My Life with Summer: My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt. 5

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Our first two months or so together were really rough. To be honest, I don’t know how we got through it. We really struggled to set boundaries and to figure out what we wanted or expected from each other. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I knew exactly what I wanted from Summer, but she was having a really hard time wrapping her head around everything. Summer wasn’t comfortable having to constantly asserting herself, but she was afraid that if our relationship didn’t feel different from the beginning that it would slide into the normal kind of relationship that she was trying to avoid.

We broke up at least two or three times during those early months. Summer would get overwhelmed, confused or frustrated and just call the whole thing off. She wanted to do her own thing, but didn’t want to hurt me and didn’t want to have to lie. No matter how many times I told her that it was ok, she had a hard time believing it. Fortunately, underneath it all, we both knew that there was something special between us, and that’s what kept bringing us back together.

Things had been really rocky for a while and as much as I tried to stay hopeful, I had a sinking feeling that it just wasn’t ever going to work out between us. As we struggled with trying to figure out if we were together or not, what it meant if we were and could we be friends if we weren’t, I was still working full time and living out in the suburbs. It seemed like we never saw each other and when we did things devolved into a giant discussion about what was happening between us. During that time, I obviously wasn’t seeing anyone else and I didn’t think that Summer was either. I asked her a few times and I think she misinterpreted as me being possessive which made her doubt that we could have the type of relationship that she wanted. Anyway, all of this is to say that things were very complicated and touch and go in the beginning. And then suddenly, they came together.

I’ve mentioned that Summer was being financially looked after by an older man named Matthew. Years ago, when she was working as a stripper Matthew convinced her to stop – offering to pay for her bills if she agreed to quit stripping and go to school. She’d been to university and gotten a BA in psychology and Matthew was true to his word and supported her the whole time. Even though she’d graduated a year ago and still wasn’t working – I don’t think that she ever even looked for a job – Matthew continued to pay all of her bills, no questions asked.

Tragically, maybe in more ways than one, what finally brought Summer and I together was Matthew’s passing. He had been going along, healthy and active and then without much warning he’d gotten sick and was gone just a few days later. Summer was devastated, Matthew had done so much for her, in some ways more than her parents had. She had a really had time coming to terms with losing Matthew and she leaned on me a lot to get her through that time.

During that time, I’d been spending more and more time at Summer’s place. She’d insist that I stay overnight after night, confessing that she was afraid to be alone. Even though she didn’t see Matthew that often, she knew that he was always there for her and now he wasn’t. She told me that she saw me as someone who she could rely on, still remembering the night that we met and how I went out of my way to get her home safely. All of the problems that we’d been having stopped mattering to her. She wanted stability and saw that in me. I moved in with her a few weeks later.

All of that said, we still had our understanding. Summer was free to do what she wanted and my role was to be there for her, and only her. All of the details that we argued over when trying to get together, which ironically what was keeping us apart, just fell into place when we stopped trying to define everything and just jumped in headfirst.

Once we were living together and getting a feel for each other, things felt right between us. It hadn’t been since I was with Melissa that I felt this comfortable around any other woman. Summer knowing all of my past made me feel like I didn’t have to hide who I was. That gave me a sense of relief that I wasn’t used to.

The strange thing was that for all of our efforts to define our relationship in the early stages, during that whole time Summer never once had sex with another guy. At least not that I knew of. Cuckolding was part of our daily life. As an idea, it existed as a dynamic between us and a point of reference for our relationship. We were constantly reminding ourselves that this is what we’d signed up for, but in those early days, it was all talk and tease. Summer would talk about other guys, comment on who she thought was hot, would wonder out loud what it would be like to fuck one guy or another – but it was all just talk, she never acted on it. I was beginning to think that may she’d warmed up to the idea of a normal relationship with me, but needed to hang on to the idea of cuckolding as a defense mechanism of sorts.

Our sex life was great, for me anyway. Summer was a beauty and she loved dressing up in the bedroom. Sex with her was always an ordeal. There were no ‘quickies’ with her. It was always dinner, wine, romance, candles, lingerie. It was amazing, but the downside of that was that it was infrequent. I had to go all out to get her in the mood, it always took a grand gesture. Waking up with morning wood and getting it on before work was never a thing with Summer.

