My Maria

""Tomorrow" The answer is yes!"

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Why the sadness honey?

Why have your eyes lost their sparkle?

Why the pout on your luscious lips?

You are beautiful my love.


Let me kiss your gorgeous face,

Your eyes,

Your nose,

Your lips.


Hold you tight

and cuddle you.

Chase away things,

things that make you blue.


Bring back the twinkle,

The glimmer,

The glow to your soft brown eyes,

Ohh! I love you so.


Put a smile upon your pretty face.

We can sing a song or two.

Maybe share a mischievous kiss,

Perhaps a naughty touch hmm…


That’s it sweetheart.

Feel my arms encircle you.

Loving your sadness away.

Smile baby I’m yours.


I love you,

Every bit of you.

Even when you’re feeling blue,

It can’t conceal the prettiness that is you.


Thank you my love for sharing your life,

your love with me.

I like and love all that you are.

Hugs and kisses my sweet Maria.


My life is much brighter with you in it.

Love you,

all of you,




Published 8 years ago

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