My New Landlady Chapter Two

"Young Graduate rents room from mature woman then helps him with his business."

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Tom walked in the middle with May on the left and Jean on the right. He was cupping May’s left breast and Jean’s right breast. Jean said, “That’s wonderful, if you keep going I’ll cum before we get to the house.”

Tom then had her hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger; he squeezed it hard and Jean moaned with pleasure. They went straight to the stables. Jean examined the four Chinese vases carefully then said, “I’m right, these are very rare and in perfect condition. Did you say that you had listed these on Antiques Atlas?”

Tom brought his smartphone out to show her, and he saw that he had an email from Antiques Atlas and a Suzie Wong had offered him eighty thousand pounds for the four vases. He showed the email to Jean who smiled when she read it, she said, “Trust Suzie to offer that. They would make one hundred thousand at auction then she would be paying at least twenty percent of buyers premium. Let me reply, and I will get you one hundred thousand.”

Jean replied telling Suzie that the vases were correct and that they were a bargain at one hundred thousand. She also said that she would be responsible for the shipping and to advise her when Antique Shipping would collect the vases. A minute later Tom had a message from PayPal that Suzie Wong had transferred one hundred thousand pounds and the carrier would collect the package between two and three tomorrow afternoon. Tom said, “Thank you, Jean, I am now in business. Carol told me as I left the office this afternoon that she had another three house clearances for me. I’m so happy.”

Jean asked, “Is that the Carol that’s Carswell’s secretary?”

Tom said, “Yes, and she told me that she can get me a lot more as she was turning away a lot.”

Jean said, “I know that Carol hates Carswell. Rumour has it that he was all over her. Then he filmed her giving him a blow job. He is blackmailing her with this video. When he gets horny, he calls her to the office, and she has to suck him off. It’s going to take at least six months to get the Auction House up and running. You couldn’t get anyone better to manage both the Auction House and the Centre than Carol. See that crystal vase over there. On the way to your office, tomorrow go to a supermarket and buy her a bouquet of flowers. Then give the vase and flowers and say thank you.

“You must try and get Carol on your side. She can do so much for you. She knows everyone that Carswell deals with. You should spend time with her. Take her out for supper. Spend time with her. Tell her that you’re trying to build a business and your ambition to set up an Auction House and Antique Centre. Only tell her this when you feel that you can trust her. Do you have a waste carriers certificate as this legislation is a must have?”

Paul replied, “I like Carol as a person. She’s the person that runs that business. I most certainly will give her flowers tomorrow. If I asked Carol out for supper tomorrow, she would go. I would explain to her if we ended up in bed it wouldn’t be a problem for me, but I can’t promise her a future with me. I say that because of the situation that I am in this now with May, and I am sure with you tonight and in the future. Carol is roughly the same age as I am and at this time in my life, I prefer being with older women. Yes, I have my Waste Carriers Certificate and have had it for coming up to five years.”

May said, “Tom, the more I know you, the more that I like you. That reply shows your honesty.”

Jean replied, “I agree with May. Be honest with her. She’s a lovely girl. She still lives with her mother who is a charming lady too. Her mother is a very clever woman. She is the controller in a huge firm of Accountants. She is due to retire soon as she said that when she is sixty, she will retire. See how you get on with Carol. I’m also thinking that if Carol is sending you a lot of leads, then you should have a word with, ‘The Three Generations of Antique Dealers’. There is Lady Marie Watson, the grandmother. Her daughter, Beth Robertson, her daughter. Sam Robertson, her granddaughter.

“Sam will graduate next year with a degree. She is only twenty-two but very knowledgeable. I know that as it develops here that they will all take space in the Centre and also work for the Auction House. That will be a killer blow for Carswell. Margie is wonderful, and so is Beth. They are all in our coffee group. They all love sex. I’m thinking that if you can get Carol around to accepting that she would have to share you, then we can live as a happy family. Dot, Carol’s mum, is in the coffee group. She had a couple of risky one night stands which May sorted out for her. That’s why she enjoyed the coffee group as she could have safe sex. I believe that she is swamped this now as it’s coming up to her retirement. If I see her, I will quietly tell her what you are doing.”

