It’s just past 10 a.m. Saturday morning, Memorial Day weekend, 1962. It’s a beautiful spring day, the kind I find most often in the Northeast. Temperature in the mid-70’s, low humidity, and just a mere hint of a breeze, so I’m comfortable just wearing a college T-shirt, Bermudas (what they called shorts in ancient times like the ‘60’s) and low-cut sneakers with no socks. The sky, a deep azure shade that makes me feel I can see forever, is punctuated only occasionally by fluffy white cumulus clouds, themselves portents for more such glorious days to come. I have my parents’ bungalow on the north shore of rural Long Island for the weekend. I told them I wanted to go fishing. The blackfish should move inshore now and I do plan to fish a lot, but right now I have another matter in mind.
I’m in my dad’s Impala wagon heading west on Route 25A, the main east-west artery serving the north shore, heading toward the neighboring town. I turn just past the local dairy (yes, real cows!) and approach her house. Making the turn, I think back to how we met last summer. It was a party for her mom’s fortieth. My best buddy Ray works at the local supermarket weekends and summers where Mom is a full-timer. After intro’s to her mom and dad and birthday wishes we headed for the real reason we came—free beer. They had a kiddy pool just stuffed with ice and Pabst Blue Ribbon. Beers in hand we walked over to a small circle of kids sitting on the lawn nearby. Ray sat on one side and I found myself facing him next to a skinny dishwater blonde who I soon learned was the daughter, 16 years old, and looking forward to her senior year. We all chatted and joked for the duration of the party, becoming more chummy as the beer kept flowing. Eventually, I asked her out and she said ok. We set a date for the following evening.
I picked her up and we headed for the local drive-in. If you’re under 30 it’ll be hard to understand why anyone would go to a movie to sit in your car, listen to bad audio loaded with static, and occasionally try to watch through a teeming rain. But, at the time, it was a lot of fun and it was a great place to make out and more. I picked a slot about two-thirds toward the rear and close to the center. I rolled the window about halfway up and put the speaker on it. Then I surprised her by getting out and walking around to the passenger side, where I got back in and sat next to her again saying, “There’s a lot more room over here and the steering wheel won’t get in our way.”
I put my arm around her and we snuggled close waiting for darkness to fall. Shortly, the cartoon started. That’s another thing—every movie show always started one or more cartoons. I forget what it was—I never saw it. I leaned into her and we started to kiss as it began. She was a pretty good kisser with relaxed lips, sliding her tongue into my mouth as I eased mine into hers. Pretty soon we were in full make-out mode and we were climbing all over each other, grinding our crotches into any body part available. After a few minutes I told her, “I want you to touch me,” and moved her hand to my shorts, just over my now rock-hard cock. She was tentative at first, but didn’t seem to mind rubbing me so I unzipped and took it out. I was already very stimulated so, of course, I was very erect. Again, she was eager to touch and stroke it. By the time the feature started my cock was in her hand and she was caressing it with zeal. Once she showed willingness to fondle me I figured the time was right to try to touch her. I placed my hand on her right thigh and slowly moved it up and down . I slid my hand into those tight shorts and was rewarded with a warm moist sensation. She moaned softly into my mouth as I rubbed her pussy lips. It was only a moment before my fingers began exploring deep into her cunt. It was the first time I had ever touched a pussy. I was surprised at how hot and wet it was, and it smelled just great. Her moans became audible through our ongoing kisses. When I finger fucked her fast and hard she started to buck like a wild bronco.
We dated about forty times that summer but that was as far as we went. Why? Today we would have fucked at least forty times, but this was the 60’s and there were statutory rape laws in force. She was too young and I didn’t include five years as a guest of the state’s penal system among my long-term plans. Now, however, she was a year older and 100% legal.
I walked through the gate and knocked on the breezeway door. She came out wearing the tiniest pair of pink short shorts I had ever seen. They were like a second skin. I could see the top of her pussy, what’s now called a camel toe. Her sleeveless T-shirt was just as tight and it was clear she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her A-cup titties stretched the taut fabric and I could see her nipples clearly outlined. She never wore such sexy clothes last year. I guess she had grown up a lot over the winter.
