I woke up in Bradley’s arms, content as could be with my lover. As my eyes opened, I looked up to see him smiling at me.
“Good morning, baby,” Bradley said, kissing the top of my head as I was wrapped in his arms in bed.
“Good morning,” I replied to him as I felt Max’s hand on my back. The three of us were waking up in our bed, which we had been sharing for a while now.
“Everything ok?” I asked Bradley.
“Yes,” he said, “Why?”
“Last night, you,” I started but didn’t know how to explain what happened. I knew he had felt something different as I pleased both of my lover’s cocks with my mouth. Bradley seemed much calmer and more composed this morning.
He said hesitantly, “You love me, right?”
“Yes,” I said cautiously since that seemed like a weird thing to ask.
“And you know I love you, right?” Bradley continued, “More than I’ve ever loved anyone.”
“Yes,” I said hesitantly, waiting for what was coming next.
“Then please listen and don’t take any of this personally,” he started, and immediately I felt sick to my stomach. “I know I’ve mentioned that I’ve been with guys, but I haven’t since I came to New York. I have been happy and fulfilled with you, both of you. But lately, especially when you do things like you did last night, it reminds me that I like sex with guys sometimes. I’m not gay, because I love pussy way too much; specifically your pussy. But I do think I’m bisexual.”
Ok, there it was. I did kinda know that. How did that affect our threesome? I didn’t think Max was bi, even though he had been affectionate with Bradley. So did Bradley want to be with another guy? Did he want to leave us and find a couple where the woman and the man both wanted to have sex with him? I wasn’t really sure where he was going with this.
“I’m awake,” Max said, moving his hand on my back, “I don’t want to eavesdrop.”
“No secrets here,” Bradley said, “How much did you hear?”
“Enough,” Max said, leaning up over me and addressing Bradley, “I do love you, but I’m not really interested in you sexually. Although I guess I could be persuaded to.”
“No,” Bradley said, “Nope, that’s not how it works. Either you desire to touch a man or you don’t. You aren’t persuaded into it, but thanks for offering.” Bradley smiled. “Last night I realized I do really want to touch a man again and I want him to touch me.”
“Oh,” I said, pondering this new information and trying not to take it personally. Of course, I wanted to please my lovers in every way. But I definitely couldn’t please Bradley in the way a man could.
“I get it,” Max said, “Well, actually, I don’t get it because I don’t want to do the same, but I understand that you do.” He laughed and then offered a serious suggestion, “We could explore that together at the sex club.”
“Is there someone at work you want?” I said, getting suspicious as I always did. My jealous streak ran fierce, and I didn’t think it would ever completely go away.
“I would never mix sex and work,” Bradley replied immediately, “I have seen people who do, and it never ends well.” I could understand that. “I think Max has a good idea. We would all be together at the sex club, and you’d be able to explore what turns you on. It makes sense.”
“Of course,” I said, rolling my eyes and laughing, “He always has the answers.”
When the weekend finally came, the three of us went to the sex club our neighbor Ron had told us about. The woman who checked us in at the front counter was absolutely drooling over Bradley, offering to help him out in any way. If only she knew what he was here for, I chuckled to myself. This time Max and I knew to head straight for a drink first and loosen up before exploring. It ended up being a few drinks. Bradley chatted with some guys at the bar. One guy touched his chest. At first, I felt a jealous pang, but then I realized I liked seeing a guy touch him. It was sexy to me. I was wondering if I would enjoy seeing more.
Finally, we were ready to explore the rest of the club. We walked around looking for rooms and had a few laughs about the signs because they were quite straightforward. We decided to enter a room called Watching Men, Mixed Crowd. That sounded like what we were looking for.
We walked in and saw two guys on the bed “stage” and men and women around the outside watching. As we sat along the dimly lit outer edge of the room, I looked closer, and the two men on the bed were rubbing their very hard cocks together. They were kissing too.
“See,” Bradley whispered to me, “I know you didn’t know that was a thing.”
“I did not,” I said, but I could see they were really enjoying it.
“It’s called frotting,” Bradley said. Oh wow, it even had a name. Bradley watched intently. I leaned back on Max so he could put his arms around me while we both still had a view of everything in the room. The man and woman to the right of Max were kissing and groping each other as they both kept an eye on the men on the bed. Bradley was to my left and to his left was a man by himself. He was hot. He had taken off his shirt and he was clearly excited judging by the size of the bulge in his pants.
