I was laying an odd table, on my stomach. My legs were straddled and my ankles were tied, to each of the legs. The rope had about a six inch give. I was almost naked; I could feel I had thigh high stockings and a garter belt on, no bra or panties. My nipples pebbled against the hard wood of the table.
Where were they? I bit my lip to not call out for them. I wasn’t sure what the plan was but they wouldn’t leave me here for long. I trusted them with my life, and with what we were doing lately, that was a good thing. I felt a warm body behind me. I sighed in relief. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Jake standing behind me, smiling.
“Finally awake I see.” Jake dropped a hand on my back. “I was starting to wonder if I was gunna have to wake you up.” His fingers trailed down my back, over my ass, to the inside of my thighs.
I sucked in a breath, my pussy clenched and my eyelids grew heavy. A noise in front of me made me jump, and snap my head back around. Addison was in front of me, looking yummy, in a pair unzipped jeans. They were identical twins; both had black hair, jade green eyes and soft lips that where easy to smile. Addison liked to keep his hair longer, it curled around his ears. Jake kept his tad short, a throw back from his military days.
I’ve never had a problem telling them apart. The night that I met them in a bar they tried to pull a switch on me and I walked out of the bar, muttering about jackass men, who think all women are dumb. They found me outside and said I was the one that they were looking for. Sounds corny but that’s how I became theirs and they became my twins.
Addison flicked a finger down my nose and traced my lips. “You sleep like the dead Leah, I was able to strip you down and dress you up.” His eyes flickered to Jake, “Jake was able to tie you up like a pretty Christmas present with out you ever as make a sound. Have you not being getting any sleep?” His finger tapped my lips.
“No, Addison, I haven’t been getting much sleep with school, work and you and Jake.” I whispered. My twins only had a few rules, first was always call them by their names. Second, when ever engaged in a sexual act, talk quietly unless its moans. Third, never hold back a sound when engaged in a sexual act. Fourth, nothing but them could go inside me, just their fingers, tongues and cocks. I couldn’t even finger myself; it would be breaking a rule. Fifth, there was no back talking. And sixth, always be honest, about everything.
Addison bent down to my eye level. “Are we not satisfying you enough?”
I licked my lips and watched how Addison’s eyes followed the movement. In this whole Sub and Dom thing it made me really wonder who has the power? Or is it about the power? When we first started Jake told me it was about trust. There was a snap behind me and my left thigh stung a bit. Oh, Jake had snapped my garter because I still hadn’t responded. “When I’m with you both, yes but it is hard because I only get to see once a week. And I can’t play with myself to help me fall asleep anymore.” I bit my lip. Some times my honest answers got me in trouble.
Jake laughed, the sound hit me, right in my stomach, starting a fire deep inside. “We have actually been thinking about that.”
I could hear a faint humming, and jumped when something touched my clit. Jake’s hand was on my ass holding me in place, sometime while I was talking to Addison, Jake had untied my legs. He slipped my feet through something and slid it up my thighs. I tried not to move as the vibrations were directly placed on my clit. Jake’s hands cupped my ass and he pulled me tight against him. The rough friction of his jeans against my bare skin made me moan.
My hands clutched at the ropes. Addison was still eye level with me; his eyes grew brighter at my moan. He leaned into me, pressing his lips to mine. Not thinking nipped hard at his lower lip.
A loud crack echoed through the room. I could feel Jake’s hand print on my ass. “That was bad, Baby.”
I winced, not at the spank but the fact Jake didn’t call me by my name. Pet names were not okay. “I’m sorry Addison.”
Addison stroked my cheek, “its okay Leah. It is truly our fault. You are right, once a week isn’t enough.” He stood, placing me eye level with his crotch. I could see that he was hard and ready to go.
I leaned forward a bit, tugging gently at the rope. Jake moved with me. I could feel that Jake was also hard and ready to go, I wiggled against him, trying to entice into giving me his cock. They were taking so long, I was going to die before, I got an orgasm. Addison flicked my cheek.
