My Teenage God Ch. 3 – Deborah’s Story

"A straight female tutor is slowly seduced by her two young female students."

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Deborah Kass, a twenty-six year old fellow grad student of Davids, had been looking forward to tutoring for months now. She had been so excited when Breanne, the program organizer, had told her about the program. She had always wanted to give back to the local community and work with kids. She had had a tutor in high school as well who had made a great impression on her, she hoped to be such a role model.

Deborah arrived at the school early, wanting to make a good impression. For the occasion she had decided it would be safest to wear neutral, respectable clothing. Deborah was five foot four, one hundred and twenty seven pounds and had brown, slightly curly hair that just reached her shoulders. Her fiancé frequently described her as “cute” but she considered herself rather plain looking. She went to the classroom and was sitting for a while when she saw David walk in. She waved cheerfully, excited for the day to start.

The high schoolers began filtering into the classroom. She noticed a pair of girls dressed provocatively and caught a number of the students (and even tutors!) taking lingering looks. Looking at them, she couldn’t help but feel envious. She wished she could be as confident in her body as these two girls were.

The first was a pretty blonde. Slightly shorter than Deborah, she wore a tank top so that her cleavage and flat stomach were showing. She also wore very tight yoga pants, leaving none of her tight curves to the imagination.

The second was a tall brunette, at least five foot nine, and looked like she must be a model or actress. She had a beautiful face with dark features and big lips. She wore a miniskirt and tight, slightly sheer top, that showed off her model-thin, toned figure, long legs, and most of all, her huge breasts. Her shirt clung tight to her body and accentuated her breasts, the fabric stretching out to it’s limit. She wore a pink bra under her sheer top showing off the size of her boobs.

Deborah couldn’t believe a high schooler had breasts like that. She had always been sensitive about her own flat chest and felt a twinge of envy. Her breasts filled up the bra and were spilling out as you could see cleavage even through the top. She realized she was staring and glanced up. The teen model was looking at her with an inquisitive gaze and slight smile. Deborah looked away, embarrassed.

The embarrassment kind of drifted away when the next kid walked in. He was average height with blonde hair and a confident gorgeous fact. He wore a tight shirt and was clearly very built and ripped underneath it. Her eyes surveyed his body up and down and she even noticed a sizeable bulge in his shorts. Holy Crap! She was checking out a teenager! What the hell was she doing. Deborah shook her head and snapped herself out of it. She straightened her back and looked to Breane expectantly. Soon, The coordinator began to call the pairs.

Breanne went down the list and eventually got to Her name.

“Deborah, you’ll be with Izzy and Crystal. These two girls have requested that they stay together.”

A little bit of Deborah was initially disappointed that she wasn’t with the muscular boy, but she ignored that feeling and looked around for the girls she was paired with.

Her eyes fell onto the provocative pair, who were smiling and waving to her. After a moments hesitation, she smiled back and waved enthusiastically. Oh boy.

Well, she thought, they seemed very nice and they clearly could use a good role model. She knew she could serve such a role.

She noticed that her friend David got paired with the hulky teenager, whose name was apparently “Max.” She looked over at David and noticed he initially seemed unhappy about it, but quickly covered it up with a smile.

After everyone was matched up the students and tutors sat together for a few minutes. Deborah stood up as the girls walked over. The shorter blond girl in the yoga pants waved and said she was Crystal. The tall busty brunette actually leaned in and kissed both of Deborah’s cheeks as she introduced herself as Felicity. As she leaned in to do so her large breasts pressed up against Deborah’s chest, causing the tutor to momentarily flush with embarrassment, though the teen seemed undisturbed.

“So nice to meet you girls” Deborah launched right in, brushing past her embarrassment, “I’m so excited to work with you this year, I can’t wait for us to get started.”

“Us too Ms. Kass!” Crystal spoke with a sweet, innocent voice as she sat down next to Deborah.

“Oh please, call me Deborah!”

“Aren’t you excited Izzy?” Crystal spoke to Felicity (Deborah guessed that Izzy was her nickname).

“Are you sure you’d like to be called Deborah?” Felicity smiled beautifully as she circled the table and sat down across from Deborah. “I think I like ‘Deb’ better, how about that?”

Deborah had actually always hated when people shortened her name but she didn’t want to say that to these girls. “Haha, that’s fine Izzy .”

“Actually can you call me Felicity please Deb? Only, like, my close friends call me Izzy .” The sixteen year old beauty crossed her arms under her breasts and looked a little perturbed.

Deborah was taken aback and slightly embarrassed. “Uh…of course Felicity, I’m so sorry about that.”

Crystal chimed in, “That’s okay she does this to everyone she’s just messing with you. And you can call me Chris!”

Deborah felt relieved. She didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot by offending her student. She looked over as Chris scooter her chair closer. Her low cut tank top showed lots of cleavage that bounced as she moved towards her. After a moment too long of looking at Chris’s cleavage, thinking how nice it would be if she had such full perky boobs, Deborah looked up to the blond teen smiling sweetly at her. She looked across the table at Izzy who, with her arms still crossed below her breasts, was pushing her cleavage up and forward, looking amused.