“Hi, I wasn’t expecting you. What a nice surprise,” she said.
“I just got home from college last week and this was the first chance I had to come out here. My dad had me working ever since I got home, but I told them I wanted to go fishing, so here I am. Your mom and dad around?”
“No, Mom’s at work and Dad had to go to the store, but he should be home soon.”
“Listen, I have my parents’ place all to myself, why don’t we go over there where we can have some privacy?”
She wrote a note explaining where she would be and a minute later we were headed back to my place. I pulled the wagon up the lawn all the way to the back door. As we walked into the kitchen I spun her around for a long passionate kiss. She wrapped her arms around me and I put my hands on her firm ass pulling her vulva into contact with my thigh. We rubbed each other nonstop until I broke the kiss and pointed her toward the living room.
“Let’s go in here,” I said, pointing to my parents’ bedroom. I started to take my shoes off and she followed suit. I removed my shirt and shorts saying, “I think this will make things a lot easier.” She said nothing but stripped down along with me. I took her hand and led her to our destiny. We lay on the bed and soon we had picked up exactly where we left off last summer. My penis was hard when we walked into the room and she started jerking me immediately—slow steady strokes with just a little pressure from her hand. She wasn’t going to jerk me off this way but the feeling was still exquisite. Our kisses were long and deep; she shuddered when I put my finger into her and worked it around, abusing her pussy. It wasn’t long before we were totally absorbed in each other. I pulled back from the kiss, looked into her eyes and said, “You know, we dated a lot last summer. I think we’re ready. I want to go all the way with you.”
“Oh, c’mon, we’re as ready as any couple will ever be. I really want you. It’s all I’ve been thinking about for months”
Well, shit damn fuck! I thought. I never expected this. She was always so compliant in the past. I pulled away from her and lay across the bottom of the bed, leaning my head on my right hand. What the hell was I going to do now? If we didn’t fuck it was going to be a long, long weekend. I hadn’t planned on spending ALL my time fishing. Now, I’m usually pretty observant and that’s when I noticed something that seemed peculiar. At least, I thought it was peculiar. If I were refusing sex I’d be lying there with my legs together and, maybe my ankles crossed. But she had her legs apart at least 90 degrees and her knees up. I was looking right up into her wet hot pussy, still dripping from my fingering. Was this a signal that she really wanted me to go further; that she wanted me to take charge? Did “no” really mean “yes?” –only one way to find out.
I got up and cautiously moved between her legs; so far, so good. She actually spread them a bit further which I interpreted as a good sign. I moved forward and we embraced, holding each other tightly. We resumed our kissing. After a minute or so I raised my hips and moved them forward. With a perfection of aim I had never known before and would never know again, I eased effortlessly into her. As I did so, she pulled me to her in a powerful embrace and kissed me with a passion I had never imagined existed. Her pussy was soaking wet but she gripped me tightly. I lunged into her several times before celebrating to myself, “AT…LAST…I…AM…FUCKING!!”
Technically, I had lost my virginity about three weeks earlier when I took a known nympho to a college dance and then convinced her(it hadn’t taken much) to fuck me in her car afterwards. Unfortunately, I was too damned excited and came when I entered her. My entire fucking experience had lasted maybe a half second. How embarrassing!–all my hoping and planning betrayed by an overeager cock.
Now I was humping merrily away. I didn’t care that she just lay there passively, I was still fucking and I was really enjoying the slurping sound that was coming from her cunt. Suddenly, another thought struck—if I’m not careful I could wind up married to her! Yeah, I know– why? But, that’s the way it was then. That’s how a lot of really shitty marriages began. It’s bad enough to be a kid with a kid, but imagine being a kid with TWO kids—a baby and a husband. Well, that’s another thing that wasn’t in my long range plans so I moved up onto my elbows , looked her in the eyes with what I thought appeared to be genuine sincerity and said, “I have too much respect for you to take a chance on getting you pregnant. I’m going to get some protection.” Good God, how do I come up with this crap? It was total bullshit but she bought it.
