For Daniel, who cherishes his mother, someone messing with her grave and body is like a slap to the face. Even if the slime girl is well-meaning, there’s no way he could ignore or forgive something like that.
The slime girl blinks, sensing she said something wrong. Quickly she reassures him, thinking he will be afraid of her again. “Ah… but mama won’t eat… living… promise!”
That’s not the problem for Daniel as he stands up immediately. He shouts with a quivering voice. “Why… w-why would you touch her!?”
Surprised by the outburst, the slime girl recedes a little. “It’s… bad?”
“Of course it’s bad! Do you think I should be happy you ate what’s left of my mother? Am I supposed to visit an empty grave now?!” Daniel questions, tears filling his eyes while his heart pounds with frustration.
“But mama…”
“Leave,” he orders, not willing to hear anymore. “Just fucking leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you!”
Cold. Seeing Daniel glare at her and no longer tolerate her presence, the slime feels herself shrinking. There’s an urge to run, seeing how she’s hurt her son, and yet, she knows well that his mother isn’t gone.
Although she might not be exactly the same, the slime can feel Amy, her memories, and her love for her only son. Right now, she carries that love for Daniel, so she can’t leave. She needs to be here for him.
“P-please… old mama… not gone. Mama is…”
“Stop calling yourself that!” he cuts her off, bundling his hands into a fist, “You’ll never be my mom, so just leave already! If not, then just eat me as well because I will never…”
Before the tearful artist can say any more, the slime girl hugs him in a tackle, pressing her large chest against him and wrapping her arms tightly around his back. In response, Daniel struggles and slams a fist against the slime girl’s back membrane. It does no harm to the girl but mentally pains her.
“Shit! Let go of me, you…”
“I’m sorry, Daniel! I’m sorry I left you so soon!” the slime girl yells without pause. Her molecular memory begins working in overdrive to piece Amy’s regrets quicker. It’s the most prominent and complete information she obtained. While there is missing information due to Amy’s deterioration, her regrets and promises seemed to hold on as if it were intentional.
For the slime, who cares deeply for Daniel, she knows that even if she’s rejected, these feelings are important enough for Daniel to know. Meanwhile, the artist is shocked by the creature’s shift in tone, but he doesn’t let her get to him.
‘She isn’t mom, she couldn’t-‘
His line of thought is interrupted as the slime girl continues with deep regret in her voice.
“The cancer I had, Daniel… I was honestly so scared! I wanted to see more of your paintings, your work!”
The artist freezes and his breathing stops. Even though the slime girl has been using Amy’s voice, he can’t deny how different it now feels. It’s like his mother is actually talking to him.
“M-mom?” he questions, stunned. Logically, he knows this slime can’t be his mother. Still, he’s hearing direct feelings in a way that could only come from the former astrologist.
The slime girl pulls back with a sad smile and looks into her son’s face. She cups his cheeks and wipes his tears before continuing. “I wanted to see you go to college and be successful! I wanted to be there for your hosted first art piece at your first museum when I was stuck in bed! I’m so proud to see that you’re successful now but I missed all of that…and I’m so sorry Daniel. I’m sorry for not being there for you when you needed it most! There were so many stories of new planets I wanted to…”
The slime’s words slow down as she reaches her limit. Her molecules can only process Amy’s memories and regrets so fast without burning out. As a result, he feels the slime girl melting and losing her form. Wanting to hear her speak more, he grows fearful for her. “Mom!?”
Finishing with a low rasp, the slime girl completely melts away, becoming the puddle it was before around Daniel’s feet. Trying to organize all the regrets and memories in overdrive, the slime over-stressed its molecular capacity making it too weak to maintain its form and voice. However, it can easily recover with some food.
Of course, Daniel doesn’t know that. Letting some slime residue slip from his hands, his eyes widen and he feels his heart stop. He always saw his mother putting on a brave smile, but he knew just how fearful she was underneath that mask whenever he visited her in the hospital.
She was the kind of person that hides their own sadness so that they might encourage instead. Yet, he could see how she truly felt.
Now after hearing that in verbal form, coming from the heart, Daniel feels his mind is a mess. The slime girl below him is an even bigger mess. He couldn’t place faith enough in an unknown creature, and who would blame him? Now though, he might’ve lost the last semblance of his mother for good.
On that realization, he drops to his knees and lets his tears loose. Frantically, he dips his hands into the squishy puddle, trying to pull the slime together and not caring whether it could hurt him. His voice goes on, hoarse.
“Mom…? I’m, I’m sorry! You’re right…please come back! Please, don’t…don’t leave me again! I…”
As Daniel’s tears drop onto the slime, it immediately becomes nutrients for its starved molecules. It bubbles a little causing the artist to gasp and back up. The slime manages to weakly create a mouth to utter a single word.
After eating a whole set of bananas and then some apples, the slime girl is able to reform herself back into her humanoid form; however, she continues to eat with meat and vegetable leftovers her son brings out.
Now sitting at a small table with the gelatinous woman, Daniel watches with alarm at her sheer appetite. Even though she has a human form, she doesn’t bother eating like everyone else. Instead, she just shoves the food into the center of her body, then before his eyes, he sees it break apart, dividing until there’s nothing left.