Deborah felt confused. Were these girls just trying to show of thier big boobs to her to make her jealous. At the same time though they seemed so sweet. Deborah decided she should just start talking about the sessions.

“Okay guys so we’ll be meeting soon to study History. I’d like you guys to bring your textbooks and homework assignments for this week. I’ll find out from Breanne what specific topic you guys will be studying this week.”

Deborah felt herself normalizing as she gained control again. “That sound good girls?”

“That sounds great Deb!” Chris smiled sweetly.

“Perfect,” Deborah glanced at Izzy, “I’m so excited to study with you guys!”

Izzy smiled beautifully in response. Her eyes pinched cutely in the corners and dimples appeared on her cheeks. Deborah couldn’t help but smile in response.

Izzy, still smiling, said “Yeah, it should be a lot of fun.”

“Times Up!” Yelled Breanne.

Chris waved goodbye while Izzy kissed Deborah’s cheeks goodbye, again pressing up closely against her. Deborah blushed as Izzy smiled and turned around. She watched them both walk out, her eyes lingering on Izzy’s long lengs and Chris’s perfect butt. Man, what she could have done with a body like either of them when she was sixteen.

They walked up to Max, that muscular student, who put his arms around each of them.

Like him, she thought, smirking. She shook her head. She couldn’t think like that, these kids were ten years younger than her. She would put them out of her mind.


Over the course of the next week leading up to her first study session with Izzy and Chris, Deborah found herself becoming nervous when she thought about their upcoming meeting. She tried to tell herself that she was just was anxious about being a good tutor, but she wasn’t sure she was convincing herself. As much as it frustrated her, she was intimidated by these girls.

She knew their type in high school and she was generally treated like crap by them. Occasionally they would let her drive them to a party or something (she had a license before anyone else), but once they were at the party the “hot girls” would basically ignore her.

Even with their age difference, and even though Izzy and Chris had been so sweet to her, she still still got a little nervous as soon as she pictured them in her mind, especially Izzy. She was sure she’d get over it though.


Friday came and Deborah showed up a little early. She went to the room where they were meeting the students. They were tutoring in rooms of six or seven pairs per room. She sat down at an open table and began to unpack the study materials. She wasn’t waiting long before Chris strolled in, looking cheerful as usual. Showing off her body again, Chris wore a green/yellow tank top fitted tightly over her breasts and exposing her stomach from just above her belly button to her waist. She also wore extremely tight black jeans that hugged her waist and ass like they were painted on. Though Deborah didn’t notice it in their last meeting, she now saw Chris had a belly pericing. A chain with a hear hanging down from her belly button, studded with what looked like real diamonds. It shimmered and swayed as Chris bounced over, distracting Deborah.

“Hi Deb!” Chris said cheerfully as she sat down across the table.

“Hey Chris! Nice to see you again! Where’s Izzy?”

“Oh, well I think she had Volleyball practice today, and I’m pretty sure I saw her walking into Coach Catherine’s office. I think they may be hashing a few things out, so Izzy may be a while.”

“Okay, I guess if she’s with the coach it’s okay, lets get started.”

Deborah launched into her lesson with Chris. Chris was a little slow to catch on, Deborah discovered. She took a long time to grasp basic concepts though it didn’t seem to bother her. Every time they encounterd a stalling point for her she just giggled and apologized as they started over.

During their lesson Deborah noticed David sitting alone, looking upset. She felt bad for him, but at least she wasn’t the only one who had a no-show student.

Though it seemed she spoke too soon. As she looked past David she saw Izzy down the hall. She was in the hallway leaning back against lockers with one leg bent out, the foot resting on the wall behind her.. About 20 feet away from the classroom door, she seemed in no hurry to get to her tutoring session. She was smiling down at a middle age woman who Deborah assumed was the coach of the vollyball team. Deborah noticed the coach nodding absent-mindedly along to what Izzy was saying, while simply staring at Izzy’s chest.

Noticing the coach’s gaze, Deborah shifted her focal point to Izzy. She noticed her volleyball uniform was incredibly revealing. With athletic shorts that barely went below her waist, Brooks legs were again on display. The way she was posed showed off the muscular toning to her legs as well as a tanned, smooth sheen. The top was a tight-fitted long sleeve t-shirt. Looking at her profile Deborah rolled her eyes. Of course Izzy was wearing a shirt 3 sizes too small. She was a sweet girl but clearly her parents didn’t teach her an appropriate way to dress. She also internally thought how inappropriate it was that the coach kept glancing at Izzy’s chest. How about some professionalism?

Debrah excused herself and got up to speak to Breanne, who was in the room checking on the studying.

“Hi Breanne!”

“Hey Deborah, how’s it going? How’s Crystal doing over there?”

“She’s coming along, but listen. Do you know whether I should expect Izzy to be late regularly? Will she usually be at practice at this time?” Deborah glanced down the hall, Izzy was finally saying goodbye to the coach. She did her usual fake-french-two-cheek-kiss thing and the coach blushed and hurried away.