“She’s being a bad girl tonight.” Addison grinned at Jake
“Maybe she doesn’t deserve our cocks.” Jake moved away from me and I almost whimpered at the cold air.
I took in a deep breath and glared up at Addison. “Did I ask to be tied up? That would be a no!” They were very quiet. Oh shit. I was in trouble now, I back talked and I shouted. Two rules broken in less than two seconds. Yay! That had to be a new record for me.
“You know what Addison, why don’t you fill that naughty mouth up, so our Baby doesn’t get herself into more trouble.” Jake moved a chair over to my right and sat down.
I refused to look at Addison. He was right before. It was all their faults. If they didn’t have those stupid rules then I wouldn’t be so fucking frustrated and not in the mood to play games. Is it really so hard to get fucked? Ugh! I hate being whiny and bitchy. But following their rules wasn’t good for my sleep habits.
“Look at me.”
I shook my head, and place my nose on the table. I could hear Addison move behind me, he was messing with the vibrating toy that was on my clit. He turned it up to an almost unbearable level. It ripped a moan from my lips.
“Look at me.” Addison growled, it was an order. He wasn’t one to order lightly.
I bit the inside of my cheek, as I glanced up. He was beautifully naked. I swallowed at the tan skin and muscle. Sometimes I wondered what they saw in me. I mean they were gorgeous and could have any woman they wanted. I was tiny, all the way around, but they still wanted me.
I opened my mouth and Addison shoved cock in. Good thing my mouth had been watering. I breathed deep through my nose and his hand was in my hair, showing me the rhythm he wanted. Deep and slow, my tongue played with the tip of his head and his hand tightened in my hair. I grazed him with my teeth drawing a groan from him. The sound almost made me climax. I took him deep and moaned around his cock, he tasted so good.
The vibrations must have felt good, because of some unspoken signal, Jake was there behind me again. He thrust two fingers into me and I lost my train of thought as I moaned again.
Addison took the chance to get deeper in my mouth. He pulled away from me and I frowned.
He said my name. I was forgiven. Jake was still playing with me; he curled his fingers and thrust against my g-spot. I unraveled, in an instant, I moaned as Jake helped me ride out my orgasm. I didn’t have the energy to lift my head. That was a week way over due. Now I really didn’t care what they did to me.
Jake trailed his hands down my thighs, taking off the toy which was to stimulating now. It was crazy how well they knew my body. I could hear them debating.
“She needs two more, at least. I don’t want her to hurt.” Addison said while he was messaging, the nape of my neck.
“She needs to be prepped.” Jake lifted my legs and placed my knees on the table. My hands were sound bound so my ass was very high in the air, with my chest still touching the table. This was a true submissive pose. They had stopped talking, and I could feel them staring at my pussy. I tingled at their study of me. I know that I was very wet; I could feel it dripping down the inside of my thighs. I held the position because they wanted me to but I was starting to flush. I began to tremble, I jerked at the warm swipe of a tongue on my clit. I glanced down; I could see the top of Jake head as he was teasing me with his tongue. He gripped my thighs stretching my legs, bringing my pussy as close to his mouth as he wanted. I was just shy of sitting on his face, he thrust his tongue into to me and my hips moved.
I felt Addison’s hand on hips. “That’s it Leah, just like that. He wants to you ride his tongue. Just like you will ride his cock later.” Addison was the naughty talker of the too. The words got me panting for more then just a tongue.
Something cool hit my lower back and Addison worked it down to my ass. Wait a second. His finger work some lube to the tight rose bud back there. I tensed but Jake nipped at my clit, sending pleasure shooting through my body. My nipples tightened and Addison was able to start to work a finger into my untouched ass.
“This is what’s going to happen Leah, I’m going to get this hole nice and lubed, so I can fit my cock in here but before I give you my cock your going to say please. But the thing is your going to be laying on me, with me in your ass, while Jake gets to plow your adorable pink pussy. You are going to be double stuffed.”
I swung my head around to look at him, thinking he was crazy. They would split me in half or something.
