My Night Out With The Gurls – Part II

"The next morning"

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San Diego, May 1971

The story so far: Roger (aka “Sugar”), who is relatively new to gay life, went out on the town in drag for the first time with other cross dressers (or “He-Shes” as they were known locally) and met a man named “Kevin” in a local gay bar/club. Sugar and Kevin find out they have much in common (both are from Kansas, for instance) and are drawn to each other. They go to Kevin’s apartment and have oral sex with one another that night.

I awakened next morning to the smell of frying bacon. I sat up, turned and put my feet on the floor. I noticed there was a bathrobe at the foot of the bed and a quick look around the room showed me that Kevin had picked up and neatly folded the plaid skirt, half slip and fuzzy sweater. They were stacked on a chest of drawers with my bra, foam-rubber breast forms and blonde wig laid on top. I stood up and began pulling on the bathrobe as I walked into the kitchen.

“Morning, Sleepy-Head,” Kevin said as I came into the room. He was dressed in a pair of khaki Bermuda shorts with a blue tank top and was just pulling a piece of fried bacon out of a skillet with a pair of tongs. He place the bacon strip atop a pile of others already on a plate and brought the plate and a full mug of coffee over to the kitchen table just as I sat down on the chair that was there.

“You take anything in your coffee, hon?” he asked.

“Sugar. No cream.” I reached up and rubbed my eyes with the heels of both palms, still trying to fully wake up.

“Sugar takes sugar, huh?” he said as placed a sugar bowl and spoon in front of me, leaned over and kissed me on the top of my head. “Or would you rather I call you ‘Roger’ now?”

“Either one,” I told him. I reached over to the plate of bacon, picked up one strip and bit off a chunk. “No offense, Kevin,” I said as I chewed. “But are you always this talkative in the morning?”

He laughed in genuine good humor. “Oh, hell no,” he said. “There were times when Bob, the guy who used to live here with me, we wouldn’t even say as many as ten words to each other in the morning before we left for class.”

“Sounds like me and my cube-mate at the barracks there at North Island,” I said. “They have these four-man cubes, but it’s only two of us in ours, now. We usually get up about 7:00, get dressed, go downstairs, get in his car, drive to the gedunk shop, buy a couple of donuts, drive on up to our shop, go inside, pour ourselves a cup of coffee, sit down, eat our donuts… and all this time, neither one of us has said a fuckin’ word.”

He laughed again and drank from his own coffee cup, all the while looking at me over the rim as I finished eating the strip of bacon.

“Weird, ain’t it?” he said, picking up his own piece of bacon and eating, too.

“What is?” I asked him. But I felt I already know what he was going to say.

“How alike we are.”

I nodded but didn’t say anything.

“Almost scary.”

“Yeah,” I said with another nod. I was thinking and remembering something. “But, you know,” I said. “I had about the same kinda thing happen with a guy I knew in BEEP School.”

“What’s that?”

“Basic Electricity and Electronics. It’s a prep school for guys that’ll be strikin’ for any of the electronic ratings like Electrician, Radioman, Sonarman… things like that.”


“Anyway, this guy, Bruce, was a fiend of a guy who was in my boot camp company. And I was just visiting with them both in the chow hall one night. That’s when I found out Bruce was born in February 1948, just like me. And he had an older brother Charles, just like me. His dad’s name was Ed, just like mine. His mom’s name was ‘Reba’ and my mom is ‘Ruby.’ He’d done one semester of college, just like me…”

“And me,” Kevin said.

“Yeah. And he joined the Navy to keep from getting drafted and sent to ‘Nam, just like me. He was enlisted as an ‘SRHS’ just like me, so he was guaranteed an ‘A’ school right out of boot camp just like me. And we like the same type of music, same type of movies… Just like me.”

“Sounds like the way you and I were last night. Finding out we had so much in common.”