“Hmm, no she shouldn’t be, I’ll talk to her about it, do you know where she is?” Breanne asked.

“Yeah, here she comes now,” Breanne indicated to the hallway.

As Izzy stepped through the door though, Deborah realized why the coach couldn’t keep her eyes off her chest. Deborah hadn’t noticed it from the side but the tight long sleeve shirt Izzy was wearing was extremely low cut. Izzy’s cleavage was literally spilling out of her shirt. Further, it seemed quite clear that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath as her nipples were clearly pressed up against her shirt. She had a playful smile on, looking at Deborah as she approached, her cleavage bouncing side to side.

Jeez, this girl , Deborah thought , say what you will about her style, she knew how to show it off.

Breanne was still looking down, writing something on her pad of paper, but as she heard the confident footsteps of Izzy approaching she began to speak. “Ahh Felicity, you’re finally…”

As Breanne turned to the approaching Felicity, intending to continue her lecture on promptness, the words died in her throat. Izzy was standing very close to Breanne now, and she was tall enough so that her full breasts were just below Breanne’s chin. Breanne found herself staring straight into the deep channel that was Izzys bust.

The teenager’s breasts were pressed up tightly against the light blue uniform. The deep V in her long sleeve shirt revealed voluptuous and tanned breasts that hung heavily from her body creating a long line of cleavage. The fabric clung to her as it continued down her body, sloping inward dramatically below her breasts, making it them all the bigger juxtaposed next to her thin waist.

As Deborah looked on, Breanne realized she was staring and looked up to see Felicity’s mischievous smile. Breanne began to speak again, but instead of the authoritative tone she had started out with, she now spoke in what sounded to Deborah like an embarrassed whisper. Deborah even noticed that Breanne was blushing.

“Felicity, it is important to come promptly to these sessions.”

“Of course, I apologize.” As Izzy said this she leaned in to do her cheek-kissing thing, but considering her and the coordinator’s height difference, Izzy ended up pressing her breasts into Breanne’s face as the younger girl kissed her on the temples rather than the cheeks. After the kisses Felicity stayed there.

Breanne remained where she was, her face buried in Felicities cleavage. She slowly breathed in and out, her eyes closed.

Deborah couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She looked again at Felicity’s face, now turned towards her. Felicity gave her a sheepish shrug with a smile on her face. Though it had seemed to Deborah like the young girl had orchestrated the whole thing, she seemed genuinely surprised.

Felicity took the sides of Breane’s face and pulled it out of her cleavage. “I think I’ll go study now thanks” she said to the now glassy-eyed coordinator. Breanne nodded absent-mindedly as Felicity turned away from her towards Deborah.

“I’m so sorry I’m late.” The teenager leaned in to kiss Deborah’s cheeks as well. Determined to keep her professionalism unlike these other women, Deborah actually leaned into the cheek kiss so that Felicity wouldn’t press up against her. “Shall we?” the younger girl suggested cheerfully.

Felicity walked past her to greet her friend, leaving both mentors behind. Neither could help but stare at Felicity’s long legs as she walked away. Felicity’s shorts were so short that the crease between her legs and butcheeks were visible as they formed with each step, captivating the women.

Deborah looked at Breanne. The coordinator’s face was slackened, staring right at Felicity’s butt. Deborah shook her head losing respect for her friend, and walked towards her table. When she got there Izzy and Chris were deep in conversation, giggling.

“You really made her do that?” Chris asked.

“Yup, and i’ll have her do it for you later, if you’re good”

Deborah was a little confused by what she overheard but as she arrived the girl quieted down and turned to her expectantly. Deborah looked determinedly only at their faces, though she knew both girls cleavage was on full display. She knew she had to try to instill some modesty in these girls. Looks would only get them so far.

She continued with the lesson. While Chris, though still quite slow, continued to be engaged in the lesson, her taller friend seemed only half interested. Mostly she just looked intently at Deborah. Deborah couldn’t tell if she was playing very close attention or thinking about something completely different. Deborah continued to consciously avoid looking at the girls bodies. Because of this she looked down mostly at the table. The problem, of course, was that they had set up the tutors in a newly renovated classroom. The class was usually used for arts classes so the school had decided to install glass tops in some of the central tables, one of which they were sitting at. Because of this, as Deborah stared intensely at the table, she also was staring though the glass at the girls legs.

She tried to concentrate on the lesson but was distracted from time to time when the girls would uncross and recross their legs. She had flashbacks to the girls in high school with her with those kind of legs. She felt a new wave if intimidation from these girls, but she tried pressing this feeling down, knowing she had a responsibility to stay in control and in charge, for the sake of these girls educations.

About halfway through the hour Deborah again glanced at David, who was still without his student. She gave him a sheepish shrug but then she looked up and was momentarily dumbstruck. David’s student partner had just walked in and Deborah couldn’t help but admit, the sixteen year old was possibly the sexiest man she’d ever seen. He wore a tight dryfit shirt that stuck to his chest that was dripping with seat. You could the lines of his well toned body even through his shirt. He looked around the room confidently and Deborah had a feeling of helplessness in his presence.