With all of the changes in Summer’s life, she decided to delay going to law school. She’d already been accepted, and Matthew had already generously paid (and left her some additional money in his will), but when September rolled around, she didn’t feel ready to take that on and delayed her acceptance. She also started taking her health a lot more seriously. She was already super fit, but so was Matthew and I think she was haunted by his sudden passing and totally committed herself to health and fitness. She put a lot more thought into what she ate and how much exercise she got. She even joined a gym.

That was the routine that we’d settled into, and had probably been together for about six months or so before things began to change.

One night, Summer had come home from the gym late. She’d called home early knowing that I was waiting for her, knowing that I had dinner ready. When she got home, I could tell that she was in a frisky mood and being really affectionate. She wasn’t normally cold, but being this overt and expressive was a little odd for her.

“C’mon, let’s go in the bedroom,” she said.

I didn’t have to be asked twice.

Summer pushed me down on to our bed, got on her knees in front of me and began to undo my pants. The entire time that we’d been together, Summer had never been this spontaneous when it came to sex. I was loving it.

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” she asked.

“Too long!” I said a little enthusiastically.

“Now doesn’t seem like a smart time to complain does it?”

“No, of course… I didn’t mean it like that.”

“I didn’t think so,” Summer said with a smile before lowering her had down to my lap, taking my cock into her mouth. It was incredible. I knew that before me Summer had been with quite a few guys. That might have bothered other men, but I was more than ok with it… maybe because it fed that part of my brain that was drawn to being a cuckold, or maybe it was because she’d had a lot of experience and I was the one benefiting from it. No one that I’d been with before or since could suck a cock like Summer could. Some women made it seem like a chore. Summer loved having a dick in her mouth, and I was grateful every time it was mine.

“Babe, slow down – you’re going to make me cum.”

Summer giggled, proud of her skills. “You can’t cum yet,” she said between slurps, “I want to tell you something.”


“Mm-hmm,” she hummed her reply, the vibrations sent a new wave of pleasure through my cock.

I didn’t really care about whatever it was that she wanted to talk about, at least not in that moment. I couldn’t think of anything other than the intense sucking that she was giving me.

Realizing that I wasn’t going to prompt her, Summer began to speak.

“Do you remember that guy Darren that I told you about?”

“Yeah.” He was her trainer at the gym that she worked out at. She talked about him a lot. I could tell that she had a crush on him. He was older than us, well into his forties, and she told me that he looked like Denzel Washington.

“I fucked him.” She stopped sucking when she said that, pausing to make eye contact with me and to gauge my reaction. I knew that she wasn’t joking.

“You did?”

“Mm-hmm.” That vibration again. “The tension has been building up for weeks. I finally fucked him tonight.”

Summer pulled her head away from my cock and looked up at me smiling. She was proud of what she’d done. She kept stroking my cock softly, enough to keep me hard but not enough to make me cum and went on with her story.

“We’ve been flirting for weeks babe. I’ve wanted him so badly for so long. You should see his body.” Summer’s eyes rolled back as she thought about him. “And his cock, oh my god. Huge.” She took her hand off my cock and held her hands at least ten inches apart when she said ‘huge’ before returning her hand to stroke me some more. “That’s my first big black cock since we’ve been together babe.” She brought her mouth back to dick and began to suck it in earnest, giving me a chance to process everything while taking the sting off of the news by blowing me as it sunk in.

“You’re going to have to cum in my mouth babe, my pussy is still sore from taking that big… black… cock.”

I exploded in her mouth right on cue, which made Summer laugh.

“You’re so predictable,” she said, wiping my cum off of her chin.

We stayed in our positions, me staring down at her and Summer looking up at me, in silence for a few moments. Each of us taking in everything that had happened.

“It’s real now babe,” she said. “We’re doing this.”

Summer got cleaned up while I made her dinner. It was around seven o’clock and she still hadn’t eaten. We talked some more over dinner, I sat and watched her eat as she told me more about her day.

“What happened exactly?”

“I told you really.”

“No, I mean like how did it happen?”

“Well… I’ve had a crush on him since the first time I saw him. He’s gorgeous. His body is perfect. I mean perfect. He’s like forty-five or something but looks like a twenty-five-year-old Olympian. And you know how tight workout shorts are right? He couldn’t hide his cock from my eyes. I’ve been staring at that thing for weeks, lusting after it. It felt so good to finally get it.”

“Did he catch you drooling over him or something?”

