“Let me get this off my chest, I hate Being quarantined!”
There, I said it. Too bad there is no one here to listen! I’m going crazy! Granted my friends would tell you that it’s not a long trip for me — but still! The only reason I leave my apartment is when the groceries reach a point I am actually thinking of a tin of carrots for a main dish! The point is I hate canned veggies and only have it in my pantry by accident!
Unlike many people, I do get to work from home. It was interesting for about one day, maybe two. My gym is closed, all the restaurants within a decent distance are closed. Even my favorite stores were only doing curbside pickup and online ordering. What’s the fun in that? I wanna go shopping! The local parks are all closed, which doesn’t mean the running and biking trails are closed, but all the loos are locked and I don’t know about you, but squatting behind a bush is for real emergencies only! One of my best friends found some poison ivy that way, and … shall we say it makes the rest of us very cautious in those real emergencies!
I know you are probably experiencing the same thing, hopefully, minus the poison ivy. I guess one question is are going as insane as I am? Believe me, I would be out and about doing so many things that I can’t even categorize them. The only absolute thing is they would not be here in my apartment. The apartment that I loved when I moved in. The apartment that I decorated myself, every touch of paint, every wall hanging, and every little knickknack was hand-selected by me and I had a wonderful time doing it. Now this place feels like a prison and I am slowly losing my mind!
I hate my bedroom, I hate my living room, I even hate the painting from my favorite artist hanging on my wall. I was out of town when all this started and I had to self-quarantine for two weeks before I could even think of leaving my apartment. By that time, there was nothing open to try and visit except for a couple of groceries. A few of my friends got sick with the pandemic, so that cut into even the idea of anyone coming over.
I’ve re-arranged the furniture so many times I’ve left what might be permanent tracks in the carpet. The downstairs neighbor even quit thumping on the ceiling about the noise I made moving the sofa at three in the morning. I’ve been sleeping on an Aero-Bed on the living room floor because my bedroom seems to have shrunk two sizes. The only real refuge I have is out on my balcony.
It’s not very big and don’t think I haven’t considered throwing myself off of it — just kidding! Seriously, just kidding! But when the weather cooperates, that’s where you can find me. I have a small table and one chair. I even ran a long extension cord to keep my laptop charged so I can work out there all day. On the days when it rains, I have one more thing to bitch to the world as I sit inside the sliding glass door staring out at the rain.
That’s where I was when I saw her. She lives in the apartment across from me, right on the other side of a narrow alley. I know, the view sucks, but it beats staring at the same four walls and I get a couple of hours of direct sun each morning. But today, for the first time, I saw her standing sideways to her picture window. She was tall, taller than me, and striking in her blue uniform. She was talking on her phone and pacing a few steps in each direction. I think it was the sharp movements that caught my eye, she seemed angry at whomever she was talking to.
Her apartment didn’t have a balcony, just a large picture window. I saw her hang up the phone and just stand there, leaning against a counter. I couldn’t help but look at her, even though if she saw me, I would be embarrassed as all get out! Then she was out of sight. Part of me did feel guilty for spying on her like this, but a larger part of me was just looking for something, anything different as a release from my corona-imposed prison.
I did wonder if she had just moved in because I hadn’t seen anyone in there before. The glass was tinted so you really could only see something close to it. That set the stage for the next several days. The weather gave us all a break, so I spent many hours on my balcony. Once in a while, I would see her, usually in the morning. Her uniform was military and looking blue through the tinting. I figured Air Force and Navy. This town had a large presence of each. Does the Army or Marines have blue uniforms? I don’t know, so I am guessing AF or Navy.
She was slender with dark, red hair. I saw her one morning putting it up. She was standing there fussing with her hair. If I could have, I would have told her to leave it down; it was lovely and full. But I guess uniform requirements made her put it up. I will say the bun on her head didn’t look nearly as attractive as her loose hair. I was slightly jealous, my blonde hair was baby-fine and while my hairdresser loved it, there was little you could do with it. I tried a perm once, and the less said about that, the better!
She disappeared and, I am assuming here, headed out because I didn’t see her again. I sat there on my computer trying to work. I had to wait for something to come in from the office so I was sitting there bored for a few. I logged into my favorite website, Lushstories, to see what was new.