Deborah snapped out of it as she heard the girls giggling behind her.

“He’s cute isn’t he Deb?” asked Chris.

“Let’s get back to work girls,”

Felicity went on. “You should see the big hard cock he’s packing Deb – it’s probably a foot lon.g”

“Felicity!” Deborah flared up now, “Firstly, you shouldn’t speak like that in general. Secondly, you most definitely may not speak like that to me!”

“You’re right Deb, of course, I’m so sorry.” Felicity reached out her hand and held Deborah’s as she apologized, her thin fingers trailing over her tutor’s knuckles. Felicitiy’s touch sent chills down Deb’s spine and the older girl soon pulled away.

Curiously to Deborah, after what seemed like a brief confrontation between David and his student, Max, Max abruptly left. Strangly, looking confused and frustrated, David left soon after as well.

They got on with their lesson, Deborah returning to avoiding staring at her beautiful students. However she again found herself staring at their perfect legs through the glass table. As continued trying to concentrate on the lesson, she noticed the girls begin to rub eachothers legs.

The girls were quite clearly playing footsy. One would run their foot up the others leg all the way to mid thigh before running it back down. Then they would switch. Deborah tried to press forward with the lesson but was distracted by the leg movement below. She kept on losing her train of thought as the girls feet reached up higher and higher on eachother’s legs. She would only begin again when the feet would begin to descend.

She glanced up now and both the girls were looking at her with knowing smiles on their faces. They both leaned forward now and Deborah tried to resist looking down at their cleavage that they were again putting on display for her, seemingly on purpose.

Deborah thought of the coach and Breanne, she did not want to be like them. But as she thought of Breanne resting her face on Felicity’s bosom, she couldn’t help but imagine her own face there. Thinking these thoughts, she could not resist looking down at the young girls’ cleavage. Without making a conscious decision she gave in and looked down.

She drank in the beautiful breasts before her with her eyes. She always wanted beautiful boobs like those. While Chris’s were fair, well proportioned, and perky, Felicities pressed out heavy, dark, and proud.

As Deborah stared the world melted around her. All that was there were these two young goddesses. Then she felt their legs on hers. They were both running their legs up her stockings. She looked through the table at their beautiful legs next to hers, putting hers to shame. She watched and squirmed as they ran their legs up and down her own, glancing from their legs to their smirking faces, and coming constantly to rest on thier tits.

“Mmmmm Deb,” Izzy spoke in a low seductive tone, “doesn’t that feel good?”

Hearing Felicity speak, Deborah finally snapped out of it.

“What do you think you guys are doing!?” Deborah feigned surprise. She would try her best to cover up what had just happened. After all, she hadn’t been staring for long had she?

“Absolutely no more funny business girls, these sessions are serious and we have to take them seriously”

Just then the bell rang, signalling the end of class. Deborah realized only then that she had fallen under these girls spells for a whole ten minutes!

“Whatever you say Deb,” Felicity smiled as she said it. Again Deborah was struck by the beauty of the girl’s smile.

“I think we better stick with calling me Deborah, Izzy,” said the tutor, attempting to reassert some authority. “And for our next session, I want you and Chris to be dressed more appropriately! This is not a proper way for a young lady to dress.” She indicated to Felicity’s shirt and shorts.

Felicity circled the table slowly, adjusting her top, which kept on slipping, seductively revealing her shoulder and collarbone. Felicity paused behind Deborah, who refused to look back at her. Felicity ran her fingers softly across Deborah’s ass, causing the tutor’s heart to flutter in her chest. But still she stood defiantly, not looking back.

Then there was a whisper in her ear “I think I’ll keep using “Deb,” and you are to refer to me as “Felicity”, or rather, how about “Ms. Felicity” from now on.” She paused, still lightly grazing Deborah’s ass. “And don’t pretend you don’t love my sexy outfits.” With this she gave a light squeeze to Deb’s ass. Deborah couldn’t help but let out a soft whimper. She hoped Felicity didn’t hear but she couldn’t tell.

With that Felicity walked past the teacher towards the door, joined by Chris. Deborah stared at their asses as they left. She looked quickly to Breanne, who was sitting at the teacher’s table in the room. She was staring too.


At home that night Deborah tried to get Ms. Felicity, dammit just Felicity, and Chris out of her head. She couldn’t believe what had happened. She was completely straight, she was engaged for Christ’s sake, and yet these girls had some kind of hold on her. That night her fiance, Doyle tried to get something going with her but when he walked naked into the room, she found herself simply not in the mood. She was usually attracted to Doyle. He had a very cute and sweet face, but tonight she found herself turned off by his lanky and sparsely hairy body.

Once her frustrated fiancé was asleep beside her, she found herself closing her eyes and, in her mind, feeling Chris and Ms. Fel… Felicity …run their legs up and down hers. She reached back and ran her hand over her ass. She squeezed, imagining her hand was Felicity’s and moaned out loud. Upon hearing her own passioned outburst, she realized what she was doing and abruptly stopped.