“Yeah.” I looked over at Kevin and said with a smile. “Yeah, but Bruce and I had another thing. He was a virgin, too, just like I was at the time.”

Kevin laughed again. “Well, there you got me.”

“Yeah. I didn’t make my trip down to TJ to find a whore until I was in my A school.”

Kevin took another drink from his coffee, set the cup down, then said, “Were you attracted to this guy? Sexually?”

“Never even thought about it at the time. But maybe…” I chuckled. “I know one thing, though… A place where Bruce and I are very different. He has a hell of a lot bigger cock than I do.”

This time the laugh from Kevin nearly roared. “How’d you find that out?”

“We went swimmin’ out at Ocean Beach one day. Rented suits at some pavilion. Noticed it when we changed.”

“Bigger that me, too?”

“Yeah,” I said. “He has a monster.” I held up my two index fingers about a foot apart. “And thick, too.”

“But you never…”

“Didn’t even think about it.” I sighed. “I was still just into girls at that time.”

“But you’re not now?”

“What do you think?” I said. “After last night?”

He smiled at me and looked away, then back at me. “Oh,” he said. “I think you’re just like me,” he was no longer smiling but looking at me intently. “You just take what you can get. You like girls. But if you can’t… Find ’em, you’ll make love to a guy, too.”

This kind of took me aback. “But I thought you said last night…”

“What I said last night was that I was ‘Pretty much’ gay now. But I didn’t say I was exclusively gay.”

“You mean…”

“I’m Bisexual,” he said. “I date both women and men.”

Even though I’d probably heard the term “Bisexual” before, it was not in such common usage then, in 1971, as it is today. “But last night…” I started.

“You were dressed up as a girl,” he explained. “And a lovely one. And even though I knew you weren’t really a woman, I still found you very attractive. Physically.”

“But… But…” I was stammering. “You… You said…”

“I know. And I’d been livin’ with a gay man. And Bob was. But look around, Sugar… Roger. This is a one-bedroom apartment. Sure, we slept together. Had sex. But I still date women, too.”


“Yeah. Had a date with one last night. But she stood me up. Then, when I ended up in the club last night…”

This was a lot to digest. “You mean…”

“Yeah,… And I was kinda lookin’ for a woman last night.” He shrugged. “And you, looking like you did… kinda fit the bill. So, when we got to talkin’… and you were so nice… and lookin’ so feminine…”

“You really thought so?”

“Yeah,” he said. “You really do make a good-lookin’ woman.” He paused and looked at me intently again, as if he wanted to say something else.

I could feel my face getting warm and knew I was blushing. And again I wondered to myself. Am I really a girl?Or a guy?

Kevin seemed to realize my quandary. So he decided to change the subject.

“How do you want your eggs?”

The question brought me out of the contemplation.

I sighed. “Oh, just any way you want to fix ’em. Don’t usually eat much of a breakfast, like I told you. Just a doughnut or two.”

Kevin nodded, stood up and walked to the refrigerator. “I’ll scramble some, then. To go with our bacon.”

Having bought it to my attention, I reached over, grabbed another bacon slice and began eating it.

”Did you have any plans for what you wanted to do today, hon?” Kevin asked as he began cracking eggs into a bowl.

“Uh… No,” I said, suddenly aware that it really was kind of a half-baked idea running off with Kevin last night with no plans for today. I had nothing to wear except the girl clothes I’d had on then. No make-up,.. Nothing. I reached up and felt the stubble on my chin. Not too bad. I’m not very heavily-bearded, anyway, and with my sandy-brown hair, it should not be too noticeable.

“Uh,” I started out, “I, uh, didn’t bring any extra…” Panic was starting to set in.

“Nothin’ to wear?” Kevin asked, then just shrugged it off. “Don’t worry ’bout it, Sugar. Er, Roger. You can borrow stuff from me. Shorts and t-shirts, And I still have some of Bob’s stuff around here, too. He wasn’t much bigger’n you.”