They went into the lounge. May went for some champagne. It was all very relaxed. May was glowing and said, “Let us all get comfortable. I’m starting to feel horny again.”

She stripped naked, and Jean did the same. They both had beautiful bodies. Tom stripped as well. When Jean saw his cock, she said, “That’s the biggest cock that I have ever seen in my life. Margie, Beth and Sam would work for nothing for that beauty. The more that I see you, Tom, the more I like you. May, can I go first? I’m so aroused just looking at that beauty. Tom, can I go on top as it’s so long since I’ve had a cock and I have never had one as big as that?”

May and Tom both agreed and Tom got her into a sixty-nine position. She had a big clit too which he started to suck as he finger fucked her with two fingers. She was taking the full length of his cock in her mouth, and she was good at it, and her tongue was everywhere.

May was playing with Jean’s tits, and Tom was fingering May’s pussy which was so wet. He now had four fingers in Jean’s pussy, and she loved it. Jean had had several small orgasms as Tom had felt her cum in his mouth. She was now ready for him.

Tom lay on the floor, and Jean mounted him. Tom said, “May, kneel beside us so you can suck and play with Jean’s beautiful tits as Jean rides me. I’ll play with Jean’s clit with my left hand. I will finger your pussy. You are going to feel that you need a pee. You don’t, when you feel that concentrate on what my fingers are doing to your g-spot.”

May said, “Am I going to squirt?”

Tom replied, “Just relax and enjoy what I am doing to you.”

May then started to suck on Jean’s tits. Jean soon had a powerful circular movement going as she rode his hard cock. Tom was rubbing Jean’s clit with two fingers as she rode him. Tom had two fingers inside May’s pussy. He was making a come here signal with the two fingers against the inner wall of her pussy. He could feel May’s g-spot. May was enjoying it so was Jean. Tom was enjoying it as Jean was a great ride, gripping his cock tightly on each thrust. They kept it going for the next twenty-five minutes. Jean was first to cum. He felt her cum on his cock. Then May had a very intense orgasm. He took his fingers out. May was trembling, and she was squirting her cum out of her pussy for the next thirty seconds.

Jean got off Tom and went to the kitchen for a kitchen roll. Tom and Jean cleaned up May’s cum from the floor. May said, “That was something else. When you ass fucked me you stimulated my g-spot. That was a wonderful orgasm, but with your fingers, I squirted. I felt as though I needed to pee. I just relaxed and thought about what you were doing. Then I squirted. We must do that again.”

Jean said, “Tom, you’re something else. I have never seen anyone squirt before. It looked so good. I don’t know about you guys, but I am exhausted. Let’s shower and go to bed. They showered, and they all went to Tom’s bedroom. They were all fast asleep in five minutes.

Tom woke at seven the next morning. He then woke May and Jean. Jean cooked breakfast while May and Tom showered. May first appointment was a ten to eight. It was a rush, but she made it.  The breakfast was excellent, and he left at seven-thirty. Jean said, “That was great last night. Remember the flowers and the vase. I would only transfer fifty thousand to your bank. That can buy you a lot of house clearances. It is also good to have an emergency fund.”

He kissed her, and he left. He got a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the supermarket. Carol arrived in front of him at the office. He followed her to her office with the flowers and vase behind his back. She turned round when she got to her desk and said, “Good morning Tom, how are you?”

He brought the flowers and vase from behind his back and said, “I’m good. I just wanted to say thank you.”

There was a look of total amazement on her face. She said, “They are beautiful, and the vase is gorgeous. Thank you for that wonderful thought. This is the first time in my life that I have ever received flowers.”

She took them from him and then laid them on her desk. She then put her arms around him and hugged him. She was looking into his eyes then she kissed him. Her tongue went deep into his mouth. He felt the weight of her big breasts against his chest. Then he felt her pussy against his leg making a slow circular movement. She was a great kisser.

