My Journey Into Serenity – Chapter 3/3

"Was Serenity really ever sick, or was it Jim?"

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The final culmination and the fate of Jim and his sister, Serenity, lies in this final chapter. Quoting Jim, “Nothing good lasts forever.”

What I wouldn’t do for my girlfriend…

‘Which one?’

There is no fucking which one. There’s only Serenity!

‘Stop kidding yourself, Jim.’

Fuck off.

“Jimmy… Jim… For christ’s sake, JIM!”

“Wha- What, oh shit, sorry, Serenity!” I blushed.

“Jimmy, you’ve been really weird lately, what’s going on? Can I help you?” Serenity said, her head and arms on my chest on her bed.

“It’s nothing. Just thinking about school,” I replied, forcing a smile while caressing her head. “I’m going to head over to my room for a second, be right back.”

“Okay. And Jim..”

“Yeah, sis?” I responded, looking back at her with an unnerving look.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, sweety.” And with that, I headed across the hall and into my room, pushing the door half closed.

I put my sweaty hands on my face and sighed as I sat on the edge of my bed beside my nightstand. I put my hands on my lap and looked at my cellphone that lied on my computer desk. I shook my head with a disgusted look on my face.

I stood up, turned my cellphone on, and looked at the picture Becca sent me.

“That fucking whore..” I cursed under my lips. “She didn’t get my fucking permission.”

I turned my cellphone off and put both my hands on my computer desk. I shook my head again and thought to my self, you might as well rip my heart into two right now.

I mentally slapped myself into reality and headed back to my sister’s room. She wasn’t there; she must be in the bathroom.

As I sat on her computer chair, I glanced at a photo of her taken a year ago and smiled. The sun shining on her gorgeous blond hair made her look like an angel. She wears my light brown eyes better than I ever will.

I heard the toilet flush; it must be my sister. As I stood up from the chair my nose caught a strong and all too familiar smell; it was coming from her computer desk drawer.

I pulled the drawer to find two fat joints, and a dime of weed.

“What the fuck, Serenity!” I quietly said. I got what I wished for, a broken heart. She told me she stopped this fucking shit!

As I examined the drugs, I heard my sister walk in the room.

“Jim, it not-“

“It’s not? As if I didn’t beat enough of your FUCKING friends up!” I yelled.

She put her hands up like I held a gun to her. “Jimm-“

“DON’T. DON’T JIMMY ME. You lied to me you F- Serenity,” I said pointing to the drawer, “You didn’t know what I was going to do… I was going to hang myself, or drive off the bridge two days ago. You did this to me, you tore my heart. Whatever was left of it, YOU FUCKING CRACKHEAD.”

“NO, JIMMY, NO.. It’s no-” she tried to speak over her tears.

“What? It’s not what it looks like?” I air quoted with my fingers.

She ran into my chest, wrapping her arms around me. My arms were still at my side. “Please, Jimmy… I forgot I even had that in there. I meant to throw it away. I would NEVER, EVER, do anything to hurt you again… You have to believe me.” She sounded like she meant it.

“You gunna flush it, or do I have to?”

She shook her head and opened her eyes wide, tears still dripping from them, “No, baby, I’ll do it!”

She released me from her hug and grabbed the two joints, the little bag of weed, and ran to the washroom.

I stood in front of her trying to calm down. As soon as I heard the toilet flush, the wave of anger subsided, and she came running back into my arms.

“I shouldn’t have yelled at you. You’re my little sister.” I felt really guilty.

“No, I’m your girlfriend,” she smiled, kissing my chest through the vest I wore.

A week had passed.

It was the best week ever. The most memorable moment was when she dyed her hair back to her natural blond. I still remember looking at her reflection on the mirror, smiling, and her smiling back as she made sure to get rid of every black strand of hair. We went shopping at a clothes outlet, okay, a lot of outlets, and she bought a whole new wardrobe. Bright colors; it reminded me of something a 12-year-old girl would wear; it was cute. She spent a great deal of time outside of the changing rooms, but that left me a lot of time to think. To think about Serenity, my beautiful little sister, and our relationship that we hide from society. Of course, the society we live in is as drunk as our mother, so we don’t have to fear much.

Today was my birthday. Lucky for me, it landed on a Friday, and Mom wasn’t home; she’s probably passed out in an alleyway somewhere. But that’s about the only gift that I’d be happy about. An A+ on my English paper, sure, but I’d rather have a million dollars sitting in my bank account building up interest. I’m not that lucky.

“—Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jimmy.. Happy birthday to you!” my sister sang, jumping on my bed and straddling me. “Are you one, are you two, are you three, are you fou-“

“Oh shutup you,” I smiled, plunging my lips into hers.

She moaned as I sucked on her bottom lip. I could taste the sweetness of pancakes and syrup on her lips. Guess she made breakfast. She moved her hand from my cheek, to my chest, to my mid-erect cock and started rubbing it through my sweatpants.

“Ready for your birthday present,” she managed to say without breaking our kiss.

I nodded and giggled. She smiled and ended the kiss. She moved her body down my body and put her head underneath my t-shirt. She started kissing all over my chest. I am very ticklish, so I tried my best to flex all the muscles in my body so I wouldn’t jump out of the bed of laughter. She pulled down my sweatpants and underwear in one go and started deepthroating my cock.