I looked at Bradley and whispered, “Go,” motioning with my eyes toward the hot guy. No, Bradley silently responded by shaking his head. The man looked our way and smiled. Yes, I mouthed to Bradley when he finally looked my way again. But I turned back towards Max so I could let Bradley have his space. He didn’t need my help.
“Bradley was right,” Max whispered to me.
“About what?” I whispered.
“I’m just not into guys,” he said with a small laugh, “I keep desperately looking around the room to find the girls.”
“I can tell this really isn’t doing it for you,” I said, feeling his soft cock in his pants.
“It is interesting though,” he said, “even though it doesn’t get me excited.” By now the men on the bed had gotten on all fours and were having sex. It made me wonder about the different positions for men.
By the time I turned around to check on Bradley, he was now sitting with the hot guy who was next to him. Their heads were close as they whispered to each other smiling. The guy’s hand was firmly rubbing up and down Bradley’s thigh. Oh shit! It was happening and I did think it was incredibly hot.
“You like this, don’t you, baby?” he whispered, noticing me squirming.
“Yes, and I don’t know why,” I said. Max reached down to gain access under my skirt. I knew not to wear underwear.
“Because you like men,” he whispered and dipped his finger into my dripping pussy.
“Oh,” I gasped as quietly as I could, leaning my head back on his shoulder. Even though I was quiet, I saw Bradley look over at me. I smiled and he smiled at me as he turned back to his new friend. Their lips found each other. It was a rougher kiss than we usually did, which also intrigued me. I watched as they grabbed and groped at each other. Finally, their pants were down enough for their cocks to be free. Bradley was bigger than the other guy. They stroked each other.
Max had made his way to my clit and I was flooded with excitement from all of the pleasure around me. The men on the bed were in a new position, and the couple next to us were fucking now too.
“Are you going to cum, baby?” Max asked.
“Yes,” I said. I was ready, but I thought I would like to wait for Bradley. I wasn’t sure if he was going to move into a different position or if they would just keep stroking each other. Then I saw and heard he was near. I could just tell.
“Yes, baby,” I said both to Max for what he was doing with his hand, and to Bradley because I wanted him to know I was happy for him.
I saw Bradley stiffen, and I heard his familiar grunt. My orgasm washed over me. I didn’t even notice if his new guy friend came, but I figured he did because they both slowed their movements on each other’s cock and then stopped. Bradley pulled his pants up and just sat for a moment before talking to his new friend. I also sat still after my orgasm and watched Max lick his fingers.
“You bad boy,” I whispered, turning to kiss him.
“Oh no,” he said with a laugh, “I’m a very good boy who will get rewarded later, right?”
“Yes, baby,” I said, kissing him again. Bradley talked to his new friend for a few minutes and then stood up. He walked over to me and held his hand out for me to stand with him. I stood. His hand touched my cheek as his other arm went around my back.
“Baby?” Bradley said softly.
“What?” I asked.
“I love you,” he said and gently kissed me.
“I love you too,” I said in between kisses. His arm left my back and I realized he was motioning to Max to stand too.
“Can we go home? I need you,” Bradley asked both of us and kissed me. Right in front of his new friend.
“Yes, baby,” I said and Max nodded. On our way home Max chatted about random things, but as soon as we got home I wanted to really talk.
“So?” I said to Bradley as soon as the apartment door closed and we could talk freely.
“So, what?” Bradley said.
“Well,” I started, “We went tonight for you. We came home for you. I want to know what’s going through your head now.” I tried not to sound demanding but I needed to know. Bradley kissed me.
“What’s going through my head is how much I love you.” He looked at me and then passed me to Max who had moved closer behind me. “Sex is empty without love,” Bradley said. I nodded in agreement.
I still wasn’t sure what he wanted.
“Make love to me,” Bradley said, returning his lips to mine, “I need you.”
“Yes, baby,” I said and the three of us went to the bedroom. Bradley stood in front of me undressing me and Max stood behind me helping Bradley.