They heard a noise from the corridor and broke apart. He had a large bulge in his trousers. She noticed it and looked at the door. She saw it was clear and stepped forward taking his hard rod into her hand, squeezing it then with her fingertips massaging his balls she whispered, “I would love to make you hard. Email me your mobile number and we can WhatsApp. Your cock feels wonderful, and it’s so long since I last had a cock. I want to thank you for the vase and flowers.”

He emailed her his mobile number then transferred thirty thousand to his bank account. He checked the three leads Carol had given him. One was from a firm of solicitors who were finalising an estate. He checked his diary, and he could view all three this afternoon.

He phoned the contact in the lawyer’s office and agreed to meet him at two o’clock this afternoon. The other two were private people and could only meet in the evening or on the weekends. He arranged to meet one at six this evening and the other at seven.

His phone beeped. He had a WhatsApp message from Carol which read, I have another two leads for you. I would like us to communicate on WhatsApp. It’s safer as that cunt Carswell reads all our emails. I take that back as a cunt is a useful thing, and he is not in any way useful. You must be very careful with Carswell. He sees how good you are. He will try and find out something about you then use it against. I would leave here in a minute but he has something on me, and I know that he would use it against me. What have you planned for the day?

He replied, I have a meeting at two with the clerk from the lawyer’s office. And tonight a meeting at six and the other at seven. Thanks for the advice. There is something I don’t like about him. I’m working to try and get my own business. I have an excellent storage area. So I can take a lot of stock. What are you doing today?

She replied, All of the staff here hate Carswell. You should open an Auction House, and I would run it for you. I’m working till five then I will go home. Would you like me to help you tonight? I would need to go home and get into my jeans. I know how to pack things so that they are safe. The clerk thinks that he is a smart ass. They screw the estates dreadfully. Whatever you want to offer then offer him half and he will accept it. All the law firms are the same.

He replied, Thanks for the advice. I would love it if you came with me, but I would pay you cash. When and where can I pick you up? I have a Refuse Carriers Certificate which allows me to carry refuse as some of the stuff that I will get will end up in a landfill. This is important legislation. It’s also a great selling point if you are advising clients in recommending my firm.

She replied fifteen minutes later, it read, Sorry for the delay but I Googled Refuse Carriers Certificate. That’s excellent that you have that. I can get you thirty to forty leads every week. I live at four Hudson Street. I will be waiting for you at five-thirty. Mum usually has my dinner ready at six, but she will cook when I get back. Mum is a great cook. Would you like to join us for supper when we finish? I will work that Refuse Carriers Certificate for all I can. If you want to join us for supper, then you bring the wine. We both love a glass of wine. If you have too much wine, then you get a taxi home, and I will drive you in the morning.

Then a second message. It read, Tom when we are in the office I won’t ever show any emotions towards you as Carswell wants to know everything about everyone. Don’t worry, when we are alone I will spoil and pamper you. I love how you kiss, and quite honestly I can’t get your cock out of my head. It felt wonderful. xxx.

He replied, I was thinking the same. I think the word to describe Carswell is slimy. I loved how you kissed. I also loved how you massaged my balls with your fingers. What sort of wine does your mum like and I will bring some tonight? xxx.

Carol answered, Dot, my mum, loves Champagne and Chablis, just like me. We are very similar in many ways. We both love sex. We both love wine. If you enjoy an older woman, then you will love her. We both love oral, giving and receiving. If she likes you, then don’t be surprised if she joins us in bed tonight. If you bring a bottle of champagne and a couple of bottles of Chablis, then she will be happy. I’m looking forward to tonight. I told Dot about you. I said to her that you have the biggest cock that I have ever felt. She is looking forward to meeting you too. xxx.

Another message arrived, it read, Tom, please try and understand what I meant in my last message. Dot and I don’t sleep around. We are very selective. Yes, we have shared in total three men. We are both bisexual. We have shared many women.