She forced herself to watch tv to get her mind off them.

She wouldn’t call her Ms. Felicity, she would fight these feelings back. She would gain control over these sessions again and give these spoiled girls the mentor they sorely needed.


Through the following week Deborah passed through various stages of anxiety and determination. From time to time she would panic about how she allowed herself to lose control while at other times she assured herself that she wouldn’t let it happen again.

The morning of the day before the next tutoring session Deborah got a call from Breanne. Apparently one or two of the kids had suggested that the program this week should be devoted to bonding between the tutors and students. Thus, The boy tutors and students were to go swimming in the school pool the first half of the hour and the girls would get the second half.

Upon hearing this Deborah was filled with a sense of trepidation. With the way her mind had been working lately, she worried about how she would handle seeing Chris and Felicity (she had finally gotten over thinking of her as Ms. Felicity) in bathing suits. With how they normally dressed, she had little doubt they would not be wearing modest swimwear, to say the least.

Picturing them in swimsuits sent her into another round of nervous anxiety. At the same time she could not deny the other feelings that hit her. Raw excitement an hornyness. All day she tried to stop it, but could not shield her mind from images of Chris’s pale, full, and shapely ass fit snug into bikini bottoms or her tight, toned stomach on full display with her sexy belly chain.

Even harder was trying not to imagine Felicity’s voluptuous body barely stuffed into a tight, two-sizes-too-small bikini. She was sure that Felicity’s body, what little of it she hadn’t already seen, would be incredible to behold. Trying to concentrate in class, she repeatedly felt her hand stroking between her legs before even realizing it, having been picturing the two sixteen year old girls.

This was far worse than before. She had been resolved against such thoughts, but the news of the swimming pool had sent her off the rails. When she got home she decided that a good fuck with Doyle would help clear her mind.

As they started to make out though Deborah just had to admit to herself that Doyle wasn’t doing it for her. She lay there as Doyle laid on top of her, barely knowing what he was doing as he pumped in and out of her. She was barely stimulated by his five inch penis.

Then something unexpected happened. As Doyle flailed around on top of her the rubbing of his legs on her caused her to flash back to her last classroom session with the girls. Instantly she was turned on again and started humping into him from beneath.

She ran her hands over her fiancé’s thin frame and they came to rest on his butt. Doyle had a rather feminine butt that bubbled out and was soft and fleshy. She sometime teased him about it but this time, feeling it, she instead let out a load moan.

Without intending it, she was now imagining that this was a woman’s butt on top of her. In her mind Felicity was laying on top of her, wearing a strap on, thrusting in and out. She closed her eyes and squeezed Felicity’s butt hard as she rocked through her biggest orgasm in a long time.

“OH GODDDD.” Deborah screamed as she came.

Doyle was in some pain from Deborah’s vice-like grip on his ass but he came as well, liking the feeling of his fiancé taking control.

As Deborah opened here eyes and saw Doyle, she was momentarily disappointed, but the kissed him passionately, trying to thrust what she had just imagined out of her mind.

A little later, curled up in bed, she again tried to cement her mind against the temptation that tomorrow would bring. As she lay there, feeling equal parts dread and excitement, but trying not to feel either, she again told herself that she would become a role model for these girls. But she wasn’t sure she bought it.


The next morning Deborah spent about an hour deciding which bathing suit to wear. She was fighting between conservative, safe, and responsible (wanting to set an example for the girls) and a little more racy and hot (wanting to look good in the girls eyes…j ust to gain their respect of course ). In the end she ended up going for safe and conservative. She would stick to her goals today.

Arriving in the classroom, she was surprised to find both Chris and Felicity waiting for her. Even more surprising, she immediately noticed that both of them were wearing cldressed quite modestly. Chris wore a sweater and sweatpants. Though she still showed a tiny bit of her midriff, the clothing itself was baggy and unrevealing, a huge improvement.

Felicity wore what looked like one big sweatshirt that hung baggy and low. With it’s high cut neck and loose wear, it basically covered up everything and hung quite modestly off her body. This was a massive difference from when the saw each other last and Deborah couldn’t help but feel good about what, in her view, she was responsible for. She couldn’t believe they had listened to her.

What was more, Felicity and Chris were very good students for the full half hour. They were attentive, respectful and listened to everything Deborah said. Deborah felt her control returning and her relationship with these girls normalizing. She began to wonder whether she had exaggerated the girls bad behavior in her mind. On the other hand, she wondered if she was already having such an impact on the girls.

Whatever it was, after the half hour ended, Deborah felt a lot better and more confident about her relationship with these girls than she had that morning. She even walked with them towards the pool, no longer nervous about what lie ahead. They chatted to her in friendly tones and spoke enthusiastically about what they had learned that day. Though Deborah still found their faces to be beautiful, she didn’t feel that sexual charge she had during times previous.