“This,” Bradley said as his finger trailed from my lips down my chin and around my breasts, “This fills me up.” He kissed and caressed me. I helped him out of his shirt and pants. He pulled me onto the bed with him so I was laying on top of him. His hands wandered all over me with his lips soon following. I glanced back to Max and he was naked now too. He was the only one who hadn’t cum yet tonight and his cock was rock hard. Bradley was hard too. Bradley pushed me up on all fours and motioned to Max.
“Get yourself wet with her juices,” Bradley told Max. Max put his fingers in my pussy and then he eased his cock inside me.
“Oh,” I moaned, needing to be filled.
Bradley pulled me towards him so Max’s cock left my pussy and then he was able to replace it with his. He held my cheek and looked in my eyes bringing my lips down to his. He rocked me as he thrust in and out slowly. Max put his hand on my ass and I felt the first finger teasing my puckered hole.
“Oh!” I said and bit my lip. Bradley smiled.
“She’s ready for more,” Bradley said to Max. Max put his second finger in.
“I am, baby! I’m so ready,” I cooed letting Max know. I felt his cock start to slowly slide into my ass. My pussy was already full with Bradley’s cock and feeling Max filling me up more was dizzying!
“Yes, baby,” Max said, kissing my neck as he slid all the way in.
Bradley kissed my lips between my moans.
“Oh! Yes!” I exclaimed as Max started a steady rocking rhythm, driving me down onto Bradley’s cock. Each time my clit hit the base of his cock, I felt an incredible orgasm building.
“Yes,” Bradley said, “This. Make love to me.” He looked at me and then Max. We were making love to him. Max kept the rocking slow and steady. Not a frenzy. I wouldn’t have minded to pick up the pace, but Bradley was holding my hips and kept me rocking with Max’s rhythm.
“I’m not going to last much longer,” Max warned, breathing hard.
“Baby, this feels so,” he grunted, as he thrust hard into me. I felt his cock stiffen and burst with his orgasm. That pushed me down harder on Bradley’s cock and my orgasm began to crash.
“Oh, baby, yes, yes,” I said trying to catch my breath, kissing Bradley, “Yes!” Bradley stiffened in my pussy, so now I had two throbbing cocks in me.
“Baby!” Bradley said, kissing me. “Ohhhhh!” We rode our orgasms until we collapsed in a pile kissing and caressing.
When we finally caught our breath, Bradley said, “I love you. Both. This is all I need.” We fell asleep content.
Bradley didn’t mention going back to the sex club or being with a man again. I assumed it would come up again at some point, but if he was happy I wasn’t going to second-guess him.
One day as I arrived home from work, I saw Ron getting ready to go into his building.
“Hey, Ron!” I called and waved.
“Hey!” he said, smiling and coming over to hug me. It was a casual greeting considering how intimately we know each other.
“We didn’t see you at the sex club last time,” I said right away. No need for small talk.
“Oh,” Ron said, “You went again?”
“Yes,” I told him, “Max and I wanted to show Bradley.”
“I don’t think I’ve officially met Bradley,” Ron said with a smile. Although he had watched us through the window one night when we were having sex.
“Come over for a drink tonight and you can meet him,” I offered spontaneously.
“I’d love to,” Ron said excitedly. “What time?”
“Everyone should be home in about an hour,” I said.
“Great,” he said, flipping his hair out of his face with his hand. I fucking loved when he did that.
“Good,” I said, lifting my lips to meet his in a quick goodbye kiss.
I called both Max and Bradley and told them to get home right away. Bradley said he was already on his way home and Max said he’d do his best.
Bradley arrived and I was already having a drink.
“Baby,” he said, taking me in his arms, “Relax. Why are you all wound up?” Geez, Max had said the same thing to me last time we had Ron over.
“Why aren’t you a bit nervous?” I asked, challenging him.
“He’s your friend right?” he said, definitely downplaying the fact that he watches us have sex. There must be a different word to describe that other than friend.
“I don’t know,” I said honestly, “He almost fucked me and he watches me get fucked. It’s definitely not a traditional friendship.”
“You’re not exactly a traditional girl,” he said laughing, “You’ve got this, whatever happens or doesn’t.” He was right. There was no predicting where this would go and I could be ok with that. Wasn’t I being greedy though asking another man to join us? Weren’t my two men enough?
Bradley and I sat on the couch chatting about our day waiting for Max to come home. Then we heard the knock on the door. It must be Ron. I jumped up to answer it.
