I had my eyes closed, laying on my back, enjoying the post orgasmic bliss of a leaden body, and the soft touch of my lovers body molded with mine, our legs entwined, her fingers languidly tracing patterns on my chest as she lay on her side next to me.
“Hmmmmmm?”, I responded, her words not really sinking in. “You have a G spot, or, more correctly, a P spot…in your bum. I’ve been reading about it and it sounds interesting”, she continued.
I opened my eyes to see her eyes twinkling mischievously as she smiled at me.
Her smile always melted away any negative thoughts I had, and I instinctively knew we would be discovering my P spot together, eventually.
Over the next few days, I surfed the internet for P spot information, and was becoming quite curious.
In the almost 2 years since our affair began, nothing that Sally and I had done together had ever been disappointing. We still had an incredible intensity every time we managed to be together, and I thought there was nothing new for a couple to do sexually, but once again I was to discover a new sensation thanks to my adventurous lover.
I decided that I would have to go this one alone, the main reason for this being my one and only previous experience at having an object inserted into my bottom.
I’m not talking about the tip of a tongue, or even Sally’s slender finger partially inserted during a blow job now and then, both of which I find very enjoyable.
I’m talking about a Doctor’s examination many years previous, which left me with no desire whatsoever to insert anything anally, ever again!
I never did see the instrument that the Doctor used to examine me that day.
Suffice to say that it was not pleasant.
Nor was it lubricated.
And he had to insert it twice to complete his task.
To me, it felt like a baseball bat.
Anyway, even though I trusted Sally completely, I just had to do this myself if I was to discover this new experience comfortably.
I visited our favorite adult shop the next weekend, looking for a suitable aid in my quest to discover my P spot.
It was the first time I’d been there on my own, and I felt a little awkward. I just wanted to buy what I needed and leave.
However this wasn’t so simple as I browsed the range of products in the various sections of the store.
Finally I found it. The way it was described on the packaging, it was exactly the tool for the job. Although it wasn’t the colour I would have liked, (I don’t really know what colour I wanted, but opaque grey/black wasn’t it), it was the only colour they had.
I knew I also needed lubricant. I wasn’t surprised to see the banana flavoured one was in the half-price bin. I grabbed a big tube of Slippery Stuff and went to the counter to pay.
The shop assistant put my purchase in a bag, then turned to a drawer behind her and opened it, saying, “I’ll throw in a few extra batteries free, there’s nothing worse than the batteries going flat when your using a vibe”.
Her comment made me wonder how long she thought I was going to have this thing in my arse?!
Her sing-song farewell of, “have fuuuuu-uuuunn”, was still echoing in my head as I left the store.
I felt a little paranoid as I stepped out of the shop. The bag was shiny black, and, although it had nothing to indicate it, I thought everyone I passed would know it was from the sex shop. It might as well have had ‘VIBRATOR INSIDE’ emblazoned across it as far as I was concerned.
It was a couple of weeks later, when I was home alone, that I had the inclination to try my new toy.
I removed it from it’s plastic case and turned it over in my hands, contemplating it’s future. It was about eight inches long, including the control knob, and a bit thicker than my thumb. There was also a safety cord attached to the end, good idea!
The bent tip, designed to massage the right spot, resembled a dolphin’s head, and was nice and smooth. I decided to try it out, reasoning that if Sally could take my cock in her arse, then I should be able to take this in mine. This reminded me that Sal had sent me a new video of herself, so I opened it on my phone and got horny and hard watching her masturbate for me.
I lay down on the bed and spread my legs, applying plenty of lube before pressing the tip of the vibe against my tight hole. I poked and prodded against the wishes of my sphincter, trying to push the toy inside, but, as much as I wanted to do this, it just wasn’t happening. Eventually I relaxed and had it inside my arse, but I had no idea how far in it was, and I had no idea how far I needed to insert it to reach the spot, so I just kept pressing on, so to speak.
I worked the toy in and out, like a dildo. I added more lube, then worked it some more, but there wasn’t much happening pleasure wise. Sure, it felt different, and not unpleasant, kind of hollow, yet full at the same time, but not very stimulating.
My erection had waned a bit, and I was about to write this one down to experience, when I turned the knob at the end, starting the vibrations. This felt ok, and seemed to allow the toy to slide in and out easier. I turned the knob all the way up.
The sensation as I moved it around in me is difficult to describe. I tingled in places I’d never felt felt before, and the biggest tingle was right at the eye of my cock – amazing!
I really can’t remember how long I had this little thing buzzing inside me before IT happened, but it couldn’t have been much more than a minute.
My erection started to return as the tingles turned to waves of pleasure, and, even before I became fully erect, cum began flowing from me.
It just poured out of me, like a hose turned half on, not like a normal forceful ejaculation of strong spurts, just …well, running out in a stream.
It felt like no climax I’d had before, but it was intense and left my body feeling ecstatic. The amazing part was, after I finished cumming this way, and slid the vibe out, my cock was fully hard and I had the urge to masturbate. So I did.
My erection was as hard as it had ever been, and I took it nice and slow, enjoying the steady build up to another orgasm. When it arrived it was a more a ‘total body’ climax; all consuming, but with not as much ejaculate as usual. I was wonderfully spent.
Following this discovery, Sally used the vibe in me a few times, and delighted in the results, especially because we could have a good long fuck straight afterwards.
Sally moved away about 18 months ago and is engaged to be married. It took me over a year to get over her leaving my life, but we both knew it was never forever. I am just grateful for the time, the wonderful experience, and the love we shared. On the upside, my golf game is getting back to respectability.