My Mother Was a Piece of Work

"When psychiatrists blame all your issues on your mother they could be onto something.  My mother is a textbook case."

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When psychiatrists blame all your issues on your mother they could be onto something.  My mother is a textbook case.

A little bit of background on my mother.

At a very young age, I realized my mother was very different from all the other mothers. She was exuberant, elegant, and very social. At church, all the men seemed to go out of their way to speak to her. When I was young, I recall her frequently going out evenings alone without my father.  She was always dressed fashionably and well even sexy now that I think of it.  I was always told it was for a lady’s group or some other church function. I remember being home with my father many evenings when my mom was out and about.

As much as she was a social butterfly she was dearly lacking in parenting skills. She was not the nurturing type and certainly did not spend any more time with me than she had to. I recall my father being more of a caregiver than my mother. My mother seemed to have other priorities. 

My mother came from a non-religious family. We never had anything to do with my mother’s side of the family. The few times I met them, I knew they were wildly different and nothing like the church people I was groomed to associate with. My father sheltered me and my siblings from her side of the family.

Physically, my mother was very attractive. I was told this by people all the time. She was a fiery redhead. She was always fashionably dressed and very flirty. She was the life of the party.

Of course, being a child she was just my mom. As I got into my teens and beyond, I began to pick up on little things.

There were two traumatic events in my life regarding my mother that opened my eyes and made me realize what was going on. This is a recount of the first event.

The summer I was nineteen my father announced that we would be boarding a member of a Scottish church choir that was touring our region. He told us that the person staying with us would a man and that he would sleep in the basement on the pull-out couch.  I objected as the basement was my domain but I was over-ruled, besides it was just for a week.  I didn’t really care or give it much thought as I pictured it being some old nerdy guy that lived with his mother. I mean what kind of man sings in a church choir.

About a month later, I came home for dinner, and to my surprise, there was this young hot looking guy sitting at the table.  I was pleasantly surprised but confused. Who’s this? Why is he here? I had completely forgotten about the church choir guest we were hosting.

I was taken aback by his good looks as I fumbled for words.  He had gorgeous blue eyes that made my heart skip a beat.

“April, this is Liam from Scotland and he was going to be staying with us for the week,” my mother said with a big grin on her face.

Good looking was an understatement.  He was a few years older than me, had long hair and a tattoo.  He looked like he just stepped off the cover of Rolling Stone.  He belonged in a rock band, not a church choir.  He also had a sexy Scottish accent.  I was floored.  I don’t think I ever smiled so much at family dinner.  This was going to be a fun week.

I was dating a guy at the time but he had nothing on Liam.  Liam became my number one priority that week as I quickly became unavailable to my boyfriend.

During the first few days he was with us, I really didn’t see him much.  My parents both worked and I had a summer job.  Liam had a full schedule with choir engagements in the evening and practice during the day.  Just the same, as soon I returned home from work, I changed into sexy skimpy outfits. It was summer so I wore the most flimsy sexy tops I could find, with no bra of course. Always in short shorts or skirts. The little time that I saw Liam I always made a point to tease and flirt with him. I caught him looking at me a few times. I knew I had piqued his interest.

However, I also noticed that my mother was very attentive towards Liam.  Maybe overly attentive?  She too was more dressed up than usual. I think I saw more of my mother’s cleavage that week than I had ever seen. She was continually touching him in a playful manner. She was all over him, but that was just what my mother was like.  She has always been a very touchy person, so I put it down to her being a good host.

I learned that mid-week Liam would have a day off from his busy choir schedule.  This was the opportunity I was waiting for.  I told work I had an appointment that afternoon and had to leave at noon.  I knew my parents were at work and my little sister was away at church camp.  I would come home early and have the entire afternoon with Liam…alone.

I was thrilled with my plan and all the possibilities. That day I rushed home and before entering the house I unbutton a couple of buttons on my blouse and hiked up my skirt.  I couldn’t wait to spend some alone time with Liam. I knew from our previous interactions there was chemistry between us. I had every intention of seducing Liam that afternoon.

As I entered the house, I heard noises coming from upstairs.  I knew it wasn’t my father, he was at work and his car was gone. I walked towards the stairs and paused to listen. Moans and grunts emanated from the upper floor bedrooms. It sounded like someone was hurt or in pain.  Was that Liam? Who else could it be?  Is Liam not feeling well? What’s he doing upstairs in the bedrooms?  Maybe it was an intruder? I was terrified as I slowly and quietly tiptoed up the stairs.

I realized the noises were coming out of my parent’s room. The door was open a crack but I was too scared to look in, so I just held my breath and listened. As I listened I heard soft moans and then the unmistakable sound of the mattress squeaking… What the Fuck…someone is having sex!