“Nah, we’ve had chemistry for weeks. We both knew it was going to happen. I told him about you when I first met him. I think maybe that slowed him down a bit, trying to be respectful or whatever, but in the end, you didn’t matter to him at all.”


“So anyway, weeks of tension and stuff and today we were just trading looks for like an hour. Finally, he just came over to me and told me that there was a problem with my membership and he needed to see me in his office. I knew it was bullshit, Darren is a trainer. He doesn’t have anything to do with memberships. I knew why he really wanted me in his office and I was happy to give it to him.”

Hearing Summer talk about what happened so nonchalantly was a bit strange. I was dealing with a mix of emotions, that cocktail of feelings that I hadn’t felt since I was with Melissa. Jealousy, anger, self-loathing and hurt while undeniably being turned on by her frankness. As I’ve mentioned, sex with Summer was always a production, but here she was telling me about something really casual. It made me excited for what that might mean for me.

“And that’s in then, you just fucked him in his office?”

“Yeah, I mean, yeah. Unless you want to know the details?”

I did and she knew that I did, but I also didn’t want to come out and say it and she knew that too. We were locked in a battle of wills, neither wanted to be the first to break. I thought that I’d found a solution to save face.

“You’re full of shit! None of this happened!” I absolutely believed her; I had no doubt.

“It did, and you know it did,” she said with a smile knowing full well that she’d seen through my ruse.

“What’s more likely, that I came home just dying to suck your dick or that I wanted you in a vulnerable place because I didn’t know how you’d react to me fucking another guy for the first time since we’ve been together?”

I didn’t have to say anything, we both knew.

“It was good, Grey. Like really, really good. I’d tell you all about it, but apparently you don’t want to know.”

“Go on…” I broke first.

“Sorry, what was that?”

“Please… tell me what happened.”

“Do you just want to hear about it, or do you want to jerk while I tell you?”

“Just tell me.” I wanted to jerk off too, but I’d already ceded too much ground.

“Well, Darren lead me into his office and like a good girl, I followed him. Once we got inside, there wasn’t much talking. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer and began kissing me while his hands moved to my ass. He has such big hands; I knew his cock would be as big as it looked through his shorts. I went for his cock and I wasn’t disappointed! He still wasn’t hard yet and it was already huge. I was so excited that I couldn’t play hard to get. I dropped down to my knees as he was leaning against his desk. I pulled his shorts down and out sprung his massive cock, right in my face. You know me, I didn’t need an invitation and I just started sucking it.”

As Summer spoke, she kept constant eye contact with me, measuring me up and I think for the first time enjoying having the upper hand, embracing the power that she’d spend so long running from.

“Do you want to hear more?”


“I thought so. Where was I? Right, so on my knees with a huge black cock in my mouth. My god did it ever feel good! There’s something about a really big dick that’s scary and exciting at the same time. Like it hurt my jaw to be open that wide and it was so long that I felt like I was choking on it, but as much as that feeling can be scary, I would have cried if he took it away from me. So, I sucked it for, I don’t know how long but he let me know when it was time to fuck. He didn’t say anything, he just pulled me up, bent me over his desk, pulled my pants down and forced his giant cock into my little pussy.”

Summer looked up at the ceiling, she wasn’t just telling me what happened, she was reliving the recent memory of it. Instinctively, she moved her hand between her legs and started to rub herself through her pants.

“He was not gentle, Grey. He fucked me, like really, really fucked me. I think that all of the flirting that I’d done with him over the last few months really built something up inside of him and he was letting it all out on me. His big, strong hands just held me in place as he pounded away on me. He had me cumming within minutes. It had been so long since I felt that wonderful feeling of being full. His cock just stretched me out and made contact with every part of my pussy. I just gave into him and let him take what he wanted. I was his and he knew it.

“When he was ready to cum, he pulled out, pulled me back to him and pushed me back down to my knees spraying his huge load all over my face. It went everywhere really, my face, hair, chest. I was covered in his cum. I needed to feel his cock in my mouth one last time so I cleaned it off for him and drained the last bit of cum out of him before he pulled his shorts back up. Darren threw me a towel to mop his cum up off me. When we went back out to the main gym, everyone knew what we’d just done. I guess we weren’t the quietest and the huge smile on my face erased any doubts that anyone might have had.”

“It sounds like you had a good work out.”