On their way there they encountered a strange thing. First the strong teenager Mac walked past them with a smirk on his face. He still wore his swimsuit though he had thrown on a shirt. He winked at the girls who waved back as Deborah tried to avert her gaze. Nevertheless she couldn’t help but admire again his strong, huge body. Glancing quickly down she saw an outline of something HUGE in his shorts. If that was his dick, she was floored by the fact that it almost seemed to be emerging out of the bottom of his shorts. Clearly he was semi-hard as it pressed up against his thin swimsuit. He turned into an empty classroom as they passed it.

Then as she looked up she was surprised to find David walking down the hall, in just a speedo! He was covering his crotch with both hands and looking embarrassed. Deborah made eye contact with him and gave him a perplexed and incredulous look. He just blushed and rushed past. Curiously, he walked into the same empty classroom as Max had.

Deborah wondered momentarily what was going on but forgot about it as again the girls engaged her in conversation about their lesson that day.

When they arrived at the poolside though, everything changed. They walked onto the deck beside the indoor pool. Deborah was impressed with the facilities here, they even had a hot tub with jacuzzi jets! She had never heard about a public school with one of those. While the girls continued to ask her questions about their lesson, they began to take off their clothes.

For a second Deborah was shocked, shouldn’t they be heading to the change room if they were getting naked. But then Deborah realized they had their bathing suits on underneath. Watching them undress, Deborah felt her throat dry up and her control slip away. It took them each about two seconds to get undressed.

Chris just slipped off the sweater and sweatpants, revealing tight, booty-shorts-like swim trunks and a tube top. The shorts started on her stomach, just below her belly button, and hugged her waistline down to where it split in two for her legs, ending a few inches later. The tube top revealed just a little cleavage at the top but supported her breasts well, giving them a full figure. Her creamy white skin was smooth and perfect along the rest of her body.

All Felicity had to do was take off her poncho-like sweater and she revealed her stunning body stuffed into an extremely revealing, bright red, bikini. As expected her swimsuit seemed way too small for her. The top covered perhaps only 5 square inches of skin on each breast, failing to reach any side of them. The bottoms of her breasts remained uncovered as the fabric didn’t stretch that far, giving Deborah a good idea of just how heavy and full they were.

Felicity’s bikini bottoms from the front consisted of a pair of strings on each side that became further and further apart as approached the area between her legs. Each pair of strings met a diamond-shaped piece of fabric which covered about the same area as the top did.

“Deb?” “Deborahhh?” The girls snapped her out of it. She had been staring again.

“You like our suits? We’re so glad, we thought of you when we were choosing them.” Felicity winked and smiled at her.

“ughh ughh” She stammered in response, “thanks…yeah…theyre…” She looked down at their bodies again and they slowly turned around for her. Chris’s was nice from the back, showing off her thin waist and tight ass, but Felicity’s was heartstopping. She was wearing a string bikini. There was a string running across her back and a T outlining her ass, with just a single string seperating her full, tanned, ass cheeks. That the girls had been wearing these outfits the whole time just under their baggy clothes made Deborah’s head spin.

“I’m gonna go change,” Deborah said quickly, feeling weak in the knees. She stumbled off towards the change room.

After changing she looked in the mirror. Having seen what she just saw, she was not impressed with herself. Next to those bodies hers looked plain and slightly flabby (though she didn’t really have much fat).

She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. She told herself to just look professional and that was all that mattered, but deep down, she hoped that the girls approve of her choice of suit and that she would be pleasing to their eyes.

As she stepped out of the change room she scanned the crown of young girls and their tutors to find Ms. Felicity… just Felicity!… and Chris. She saw them walking towards the jaccuzzi. Breanne was in the Jaccuzzi, staring at them, a deer in headlights. Deborah paused to watch what happened.

They circled the jacuzzi, Felicity going left and Crystal right. At first Breanne looked left then right as they sashayed over, looking from one to the other. But then she looked forward, straight at me, fear and uncertainty on her face.

They got in and sat down on either side of her. She was making eye contact with me now, clearly breathing fast. I just looked at her and the girls, awestruck and extremely curious about what was about to happen.

A second after the girls sat down in the bubbly water Deborah saw Breanne attempt to get up, but she was clearly held down by something beneath the water. The girls weren’t letting her leave.

Felicity and Chris began to speak to Breanne and to eachother. Leaning over her, their breasts essentially in her face because of her shortness. She still tried to maintain eye contact with me but soon was staring down into the girls huge boobs.

Felicity was motioning with her hands as she was speaking causing her boobs to bounce up and down and rub along Breanne’s chin. Breanne’s mouth was now open and Deborah was pretty sure she was drooling. Again though she seemed to snap out of it and tried to get up, but was still held down. She made eye contact again with Deborah, here eyes open wide.

An instant later she suddenly arched her back and and closed her eyes. The girls were smiling now and their hands were below the water level, out of sight.

Deborah couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She leaned back against the wall, holding the outside of her legs tight so that her hands weren’t tempted to wander over her own body while watching this spectacle. She bit her lower lip and glanced quickly around the room to see if anyone was seeing the scene that was playing in front of them.

