My new gadget

"I need a new cell phone but what I find in much, MUCH better!!!"

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I fucking hate it when the big phone companies refuse to bend just a little bit to keep a long time customer happy. To this end, I severed the remainder of my two year contract, paid the assholes off and set out to find myself a new service provider and a new phone.

The mall was no good… all the pimply faced clerks wanted to do was to sell me a high priced gadget that had more bells and whistles than the Queens knickers drawer and a high dollar contract that would make the Rockefellers blush. I decided to take a walk down the street from the mall to escape the mind numbing sales antics.

Only about a block from the mall, I came across a small independent shop that, according to the window banners, claimed to have the best prices in town with the best services to boot. Shrugging my shoulders, I pushed the heavy steel and glass door and walked inside. The array of phones, tablets and other electronic goodies on display was almost overwhelming. Then I saw the salesperson….

Her short blond hair was cut in a sort of bob style with just a hint of her blue eyes showing through the bangs. The modest top that she wore was a very light shade of pink with only the top two buttons undone. She is definitely a classy girl who doesn’t need her cleavage to sell phones.

We exchanged pleasantries and then she got right down to business, asking me what I needed and what type of contract I was thinking of. I told her that I just needed a basic phone that I can talk on, send texts, emails and maybe surf the internet once in a while. I don’t travel much so I didn’t need a big plan either. She looked me, smiled and told me to follow her as she had just what I needed.

Now that she was not hidden by the waist high counter, I saw that she had on very high black heels, black stockings and a short black ruffled skirt that flared out from her hips. As I followed her across the store to another display, my cock gave an involuntary twitch at the sight of her narrow ass swaying beneath the skirt.

Being over six feet tall myself, standing beside this little beauty made her look tiny even with her tall heels on. I would have to guess that she was only about five feet tall or less in her socks. She pointed out a few of the new phones that had just come in and mentioned a few of the positives and negatives for each one. Then she picked up a neat looking phone that appeared to be almost all screen with no visible buttons or framework.

“This is the Wickon 2.2 and we just got it in stock yesterday. I think that it has everything that you asked for plus a few other special features that I just know you’ll learn to really enjoy,” she stated quite matter-of-fact in a low sexy voice.

I couldn’t help but to raise an eyebrow slightly and ask about the special features.

“Well, for starters, this little security feature right here can send an automatic selfie to your email of anyone other than you who tries to use your phone. And this icon will allow you to see pictures in a whole new way that has never been possible before.”

I could see her blush slightly after her last statement so I pressed on, “Oh? And how is that?”

“It’s kind of hard to explain but it’s really easy to show you. Here look at me on the screen… now press the icon and then the shutter button for the camera… Now press the icon again… See anything?”

The picture I had taken of her was more or less a head shot but with her shoulders showing too. When I looked at the screen again, her top was gone and now it was only her face and bare shoulders in the picture. I shook my head in disbelief.

“Cool huh? I’m sure there are plenty of occasions for you to use this particular feature…” her voice trailed off leaving me with a big grin on my face and a rising bulge in my pants.

“I’ll take it!!!”

“Well I’d better show you again how to use it just in case”

She went through the procedure again and asked me to get a good picture of her this time to ensure that the exposure is just right. She backed up a little bit and leaned against the glass cabinet spreading her legs ever so slightly. I snapped four of five pictures in rapid succession and then went back into the memory to view them.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing on the screen. I know for a damn fact that I had just taken a picture of a very sexy looking blond who was fully clothed, but now I was looking at a picture of a very sexy looking blond who was very, VERY naked.

“And here if you do this,” she said as she dragged her finger over the screen, “the image is enhanced. You can even make it bigger and zoom in by doing this,” she said and pulled her little finger down on the screen.

What she chose to zoom in on made my eyes damn near jump out of their sockets. It was a very close close-up of her little bald cunt. I could clearly see the protruding lips and even a tiny little hoop ring stabbed through her clitoris.

My cock grew another inch or two as we looked at the picture on my new toy.