He looked over at me, then back at the skillet he’d poured the eggs into after he’d scrambled them together. “And I have plenty of flip-flops around here you can wear on your feet. You’ll be fine.”

Kevin’s nonchalance was very reassuring and the panic I’d been feeling subsided quickly as I watched him finish scrambling the eggs.

“Anything I can do to help out?” I asked him.

“Get out a couple of plates,” he said, still stirring the eggs in the skillet. He nodded toward a cabinet over the counter.

“They’re in there. I already made toast. It’s there on the table.”

I got up and walked over to the cabinet, opened it and got out two plates from a stack I found. “Silverware?” I asked. He nodded to the drawer below the counter under the cabinet, which I opened and retrieved two forks. I took them back to the table and placed them in front of the chairs we’d been occupying. I noticed that salt and pepper shakers were already on the table, too.

“You want ketchup or anything on your scrambled eggs?” Kevin asked me. “If you do, it’s in the fridge. Picante sauce, too.”

“You’re spoiling me, Kev.” I chuckled. “I usually don’t get service like this on a Saturday morning.” I walked over to the refrigerator, retrieved the two condiments he’d mentioned and placed them on the table, too.

“OK,” he said, picking up the skillet and carrying it to the table as I sat down. “This stuff’s ready.” He scraped out about half the eggs in the pan onto my plate, the other half onto his, then placed the skillet and the spatula back on the stove before he sat down in his chair again.

I smiled at Kevin as I salted and peppered my eggs, and watched as he did the same. He then opened the jar of picante sauce, used his fork to spread a bit of it on his scrambled eggs, grabbed a couple more strips of bacon and began eating. I did the same.

We ate in relative silence. But toward the end of the meal, Kevin said, “Did you have anything you wanted to do today?”

I finished up my meal with a piece of toast. “Not really,” I said, looking over at him. “Like I said before, I really didn’t plan anything. And last night… Well, I really just had one thing on my mind. And we… Well, let’s just say I got to do that thing that was on my mind, then.”

We just looked at each other. I realized I had a big grin on my face.

Kevin smiled at me kind of shyly and looked away. “Well,” he said. “We can’t do that sort of thing all day long, you know.”

“Why not?” I asked him. Just the thought of sucking his dick again caused a bit of tingling in my own scrotum. “Now that I kind of got the hang of it…” I said, “I want to do it again.”

Kevin chuckled a bit and shook his head. “God, you’re insatiable,” he said.

“Weeelll…” I said, drawing out that monosyllable as I reached out under the table toward him. “you’re the one who makes me that way.” My hand found his thigh and I rubbed it lightly through his Bermuda shorts. I looked into his eyes and he looked back.

I could feel my heart melting as we gazed at each other. He was so handsome! And like I had been so amazed at my feelings and actions at other times this weekend, where I thought I would have had a hard time accepting the fact that I could be so attracted to another man, I found that any feelings of doubt were not there. So I just let myself go.

I leaned forward, toward him and to my amazement, he did the same. Our lips lightly brushed together and then we both sat back upright, our eyes still locked on the other ones. “So, do you want to… you know?”

He looked down at the tabletop, then back up at me. He took a drink from his coffee cup, eyeing me over is rim the whole time. “Well,” he said, “I thought last night we might go to the beach today, or go shopping, or do something else together… But it’s raining outside…”

“Really?” I had not even looked out yet to see what the weather was like.

“Well, San Diego rain, anyway.”

I nodded, knowing what he meant. San Diego usually only got one or two sessions per year of what Midwesterners like me and Kevin would call ‘rainstorms.’ The other times the place got moisture, it would only qualify as a ‘heavy mist’ in Kansas.

He shrugged. “So I guess we might as well.” He smiled at me.

Smiling back, I got to my feet and started toward the bedroom, holding my hand out to Kevin as I did so. He grasped it, stood up and followed.