“I did, a really good work out. And just so you know, I’ll be fucking him again. Like, for sure. I’m definitely getting that cock again.”

“I understand.”

“Of course you do, cucky.” She added a smile to her comment that I think she meant to be playful.

“So that’s everything?”

“Ha! Wasn’t that enough?”

“Yeah, I guess so actually.”

“Well, there is something else that I want to tell you. I wanted to bring Darren home with me so that we could do it again. I literally begged him to come fuck me in my own bed, but he wouldn’t. He was a little weirded out because you were here. I told him that you were a cuck and it wouldn’t be a problem, but he still thought that it was strange. And that got me thinking about something that’s been on my mind for a while…”

“What’s that?”

“I think we should move, to a bigger place – a place with a spare bedroom, somewhere you can go and be out of the way when I have men over who don’t want you around when they’re spending time with me.”

“Ok….” I didn’t know what else to say.

“And you know, this place has lots of old memories and old energy in it. This still feels like you’re living at my house. We should have our own place and build our own memories.”

“That makes sense, but buying a place together is a pretty big step, don’t you think?

“I know, but we don’t have to buy it together. I have the cash. I can sell this place and we’ll buy a new place with that money. It’ll still be mine, I’ll still own it, but it will be our space that we build together.”

It has always been a bit of a sore spot that Summer was much better off financially than I was. It might seem odd to talk about feeling emasculated in a cuckolding relationship, but it really was. I already knew that she didn’t need me for sex and she wasn’t dependent upon me for anything else tangible either.

Summer outright owned the condo that we lived in at the time, she paid it off in five years thanks to stripping. If I tried to buy a place on my own, I’m not even sure if I’d qualify for a mortgage – and if I did I couldn’t afford the place that we were in now.

“I’m cool with that, especially if we can move closer to my work.”

“Well, that’s not exactly what I had in mind, unfortunately. I was thinking that we should move closer to the university.”

“But you’re not even going there, I have to go to work every day and the commute is already taking me an hour. Moving out towards the school is going to add another half hour on to that.”

“I know, but I will be going to school soon and it’s my money so like…”

She chose the day that she fucked another man to rub my nose in the fact that she also had more money than me. She was being a little subtle, but Summer was either letting me know how things were going to be from now on, or testing me. Maybe both.

I did my best to try to reclaim something from the exchange. “Fine, ok… that makes sense, and you’re right we need a place that’s more of our own.”

“And we’ll need an extra bedroom.”

“Yeah, that too.”

“You don’t need to worry about affording it. Between what I get from this place and what Matthew left me, finding a new and bigger place won’t be a problem. I’ll take care of it. You can do your part by buying groceries or whatever.”

There was nothing subtle about that. All it took was one encounter with another man, and Summer seemed like a changed woman.

“Right.” It was all I could muster in the moment.

Things happened pretty quickly after that. After putting Summer’s condo on the market the very first people who came to look at gave us a full-ask offer with a thirty-day close. That made me think that our agent had undervalued the listing price, but Summer didn’t care. She was eager to move on and I didn’t have much say in the matter.

Of course, this didn’t give us much time to find a few place. In the first few weeks, we couldn’t find anything that we liked and started putting together a contingency plan of moving our things into storage and living out of a hotel for a bit if we couldn’t find a new condo that suited us. Then out of the blue, our agent called us and told us about a place that hadn’t yet been put on the market but the owner would be willing to sell if it could be done quickly, which is exactly what we needed. We went to look at it and it was a nice place, but really dated. Even though it was a new building, the owner was a much older retired woman who’d decorated the condo to give it a country/farmhouse vibe. It would take a lot of work to pull it back into modern times, but with a few thousand dollars spent on renovations, we’d instantly add a lot of value to the property.

“Give her a full-ask offer, we’ll pay in cash if she can be out of there in two weeks.” Summer wasn’t messing around.

“I think you can go in a bit lower, the place needs work and the owner knows that. Why don’t you make an offer and see what she says?” our agent asked.

“I’m tired of looking. I like this place, it’s in the right neighbourhood, has everything that we need. I don’t want to lose it over a few thousand dollars. I want it, and I’ll pay her asking price if she can be out of there in two weeks.”

And that was that. Our offer was accepted and two weeks later we moved into our new condo and it turned out to be a day to remember for more than one reason.


Published 6 years ago

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