My Journey Into Serenity – Chapter 2/3

"Jim struggles between his love for his sister, Serenity, and his ex-girlfriend, Becca."

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This is a continuation of an ongoing series called, “My Journey Into Serenity.”

I’m in heaven.

I’m swimming in a sea of one-hundred dollar bills. Naked women, like feathers, started floating down from the cloudless blue sky. With their soft hands, they started rubbing me in every possible spot while saying, “I love you, Jimmy,” at the same time. All of sudden, the sky turned red and the sea caught fire. The women disappeared into a thin smoke, and I could smell bacon and pancakes!

My eyes shot open, and cold droplets of sweat rolled down my forehead. I wiped it and rubbed the tiredness from my eyes. I lay on my head for a couple of moments to let the smell of bacon and pancakes have sex with my nose. Mom was home and she was making breakfast. I propped myself up on my elbows and noticed the shadow beneath the crack of the door. The shadow disappeared as I heard the slapping of my sister’s bare feet on the hardwood floor; it was music to my ears, and I couldn’t help but smile.

You did it. Serenity loves you again. It’ll be just like it was one month ago. Will it? I thought.

I quickly got up off my bed, but tripped over my blanket and landed on the floor; my elbows broke the fall. I stood up and glanced at myself in the mirror. My short black hair was messy, my eyes had bags under them, and my chest has a nice scrape across it. Looking good, Jim.

I grabbed a pair of sweatpants that hung over the backrest of my computer chair and put it on roughly, almost tripping again. The edge of the computer desk balanced my weight and I leaned down to pick up the black t-shirt I had worn yesterday and tossed it over my chest. I could smell Serenity, and it made me smile. The smile quickly faded away as I thought back to the girl who still thinks I’m her boyfriend. What kind of person am I?

I walked fast but casually towards the kitchen and was surprised to see my sister sitting on one of the two stools that rested near the kitchen counter. She looked over her shoulder to me and smiled. I could never fight the urge to not smile back so I didn’t bother resisting. I looked over to Mom who was splitting the bacon and pancakes in three plates.

I sat beside Serenity and watched as Mom poured a glass of orange juice. Serenity put her left arm around my back and began rubbing her head against my right shoulder. I was surprised and so was Mom from the look on her face as she turned around and placed two plates full of food in front of us.

“I’m happy that you two are getting along again,” Mom said. I frowned at the emptiness in her voice. It made me sick to my stomach.

Serenity reached over and gave me a warm wet kiss on my cheek and shot Mom a nasty look, “And I’m happy to see you’re actually fucking sober for once.” Serenity said, sounding almost sinister.

“You stupid little BITCH!” Mom said, raising her hand to slap Serenity.

Before she could, I quickly grabbed her arm and said, “You don’t want to do that, Mom..,” as I shook my head. I could see the fury in her eyes.

Ever since Dad had died a year ago in a car accident coming home from work, Mom had hit the bottle. Non-stop drinking, coming home very late, doing god knows what. Shit, god has nothing to do with this. God didn’t save my Dad when he fought for his life on the hospital bed. There’s no use yelling and screaming in my head any more. The pain of seeing him in that coffin, motionless, never goes away. Back when Dad was still breathing, life was good.

And now, Serenity is all I have left.

“‘You want to let go of me, boy!” Mom said, yanking her hand away from me.

I quickly got up and pulled Serenity to me, away from the counter. Serenity wrapped her arms around me like her life depended on it. I could see the fear in her eyes as she looked at Mom.

“Look at you,” Mom said, laughing her anger out, “you look like SHIT, you smell like it too. She’s no longer your pretty little angel, Jimmy darling. She’s a LITTLE SHIT!”

“I think you should go outside and cool off, Mom,” I said, cradling Serenity in my arms and wiping away her tears.

“I think you should go out and DIE of alcohol poisoning. It’s the only thing you’re good FOR,” Serenity screamed through her whimpering.

“You FFF-UCK-ING stupid slut!” Mom yelled, slamming her fist against the bacon on her plate.

“Don’t FUCKING CALL HER THAT!” I yelled, sounding very threatening. Truth is, I’d never hurt my Mom. But the love I feel for Serenity could make me do all sorts of things that would surprise me; what I did to that boy yesterday at the bar was proof.