Somehow no one seemed to be noticing and her attention immediately went back to the trio in the jacuzzi. Chris now stroked Breanne’s hair with one hand while felicity leaned in and whispered something in her ear, causing Breanne to throw her eyes open and stare at Felicity. Slowly her eyes fell to the young girls glorious chest. She reached her hands slowly towards the huge boobs on display in front of her, finally coming to rest on them. As they began to give into her touch, Deborah saw her violently convulse and eventually collapse back.

Chrise removed her hand from the jacuzzi and licked one of her fingers. She held the others to Breanne, who, after a moments hesitation, took both of her fingers in her mouth and sucked as she stared at Chris’s face.

After a minute of this, Felicity again leaned in and whispered in Breanne’s ear. This time Breanne giggled, her demeanor having completely changed. She glanced furtively around, seeming to have forgotten about Deborah, then, unbelievably, she dove her head beneath the water.

Now Felicity visibly relaxed, settling into the bench and leaning back. Chris moved next to her and kissed her neck. Breanne’s hand emerged from the water, handing Chris a small piece of red fabric, Felicity’s bikini bottoms. Her head emerged for a second so she could catch her breath. She was right in front of Felicity, facing the over-a-decade-younger girl. Felicity put her hand on top of Breanne’s head and pushed it beneath the water again. She breathed in deeply, her chest pressing forward, as the tutor coordinator’s mouth undoubtably made contact with her pussy.

To this point Deborah thought that Chris and Izzy had not yet noticed her watching them. But now Felicity looked up and made direct eye contact with her. Deborah was leaned against a wall with her legs bent and about to give out. As Felicity made eye contact, with one hand below the water, seemingly holding Breanne’s head down, she reached out with the other and pulled Chris towards her. She pulled Chris’s mouth to hers, momentarily closing her eyes as she kissed her friend. As they made out, Felicity looked past her friend at Deborah. Deborah continued to stare as Felicity took Chris’s hand and put it to her chest, kneading her left boob.

Though she had been trying to resist, Deborah’s hand left her side as and she began rubbing her pussy through her bathing suit. She came instantly, half collapsing against the wall. Breathing heavily she looked up and Chris and Felicity were looking at her, smiling.

Deborah fled to the locker room, needing to hide from what just happened. Once inside, she sat on a bench, taking deep breaths and trying to get ahold of herself.

Sixteen! Those girls are sixteen! Deborah kept repeating it to herself. You are their tutor! Their mentor! You’re supposed to set an example for them, not drool over them!

As she attempted to talk herself down, she heard the door open and looked up. Felicity and Chris walked in, looking, if possible, even more sexy than before. Their wet skin glistened and their swimsuits, already tight on them, clung tighter, the water adhering the fabric to their bodies.

“Felicity, Crystal, what you just did out there was extremely inappropriate.”

Chris responded cheerfully. “But you seemed to so enjoy watching us Deb.” She spoke almost casually, like she was speaking about Deborah enjoying a meal.

“I don’t know what you think you saw girls…” As she spoke, looking from one girl to the other, Chris turned around and walked towards the door. Deborah became hopeful that they were about to leave and let her be alone.

As Chris reached the door, she looked over her shoulder at her tutor. Deborah was struck by how sexy she looked then, smiling mischievously over her shoulder, one leg playfully bent back, with her beautiful ass pressed out. Deborah felt momentarily disappointed that she was leaving before she struck the thought from her mind. Chris turned away and instead of leaving, locked the door to the locker room. She turned back around, running her hands up her legs and resting them on her hips, posing seductively.

“Chris please unlock the door this is very…” Deborah’s voice silenced as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. In unison Felicity and Crystal both reached to their tops. Felicity reached behind and pulled apart the knot in the back. Crystal pulled down on the top of her tube top, showing more and more cleavage as the top slid down her chest.

At the same time the girls removed their tops. Crystals, smooth and creamy white, stayed remarkably perky even with their size. Felicity’s fell heavily, bouncing as they came to rest. Her areola’s were smaller than Deborah would have expected, but that just excentuated the largeness of her breasts.

Deborah realized her jaw had slackened, that she had stopped talking, and that she was now simply staring at these girls, especially at Felicity’s beautiful chest as the young girl began to speak.

“Deb, since the moment I saw you I knew you couldn’t wait to submit to us. The entire first day you couldn’t keep your eyes off my tits, and I can’t blame you.” Deborah, hearing these words, looked to the floor.

“Look at them Deb, no sense hiding your lust now.” Deborah looked up at Felicity defiantly, refusing to admit to what she knew was true. However she was distracted as the beautiful girl cupped her boobs.

“I bet you wish you had beautiful tits like this Deb. Do you find it embarrassing that we both have way bigger boobs than you. Must make you feel pretty insignificant no?”

“Please girls,” Deborah finally found her voice, “just leave now and we’ll pretend this never happened.”

“Do you want to feel them Deb?” Felicity ignored her tutor’s pleas. Crystal walked over and sat on the bench, straddling it behind Deborah. Deborah felt Chris’s perky boobs press up against her back. Chris felt so close that Deb could even feel her belly chain pressed up against her.

