I was sitting at the kitchen table with my Stepmother. She had just told me she thought she was pregnant. My Dad, her husband, is 53 and had a vasectomy years ago. I am the one that has been fucking her, so we have a problem. I reached across the table and took her hand in mine. She stood up and came to me, sitting in my lap. I hugged her close.
Lin, my Stepmother, is from Korea. My Dad took a trip there and when he came back he brought her with him. She was able to stay in the States because they had married before coming back. She was 27 and was breathtakingly beautiful. She was very petite except for her breasts. They measured 32EE. Holding her close I could feel her warm breasts pressed into my chest. Her head was on my shoulder and I could smell the jasmine in her hair.
I had just turned 20 and was trying to figure out the direction in my life. I was thinking about college, but with this new development, I wasn’t sure what would happen. We would have to find the courage to tell my Dad. His reaction would determine what happened next. I loved Lin and I know she loved me.
“Lin,” I said, “Everything will be OK. We will get through this, but we will have to tell my Dad soon.”
She looked me in the eyes and said, “Will, I love you and I love this baby we made that’s growing inside me. I’m not going to give either of you up. I am grateful to your Father for bringing me here. I would never have met you otherwise, but I know now I don’t love him like a wife should. I want to be your wife.”
She took my face in her hands and kissed me. Our tongues swirled and I squeezed her close. My hand reached out to cup and knead her big breasts. I could feel her hard nipples through her shirt and bra. My big cock was growing and she must have felt it because she ground her pussy on it as she sat in my lap. I reached up under her shirt and around her back to release her bra clasps. Once free of their confinement I was able to pull on her nipples and roll them between my thumb and forefinger. She moaned into my mouth when I did this. She pulled her shirt off over her head to give me complete access to her big boobs. I picked one up and brought the puffy swollen nipple to my mouth. As I sucked on it, just like our baby will soon, she sighed and held my head close.
With my hand I cupped her pussy mound. I could feel the heat from it. She pushed against me and I knew what she wanted. I had no idea when my Dad was coming home, but we were both in heat and I had to get inside her. I picked her up and carried her to my room. I laid her on the bed and pulled her shorts and panties off. Quickly I stripped down and joined her on the bed. Our bodies melted together and it felt so right. She was pregnant with my baby and there was no place else I’d rather be then with her.
She reached between us and stroked my cock bringing it to it’s full hard 10 inches. I was always amazed that it could fit in her tiny body. I rubbed her wet pussy lips and found her swollen clit. She pulled on my big cock, obviously in need to have it inside her. I rolled on top of her and she wrapped her legs around me. Placing the head at her entrance I pressed forward to slowly enter her. The head of my cock is large and wide, but it spread her lips and compressed some until it went in. Once inside it expanded and she sighed. The heat inside her almost overwhelmed me as I fed more and more of my cock into her. I didn’t want to hurt her but she was urging me on.
“Will, I love your big cock in me. Don’t worry, you won’t hurt me. Just fuck me like this forever.” she said.
I stroked in and out until I felt the bottom of her pussy. I wasn’t going to bang into her like I normally do just in case that hurt the baby. I stroked at a medium pace feeling how tight she was and enjoying being one with her. She was biting her lower lip and stroking my back and chest. I had never made love to a pregnant woman so I was being careful. It didn’t matter that we weren’t using protection. I couldn’t get her any more pregnant then she already was.
Her long black hair was fanned out on the pillow. I leaned forward and kissed her as I continued to stroke. She held my neck and I felt her shudder, knowing she had cum. I felt additional wetness and heat where we were joined. I released our kiss and raised up over her on my knees. I held onto her huge breasts for leverage and stroked with more of a purpose now as I felt my approaching orgasm. I looked down at her stomach knowing soon it would be swollen with child, but right now it was flat as a pancake. I tried to hold back but there was no stopping it. My cock exploded inside her coating the walls of her pussy and as her own orgasm squeezed me tight, my cum leaked out because it had no place else to go.
We decided to get up and get dressed. I looked at the door to my room and noticed it was slightly open. I knew I had shut it when Lin and I came in here. I heard a door shut in another part of the house. My Stepmother and I looked at each other and knew someone else was in the house. My Dad must be home. The door to my room being open meant he probably saw us together making love on my bed. His wife and his son.
Lin looked around for her shirt and bra and remembered she had left them in the kitchen. I gave her one of my t-shirts and watched as she stretched it over her big tits. I got dressed then hugged her for a moment before we left my room. We didn’t say a word to each other but we both knew what was coming.
We walked into the den and there in his chair was my Dad. He was sitting there in silence drinking a beer. Lin and I sat down on the couch and waited. Dad was staring out into space and obviously collecting his thoughts.
He said, “When I came into the house I went to the kitchen first. I noticed one of Lin’s shirts and a bra on the table. I was about to just go throw it in the laundry when I heard something. I followed the sound and stopped at your room Will. I opened the door slowly and there on the bed was my son and my wife fucking.”
I reached over and took Lin’s hand to let her know I would protect her as he continued.
“To be honest,” he said, “This isn’t really that big of a shock to me. Lin you are a beautiful young woman with needs. Needs that I am not able to fulfill. When I asked you to marry me and move here I was hoping that you would come to love me and I naively thought we could grow together as husband and wife. All I really wanted was to not be lonely anymore. I see now that was wrong and not fair to you.”
I could see tears coming to Lin’s eyes. She squeezed my hand and said, “I am sorry too. I thought I could grow to love you. The thought of coming here and away from my country is what really made me say yes to marrying you. When I met Will, your son, I couldn’t help myself. I love him and I know he loves me. This is so difficult for me to say. I am pregnant and Will is the father.”
That statement hung in the air. I was shocked by hearing it, but I was also proud of Lin for having the courage to say it. My Dad set down his beer and looked at us both. I couldn’t tell what emotions he was feeling. I fully expected him to kick us both out.
He said, “Will, is this something you want? This will change your future. Are you prepared to be a father?”
I looked at him in the eye and said, “Dad I love her. I am sorry this had to happen this way. I know we have hurt you, but I can’t bear the thought of not being with Lin. If that means moving away with her and supporting ourselves I will find away to do it.”
“If this is something you two really want then I have something else to confess,” he said.
“Lin when we were in Korea and we were married before a government official, that wasn’t legal. I found out later he really wasn’t one and the marriage was just a way to make money off tourists. The scam allowed you to enter the country here but eventually we would have had to get officially married here. Now things are different. My son has gotten you pregnant and I expect him to do the right thing. You both can continue to live here and raise my grandchild on one condition. You two have to get married.”
Lin and I both sat there dumbfounded. I couldn’t believe the turn of events. Finally snapping out of it we turned toward each other and hugged. Lin was crying as I got on one knee and asked her to marry me. She said yes of course.
We made it legal and everyone waited patiently for the new arrival. Her pregnancy progressed normally. He belly got big as well as her already oversized boobs. She was beautiful. We continued to make love up to her 8 th month. Dad had traded rooms with me so Lin and I could have the master bedroom. He was with us at the hospital when she had a healthy baby boy. I think he was glad it was a boy so he could have a fishing partner. We brought the baby home and started our new lives. Dad had joined a singles group and soon met a nice lady close to his age. She is very nice and treats Lin like a daughter. I love our little family which Lin has told me she wants to add too soon. I’ll see what I can do.