My Sexual Growth and Exploration – Part 1

"A story of my last night with my friend Jimmy"

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If you have read my story “My First Bisexual Experience” you will know that I somewhat serendipitously stumbled into discovering my sexuality and bisexuality.

To be sure I have always found females, especially curvy, busty females very attractive. My future held plenty of that in store but that was not know to me then. So still, after my experiences with Jimmy, I was confused. Cock was now on my mind as often as tits. To compound matters, the church my parents forced me to attend every Sunday told me anything sexual outside of marriage was a sin and homosexuality even more reprehensible.

Of course, like most of us, once I sampled the forbidden fruit of sexual stimulation with a partner there was no turning back. Even the fear of retribution from a vengeful God was no longer a deterrent. Now that I had a taste of the “high” of sexual gratification I needed to experience more.

During that summer I spent as many sleep overs as possible with Jimmy. By day we were typical summertime teen boys. Sipping slushies, shooting hoops making awkward attempts to talk to girls at the convenience store or park. Then, each night, as soon as we felt comfortable that his parents were convinced we had gone to sleep, our ritual began. Our last night of teen lust is etched forever in my memory and described below.

The craving was unspoken, Jimmy didn’t need to ask, I didn’t seek permission. We both knew what we wanted to happen. Drawn to it like a magnet, I had to pump his thin veined, well tapered six inches until he exploded with molten cum.

Milking loads from him had become our routine each time we slept over. We had experimented with lotion as well as petroleum jelly, but finally settled on baby oil. It was easy to buy at any pharmacy and offered a wonderfully lubed experience with little suspicion. Silently I would slip out from under my covers, naked, hard and throbbing. Aching to feel Jimmy’s shaft, inflexible and vigorous.

Sitting at the edge of his bed, my own teen hardness standing fully erect. Looking only at his sexy nether region. Pouring oil into my hands sliding my slippery palms along his thighs, through the crease of his hips and under his balls, caressing them. I rolled his testicles between my fingers; I couldn’t help but marvel at the sensation. They were heavy, full, and I could sense them responding to my touch. Jimmy’s breathing became laboured, his balls retracting and then relaxing under my touch. It was purely satisfying to see him squirm with pleasure.

I continued to roll my friends testicles around in my hand, gently squeezing and massaging them. My gaze shifted to his erection. Curving upward proudly, bouncing and twitching, begging for attention. Slowly I traced the vein from the base to the frenulum. Dragging my fingernails lightly over his head, then down again. Jimmy moaned as I caressed his tip, obviously basking in pleasure. Sensually massaging his full sac with one hand while teasing his swollen knob with the other. Clear liquid began to ooze from his sexy glans. His breathing erratic and halted, his muffled moans causing my own cock to twitch and drip precum too.

He wanted to burst and I needed that to. The powerful feeling of commanding an explosive orgasm from your partner, while still new to me had already become familiar and addictive. That knowing of control over his release, the inevitable rush, and subsequent euphoria. My teenage self had little patience. It was time.

With my right hand I gripped the base of Jimmy’s shaft. Teasing his aching balls with my left. I pumped slowly and deliberately. Up to the tip, then down to the base. Repeating the motion, gently twisting my palm as I stroked him. Jimmy’s breathing now ragged encouraged me. So, I switched hands, using my right to polish him thoroughly. With my left I reached for the oil, poured a bit more over my right hand and his cock while I gripped him, then poured some on my own rock hard seven inches. Feeling the need inside my loins  rising my left hand massaged me while my right stroked my friend.

Then it happened, I glanced up at Jimmy’s face, he was staring at my hand slowly and purposefully gliding along my own cock. Our eyes met briefly, then he looked back down and reached his hand out to grip me. A moan escaped my lips as Jimmy touched me for the first time. Oh god it was spectacular. He was rubbing every inch of me, the intensity of that moment felt amazing.

All that was left for us was the finale. As always, I craved his molten semen on my skin. I worked Jimmy, sliding up and down with a steady pace, squeezing tightly at the base, his breathing stopped, his mouth wide open with a slight gasp quietly escaping. I pumped several more hard strokes and saw my reward. Four strong jets of his hot cream. After the first, I aimed his cannon toward my abdomen and felt his sizzling hot cream land on me. That sensation sent me over the top and I exploded too. I had never cum so hard and ended up pumping several ropes of my own with Jimmy’s energetic assistance. My head was spinning, lightly dizzy and my legs weak. I had just experienced my first orgasm from a partner and it was beyond what I could have imagined.

Jimmy released his grip on me. As per our unspoken agreement I didn’t look directly at him, but did thank him for a fun evening. He replied with his typical, “I enjoyed that too”.

Sadly that was the last time I enjoyed the sinful sensation of his Jimmy’s hot cum on my skin. Inevitably my friend realized that girls could give hand jobs too, with added benefit of feeling their boobs. That was the end. Of course, he wasn’t really bisexual, at least in his mind. He was opportunistic and I had been happy to oblige him. Chicks were his first choice. They offered hands, mouths, boobs and more. I was unable to compete. Too, I believe the reality of what we had done, now that he had other options, embarrassed him. Regrettably, but not surprisingly, our friendship faded.

I often fondly remember Jimmy and the many good times we had together. He helped me to begin to explore sexuality with a partner. I will never forget it and be always appreciative.

While he was the first, he was certainly not the last. More of my sexual exploration to come…

Published 2 years ago

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