Deborah’s heart was beating fast and her chest felt tight as she tried to tear her eyes away from Felicity’s chest. The idea of feeling the full breasts was now all she could think about. Chris reached under Deborah’s shoulders from behind and came to rest on her stomach. Deborah gasped as Chris ran her hands over her stomach but she didn’t protest as Chris raised her hands up so that they rested on her tutor’s flat chest.

Chris let out a giggle. “They’re so small!”

Deborah blushed, embarrassed. But her embarrassment faded as Felicity walked slowly over, her hips swaying and huge young breasts swingly softly from side to side. She sat on the bench in front of her tutor, so that they were on either side of her. Her long, dark, smooth legs rubbed up against the outside of Deborah’s.

Chris pinched Deborah’s nipples as the older girls stared at the huge chest in front of her, causing her to gasp. She looked up to Felicity’s beautiful face, smirking at her. She was again struck by the beauty of this young girl, she almost felt lucky. She looked down again. From this distance she could see the fine fuzz along Felicity’s breasts. She was overcome with curiosity about what they felt like.

“Would you like to feel them Deb?”

Deborah didn’t answer, she was afraid to.

“Deb? Would you like to feel them or shall I put them away?”

Deborah still didn’t answer, her breath growing shallower.

“Last chance. Do you want to see what my beautiful tits feel like?”

Deborah finally responded, barely audible. “Yes.” She looked down, ashamed.

“Don’t be ashamed Deb, no woman has ever been able to resist me.” Deborah momentarily wondered who these other women were, besides Breanne. Felicity continued. “But you have to ask properly. You know how to properly address me.”

Deborah hesitated, unsure of whether she really wanted to take this final test. But staring at the beautiful girl in front of her her hesitation faded away.

“Can I feel your breasts, Ms Felicity?” Deborah told herself she would just feel them quickly, just to see what they felt like. Then, her curiosity satisfied, she would get up and leave.

She reached out slowly as Felicity leaned towards her. She started at the top and ran her hands down the slow slope at the top of the younger girls breasts. As her hands made contact Chris continued to knead her own small chest, sending electric shocks through her body. Felicity’s breasts were surprisingly soft. They gave easily to her touch and heavily filled her hands. She cupped one and then the other, amazed that each was bigger than both her hands. Felicity’s nipples were hard as they pressed into her palms.

“Would you like to taste them Deb?”

Deborah barely hesitated this time. “Yes Ms. Felicity.”

“Go ahead then.”

Deborah leaned forward and began to softly kiss and lick the teenagers chest. She brought Felicity’s right nipple into her mouth and began to suck. She was lost and felt like she was in a soft heaven. As she sucked on Felicity’s nipples Chris reached her hand under Deborah’s bathing suit and between her legs. As her hand entered Deborah let out a very loud moan.

Chris teased and stroked Deborahs pussy as the tutor continued to concentrate on felicity’s nipples. Alternating from one to the other, sucking greedily. Within one minute of this Deborah could no longer hold back and came hard, trying to stifle her scream. To help her out Felicity reached out and pulled her head in, burying her face in the girls tits.

Deborah sat there, coming down from her orgasm and relaxing into the soft pillows in front of her. Felicity ran her hands along Deborah’s neck, cooing her.

“That’s it Deb, shhhh. Now you know your place.”

Deborah raised her head up, and looked into the teenager’s eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Your place is here Deb, submitting to me, like so many women before you. You will be one of my slaves, catering to my whim.”

“But…” Deborah began to protest.

“Shhhh” Felicity leaned forward and kissed deborah and all other thoughts melted away. The teenager’s lips were soft and full, and brought with them a slightly sweet taste. Deborah felt her run her tongue along her lips and parted them obediently. She whimpered as Felicity explored the inside of her mouth until she finished and leaned back again. As she did so, Deborah leaned forward, trying to lengthen the kiss.

“Don’t worry Deborah, there will be plenty of time for more.” Felicity smiled beautifully as she said this. Deborah couldn’t help but blush and smile shyly back, forgetting her protestation a second earlier.

Chris let out another giggle and got up. “Well that was fun! I guess we’ll see you later!” Her and Felicity now put back on their tops.

Felicity finished Crystal’s thought. “Why don’t you come to my house tonight Deborah, we’re having a party tonight. Wear something sexy for me will you? Here’s my address.” She took Deborah’s phone and inputted her information. Deborah remained silent, still staring at the beautiful bodies in front of her.

“By then!” Chris waved and the girls turned around and proceeded out the door. As their hips swayed from side to side Deborah could sense that they knew that she stared at their asses as they walked out.

Should I go? Deborah thought.


Author’s Note: This story is a continuation of a the My Teenage God Series. In the previous stories we followed David as he submitted to the muscular teenager Max. We now switch gears to follow one of David’s fellow students, a female also tutoring the class. For those of you wanting more scenes with Max and David, don’t worry they’re coming up.

This one’s quite a bit longer than the previous stories. It wasn’t intentional, I just felt it natural to drag Deborah’s story out a little longer. Enjoy! I would welcome your comments both privately and publicly. Please message me if you’d like to talk more, about whatever ;).

Published 11 years ago

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