She zoomed in even more and pointed out how clear the shot was even though it was zoomed so close in. “I think the resolution is absolutely amazing on some of these new camera phones but none are better than this one.”

“Amazing indeed,” I couldn’t help but agree with her as I continues to study her naked twat on my screen.

“But what is this?” I asked pointing to what looked like a tiny wire wrapped a couple of times around her piercing.
“That’s just the remote wire for a toy of my own. Here, you can use it with this icon right here,” she said pointing to an icon that had a picture of an egg that appeared to be vibrating.

I clicked on the tiny little icon and what looked like a volume control appeared on my screen. “You can control the setting by sliding your finger up and down on the dial like this.” She then pulled her index finger up the screen almost to the top.

I saw a deep hue of red come across her face and neck and her eyes got a kind of glazed over look. She began to tremble ever so slightly and I saw her nipples harden through her thin top. She had to grab hold of the counter as an orgasm rushed over her. I quickly turned the ’volume’ down and she began to relax a bit.

“Wow!!! That was intense,” she hissed through gritted teeth. “It usually takes longer than that.”

I just stared at her in amazement as she came down from her sexual high holding the phone dumbly in my left hand. Without even realizing what I was doing, my thumb hit the ‘volume’ control again by complete accident and slid it further up the dial. This time a low growl emanated from deep in her vocal chords and I watched as she began to do a full body shake again. Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead as the vibrations intensified and her second orgasm drew closer.

“ALL THE WAY….. ALL THE FUCKING WAY TO THE TOP!!!!” she shouted, still gripping on to the counter top for dear life.

I cleared my mind long enough to do what she said. My thumb worked on its own volition and slid the scale right to the upper limit. She clenched her jaw and began to convulse against the rattling display counter causing some of the phones to fall off the glass shelves.

“Take a picture of me… NOW!!!” she stuttered.

I quickly found the other special icon and stabbed at it. I snapped off a few pictures and then went back to the egg setting. Seeing her orgasm so strongly had my cock rock boner stiff and dripping pre-cum into my boxers. I slid the volume button back down again and waited for her to orgasm to subside.

“Oh my fucking god!! WOW!! Super fucking intense that time!” she said as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

After a minute or two of gathering her wits she collected herself and told me that there are attachments for men too that come with the phone. So, I would be getting a new phone, a vibrating egg for a lady friend and a vibrating cockring that could all be controlled with the press of an icon. It was only then that I noticed the front of her skirt was soaked and there was a large puddle on the floor between her feet.

“Maybe I’ll try on the ring for the ride home,” I said to her with an evil grin as we walked towards the cashier’s counter.

She signed me up for a basic plan that would fulfil my needs and handed me the box of attachments. In it was an egg and a rubbery looking ring. I excused myself and went into the men’s room to fit the ring into place. My cock was still rock hard but enough pre-cum had leaked out to make sliding the tight ring all the way to the base much easier. I forcefully stuffed my aching cock back into my pants and carefully zipped up. Reading the box for the attachments, it said that the toys have a one mile range.

When I returned, she was looking at the pictures on my phone that I had just taken while she was cumming. Handing the phone to me she told me to have a look. I could plainly see her sexy little cunt gushing a stream of liquid. Now it was my turn to say wow. She is a squirter!!! Just plain fucking stellar!! And obviously not wearing any panties by the looks of the stream of cum.

She wrapped up my purchase (minus the attachment that was gripping the base of my cock) while I slid my debit card into the machine to pay.

I was just about to walk out the front door when I felt a really odd sensation in my pants which rapidly increased in intensity. It was so powerful I had to hold on to the crash bar of the door to keep from falling down. My cock was almost ready to explode from the ministrations. And then as quickly as it arrived, it went away again. I really thought I was having a stroke or some other major medical emergency.

“What the fuck was that?” I said out loud.

“It was just me silly… You helped me, now I’m helping you. Enjoy your drive home,” she said quietly from behind the counter.

I turned to look at her and saw that she was holding up a new- just arrived yesterday- Wickon 2.2

Published 10 years ago

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