The sun was starting to set, but the heat of summer still seared into my skin as I lay by the pool. I had started off in a bikini, but knowing that the fence was too high for nosy neighbours and wanting an even tan, I had; at one point or another in this sleepy afternoon; removed the top. My breasts rose and fell as I breathed deeply. Suddenly, the first cool breeze of the day rolled across my body, turning my exposed nipples hard.
Enjoying the sensation, I reached up and started playing with one of the rosy pink buds, watching it grow firmer and firmer under my experienced fingers. Without removing my hand, I closed my eyes and thought about Kristin’s tight little body. It was her father’s house we were staying at, hence the lavish garden, but I was home alone for the day while Kristin and her father visited an old friend, which meant that I was free to do whatever I wanted out here. With this in mind, my free hand moved down to my pussy, now primed, wet and hot, for a good fucking. My fingers would suffice, although I’d prefer a strap or a hard cock.
I thought about Kristin’s perfect pussy as I penetrated my own, imagined her moaning in my ear, imagined her tongue in place of my hand. But as I moved closer to delirium, I was surprised to find my mind wandering to her father, Harry. I knew from our summer spent together that he was in excellent shape for his age, softening around the stomach but still clearly muscular. The hair on his head was starting to turn gray around the edges but he still had a dark happy trail leading straight down to his…
“Don’t stop on my account, Lily.”
I froze, one hand still pinching my nipple, the other inside my pussy, which throbbed. I opened my eyes, and there he was, although he stood fully clothed before me, with a grocery bag tucked under one strong arm.
“There’s no need to feel embarrassed,” he loomed above me, his dark brown eyes fixed on my exposed tits. I found myself unable to move under his powerful gaze. “I’m glad my daughter is such a source of inspiration.”
All summer, it had been an unspoken fact that I was fucking his daughter. I’m sure he must have heard us, we certainly weren’t subtle, but I didn’t expect him to say anything. I started to move my hand away, but he stopped me by saying, “I said, don’t stop.”
Still frozen, unsure of what to do with such an audience, he shocked me by grabbing my wrist, at the waist band of my now soaking wet bikini bottoms, and began moving my hand for me. I stifled a moan, barely, and closed my eyes, although my hand instinctively went back to masturbating my desperate cunt.
“That’s it, good girl,” he growled in my ear, “You know, I’ve heard you moaning, or my daughter, or both of you, every night for the past two weeks. It’s taken a lot of strength to not come in and fuck you myself. Thank goodness you’re such a horny bitch, or I’d have to keep wondering what you looked like while you were moaning like that. Now I have it on video.” He forcefully grabbed by chin, turning my head so I was staring down the lens of the security camera I had failed to notice until now. I wanted to be horrified, but the fact was that it pushed me closer to cumming.
Maintaining a steady rhythm now as climax drew near, Harry turned my head back to face him and kissed me, deeply, passionately. I finally let myself moan, muffled by his mouth as it invaded mine. His tongue explored mine as my fingers continued to explore my pussy, which was so close to cumming that it was hard to stay sitting upright. Sensing this, Harry moved his hand from my chin and closed it firmly around my neck, applying light pressure, keeping me firmly in place as I finally let the orgasm wash over my evenly tanned body.
As he withdrew, tears sprang to my eyes. He kissed them away from my cheeks lightly, surprising me with how soft he could be after… that. Whatever that was. My mind still reeling, he took the groceries into the house, leaving me sitting in my own juices. I licked them from my fingers slowly, letting the taste of my body spread seductively over my tongue. I had never cum like that before. And I was hopeful that I would cum like that again.