For the last eighteen months, we have only had each other. You may call that incest, but I don’t think it is. After dad died, Dot became a social recluse. I was twenty-four. I had worked at the Auction House for a year. Then the retired Senior Partner started to visit Dot on a Sunday night. He never took her out. He just came for sex. I wasn’t dating anyone at that time. I joined them.

We all enjoyed it. He died. Then I met a guy. I knew he was married. I went on the pill. He lasted two years. Dot and I shared him. Then another retired partner contacted Dot. He was married. But it was fun. It was meetings on the weekends. Sometimes in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon. He had a stroke, and it ended then. Dot then got involved in a coffee group. Ladies were meeting for coffee and sex. I never went, but when Dot brought a woman home, I would join them for sex. Then Dot went onto a dating site. She had two bad experiences and has now stopped that completely.

What I am trying to get across is we are a normal mother and daughter. We both love sex. I am trying to be honest. I want a child. While I am working under Carswell, I feel insecure. If that situation changes and we still see each other, then I would come off the pill. Dot is nearly sixty. She will retire soon. I want her to have her fun for as long as possible. I hope that you like because I know that she will like you. xxx.

He replied, Thank you for your honesty. I understand exactly what you write. I’m looking forward to meeting Dot. I’m sure that I will like her. I hope that she likes me. If you became pregnant with my child, then I would support both of you. I believe that you would be an excellent mother. I need to go soon for two o’clock meeting. I will see you at five-thirty. I want to kiss you. xxx.

She replied, I want to kiss you too. My main job now is to get you as many leads as I can. I have another three leads. I am getting them to fax them to me now, then Carswell will have no idea of the volume you are getting. At the weekend we must spend the time to create a marketing strategy for both your Auction House and the Antique Centre. Is it possible to see where the properties are? I will see you at five-thirty. xxx.

Tom then got a message from May it read, Darling, I am home. Thank you for last night. What a wonderful orgasm. I couldn’t believe that I was squirting. I tried it with three of my private patients this morning. I did it exactly as you had done it with me. I had success in all three cases. All three of the girls loved it. I’m going to offer it as an extra. I can do it in ten minutes.

Did you give Carol the flowers? Was she happy? I met her with her mother in the supermarket she is a lovely girl. Jean is right she would be an asset to your business. Her mother is an excellent accountant. She could give you a lot of good advice on your business. She is also wonderful in bed. She is a very caring lover. Let me know how your day is going. xxx.

He replied, So happy that you have done that. They will be queuing up to have an appointment with you. Then they will be sobbing with gratitude when they pay you. She loved the flowers. I have a valuation this afternoon. Then two this evening. Carol is coming with me and then I have been invited for supper at her mother’s house. So I won’t be home tonight. Can I have six bottles of Champagne and six bottles of Chablis? I want to give them as a gift to Carol’s mother. xxx.

He then drove to the valuation. The clerk from the lawyer’s office was an idiot. There were a lot of antiques there. There was also an upright piano. Tom told him that he would have to include in his offer the fact that he would have to charge him ninety pounds for disposing of the piano. The clerk agreed to the figure of one hundred and fifty pounds saying that this with the piano was normal. Tom paid him cash, and he gave him a receipt and the keys to the house saying that if he could hand the keys to the office within a week. He now was the proud owner of a Bösendorfer upright piano with a gorgeous double stool.

He drove to the house to get his van and to pack an overnight bag. Jean was there and told him that the Chinese vases had been picked up. He told her what had happened with Carol and she was going with him tonight and staying with her and her mother overnight. He then told her about the valuation he had done today and the piano. She said, “A Bösendorfer upright in average condition is worth twenty-five thousand. Tom, if I was on the pill, I come off it for you. I am happy that the two of you have come up with this arrangement. Carswell is an arse. We will have a very Click or tap here to enter text.successful Auction House here with Carol managing it.”

They kissed then he went to pack. He had a message from May telling him to take what he wanted. He got an empty wine box from the cellar and just before he left he got cold bottles from the fridge and filled the box. He replaced from the cellar the wines he had taken with him.