I opened the door and saw that Ron had changed. His shirt hugged his muscular body. He flipped his hair back as he leaned forward to kiss me hello.
“Hi!” he said and I realized I hadn’t said anything yet.
“Yes, hi, please come in,” I said, taking a step back. I practically fell over Bradley standing behind me.
“Oh, baby, sorry,” I said, holding Bradley’s arm to steady myself. Bradley held me with one arm and extended his other hand to Ron.
“Hi, I’m Bradley. I’ve seen you around,” Bradley said, smiling his sly smile. When I looked to see Ron’s reaction, he let out a small laugh.
“Yes,” Ron said, shaking Bradley’s hand, “Ron. Nice to officially meet you.”
“Max will be home soon,” I offered, still feeling a little flustered and excited about Ron being in our apartment again.
“This is for you, beautiful,” Ron said, handing me a bottle of wine. He looked into my eyes and I was at a loss for words again, still. I took the bottle.
“Thank you,” I said as Bradley started talking to Ron and walking over to the couch. I went to the kitchen mostly to compose myself, but at least I had an excuse to open the wine.
I brought Ron a drink and sat on the couch next to Bradley with Ron on his other side. They were talking about Ron’s work. He was in advertising. I did not know that. When Bradley mentioned his modeling, Ron recognized him.
“Shit!” Ron said laughing, “I have seen you. And your naked ass! And not just through my window!”
They talked shop a bit which got me off the hook since I had nothing to offer to the conversation. I did pretend to listen as I stole glances at Ron. He really was good-looking. Completely opposite coloring of Bradley. Ron had sandy blond hair while Bradley’s hair was so dark it was almost black. They both had gorgeous blue eyes though.
“Do you agree, baby?” I heard Bradley ask. Um, I had no idea since I hadn’t been listening at all.
“I’m home!” Max said coming through the door saving me from the embarrassment of admitting I was mesmerized by these two hot men on my couch.
Max was holding a pizza and flowers. I walked over to him to help him.
“Hi, baby,” he said, kissing me, “These are for you,” he said, handing me the flowers. “The pizza is for anyone who is hungry. Like me.”
“Thank you,” I said, taking the flowers from him. I loved when he brought me flowers for no reason.
“Hi,” Max said, shaking Ron’s hand, “Nice to see you again.” Max always had the right words. He set the pizza down on the coffee table and said, “I’ll be right back with some plates and napkins so we can dig in.”
I went into the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase. Max put his arms around me from behind.
“Ready, baby?” he said laughing.
“For what?” I asked innocently, knowing exactly what he meant.
“Anything!” Max said with a wink and headed into the living room. I smiled and thought ok, game on.
I followed Max setting the flowers on the table and sat back on the couch. This time Bradley had moved over and directed me to sit in between him and Ron. My heart started to race. I was excited to be next to Ron.
After some pizza, drinks and casual conversation, I started to relax. Ron’s hand touched my thigh and he smiled. It was then I knew he wasn’t here just for a friendly visit.
“So, you mentioned the sex club,” Ron said to me, “Did you enjoy it?” I wasn’t sure how to answer.
“I like it there,” I said, “But this time we did something different. Something for Bradley.”
Bradley looked at me. I didn’t mean to make him talk about it if he didn’t want to.
“Your first time?” Ron asked Bradley. Bradley nodded. “Did you like it?” Ron continued.
“It was interesting,” Bradley started and then paused. He was choosing his words carefully. “I was glad to be with people I love and trust,” Bradley said looking at me on his left and Max on his right. “But sex with a stranger in front of others is definitely different.”
“True,” Ron said and he looked at me, “Were you jealous?” He knew me well enough from our last visit to the club.
“No,” I answered honestly.
“Wow!” Ron said, “Good for you! My wife went bonkers when I was with a new girl or guy. Which is ironic because she went specifically to fuck as many new guys as she could find.” It took me a second. Did Ron just admit to being bisexual? Bradley smiled. Yes, I had heard right.
“I think she wasn’t jealous,” Bradley told Ron, “because I was with a guy.” Ok, well it was all out there now. My mind raced. Was Bradley as attracted to Ron as I was? I wouldn’t blame him. Ron was hot. But were we going to talk about them both being bi?
