My (Much) Younger Co-Worker Part 3: Mom, What Are You Doing Here?

"Our story continues to unfold! Where will it lead?"

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Do I have any limits left?

I find myself straddling the head of my gorgeous and very much younger co-worker Abby, reveling as she arches her head back to engage in the sweet consumption of my cock; meanwhile she is being pumped hard by her brother, and both of them are calling me Daddy. Billy has been making eyes at me, just took a turn sucking my cock, and now has offered me a bottle of lube. I know what that means, I’m sure what that means, but, damn, I don’t know what to do. He is on top of his sister, missionary position, and since her ass is flat underneath him on the bed, that leaves only one orifice where lube would be needed.

So, what do I want to do? I’m rolling the bottle of lube around in my hands, and I pull out of Abby’s mouth and move to the center of the bed. I instinctively open the lube, and smell it – it smells like apples, for god’s sake. What is this stuff?

I have never seriously considered fucking a guy in the ass. I know, that’s a very crude way of phrasing it, but what else would you call it? Same-sex anal intimacy? No matter how you try to dress up the phrase, I have to decide if I want to fuck this stud in the ass, while he’s fucking his sister in her pussy. Would I rather trade places with him? I guess given the choice I’d rather be the pitcher than the catcher, and as horny as I am I unconsciously pour the lube onto my hard cock.

Billy supports himself with one arm and reaches with the other out to spread the lube around my cock. Dear reader, you should know he’s doing more than that as he strokes over and over and…mmmm, yes, that does feel good. I lean my head back and decide I am ready for this, but I still don’t know if I’m ready to fuck him in the ass. (Crude expression, isn’t it?)

Our rhythm and my reverie are interrupted by the ringing of Abby’s phone on the nightstand. The alarm clock next to it tells us that it’s 11:18 pm; I wonder who is calling at this hour? More annoying than the phone ringing, it’s a ringtone ripped from the late 1970’s – “I Will Survive.” Wow, that’s a popular lip-synching drag queen song, who would she give that ringtone to?

Billy stops cold dead and slumps down over Abby. His face is buried in the sheets but I can hear him mutter, “Don’t answer it. No good ever comes from talking to her at this time of night.” I am puzzled by that comment, and Abby hugs Billy to show that she has no intention of answering it. It stops after an agonizing run through the chorus, and they both sigh. The mood is shot, whoever that was turned Abby cold and Billy flaccid. I moved over so that he could roll off her, and he laid on his back between us.

The same ringtone hit us again, this time off in the other room, but still audible. Billy’s phone, was it? Same ringtone? I am laying on my side, propped up on my elbow, so I had a good look at both their faces as they turn toward me. “It’s our mother,” Abby sighed as she said those words. “She demanded that we use that ringtone for her. It’s her anthem. We both love her with all out hearts, but since Dad died 7 years ago she just can’t get her act together. They gave us a good foundation before Dad died so we essentially finished raising each other. That’s how we became so close. We had to depend on each other and we made a commitment to always be there for each other. It just grew from that.”

I feel sympathy and affection for these two young people, they with their gorgeous, delicious young bodies and their hearts broken by the death of their father and the dissolution of their mother’s ability to help them as they grew. I reach across Billy to take Abby’s hand, and I leave my arm resting across his sculpted abs.

I squeeze Abby’s hand, look at both of them, and softly say, “So this is why you both need a Daddy. Why do you think it could be me?” Abby pulls her hand away from mine so she can wipe tears from both eyes. As she does that, I pull my arm back slightly and begin to casually caress Billy’s chest, running my nails gently across his pecs. He has very little hair, so his skin is smooth and inviting.

Abby looks at me with those warm tender brown eyes and says, “Since I started working with you I realized that you might be the one. Every day I’ve come home from work and told Billy all about what we worked on together, and how gentle and attentive you have been, without being a creep. I have dressed as plainly as I know how, because I did not want our relationship to be anything other than professional until I was sure. Our little test earlier could have been a disaster, but I knew that would come out better than my just telling you. I hope you understand, I would never want to hurt you. What I did not count on was the intensity of my reaction. I thought we’d take it slow, but, well here we are.”

“ Does your mother know about the special nature of your relationship?”

Abby answered, “Yes, that’s why we have our own apartment. She said she doesn’t care what the fuck we do, just don’t do it around her. She’s old and set in her ways.”

I remind her of my age, and ask her how old her mother is. Her jaw drops open, and she gathers herself enough to say that her mother is 47. Check, she’s old at 47 and I’m what, exactly, at age 53?

“Excuse me, at 53 I think I’m doing a damn good job keeping up with you punks!” We all laugh and smile, this is all good-natured on my part and they take it that way.

Billy has not spoken, instead turning his head back and forth to see our reactions to what we were saying to each other. He spoke up now, looking directly at me: “Abby describes a great simpatico between you two, and I felt it too when I saw you two enter the bar. She knows I have desires that go beyond what we can share, and we did not want someone who would come between us but would be able to make us both whole. She is the analytical one, so she took her time figuring you out. Me, I wear my heart on my sleeve; I knew you were right immediately. I had the same strong reaction as Abby described when you roughed me up. It was all I could do to keep from jerking off while waiting for Abby’s text.”