Mom stormed around the counter. I thought she was going to hit Serenity, so I balled my fist, but instead, she grabbed her purse off the couch and ran out through the front door, slamming the door in her wake. I quickly unclenched my fists which felt like they were going to start bleeding from the creases. Serenity unwrapped her arms around me and rushed into her room, slamming the door shut.

The yelling and screaming, it exists inside my head as much as it does in the house. We’ve already had enough complaints from our neighbours threatening to call the police on us for it. I don’t blame them. Sometimes, I think the next-door neighbour’s daughter uses that as an excuse to tell me about how much it annoys her parents only to end up flirting with me for five minutes straight.

My daydream is quickly broken as I hear the screeching of car tires pulling out of the driveway and then down the road. Mom isn’t coming back for a while.

As I walked towards my sister’s door, I could hear her weeping and sniffling.

“Can I come in, sweety?” I said with my arms crossed and head against the door.

“Please,” was all she could say through her saddened state.

I opened the door and closed it quietly. I turned around to look at her. She was on the edge of her bed with her head in her hands, just like the day when the news came of our father’s death.

I got down on my knees and placed my crossed arms on her smooth legs and rested my head on them.

“You know I don’t like seeing you cry. A part of me dies on the inside,” I said, the sound of my voice muffled. I could smell her skin. Yesterday I would’ve said she smelled like cigarettes, but today she smelled like the person I grew up to love and care for.

At that moment, she put her hands on my messy black hair and rubbed it. Her hands went down the back of my shirt and gently brushed her fingers all over. She grabbed my head and pulled me in for a long, loving kiss on the lips. The sweetness of her lips brought me into a peaceful state, like nothing could ruin the mood.

“I have to tell you something, Jimmy.”

Except for that.

“I love you.”

She began licking my lips with her warm tongue. I stuck out my tongue to lick hers but she pulled hers in and began sucking on my tongue. What did I do to deserve this treatment?

She released my tongue from the wetness of her mouth and spoke, “Jimmy, I want to move away from here. Away from that demon of a mother and run away… with you.”

She brought her lips to mine again, kissing me for a couple seconds before I pulled mine away from her and spoke.

“I would if I had the money, sweetheart… But- But I’ve also got university and you’re still in sch-“

She began planting soft kisses from my cheek down to my neck.

“Sit on the edge of the bed,” she said.

After not moving out of confusion, she stood up and positioned me on the edge of the bed. As I sat, I watched her as she slowly pulled down my sweatpants. I held both her hands and said, “Stop.”

“But I love you so much, Jimmy.. Let me take care of you, baby…” she said, pulling my underwear down. My cock shot out like a jack-in-the-box, already painfully hard.

There was a part of me that wanted to talk to her but there was another part that wanted her soft warm lips on the head of my cock. I couldn’t make up my mind, so I watched her without interfering.

“I want to make you happy, Jimmy,” she said, and began kissing the head of my cock. My dick hardened even more as I listened to the sounds and feel of her kisses.

I moaned in pleasure as she licked the head like a popsicle.

I could see the saliva starting to build up in her mouth, and a little drop of it slipped down the right corner. Her head moved down to my hairy balls as she began sucking on my left testicle.

How did she know how to do this? Oh…

An angry but hurt look appeared over my face, indistinguishable enough that made her plop my left testicle out of her mouth and question, “You okay baby?”

I smiled my okay and rubbed her hair, trying to not picture the bastards who received this treatment. At least she actually loves me.

She engulfed the head of my cock in her cute little mouth. Her lips were already red from all the sucking. The slurping and gagging sounds that came from her mouth echoed throughout her room.

As she sucked my cock, I glanced over at one of her picture frames and saw the shot we had taken when we were out fishing. My hand was around her shoulder and we both were smiling in the camera. That was about a year ago when she still wore her beautiful, natural blond hair. As she bobbed up and down on my cock, making gurgling sounds, I put my hand on her head and began lunging my cock gently in her mouth as I stared into her face in the picture. She moaned with pleasure.

My eyes shot close and I said, “I love you,” in a long and drawn out way as I shot three shots of semen down her throat.

