That night I look through my emails and immediately open the one from Chris. There is no message only photos. These photos are all closeups. One showing my recently fucked face with the blindfold, closeup photos of my nipples poking through the fishnet and some very erotic closeups of my pussy from all angles. They all look beautiful and I am already very wet as I relive our encounter in my mind. I email Chris.
“The photos as always are beautiful. You really know how to capture a woman. I have never experienced such erotic and strong orgasms. Thank you.”
The next 3 weeks are very similar. A basket of items awaits me with the fishnet bodysuit, ipod, blindfold & wine. I no longer need the wine for my nerves. In fact we end up sharing the wine via his mouth to mine. Sometimes the wine is drizzled over my body and pussy and licked up. It is all so exciting and each time I have no less than 3 orgasms.
Before our next encounter I email Chris.
“I have such a strong desire to see your face and to be able to touch you as well.”
The reply reads.
“I am worried you won’t like what you see & we will no longer be lovers,” Chris replies.
“Maybe I should be the judge of that. You certainly know what a woman wants and the most erotic ways to please one,” I reply.
“OK, next week I will let you touch & we will see what develops.”
Why is Chris so reluctant for me to touch and see him? Surely he can’t be a hideous beast. I spend almost every waking hour imagining Chris. Is he tall, short, dark, toned, blond? In my dreams sometimes he is the most stunning looking individual but other times he is evil or ends up being the dirty old man living next door.
It’s Tuesday again and when I arrive I look under the tree for the basket of goodies.
I slip into the fishnet bodysuit and put on the blindfold. This time I leave the ipod in the basket so we can talk.
I hear the footsteps in the sand this time as Chris approaches. I feel like a child at Christmas about to open my presents. Like the previous weeks I am tied to each stake. I receive a kiss on each nipple, one on my pussy and a long slow kiss on my lips. I then hear the sound of clothes being removed and drop to the ground. A trickle of juice releases down my pussy lips and rests on an ass. His hands touch my feet & slowly move up my legs to my inner thighs. I can feel more of my juice trickling down my lips. His tongue licks from my ass to my clit taking in all my lost juice. He parts my lips with his fingers & his tongue enters me. I gasp. I am already at the point of no return. His fingers massage my clit as his tongue licks inside and out of my pussy, down my lips & around my ass. it is all over as I thrash about.
“That was so fucken good Chris, but I have to see you.”
He is silent as his hands gently massage my hips and tummy. He then moves close and kneels with each knee touching my hips. The touch of his bare flesh against me is thrilling. This is it I think, we are going to fuck. His hands grab my breasts and he starts to suck each nipple through the netting. He then pulls the top of the body suit under my breasts to release them and his hands caress my breasts as my nipples are sucked once again. I am so wanting him to fuck me right now. His hands slowly move up my arms as we start to kiss. Something is strange, not what I’m used to with my hubby on top. Chris feels very light & quite small; his skin is so soft. As our bodies really begin to connect while we are kissing, I feel a set of breasts suddenly touch mine. I gasp, oh my god, my lover is a woman!