When we got into the bedroom, I shrugged out of the bathrobe and let it fall as I walked over to the bed to lie down.

Kevin took the robe and hung it on a hook inside the bathroom door. I saw he was shaking his head slightly and smiling.

As I lay down on the bed, my hand immediately went to my crotch area, touching myself as I watched Kevin remove his clothes. I felt myself getting harder and harder as he proceeded.

He took off his tank top and folded it in the middle, laying it neatly across the back of a wooden chair next to the bathroom door. I admired his well-muscled swimmer’s torso as he stepped out of his flip-flops and pushed them under the chair. When he pushed down his khaki shorts, he revealed the jockstrap that covered his full, bulging package. He removed that last item of clothing and placed it on the chair, too, and turned to walk toward me as I was ogling the beauty of his quickly hardening cock. I could feel saliva filling my mouth in anticipation as he approached me, but when he reached the side of the bed, he just knelt down beside it and quickly engulfed my now fully hard member in his mouth.

Oh, wow! was all I could think when he did that, and I just lay back on the bed and enjoyed the ecstatic feeling of being sucked on for a while. But I just couldn’t stand being sucked on with nothing in my own mouth, so I reached over to Kevin with both hands, trying to get him to rise up and join me on the bed.

He quit sucking on me and did as I wanted. First, we just kissed passionately for a while, our hands roaming over each other’s bodies. He pinched and rubbed my nipples, just like I did with his, but soon he left off kissing me as his mouth moved lower down to suck on my nipples.

I admit that my male breasts are actually fairly prominent for an otherwise kind of skinny guy. I suppose they are a legacy from my father. As he aged, my dad put on a lot of weight onto his athletic body and I remember seeing him, bare-chested, shuffling a deck of cards prior to dealing during our family card games. After separating the deck into two halves and fanning them together, he would bend the now intersected deck upward to make them flutter atop each other into one stack. During that process, the fatty part of his prominent male breasts would quiver just like the breasts of a woman when you flip one with your hand.

Anyway, when Kevin’s mouth arrived at breast-level, he had something more to suck on than one little blip of an erect nipple. And suck he did, causing me to even arch my back a bit to give him more to play with and suck into his mouth. It felt great to have him do that.

But Kevin did not linger on my male tits for very long. He flipped his body around to give ME access the HIS package, just like I had been longing to do ever since he followed me into the room. I kissed and licked his beautiful, erect penis, kissed and sucked on his balls, first taking one into my mouth, then the other one. But finally, I was able to greedily begin to suck on the cock itself. I started to push my mouth onto its horny length, suppressing the gag reflex as the cock head pushed past the uvula and into my throat.

While I was sucking him Kevin was not idle, of course. I was thoroughly enjoying the feel of his mouth on my cock but could also feel his fingers beginning to snake their way between my butt cheeks. After first pressing them tighter together in reflex, I relaxed them and allowed him to probe deeper. Soon one digit was in my rectum. The feeling was almost electric. First a bit of sharp pain, but then it felt better and better as his finger went deeper.

Soon though, I could feel Kevin withdraw the finger from my anus completely, and he changed position on the bed. This caused me to have to pull off his deep-throated cock and to finally withdraw my mouth from it completely.

I looked over at him as he propped himself onto one elbow and smiled. He returned the smile a bit ruefully, it seemed to me.

“You know, last night,,,” he began. “When you said… now, what were the words you used? That now you were a…what? Full…” his voice trailed off.

“A full-fledged queer?” I volunteered.

“Yeah,” he said, still smiling at me and nodding.

I knew what he was getting at, “But I’m not, am I?” I said with a sheepish grin. “Not ‘full-fledged’ yet. Not if I haven’t been fucked. Right?”

He nodded again.

I lowered my gaze then looked back up at him. “So,” I asked him. “Do you want to do that? Be my first?”

Kevin’s grin was even broader now. “I would be honored,” he said.

My own grin was so big it almost hurt.