“Oh,” Ron said, “And you?” Ron asked Max.
“My goal is to please this little hottie,” Max answered in the cutest way. I wished I was sitting closer to him so I could have kissed him.
“Awwww,” Bradley said playfully punching Max, “You lovesick puppy.”
“Yep,” Max said smiling, swatting Bradley’s hand away. I wondered what Ron was thinking of our setup. I also wondered who Ron wanted to have sex with, Bradley, me or both of us.
“I see,” Ron said, picking up my hand to admire the engagement ring Max had given me, “Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” I replied. Ron didn’t let go of my hand though. He kept it in his and gently caressed my fingers.
“So, that’s it,” Ron said, “No more new men for you?” He was looking in my eyes and he was so close I could feel his breath on me.
“I don’t know,” I said, “I guess we can decide that together.” I did think I could be with Ron. I was more comfortable with him after knowing him for a while now. I assumed Max wouldn’t mind me being with another man. He always told me he liked it.
“Whatever you want, baby,” Max said, and I knew he was giving me permission.
“Do you have to get his permission too?” Ron asked Bradley, looking past me to Bradley.
“Umm, yes?” I said, unsure. This had never come up. Bradley looked at me. He looked conflicted. This was new for him. Sure, he had signed up to share me with Max, but he didn’t really have a choice on that, I was already with Max when Bradley came to New York.
“What do you want, baby?” Bradley asked me.
“I think, I mean, I’ve thought,” I stumbled and looked at Max. He was still smiling. “I know last time at the club with you two I wasn’t ready,” I finally said.
“Are you ready now?” Ron asked me, still holding my hand. I kissed him. I meant to answer in words, but the truth was I didn’t know how much I was ready for.
“I’ll let you know if I need to stop,” I said against Ron’s lips. It was the best I could do. Ron dropped my hand and cupped my cheek. I had liked his kiss at the sex club when we had gone, but now the audience was smaller. I could let go a little and enjoy his lips and the gentle touch of his tongue. My heart raced.
“I’ll follow your lead,” Ron said and I liked that idea.
“Take off your shirt,” I said to Ron. I think it shocked all three of them. Ron obeyed. I loved it when a man followed my commands. Once his shirt was off, I ran my fingers over his chest and down to his stomach over every single cut muscle. I had watched him naked and longed to touch him. I never had, not even at the sex club.
I felt Ron’s breath hitch. He looked into my eyes and brought his hands to the buttons on my blouse. Maybe I should have changed out of my work clothes into something sexier, but it was too late now. As Ron undid each button, he looked back up at me. Then he slid my shirt off. I was happy I had at least worn a sexy lacy bra that accentuated my cleavage.
“Ohhh,” Ron said, running his finger down and in between my breasts. Ron’s fingers came to the front clasp and undid my bra. As it snapped back, Ron’s hands cupped each breast.
“Ohhhh,” I said. Ron’s lips went to each nipple making them wet. Then his fingers slid over each nipple making them hard. “Yes,” I moaned as my breathing got heavier. My fingers went to his hair to push it back from his face. How many times had I seen him flip his hair back and wished I could touch it? Too many. Now I enjoyed the feel of it in between my fingers. As he brought his lips back up to my lips, he brought me to standing with his hands on my hips. We were both naked from the waist up.
“What next?” Ron asked in between kisses. I moved my hands to the button and zipper on my pants.
“Let me, please,” Ron said, moving my hands out of the way. He undid my pants and let them fall to the floor. Then he leaned back to look at my underwear. He traced the lace with his fingers. “Nice,” he said, looking in my eyes. “Can I?”
“Yes,” I breathed. He slowly slid my panties down, bending down and kissing my stomach. “Oh!” I gasped.
Ron stood back up and asked, “Are you ok?”
“Yes,” I answered smiling, “I like this.”
He smiled. “Me too. What’s next?”
“Your pants now?” I requested. I wanted to touch him. I reached for the button but his hands beat me there. He pushed down his pants and underwear together. His cock was standing straight up. I thought I heard Bradley catch his breath at the sight of it.
Ron and I were now completely naked. He brought his lips back to mine as his hands wandered all over my body. I was eager to touch him as well. We got lost in each other for a few minutes. Finally, my hands settled on his cock.