After she finishes the last of some chicken wings, she squirms in delight. “Ah! All…better now.”
Daniel studies the creature while leaning on the table with his chin resting on his hand. Right now, the slime girl seems so childish and seemingly innocent, but he can’t deny hearing his mother’s true voice.
There’s so much he needs to understand, but at the very least, he’s not mad or afraid anymore. The slime convinced him that, even though his mother has been gone for a few years, she can now exist through this creature.
It’s so insane, yet he’s forcefully accepting it.
With a sigh, Daniel lowers his gaze. “Hey look, I’m sorry for overstressing you. It’s clear to me that somehow my mom Amy, exists as part of you now. Is that how I should take it?”
The slime girl blinks, then frowns, annoyed at her son. “That’s what…mama said before!”
Daniel snorts and crosses his arms. “Well, you can’t blame me for not believing you.”
“So Daniel believes mama now?” she asks with wide, hopeful eyes.
The artist sighs and sits up straight. He grips his knees as he recalls time with his mother. “Yeah, I mean this is all crazy, but I have no choice to believe. I…always knew how much pain my mother was in and yet, I couldn’t do anything for her. She always told me to do my best and pretended that she was fine when she wasn’t.”
The slime girl’s brows creases with guilt. She leans forward to grasp his hands. “Mama…didn’t want…to make you worried.”
Daniel breathes in silently, then looks away. Since this creature represents his mother, he decides to voice his complaints directly. “That’s obvious, mom. It was so…selfish! You didn’t even let me know of your diagnosis until much later as well!”
The slime girl lowers her gaze. “Mama…knows.”
Silence fills the table for a while as Daniel processes his past frustrations and the slime girl continues to assimilate Amy’s life as her own. Finally, after some time to cool off, Daniel decides to look forward.
“Okay, so what’s your plan now?”
The slime girl hums then cocks her head slightly. “Well…mama still sorting out Amy. There’s…still much missing. Mama needs to…learn more about world too…”
She pauses, then smiles brightly. “Especially learn more…about stars…and son’s new paintings!”
Daniel snorts, unable to help but smile. “One thing at a time. Also, do you have a name?”
“No,” Daniel cuts through, “An actual name.”
The slime girl opens her mouth wide in shock as the thought never occurred to her. Of course, it would be easy to inherit the name Amy, but the slime recognizes Amy as a separate individual she’s simply inheriting.
“Mama…not sure. Mama doesn’t want…Amy though. Mama-no, I am…new mama…for Daniel, so new name…must!”
Daniel recognizes that the slime girl likes to refer to herself as mama. She might have picked on that from Amy’s memories when he was young. It doesn’t bother him considering there’s plenty more weirder things about her.
“How about Anne?” he suggests, studying her reaction carefully. If enough of his mother is in this slime girl, then she should know.
Indeed, the slime girl is surprised. As she searches her knowledge bank, she quickly finds why she feels a sense of familiarity to the name.
“S…sister? No…mama’s…twin! Dead!”
Seeing the slime girl shaken, Daniel feels even more convinced that this creature is a form of his mother. Yes, his mother and would-be aunt were actually twins, but the sister died due to complications leaving only his mother.
Daniel widens his eyes and it seems the slime girl doesn’t have enough information for the whole picture. He quickly reassures her. “That’s not your-I mean, her fault. In any case, it’s a fitting name since you’re her, but not exactly, right? Just like a twin!”
Somehow, that convinces the slime. “Anne…Anne…Anne!”
Repeating her name with increasing delight, Anne moves past the shock of the information and smiles brightly. “Mama is Anne!”
Daniel chuckles but then sees the creature stare sternly, causing him to be confused. “Uhm…w-what?”
“Mama is Anne…but Daniel must call me mama!”
Daniel grows flustered. “I…maybe at least mom, but I can’t call you something so embarrassing!”
Anne shuts her eyes tightly as she rejects firmly. “No! You used…to say mama!”
Of course, he did, but that was when he was a child! The artist clears his throat and tries to change the subject. “L-look, putting that aside, I have to figure out what to do with you from now on. Obviously, you have to keep yourself hidden in front of others and if you’re going to live with me…uh shit, how is this going to work?”
In terms of living space, it’s pretty minimal so that he could maximize storage and his work area. It’s fine because he’s single and usually spends his time working outside of the occasional date that leads nowhere. Now though, his mother has to have her own living space.
“It’s fine!” Anne huffs confidently, “Mama…share room with son!”
Daniel gasps. “You’re…not serious are you? Even my mom wouldn’t make such a suggestion!”
“Mama is not same! Daniel is…mama’s son. Mama wants to…spend close…to son! No buts!”
Just as he is to protest, his phone buzzes. Looking at it, he widens his eyes and sees he has an appointment with a new client who wants a piece designed. He’s supposed to meet them at a museum. Probably for them to best describe what they want through an existing piece.
With a sigh, Daniel stands up. “We’ll talk about this later. For now, just uh…stay put. Don’t go out and lie low, okay?”
Anne becomes a little sad. “Work?”