“Don’t worry Leah, you will enjoy it. You come to a screaming climax and beg us for more. Now be a good girl and let us make you cum.” Addison gently worked his finger back and forth. His other hand when right below the nape of my neck and he firmly scratched down my back, causing me to whimper and almost collapse onto Jake. Last week they figured out that some pain turned me on. Jake stopped nibbling on my lower lips to sink his teeth into my thigh, I almost screamed but I bit my wrist instead, holding back the-would-be very loud noise.
Addison thrust his fingers hard into my ass and I whimpered. “Don’t hold any sounds back Baby, it is okay to scream.”
I let out a hard breath and nodded. The would want some type of response and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to talk at the moment.
“Cum for us.” Addison whispered.
Jake thrust two fingers into my pussy.
The feeling of having something, in my ass and pussy was too much, and I climaxed again. I might have screamed but then again I might have not been able to make a noise. I hope that wouldn’t get me into trouble. Spent, I let my forehead rest on the cool table. I wonder if it was possible to die from to much pleasure. Jeez, I’m gunna die before they give me an orgasm, I’m going to die after they give me two, I guess I can’t make up my mind of what I want.
“I believe she is more then ready.” Addison untied my wrists and Jake lifted me up to carry me to the bedroom. Actually I do know what I want. I want them.
I smiled when I saw the bed. No more hard surfaces unless you counted my twin’s cocks. I leaned up to Jake and kissed him. He stopped walking, so he could give his full attention to my mouth. Jake’s kisses were all consuming, rough, dominate, you know that he will take the time to fuck you long and hard.
Addison’s kisses were something that you can seep yourself in, you will be cherished until the end of time, with him it’s a sweet love making that will drive you insane by the time its over.
Together it seemed like they were one man. Yes they each had their own personality but they felt truly right working as a team. Some how to them I complete that team, I’m theirs and they are my twins.
Addison was stretched out on the bed waiting for us. I studied his cock, which grew under my inspection. How in the world was that going to fit in my ass? And what position are we doing this in? Jake placed me between Addison’s legs and before I could bend down to give him a quick suck, Jake turned me around. He draped my legs over Addison’s, I was fully exposed. This would be the perfect position to be eaten out in. Jake lifted my hips and set me down on Addison stomach. He pushed me down until I was fully laying down. I turned my head and kissed Addison. I jerked when Jake started playing with my ass.
“Trust us Leah.” Jake said.
“Okay Jake. Please?” I took in some deep breaths, relaxing my body. Addison nibbled on my neck and shoulders. I could feel him nudging at my back door. Jake played with clit, slowly getting me worked up so it was I who was thrusting down on Addison cock. Two inches in and it was a weird feeling. After five minutes of gentle ass play, Addison was balls deep. That wasn’t bad, everyone I had heard talk about anal said it just hurt. This felt kind of good. Jake held my waist and helped me ride Addison. It hurt in all the right ways. Addison bit my shoulder causing me to clench, he groaned.
“Jake you better hurry, I don’t know how much more I can take.” Addison voice was right by my ear. I reached up with my right hand and gripped his hair. I tugged, not so gently and I grazed the under side of his jaw with my teeth.
Jake smiled at that, and I crooked my finger at him. He was on his knees between mine and Addison’s legs. He gripped my hips and thrust into me with the force of a Mack-truck. My world went dark for a second. Some how, with the rhythm Jake had every thrust he made, had me coming down on Addison.
My left hand gripped Jake’s shoulder, I wanted to be holding both of my twins. I could feel my third climax building. Being filled by two men was strange. Addison bit down on my shoulder and Jake bit down on the other side of my neck. My hands tightened, and I moaned. I was feeling way to much. Jake thrust hard and had me screaming. Addison exploded, filling me up, making me warm. Jake was last, gushing with a more hard pounds. I was half asleep as they cleaned me up and tucked me in between them in bed.
“We want you to move in with us.” Addison trailed a hand down my body. I grew wet. Jeez, you think I would have had enough already.
“Think about all the adventures we can have if you where here every night,” Jake laughed slid a hand between my thighs.
Every night? Have my twins every night? They decided to show me the adventures instead of letting me think about it. I think my answer is going to be a yes.