He arrived at Carol’s house at five-thirty exactly. He rang the bell, and it was Dot that opened the door. She was so similar to Carol. Tall, good looking and voluptuous. She smiled and said, “Hi, you must be Tom. I am Dot. Can I help you with that? Carol is having a quick shower.”

He replied, “If you can open the door wide and lead me to your fridge. That would be great.”

She did that. They managed to get four bottles of Champagne and four bottles of Chablis into the fridge. She then led him into the lounge. She offered him a cup of tea. He told her that they didn’t have time. Then Carol came in. She looked stunning. She was wearing a polo shirt and very tight leggings which showed her perfect vulva. She said, “You promised me a kiss.”

He took her in his arms, and they kissed passionately. After a two minute kiss, he said, “We have work to do.”

She replied, “I know, and I can’t wait until later.”

Dot said, “I wish someone would kiss me like that. I’m cooking a goulash this evening, so it doesn’t matter when you come back. I’m planning for around eight. If you think you will be much later than that then let me know.”

Carol kissed her, and Dot whispered, “He is gorgeous.”

She then hugged Tom and kissed him on the cheek. He felt the weight of her breasts on his chest. She said, “Tom, thanks for that lovely gift and the beautiful flowers and vase that you gave Carol. I’m looking forward to getting to know you.”

They left. The first valuation was a son selling his father’s house. There were several interesting pieces there. Tom offered three hundred pounds which was accepted. The man would also help with the loading of the van. The second house was a daughter selling her mother’s flat. There were some beautiful pieces there. The daughter had no class where then mother had lots of taste and class. She said, “I wouldn’t have any of this junk in my house.“

Tom fined her for this comment by offering two hundred pounds. This was accepted, and Saturday morning at eight they would come to collect. It was twenty to eight when they arrived back at Carol’s house. Carol said, “I must tell you this. Five years ago there was the Christmas staff night out. I was drunk. Carswell got a taxi and brought me back to the office. We kissed and fumbled about. To cut a long story short. I gave him a blow job. On the first day after the Christmas break, I went to his office to say that he had abused his position. He then played back a recording of what I had done. I was mortified. He told me that if I didn’t do what he wanted he would sack me and I wouldn’t get a job in this industry again. I hate that man.”

Tom asked, “What did he want you to do?”

She replied, “Give him a blow job at his demand. I haven’t been summoned for over three years now, but I believe one of the young secretaries is now doing it. I wish that I could get inside his computer, but it’s impossible. He uses a password master system which changes the password every time you use it. The guy from the IT company that supports our system told me that the filth on his hard drive is disgusting. Hopefully, soon I will be out of it. We had better get in the house. You bought well tonight. That woman was a bitch, and you handled her beautifully.”

He said, “Thank you for telling that. If the opportunity arises, I will sort him out. At the weekend I will take you to the properties that I can use. I think that you will be impressed.”

They kissed then went into the house. Dot was wearing a very risqué outfit that left nothing to the imagination. She asked Tom to pour the Champagne and suggested having a drink as the meal was simmering and just needed to be served. She asked how the valuations had gone and Carol told her. She laughed when she told her about the woman. They chatted for a while and finished the second bottle. Tom opened the Chablis. The meal was excellent. Dot was an excellent cook. They finished goulash. Dot said, “You two take a bottle into the lounge. I hate coming into a dirty kitchen in the morning. I will join you in a minute.”

They went into the lounge. They kissed and touched for several minutes. Carol said, “Go into the kitchen and flirt with Dot. Compliment her on the meal and her outfit. Then bring her in here, and you will find me naked.”

They kissed, and he went into the kitchen. Dot was busy stacking the dishwasher. She smiled when she saw him. He said, “Dot, that was a beautiful meal. I enjoyed every mouthful. You are a wonderful cook. I’m in the process of setting up a business. I would love to get your advice. Is it possible that we could have a chat about it soon?”

She replied, “Darling, thanks for the compliments. Give me your mobile number then we can WhatsApp. Carol and I both find you very attractive. I’m sure in the future you will find that we will do anything that you want.”