Daniel nods, glad she’s at least mindful.
The slime reluctantly nods but before she lets him leave, she stands up and opens her arms. “Hug!”
The artist flinches and wants to put it off but he can’t say anything towards the slime’s sparkling eyes. Of course, he hugged his mother plenty of times but…this is a slime.
“I uh…I’m going to go for a client and I can’t get wet or sticky, so…”
For Anne though, that’s not an issue as she motions with her hands. “No problem! Mama leaves no residue!”
Actually, he never got wet or sticky when Anne first hugged him. Only when she melted did he feel a little wet on his shoes, but as she reformed, it’s like anything left on his feet returned back to her body.
So then, his only real concern is…well, how voluptuous Anne is. Technically, she’s naked but also more or less an outline. In particular, she doesn’t even have nipples on her chest yet.
Seeing Anne’s high expectation, he decides to just go with it and hope for the best. “J-just a quick one, okay?”
He can’t believe he’s about to willingly hug a slime girl.
As he gets within range, Anne giggles and wraps his arms around his neck, pulling him close to her chest. He feels her breasts squish against his chest and some blob spillage on top pressing against his cheeks
The feeling is actually pleasant, like one resting themselves on a thin water bed. Anne’s body is cool to the touch and he can feel himself jiggle along her membrane.
“Mama’s…baby…” Anne closes her eyes and whispers with a hint of delight.
Daniel’s face turns red as he feels her sway with him and her chest jiggles against him even faster. Quickly, he pulls away and turns before his heart could explode. Is he feeling hot because Anne is oddly attractive or because she’s embarrassingly touchy?
‘What are you thinking, asshole,‘ he thinks to himself, ‘She might not be exactly like mom, but she’s now the closest to one you have!‘
He can’t dwell on it any longer and takes his leave. “O-okay, I’ve got to go! Remember, stay hidden!” he warns.
Anne nods and then waves, feeling the happiest she’s ever been. After the front door closes and locks, she takes the opportunity to explore her son’s apartment more. As she’s still not used to walking with her legs, she lets her feet melt into a puddle and glides leisurely around the place.
She takes in everything that she missed in Daniel’s life: How his art improved, the various paintings he made personally and ones in storage that are waiting for clients, recipe books he gathered in his attempt to cook for himself, but there’s one place that interests her the most.
In his personal room, she sees a small desk with a computer. Recalling Amy’s experience with even bigger, advanced computers, she knows that much of the world and missing information can be obtained through the magic of the internet. With excitement, she moves to sit in his chair and wakes the computer from standby.
Immediately she’s greeted with a login prompt. At first, Anne frowns and figures she’s going to have to wait for her son to come back, but then she recalls a combined phrase that her molecules assigned to a shared Netflix account.
Surely Daniel uses a different password for access, but since it comes to mind, the slime decides to enter it. Unfortunately for the artist, this is indeed the password. Further, he left his browser open since nobody uses the computer except him.
Anne would soon become enlightened, to say the least.
Arriving at one of the major art galleries in Keystone city – The Fornweather Art Museum, Daniel searches for his client who must be waiting for him.
He’s a bit more excited than usual for this commission. As most of the requests he receives are portrait paintings, it’s a straightforward process since all he has to do is take a reference photo, then draw and paint the person on his canvas.
On occasion though, he gets a request to do an art based on an idea. Usually, this is if they like his prior artwork and wants his vision on canvas. If he likes the idea, he might accept the commission; however, if the client greatly limits his creative freedom, it’s not worth the headache to pursue.
Obviously, payment factors in whether he takes on a project, which is why he’s meeting Lecia Hath. He knows she’s a former archeologist and now the president of a technology imaging company, Sights Open, LCC. Her history and down payment offer are majorly why he agreed to meet her at a museum.
Coming up a hallway, he eventually sees a short brown-haired woman that matches Lecia’s public image. Behind her round-rimmed glasses, she’s staring at a painting of some artist’s representation of Stonehenge, except it’s kind of weird. In the picture, there are detailed carvings on the stones, multiple types of animals sitting atop them, and even people standing around looking bored instead of paying attention.
“Excuse me, are you Ms. Hath?” Daniel asks as she turns towards him.
She nods slightly and smiles while removing her glasses.
“Ah, you must be Daniel! Thank you so much for taking your time out of your busy day to come here,” Lecia greets back, shaking his hand before turning back towards the painting of the stone circle. “I don’t know what I expected from a modern art museum, but this is amazing! I also saw this museum hosts one of your artworks – one of the stars with the backdrop of trees and hills?”
“That’s correct,” Daniel confirms with a smile, “…this is one of the museums that bought my piece for display and it helped to get my name out there.”
“They chose well. I actually first heard about you when I was at the Journey Museum in South Dakota. I was impressed with the concept art they commissioned from you showing the Black Hills for their geology exhibit.”
Daniel blinks, surprised someone would take note of an artist’s drawing that’s not even the main feature. He recalls the museum wanted just a landscape drawing to supplement how they believed the area to be millions of years ago. So, using sketch references that geologists created, he just had to make a drawing that brought an imagined…