As I mustered up the courage to peer through the door opening, I saw Liam riding a girl with her legs spread up in the air.  What the hell?  Where did Liam find a girl? The nerve of him bringing a girl into the house, not to mention taking her into my parent’s room.  I was upset and disappointed as I turned away to sneak back down the stairs.

And that’s when I heard it…the unmistakable voice of …MY MOTHER!

Holly shit, it wasn’t some girl…it was my MOTHER!  No, it can’t be my mother, my brain must be playing tricks on me. I quickly returned to the door to peek in again. What I saw scarred me for the rest of my life.

I saw Liam’s bare white ass pumping away into my mother as she began screaming and encouraging Liam… in her words,

“Fuck the Jesus out of me.”

I was in shock. I couldn’t comprehend what I was seeing. I immediately ran down the stairs and left the house crying. My emotions were all over the board as I tried to rationalize what I had just seen.

I didn’t know where to run so I ended up at the library and stayed there until it closed that evening. I couldn’t go home and face my mother or my father for that matter.

After I attempted to sort the day’s events in my mind, I returned home and went straight to bed. Understandably couldn’t sleep, my mind was still racing. All I could think of was Liam and my mother…and my poor father.

The vision of them having sex was seared into my mind.

My whole world had just been turned upside down.

I began recalling all those strange events from the past that were weird at the time, but being young I didn’t understand or grasp. Things were all starting to piece together, starting to make sense.

I recalled several times when I came home from school and found a man in the house.  She always told me they were there on church business.  Even though sometimes they would come walking down from the bedrooms. I was a kid, I didn’t think anything of it.

I even remember meeting Mr. Graham at the house numerous times (See story about Mr. Graham).  I thought nothing of it as he was almost family.  I learned much later that Mr. Graham was having a long-term affair with my mother.

Things were adding up.  My mother was cheating on my father! Do you realize how difficult that is for a child to accept, even when all the evidence is staring you right in the face? My entire childhood, my strict upbringing in the church, was it all a sham?

I couldn’t tell my father, it would break his heart (or perhaps he already knew?) I decided not to confront my mother. I came to the conclusion that nothing good would come from all the drama.  So as far as my family was concerned, I chose to pretend that I never saw anything.

One thing I was certain of was that I couldn’t let the fling between Liam and my mother continue. This could never happen again. Liam had three days left before leaving.  I had to do something.

It was about 3 AM and I was too upset to sleep.  I had to confront Liam.  I went down into the basement where he was sleeping.  I turned on a small lamp and woke him up.  I was angry and gave him an ear full.  He had no idea what I was so upset about.  I told him I saw everything that afternoon and to explain himself.

He apologized and was brutely honest with me.  Basically, he told me my mother had been flirting and teasing him since he arrived.  She was very aggressive he said.  He was home alone all morning when she came home early from work and basically jumped him.

Oh shit, it occurred to me that was my plan also.  She just beat me to him.  As upset as I was, all I could think of was how good he looked sitting in his bed with no shirt on.

He was very kind and understanding towards me. He asked me to sit on the bed with him as he hugged and consoled me.

I asked him to stay away from my mother.  He said he would try but she was the aggressor and not him.  He said it would be very difficult to refuse my mother.  Damn, I knew he was right, I know what she is like.  She doesn’t take rejection very well.

Then I had a light bulb moment. I told Liam I wasn’t leaving his side for the remainder of his stay.  I wanted his schedule and I wanted to make sure that my mother didn’t get another window of opportunity.

He smiled and placed his hand on my bare thigh. He gazed at me with those baby blue eyes and he had me. As angry as I was when I confronted him, now I wanted him. I practically jumped him. The entire day was filled with so much emotion that I needed a release and Liam was it. Without any foreplay, I impaled myself on his erect cock and began aggressively riding him for all I was worth.

Liam pulled off my top and devoured my breasts as I continued to bounce on that beautiful cock. I was so horny and hot that I began to orgasm almost immediately. As he thrust himself up into me I heard myself say,

“…Fuck the Jesus out of me…” I couldn’t believe those words came out of my mouth, but they did. I had become just like my mother.

We spent the rest of the night having sex.

The rest of the week I didn’t leave his side. Even at night as soon as my parents were in bed I would sneak down and spend the night with him.  I wasn’t taking any chances that my mother would sneak down at night.  My mother knew I was sleeping with Liam every night but she never said anything.

Liam and I had a lot of sex those last three nights.  Liam returned to Scotland a very happy man.

My next story about my mother is the dreaded second event that rocked my world. If you can believe it, it was a bigger trauma to my physique than the Liam story.

Published 3 years ago

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