After about two minute of her sucking my cock, she plopped it out of her mouth and said, “Time for your real birthday present.”

I looked at her in confusion as she turned around, her perfect butt facing me on the far end of the bed.

She slowly pulled her tight, pink shorts down and on her ankles. She wasn’t wearing any panties. She used both of her fingers to stretch her ass hole.

I mouth gaped open, almost drooling.

“I want you to fuck me in the ass.” she said a matter-of-factly.

I didn’t say a word as I got up and got into proper position, my long erect cock inches pressed against the outside of her ass hole.

“Come on, Jimmy. Fuck my brains out, and I don’t care if it hurts. Love me, and DON’T stop.” she said, looking over her shoulder, biting down on her bottom lip.

I shooked my head and smiled, and then began fucking her ass. The first lunge in took all of the air from my body and Serenity let out a scream.

“Shit! I’m sorry, swee-“

“No! Keep fucking going, Jimmy!” she pleaded.

With that, I fucked her ass like I did her pussy last night, and the night before that, and the night before that. It was amazingly tight, but it felt so good. Her room echoed the smacking off her butt cheeks and the moans coming out of her mouth. Or maybe those were my moans. I was in a whole new realm, I was in Serenity.

After a minute, I already came in her ass. We both fell to the bed, her chest on the mattress, and my chest on her back. I pulled my cock out of her ass which let out one last moan from her mouth.

“Best birthday present ever,” I breathed out.

She moaned one last time.

It was 7PM when the doorbell wrung. Serenity was playing a video-game on my computer, and I was massaging her shoulders; figured I’d give her something back after what she let me do earlier this morning, even if it was my birthday present; plus, I like the feel of her smooth, creamy skin on my fingers.

“I’ll get it,” I said, walking out of the room and towards the front door.


I whipped the door open roughly but quietly.

“Get the fuck out of here, you bitch.” I whispered angrily.

“Come on, Jimmy. You said you’d visit me a week ago…” Becca said, putting her right hand on my chest.

I swiped her hand away with disgust on my face, “Walk off my porch, into your truck, and floor it befor-“

“Before what? Before your sister clotheslines me? Don’t play stupid with me,” she put a her right hand on my face and rubbed her thumb over my lips, “I know what you and your sister have been doing..”

“You don’t shit, BITCH,” I whispered a little loudly and swiped her hand from my face.

“Oh? Okay, I’ll just get my pussy fucked by someone else the-” I stopped her in place before she turned around.

“You won’t touch another man without my permission. And now I’m telling you, you don’t have permission to fuck anyone. You here you F-“

“Woah. Are you fucking your sister’s brains out, or is she fucking yours because you sound REALLY FUCKING STUPID,” she interrupted. A sly grin appeared over her face.

“You watch your dirty mout-“

“You’re going to regret ever fucking breaking up with me, Jimmy..”

“You get the fuck home and lock yourself in. If I hea-” I didn’t bother finishing as she already drove her pickup truck down the road.

Regret.. Stupid fucking girl.

I walked back into my room; my blood at a boiling point. Confusement struck me as my sister was no longer on my computer.

“Looking for me.” a voice behind me said; it was Serenity.

“Yeah, I-“

My eyes opened wide as Serenity held my cellphone in my face.

“I’ve been meaning to delete that. She sent me that a couple months ago. I-“

Anger transformed her face. She was completely red.

“BULLSHIT. You two-timing FUCK!” she yelled and started hammering my ribs with her fists, the cellphone in her right. I grab them and she struggled to break free.

“Serenity, baby..”

“Don’t baby me you waste of LIFE,” she fired back.

“THAT’S NOT ME SHE WAS GIVING HEAD TO.” I realized the picture never showed the body or face of the actual lucky guy getting blown. And now it was going to bite me in the ass.

“Oh, is that why she texted you this,” she fired back again, showing me a recent text message from Becca.

‘you came a lot yesterday night, maybe you could come over again tonight?

That fucking whore!

“That fucking WHORE!” I yelled.

“Yeah, and I’m just another one of them. Happy birthday, go kill yourself.” Serenity left the room.

I stood still, my body shaking of both pain and anger. I jumped as the front door slammed shut. The room was spinning, and all I could look at was the cellphone that lied on the ground beside my feet.

With one hard strike of my right foot, I smashed the cellphone into pieces.


I ran to the kitchen and pulled the phone from the charger, and dialled Becca’s number.

As soon as she picked up, she started giggling.

“I’m going to fucking KILL YOU.”

“You can fuck me in my mouth instead.” She sinisterly countered.

I slammed the phone back down into the charger, and then swung my open hand at it, knocking it on the ground.

If I wasn’t in hell before, I was now. I thought.

“YOU FUCKING CUNT, I’LL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!” I yelled to the ceiling.

I walked out of my house casually. It was like if walking any faster was impossible. The cold air of the night slapped my sweaty face. The anger subsided, and the anxiety set in. I walked past the sidewalk, my barefeet burning from the cold dampness of the concrete, and I stood in the middle of the road. I sat cross-legged.

One hour had passed and Serenity didn’t come home. I realized I was going crazy, but I blamed it on the anxiety. I walked back inside the house, and into my room.

I knelt under my bed and pulled out a small Swiss-army knife.

“Jimmy, what are you doing?”

I’m a bad man.

Published 11 years ago

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