I pulled out, walked to my room, my cock dripping her secretions on the floor, and retrieved a condom from my top drawer. When I returned I made a big show of putting it on before climbing back onto the bed where I said, “Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, I remember.” And I again entered her sweet velvety pussy. It took a few minutes to get back into it again. Condoms then were really crude and extremely thick by today’s standards. Eventually, I did cum and cum good, after all it was my first real fucking cum. Did she cum? I have no idea! I didn’t even know then that girls could cum, so how would I know what to look for? So far as I know girls didn’t cum until the sexual revolution in the late 60’s. I’m sure it was a real surprise to a lot of guys—it was a hell of a revelation to me.
We lay there for a few minutes until I climbed off her. We snuggled for a while until she said, “I should probably get back. Let me up so I can clean up in the bathroom.” She grabbed her clothes and walked off. I took off the rubber and wrapped it in a paper towel before throwing it in the trash. She came out just as I was finishing dressing. She showed me her shorts; the zipper was broken.
“I’m worried my Dad will notice,” she said. “Can you fix it?”
I took the shorts which were little bigger than one of my handkerchiefs, and checked it out. The handle was broken off so there was nothing I could do.
“When you go into the house go right to the bathroom. When you come out you can tell him it just happened. Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,” I commented, adding, “Let’s go out tonight, ok?”
She told me she had a date and didn’t know how to get in touch with the guy, but she would break it when he picked her up that evening. We kissed again and I took her home.
That evening I was parked around the corner when he showed up. The asshole didn’t even go to the door. He just beeped his horn and waited. I was glad she was dumping him. No sooner had he angrily peeled out down the block than I cruised up to the door. She was waiting for me in another really tight pair of shorts and, again, no bra; we soon headed for the drive-in. Later I cursed myself for my stupidity. I could have just as easily have taken her back to my place for a good fucking instead of spending my money doing the same things we did last summer. I parked about 3 blocks from her house on the way home. I didn’t have to ask her; she shrugged out of her shorts and T and was ready to receive me. I’m tall so I had to bend my knees in order to fit into the Impala’s front bench seat (no bucket seats then). My sneakers were sticking out the window, a sure tip-off as to what we were doing, but, fortunately, nobody drove past while we fucked away. This time, and every time afterward, I slipped on a rubber. I wasn’t taking any chances. I had a harder time in the car sticking my cock into her tight hole but she was so wet that her natural lubes worked as nature intended. In an instant I was sliding in and out energetically. Again, she didn’t move, and to be honest, I didn’t know she was supposed to so I didn’t complain.
We made arrangements to go fishing the following morning. I picked her up around 10, stopping at a deli for some lunch and at the bait store for some sand worms, hooks, and sinkers on the way back. I had gone fishing yesterday with Ray and he was going to join us later on. Actually, I told him we were getting to the beach around 12 and asked if he would stay away until one. Of course, I expected him to come early so he could catch us fucking. That’s why we got to the beach by 11. To get there we had to walk down a path through the woods. These are private beaches so there’s never a crowd. On this day we were the only people visible for miles. We set up our towels near the water, and I got my rod (no, not that one—my fishing rod) ready. Once baited, I cast the sinker and hook out into an area I knew to be rocky. I set my rod into a sand spike, a long piece of tubing with a point on one end which is driven into the sand and holds the rod when you’ve something better to do.
“Ok,” I said, “I’m ready. Let’s do it again.”
“Here?” she replied, “What if someone sees us?”
“Like who? There’s no one here except us.”
“What about Raymond?”
“Don’t worry about him. I told him to come down around one so he’ll probably be here around 12:30, hoping to catch us, so we have an hour or more. It won’t take us that long.”
She started to remove her shirt (another T) and shorts. This was the first time I actually looked at her pussy in daylight. Yesterday I was so excited trying to fuck her I didn’t really look too closely. I could see she was a natural blond. Soon she was naked except for her sneakers. North shore beaches are loaded with billions of pebbles and walking on them can be agony until your feet toughen up. I pulled down my bathing suit and filled the rubber with my pulsating cock….