He gave her his mobile number. She wrote it on a piece of paper. Then came to him and took him into her arms. They kissed. She was a great kisser. Their hands explored each other’s bodies. Her boobies felt wonderful. She was caressing his now hard cock. She had a beautiful touch.

She was wearing a short skirt. She undid the button and the zip. It fell to the floor. She was wearing crotchless lingerie. His hand went between her legs. Her vulva was smooth and swollen. He slid a finger into her wet pussy which she gripped tightly. She said, “Let’s go to Carol. We will make your cock so hard. Do Carol first as I played when you were working.”

As they left the kitchen, Tom took a kitchen roll with him. Carol was naked in the lounge. Dot then stripped. They both had beautiful bodies. Carol suggested that they go to Dot’s King Size bed as she wanted to go on top. They went upstairs. What happened in the next forty-five minutes was unbelievable. Tom lay on the bed with Carol on the left and Dot on the right. He was fingering both of their smooth wet pussies. They were both playing with his hard cock. They were each licking and sucking around the bulbous tip. It felt wonderful. One would take the full length in her mouth then the other would do the same.

After fifteen minutes Carol went on top. She was rubbing the tip of his cock against her big hard clit. Tom then positioned Dot in a way that allowed her to suck Carol’s tits and let him finger her wet pussy. He put three sheets of kitchen roll under her pussy. He then explained to her that he was going to stimulate her g-spot and soon she would feel that she needed to pee. When she felt this, she was to relax and enjoy what he was doing to her.

Carol then took all of Tom’s cock inside her. She had slow, powerful movements. She was gripping him at the base and tip of his cock. He was rubbing her big clit with the index and middle fingers of his left hand. Carol now had a commanding rhythm going and was pounding his cock. Tom’s index and middle fingers were stimulating the inner wall of Dot’s pussy. He was making a come here gesture against the wall of her pussy. The two fingertips were stimulating her g-spot.

They kept going like this for thirty minutes. Then Carol had a massive orgasm. She held his cock inside her. Just before Carol’s orgasm, he felt Dot relax. He continued with the come here movement of his fingertips but with a little more force. He sensed that Dot was going to cum. He withdrew his two fingers as Dot began to tremble and shake. Then the squirting started. For the next forty-five seconds, she squirted. The kitchen roll absorbed all of her cum. Dot said, “I have never had an orgasm like that in my life. I have never squirted before. My whole body was trembling. What an amazing experience.”

Carol said, “That looked wonderful. I had a strong orgasm, but that was unbelievable. Your cock goes so deep. It’s an awesome feeling. Thank you for giving me the flowers and the vase. I believe our lives are changing.”

Dot needed a drink. They all went down to the lounge. Tom’s cock was flaccid. Carol was asking about where the Auction House would be. Then Tom was honest and told them that his landlady was Dr May Carter. They were lovers. She had offered him the old stables at her house, and there was several barns but the one next to the stables.

He also told them that Lady Jean Smart would be helping in both businesses. Lady Margie Watson and her daughter Beth Robertson and her daughter Sam Robertson. Who is known on television as the three generations would also be helping in both businesses.

He told them that they could come and see it all at the weekend. Jean already had an architect working on the plans. They would put in a mezzanine flooring which would double the storage space for both units.

Carol said, “This is unbelievable. We can’t fail with the three generations; they are the hottest thing on all the Antique television programmes. Lady Jean is in a class of her own. To work with them is a dream. I can’t wait to start. We must keep this quiet. If Carswell hears about this, he will do everything to prevent it. When it gets closer to the opening, I will check out all the key employees of Carswell. Every one of them would leave.”

Dot excused herself saying that she was exhausted. She said that she would sleep in Carol’s room. She also asked Tom if he would like her to wake him early for a session. He told her that he would enjoy that. She kissed Tom and Carol and left. Tom and Carol went upstairs and made love. Carol said, “This has been the best day of my life.”

Published 7 years ago

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