Karen, my wife, loves to go dumpster diving. Some valuable treasures have been found by her that will surprise you. Strip malls that have a Hallmark store are the places she likes to go to the most. She has discovered a few Hallmark items that have been discontinued and chipped. She finds brand new clothing that is just dirty and takes it home, makes any necessary repairs, washes it, and then donates it to local churches for their clothing drives.
If you’ve been following Karen’s true journey with me, you know that she doesn’t hesitate to take on challenges. A few black friends are aware of this and make full use of the knowledge that, if dared, she will do anything they dare.
It’s certain that these challenges will result in her being naked. At one of the clubs we frequent, she had a dare to dance topless. One of her dance partners ripped off her panties, leaving her standing naked and only wearing her stockings. For the remainder of the night, she danced nude.
As the result of that dare, another friend came up with another even more risqué one: that she is naked every time we are at the club. A new challenge was given to her after a few nights. She was dared to pull a train with all the black men at the club. Without the men knowing, my wife accepted the challenge and turned it into a competition that she would win. No matter how many men she had sex with, she wouldn’t say she was done or that she wanted it to stop.
A dare was finally offered to Karen by a friend who owned an XXX cinema in the dark part of a neighboring town. He challenged her to attend a private party on New Year’s Eve that he was holding for a few of his friends and perform on his stage. She would be a naked white woman with me and twelve black men who she had never met until that night.
She took on his challenge and ushered out the old year and in the new year, performing on his stage. The dare became a regular New Year’s Eve event, and the owner added another man to the mix to enjoy my sexy white wife. Serving so many men in one night is too much of a burden for her at seventy years old, so this year’s party will be the tenth and last.
I’ve never had to challenge my wife to do anything. She is always into doing anything I ask her to do, so one night when I asked her to do something that I had never asked her to do before and, she was all for it. It would be a variation of something she enjoyed. I wanted her to go dumpster diving in the nude and let me drop her off behind the stores in a strip mall that had several empty stores in the black part of town. I informed her that there was a Hallmark store inside the mall, even though there was a bar at the far end. She was kept in the dark about the bar’s reputation as a destination for black bikers.
We were greeted by beautiful moonlight that lit up the night that followed. The moon had reached its maximum extent. My wife showed up in the driveway in front of the garage door while I was searching for something in the garage. Except for her sandals and canvas bag, she was completely naked while dumpster diving. She got in the car and we proceeded to the strip mall where I was supposed to drop her off naked, located in the black part of town. We arrived at the mall around eleven o’clock.
After arriving at the mall, we drove past the front of the stores to determine which ones were occupied and which ones were empty. The Hallmark store was situated in the center of the stores. In front of the bar, which was the final storefront in the mall, we saw a few choppers parked.
I asked my wife where she would like to be dropped off at the end of the mall, behind the storefronts. She let me know that she was not interested in being dropped off naked behind the bar, but rather at the other end of the mall. She felt that if I dropped her off behind the bar, she would never make it to the other end of the alley to do her dumpster diving behind the other stores. She feared being exposed naked in the alley and having to pull a train with the bikers for the rest of the evening. Even though she would find it enjoyable, she chose to do some dumpster diving first.
I left my wife naked at the start of the alley and parked in the parking lot by the road where I was able to view the entrance of the bar. She called me and invited me to join her at the bar about half an hour later. Upon entering the bar, I discovered my wife lying naked on the stage that was in the front window of the bar.
The black bikers were forming a line and ready to pull a train on her. The attention she received from the men was something she found enjoyable. She enjoyed the warm sensation she received every time one of the men planted their fertile seeds deep within her. Until the bar closed, biker after biker took turns enjoying my naked wife.
The bikers left her naked on the stage. Her pussy was leaking sperm, and she was covered in sweat. I helped her get up, and while she remained naked, we crossed the parking lot to find the spot where I parked my car. Each time she took a step, the men’s sperm would flow down the inside of her legs.
She informed me that the evening was pleasurable, and she was willing to repeat it. The pleasure of being enjoyed by more than a dozen black bikers made her happy. My wife and I occasionally go back to that bar and have a good time. She knows that when she walks into that bar naked that it is game on, and the men are always up for a fun night with my sexy white naked wife as they pull a train on her.