lucky position and she was right. No one could beat her.” I hated that my dick got hard as Brooke recounted the salacious details of what happened in the pool. I was both aroused by what she told me and scared that it would go too far, but I couldn’t even define to myself how far was too far.
“It came down to Gary and I against Ella and Brad. Since Ella’s position worked so well, I decided to try it. I mounted Gary backward and got ready to fight. As Ella and I struggled to knock the other one down, Gary’s nose rubbed my clit. You know how sensitive my clit is, especially when I’m horny. Since we didn’t finish, I’m horny as hell. At one point Ella almost knocked me off. Gary caught me but somehow the straps for my bottoms broke and they fell off. I didn’t realize I was bottomless, so I squeezed my thighs against his head to hold on. Then I felt his tongue inside me. I yelled at him to stop as I fought Ella but with my thighs covering his ears, he couldn’t hear me. As Ella and I tried to knock each other off Gary sucked on my clit and tongue fucked my pussy. I was so turned on I came hard. One of the best orgasms I ever had.”
My world had spun out of control. I couldn’t believe she just admitted this guy ate her cunt to orgasm in front of her classmates. “So, who won?” was the only thing I could think to ask.
“Ella realized what was going on, so she stopped her attacks and watched us. Ella squirmed and grinned at us as she grabbed Brad’s ears. I think Brad was going down on her. Before she could finish, we were told lunch was ready. When I got off Gary, he apologized for not stopping. I told him I understood. Then I came straight over to tell you. Are you mad? It was my fault. If I hadn’t asked him to carry me like that it wouldn’t have happened.”
I took a deep breath to control my emotions. Anger and lust battled for supremacy and lust won the fight. I saw how happy she looked and realized that she was making up for the teen years she never had.
Brooke worked full-time throughout high school. I was only the second guy she ever dated, and we got married on our five-month anniversary. We were both virgins on our wedding night. Now six years later, the wildest thing we had done, until today, was road head on the way back from our honeymoon.
I decided to let her have a hall pass today. Whatever happened would be fine, as long as she went home with me. I kissed her and whispered, “If you’re having fun, I’m happy. Enjoy yourself.” She kissed me, as I handed her the plate, then squeezed my hand and walked away. Brooke found a spot at the large picnic table, and I served the other guests who joined Brooke. Once they all had their food, I built myself a plate as they ate and laughed. As I made my way over to join them, the plate was jerked from my hand.
“Hired help is not allowed to eat with guests. Your lunch is in the staff kitchen. I believe it’s tuna salad on rye today.” James told me in a huff. I was fed up with being treated like a servant, and about to go off on this wannabe Mr. Belvedere when Ella dashed over to us.
“What’s the problem, James?” Ella looked at me than him. I forced my fist to open and blew out my breath to try and calm down.
“This hireling,” the word dripped with venomous disdain, “Keeps violating the terms of his contract.”
“This award-winning chef is both a guest and a friend. He’s Brooke’s husband who volunteered to cook lunch today as a favor to me after the caterer canceled. I think you owe him an apology.”
The look on James’s face was priceless as I snatched my plate back. “Now hireling, go get me a beer!” The satisfaction I felt was enhanced by the smug tone in my voice and the look of loathing he gave me. He spun on his heel and stormed off.
Ella grabbed my hand. “Thanks for saving my ass. I hope you join in the fun. The staff will clean up.”
I looked at her in surprise. “You’re not talking like a Tweet. What happened?”
She laughed. “I started doing that as a joke. It pissed off my folks, so I kept doing it when they were being assholes. Now it just slips out sometimes.”
I laughed with her and headed over to the group. Ella made introductions. Beard aka Big Cock was Gary, which didn’t surprise me but I felt butterflies in my stomach and a tingle in my groin I didn’t understand.
Dude was Doug, Bro was Brad. I shook their hands, then Ella led me over to Red aka firebush. She barely acknowledged me and turned away when I offered her my hand. “Nice to meet you too,” I spat. Cindy gave me a look of disgust with a flash of anger. I stepped back in surprise. Ella introduced me to the others, whose names I forgot over the years. I do remember the girls all hugged me, even the topless ones. That was nice. By the time I had met everyone, James had returned with my beer. I turned it upside down and said, “Pour some out for the homies.” I let it empty into the manicured lawn. “James, I need another beer,” I shouted at him.
I saw his body stiffen and he paused. “Very well, sir,” he said through clenched teeth. I laughed and went to join my wife and relax. When I found her, I was a bit irked that she was sitting on Gary’s lap. There were no seats anywhere nearby, or anywhere else for that matter. I moved closer to ask her to eat with me, then stopped in my tracks. I realized her towel had fallen off and she was still bottomless. Her ass ground against the billy-club he had for a cock. I watched as I balanced my food and took a beer from James. I slammed it and shouted for another without taking my eyes off my wife’s naked ass as it rubbed Gary’s groin. I couldn’t tell if he was inside her or not. She didn’t bounce, only rubbed her ass on him. Everyone around them talked amongst themselves, laughed at some inside jokes and shared experiences I wasn’t privy to. Even though I had been welcomed into the group, I was still an outsider.
Brooke didn’t join in the jocularity of her classmates, she concentrated on the orgasm she was about to have. I could tell by the expression on her face. I had seen it many times before. When she was about to cum, she concentrated on her pleasure to help it along. Her focus was so strong, she didn’t even know I was only two yards away. I ate as I watched my wife fuck another man. Her breasts glistened with a mixture of sweat and pool water. Her face flushed, and I watched as the redness spread to her neck and upper chest.
Gary sat there and did nothing except take an occasional sip of his beer. Several others noticed and their conversations died as they watched Brooke, my wife, ride her classmate. Gary had a goofy smile on his face, while he sat there without any indication he noticed what Brooke was doing.
Suddenly, her arms shot out and she grabbed the sides of the table. Her head hung down. Her mouth opened in a silent scream. Her body quivered in pleasure. From my vantage point, I could see rivulets of girl cum that flowed from her pussy and ran down his muscular thigh. I damn near came in my pants when I saw her fluids drip off Gary’s leg, as her friends watched. Several people glanced at me, and conversations grew subdued with pointed looks in my direction. I went to my beach chair and sat down, unsure of how I felt. It was hot as hell to watch, but she was my woman. She denied me and rode him. I felt more than a little annoyed. Gary’s arm circled her waist, his hand resting on her breast. He looked over at me and winked as his hand squeezed her tit. I nodded at him, not sure if I wanted to know whether or not his cock was in my wife’s pussy, or how it would feel to break his nose.
I ate my food and drank several more beers as I tried to come to terms with what I saw. I knew I wanted her to have fun, but I thought fondling and a little tease would be all that she did. I never expected her to go all the way. Then I remembered, she stopped her birth control several months ago so we could have a child. Since we hadn’t been intimate in a while, I knew she wasn’t pregnant, but she was due to hit her fertile period soon. Brooke never looked for me. She stayed on Gary’s lap and joined in the conversation. I felt buzzed. Everyone else had finished and there was still some conversation and a bit of grab-ass going on. Almost all the girls had been stripped of their tops and a few guys swung in the breeze. I felt sleepy from the beer and went to lay down in one of the lounge chairs by the pool. The sun felt good on my face, but it stopped me from sleeping, so I put on my sunglasses and within minutes I was asleep.