I look at him, slap at his balls, and say “That’s right kid, don’t forget who’s in charge.” He grins broadly and I roll over and climb on top of both of them, kissing Abby and then adjusting to allow Billy to join in the kiss.

Our three tongues intertwined, and I can tell the lull was over.

Suddenly, there is a loud knocking at the door; it was now 11:45. A woman’s voice is yelling, ” I know you’re in there, I need to talk to you.” It is their mother; she really is off the charts.

“Shit,” Billy said, “she’s relentless. She must have had another one of her bad breakups.”

“Too many to count,” Abby sighed.

They both get up, Abby tells me to stay where I am and relax. They both get on bathrobes and go to the door. Abby has left her bedroom door open enough so I can get a glimpse of what;s going on, and I will be able to hear as well. I sense they both want me to go with them on their mother’s trip to crazy town, so I settle in for the show.

As the door opened, in walks a woman who, I swear, could be Abby’s younger sister. As I mentioned, Abby dresses very plainly, which make her look older; her mother dresses just a little north of slutty, and she carries it off well. Lots and lots of moisturizer, wrinkle cream and botox, I sneer to myself. Seems I am a little upset with how Mom has failed her wonderful children.

“ Don’t you know what today is?” their mother said.

“No, Alice, I don’t.” Abby called her mother by her first name; that seems a little disrespectful. Maybe I’ll have to spank her later.

“Today is one year from when I committed to myself and to you that I was done with lousy relationships with guys who only wanted sex. One year ago, at this time, was the last time I was…out on that type of date with a guy. Well, at this point the formality of the date was over and we were – oh, never mind. You get the idea. One year!!”

Abby and Billy both looked a little surprised. “Ma, you mean you’ve kept that promise? You stayed away from creepy guys?” Billy asked.

“Yes,” Alice said, “I have gone out, one time only with 5 different men, but I have not fallen, physically, mentally or emotionally for anyone. You’ve seen me throughout the year and you know it’s been tough, but tonight I feel alive! I am finally in control of my life!” Abby, Billy and Alice all started crying; Abby started sobbing loudly and they all hugged. I was witnessing a big change in their relationship.

I am thinking that somehow I needed to sneak out, but there are two problems: First, they are standing right in front of the only door out of the apartment. Second, in the heat of our tryst, my clothes were left scattered right where they were standing.

As they recover from their joyful embrace, Alice notes my suit jacket flung over a dining room chair. “Billy, that’s a nice suit, but you really should pick up after yourselves. Mommy’s not here to watch out for you.” Alice picks up the jacket, and immediately seems aware that the coat is too big around for Billy. She holds it up to him and realizes the arms are way too short.

She looks at Billy, and says, “Be careful, son, I want you to be happy but I need you to be careful. Be sure to use a condom, please?” Billy’s jaw drops; he did not realize that his mother knew about his sexual range, just that she knew the he and his sister were closer than most.

Abby takes the coat from her says, “Well, Mom, actually I brought him here. He’s mine. And yes, I know what I’m doing, and so does Billy.”

Alice looks at her and says, “I think that’s good, sweetie, you and your brother should not be exclusive with each other. Is he a nice boy?”

Billy and Abby look awkwardly at each other, and I move far under the covers and just peek out. Abby pauses, then says, “Actually, Mom, he’s for both of us. And he’s older than Dad would be if he were alive. And, he’s our ‘Daddy’.” She throws air quotes around the word Daddy to give it that special emphasis.

Alice looks stunned for a second; “For both of you?” She looks around at the scattered clothes, and she says, “Oh, that’s why you didn’t answer? He’s here now?” She then starts looking and walking around the apartment, as she makes a path to where I am hiding. I pull the covers fully over my head, while I hear Billy and Abby shouting at their mother to back off.

The covers are ripped all the way off me, and here I am, naked, lying on my back with the beautiful 47 year old mother of my young lovers looking me over. Abby and Billy have reached her now and are pulling her back, but she smiles a big grin and says “Momma likes!”

The look on my face must be priceless. I recover after a few seconds, and keeping in mind my idea earlier of taking in all the night had to offer, I slide over to the middle of the bed, prop myself on one elbow, and pat the sheet to let Alice know that she should sit down. She does, and she leans over and says to me, “What’s your story?” As she leans over, I am thinking that her tits will pop out of the tight blouse she is wearing. It is evident from the close examination that she is not wearing a bra, and the buttons of her blouse are holding on desperately. My assessment is 42D, a little bigger than her baby girl.

Not wanting to tell her my story, I am more interested in hers. I sit up, look her in the eye and say “We’ll get to my story, first I want to clarify yours. Your husband died 7 years ago, and you’ve been a mess, lost and wandering, looking for a man to please you and take care of you. Your children had to finish raising each other, and they’ve developed a beautiful, close relationship that you are aware of and you understand they will always love each other this way. But you don’t want them doing the nasty around you.

“For the last year, you’ve sworn off sex and kept yourself from getting attached to any man, to cleanse your system. Now, tonight, right here, your year is up, and you busted in to your children’s apartment to celebrate your achievement.” Three stunned faces, jaws hanging down, are looking at me. I have just summarized Alice’s life, sitting naked on the bed next to her. She has a tear welling up in her eyes, and broad smile; she is a rainbow in a storm cloud.

I lean over and look her in the eye, and say softly, “Come here, you must be as horny as hell.”

Published 12 years ago

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