“Yes,” Ron moaned as my hand wrapped around him firmly. I had to taste him. I sank to my knees and swirled the head of his cock with my tongue before taking as much of him in my mouth as I could.
“Ohhhh,” I heard Ron moan as I heard tiny gasps from my men who loved it when I did the same to them.
Bradley stood and moved close to Ron.
“She’s good at that isn’t she?” Bradley asked, looking in Ron’s eyes.
“Yes,” Ron replied, putting his arm around Bradley’s shoulders and pulling him closer to him. Their lips were inches from each other. “When I saw you through the window I wanted to, um. Can I?” Ron asked, looking at Bradley’s lips.
“Yes,” Bradley said and brought his lips to Ron’s. I looked up and moaned against Ron’s cock, which made him moan into the kiss. Fuck, that was hot. I continued sucking Ron while they kissed. When Bradley took a break from the kiss and looked down at me, I stood up bringing my lips to his. Now he was tasting Ron on my lips. Bradley was still fully dressed, so as I kissed him I took off his clothes. Ron watched. When I took Bradley’s pants and underwear down, his cock sprang free, hard as I knew he could be. I took him into my hand. I reached out with my other hand to Ron’s still rock-hard cock. I knelt down to take Bradley’s cock in my mouth to make it slick like I had made Ron’s.
Ron moved back close to Bradley and I heard them kissing again. I used my hands to bring their cock heads together so I could lick and suck them both at the same time. As I did, their kissing intensified with more urgency. Ron reached down to grab both cocks and stroke along with my sucking. Bradley groaned.
I felt Max behind me. He put his hands on my hips and brought me up towards him. As I turned my head slightly to look at him, I saw he had apparently taken off his clothes and his cock was standing at attention. He slowly guided his cock into my wet pussy as his chest pressed against my back.
“Oh, baby,” Max moaned in my ear, rocking me back and forth on his cock. We were both facing Ron and Bradley who were still kissing. Ron’s hand was still stroking both of their cocks together. Bradley looked at Ron with a content smile in between kisses.
I heard Bradley’s breath quicken and I knew he was close. He looked over at me and asked, “Can I? Can we? On you?”
“Yes,” I said, looking at Ron to see his reaction. He smiled at me.
“Yes?” he stroked them faster. I nodded. They moved closer and soon both cocks were spurting cum. I listened as they moaned against each other’s lips. Ron did well aiming their cum so most of it landed on my chest and stomach. Max increased his thrusting and I knew he was close.
“Clean her off,” Max requested. Ron and Bradley leaned over and started licking the cum off of me.
“Yes! Ohhhhh,” Max moaned, watching them lick me. His cock stiffened and exploded with his orgasm. As Max slowed his movements, he slid out of me and sat on the couch. Bradley and Ron had almost licked me clean by that point.
Ron looked at me and said, “Can I clean you?” I don’t know who he was asking for permission, but we all said yes. I sat next to Max on the couch. Ron gently slid his tongue up and down my swollen pussy lips. Soon Bradley’s tongue joined his. Their tongues touched each other’s and licked my pussy. I watched them knowing I was going to cum soon.
“She likes this,” Bradley said to Ron, placing his lips around my clit and gently sucking.
“Yessss,” I agreed and Bradley sucked harder, “Yes!” I screamed and Bradley removed his lips allowing Ron the chance to bring me to orgasm. As soon as Ron’s lips closed around my clit, my fingers went through his hair and I encouraged him.
“Yes! I like that! Please, ohhhhh,” I cooed as I felt my first wave of orgasm crash making my legs shudder.
“Mmmmm,” Ron moaned, his lips vibrating on my pussy making my orgasm continue even longer.
“Yes! Oh! Yes!” I cried out. Max turned towards me and watched as I was completely satisfied by Ron.
I was finally still, recovering from my orgasm. Ron and Bradley sat on the couch next to me. Ron and I hadn’t officially had sex but we had certainly pleased each other. And it looked like Bradley found someone to explore his bisexuality with. My head swam with possibilities.
Ron was the first one to speak. “Wow! Thanks for inviting me over!” he said as he looked at all of us. “I’d love to have you all at my place sometime soon!”
“Sounds like a plan,” I said with a smile. That was amazing but I couldn’t wait to see what else the four of us could do together.