My Tattoo

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Every couple of months a group of us at work go out for a few drinks to unwind. There are three women and four guys that kind of hang around together. Sometimes our spouses join us, but last week we were all solo.

Let me start off by telling you that I am an uncontrollable flirt, and I sometimes enjoy flashing a little skin in the process. So, were sitting at a large booth at this bar and having a good time. We started talking about tattoos and I casually mentioned that Dave and I talked about my getting a tattoo, but I haven’t pursued it. Someone asked where I was thinking about having it done. I truthfully hadn’t thought about any details like that, but the flirt in me answered, “On my tit.” Then it was, “Where on your tit? What design? How large? Who would do it?”

I held up my hands and told them to be quiet and I’ll show them. I unbuttoned my blouse and partially exposed the inside of my left tit and pointed to it. My bra kept me decent, but it felt good to show at least a small part if my tit. We kept drinking and the conversation kept coming back to my tattoo.

We settled the tab and as we walked out of the bar, two of the girls suggested we go around the corner to check out the new tattoo parlor. I resisted, but they talked me into it. I guess I got caught up in the moment and found myself sitting in a semi-private stall with my bra off and one tit covered, but the other one was being fondled and jabbed with a vibrating needle by a good-looking stud.

My two friends were really shocked that I was actually doing it and asked afterward what it felt like to be half naked in front of a strange guy who was not a Doctor. I had to admit that I was turned on. I left with a small butterfly on the inside of my left breast, near the nipple.

It couldn’t be seen unless I made an effort to show it. I was a bit nervous about how Dave would react when he saw it. I shouldn’t have worried; he loved it and was turned on when I told him who did it.

The next day after the girls told everyone what I did, the guys all wanted to see my tattoo. They pestered me all day and finally just before it was time to leave, I called them into my office and unbuttoned my blouse. Of course, they had to get close to “see it.” Someone asked me to move my bra so they could see the whole butterfly. I didn’t realize it was so close to my areola and pulled the bra over the pink ring. I looked down and saw what I was showing and covered up quickly.

The next Saturday, Dave and I hosted a small get-together. We had a few co-workers over for a cookout. The conversation got around to my tattoo and they were encouraging me to show it. We had a quarter keg and were trying to finish it off. I was getting a bit silly and flashed several quick peeks at my tit. I was wearing a full bra that covered most of the butterfly. Dave and his buddies started on me and kept my glass full.

Afterward I couldn’t believe I did it. I told Dave to put on some music and began dancing on the patio. I slipped off my top and shook my tits like a stripper, then slowly took off my bra. I danced around, topless and let everyone get a close-up look at my butterfly. I was so drunk that I couldn’t get my top back on and tossed it aside. I stayed topless the rest of the night. Dave and I had the greatest sex that night and I’m thinking of doing it again. I was embarrassed on Monday at the office, but I got over it.

Published 16 years ago

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