Kevin started to get up and I allowed him to, feeling a bit of trepidation, though, and wondering what I’d let myself in for. Would it hurt much? Will I enjoy it? Will he think less of me for giving in so easily? Am I being a slut? Were all thoughts that raced through my mind as I watch Kevin get out of the bed and walk over to the bathroom, then return carrying something in one hand.

“This is just a little lube,” he told me as he walked toward me. “Should make it a bit easier.” He stopped and looked at me. “But, uh, I was wondering…” he said, awkwardly. “If… uh…”


“Could, uh,” he said sheepishly. “Could… uh… you put, uh, put your wig back on? The one you were wearing last night?”


“Your wig. Uh… Could you wear it? Again? Please?

I just laughed, quietly. “My wig?” I couldn’t see why he wanted me to. “Oh,” I said. “I guess so. If you really want me to. It’s over…”

“I know where it is,” he said, retrieving the blonde hairpiece from the stack of clothes on the dresser, then returned to the bed holding it out to me.

I determined which was the front and which was the back, then stretched out the elastic skullcap before placing it over my own shorter, darker hair as Kevin climbed back onto the bed. “How does it look?” I asked him as he knelt on the mattress before me.

He reached over and made a couple of slight adjustments. “Better,” he said, smiling at me. “You know,” he said, gazing into my eyes, “you really do make a great-looking woman.”

I lowered my gaze again, embarrassed and felt my face flushing once more.

“Now,” he said, “just lie back and enjoy this.”

I did as he told me, reclining onto the pillows set against the headboard and raised my knees until my feet were flat against the mattress top and sheet as Kevin squeezed out a bit of lube onto his hand, then began spreading it onto and into my rectum with his fingers. The jell felt cold and slick as he probed into me again and I closed my eyes for a bit, just feeling and reacting to his touch. Then I opened them again as I watched Kevin rise up to his knees as he positioned himself between my now widely spread legs.

I instinctively, it seemed, raised my hips a bit to give Kevin’s now rock-hard penis a better angle and could feel its pressure against my eager hole. Sharp, intense pain stabbed at me as I stretched to accept its invasion and I felt a small sob escape my lips involuntarily as his dick slid into me, slowly and inexorably penetrating deeper and deeper. But the hurt subsided quickly, to be replaced by an almost indescribable feeling of pure pleasure as the sweet man on top of me began slipping out a bit, then back in. In and out, it slipped and pushed, over and over. I wrapped my arms around his torso and felt myself humping upward to meet Kevin’s thrusts, all the while trying my best to keep my gaze locked onto his hazel eyes. But my sight became blurry and unfocused as it went on. Finally, I was aware that Kevin, matching my whimpers of delight was grunting and moaning while he filled me further with every thrust.

“Eeeyaaah! Ha!” burst in grunting exclamations from deep in his chest as he began to orgasm. I could even feel his dick squirt and gush inside me. The feeling caused me to cum, too, and waves of ecstasy filled my mind and body. I had never felt anything comparable and as intense before. I think I might have even screamed out something in delight, too, but I wasn’t sure.

As the last of his orgasm subsided, I could feel Kevin’s body relax and the full weight of his body on top of me. With a heartfelt sigh, he rolled to one side and I tried to roll that way, too, trying to keep his cock inside me as long as possible, but it did slip out. I cuddled into him, feeling the slickness of my own semen between my body and his.

“Wow,” we both said, nearly in unison.

“That was great,” I said, while Kevin said, “That was intense.” We laughed together, too.

Kevin felt the slickness of my semen on his belly. “Did you cum too?” he asked me.

“Uh huh.”

“Wow,” he said. “Never had that happen before.” He looked at me curiously. “Wow,” he said again. “Just… Wow!”

I just looked at him and smiled at him lovingly as he leaned toward me and tenderly kissed me.

End of Part II

Be sure to read Part III, “Our Life Together”

Published 2 years ago

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