I know, I know, porn of all things! But in my defense, many of the stories there are more than just porn, but real erotica. Titillating for sure, often thought-provoking, and when you are going stir crazy — a nice release. I found a new long one from one of my favorite authors. She always drags me deep into her stories that I often forget all about my corona-cage. This story was no different, a historical drama with elements of humor and marvelously erotic descriptions that soon had my juices flowing.
After several intense minutes of reading the story, I looked up and saw my new neighbor watching me. “Oh My God,” was my first thought because I had gotten so carried away by the story I had slipped my hand down the waistband of my shorts and it was pretty obvious what I was doing! I was so embarrassed! I ducked my head, grabbed my laptop, and retreated into my apartment, practically in tears! Even my retreat was a travesty as my power cord nearly pulled the laptop from my hands as it caught on the edge of my chair. I even forgot I had the screen door closed and walked right into it. I couldn’t look at my neighbor, I didn’t dare. I figure she was either horrified or laughing at me. Either one would have just made me want to melt!
I avoided my balcony for the rest of the day, enduring the prison in my humiliation. After a foolishly sleepless night in which I dreamt of eyes in each of the windows of the building across from me, even though most couldn’t see my balcony without some significant physical contortions of the occupants. I waited until I assumed she had left for work and went back out there again. Even in my mortification, there was a limit to how long I could stay indoors. After a while, I looked up at her window and saw a square of white on it.
“She left me a note?” I couldn’t read it from where I was so I got my camera and snapped a pic of her window. Blowing it up, I read “Why did you leave?”
I wasn’t sure how to handle that? Didn’t she see what I was doing? How do I answer this? Should I simply ignore it? Should I be honest and tell her I was embarrassed she caught me touching myself? Maybe I should be brutally honest and tell her I was spying on her? I couldn’t come up with an answer that satisfied me and make me look less like an idiot or a perv. The next morning the note was missing from her window and I didn’t see her at all.
Two mornings later, I was halfway out onto my balcony parole when I saw her standing in her window. I froze! I shouldn’t have, but I froze and I felt my face getting red. I don’t know if she could see that, but I could feel the heat radiating from my skin. I stood there like an idiot and just looked at her.
She was looking sexy in her uniform again, a short-sleeve blue top and dark blue slacks. There was a small row of multicolored bits of cloth above one breast and what might have been a nametag above the other. She had her hair up as she simply looked at me. I still couldn’t move. I knew beating another hasty retreat wouldn’t help, but I also couldn’t seem to step over to my chair. Then she moved, her hand came up and she cupped her breast. It made my breath catch in my throat.
Even from this distance, I could see her squeeze her breast. I couldn’t look away. Then she unbuttoned a couple of buttons down the center of her top and slipped her hand inside, right back to what it was doing. Her other hand pressed against the window as she squeezed her breast. Eyes closed and her mouth was open partway. She looked incredibly sexy!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m straight, but I will admit reading some lesbian stories on Lush and even admiring some very erotic images of woman, but there was something incredible about someone doing it live in front of me. She pulled her hand out and seemed to fumble at her waist and then her hand slipped into her slacks. Her left hand stayed braced against the window as her hand and body danced with each other. Without realizing it, I moved over and sank in my chair. It was impossible to tear my eyes away.
Her movements were getting a little jerky, I knew what was coming. Then suddenly, she almost fell against the glass, her breasts covered in the blue material flattened, her face turned to the side as her cheek pressed against the glass. Then she recovered from her orgasm and stood facing me again. She pulled her hand out of her slacks and did the incredible, she licked her fingers while smiling almost shyly at me. Then she was gone.
She left me wet and wanting on my balcony. I sat there and didn’t need Lush for a release! I brought myself to orgasm by replaying what I just witnessed in my head. Like my new quarantine-friend, I did something I hadn’t done before and tasted my fingers. It was a sharp taste, not unpleasant. Tasting myself drove home how turned on she had gotten me. When I looked up, I saw her watching me as intently as I had been watching her. A strange thrill ran through my body.
She waved and disappeared, leaving another square of paper on her window. Zooming in I saw her name, a phone number, and a time. It seems I have an appointment for later!