She pulled out and open her mouth to show me the white goop that lay still in her mouth. She swallowed it and all I could say was, “Oh god.”

She smiled and pulled up my underwear and sweatpants. She wiped the sweat on my forehead with her right hand, and I used my shirt to wipe the sweat off hers. I pulled her in for a kiss, not caring that her mouth was just on my dick.

The doorbell wrung, and I quickly shot up in shock. “I’ll get it,” I said, smiling at her.

Before I answered the door, I mouthed the word, shit.

“Hey baby!” my soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend said, hugging me. “I know I said we’d meet up in the afterno-“

Before she could finish talking, my sister crouched underneath my arm that held the door open and speared Becca, knocking her down onto the concrete porch.

“Ow, what the fuck, BITCH!” Becca yelled, smacking Serenity on the face.

Before I pulled Serenity off of Becca, she kneed her in her gut, sending her running away towards her red pick-up truck.

“Stay THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM. HE’S DONE WITH YOU!” my sister yelled to the top of her lungs.

As my now ex-girlfriend drove off, my eyes were wide open with amazement as I watched Serenity, with a cut on her lip, walk into the house and slam the door shut.

She leapt into my arms and kissed me passionately on my lips.

“Serenity, your hurt…” I said grazing her right cheek with my right hand.

“Kiss it an make it better?” she said, pouting.

I kissed her lips as I braced her against the front door.

She pulled her head back and smiled, “And that is what I’d do for you.”

The day progressed fast.

We laid on my bed with her in my arms. I stroked her hair with my right hand and rubbed her right arm with my left.

“DEATH. BLOOD. HATE. RAGE,” her cellphone ringed.

“What the fuck, Serenity?” I said with humour in my voice.

“Oops! I should probably change that, shouldn’t I?” Serenity giggled.

I looked up at the ceiling and smiled as I heard her happy voice talk with one of her friends.

“I’m gunna hit the hay, sweety,” I whispered at her. She nodded back and I headed out the room and to the bathroom.

Before I entered the bathroom, my cellphone on the kitchen counter vibrated. I ran up to look at it. I shook my head as I realized it was a text message from Becca.

It read: “69 Queensgritt Road”

What the fuck is this? I thought.

The message also had a .png image attachment. I chose to download and view it to satiate my curiousity.

I looked at the picture and a deep frown appeared across my face. It quickly turned to anger as I slapped my phone against the counter-top. The picture was of Becca giving some 18-year-old prick head.

“FUCKING B-” I yelled and quickly glanced over at my room.

“Is everything alright, Jimmy?” my sister yelled from the room.

“Yeah, I’m going to go out and get something for us to eat!” I choked out.

Before she could respond, I was already out the door with my leather jacket tossed over my vest. I couldn’t hide that I was wearing gray sweatpants. I ran to my car and drove down the streets going well over the speed limit.

“That FUCKING… I’m gunna F-” was all I could say as I steered violently down the shit-hole of a neighbourhood.

Ever corner I turned, I got a waft of weed that assaulted my nose. Garbage cans were turned over for the non-existent garbage collectors to empty out. Fathers were yelling at their daughters about their clothes being too revealing. Though, all I could think about was how much I’m going to fuck that mother-fucker who is fucking Becca in the mouth right now!

After ten minutes of driving, I arrived at the address. 69 Queensgritt Road.

I slammed the breaks and parked in the middle of the road. Getting out of the car, I slammed the door so hard that I thought it would break the half-open window.

I marched up the concrete stairs of the house and banged on the door.

“Hello, pizza delivery!” I sounded like one very angry pizza guy.

The door swung open, “Pizza? I didn-“

Becca’s eyes shot wide open and a grin shot her face. She licked her lips.

“Where the fuck is he,” I said in a demanding manner.

I moved my head to look inside. It smelled like skunk.

“That fucker’s got you smoking weed to-“

Becca pushed me back a step and said, “Your sister says we’re over. So… WE’RE FUCKING OVER AND I CAN FUCK WHOEVER I WANT.”

“Oh, is that why you sent me the address? To fucking spite me? Come on, baby…”

I reached to hold her waist, still trying to peek glances inside the house.

“I’m not your baby any more, so FUCK OFF,” she replied.

Before she could close the door, I pushed her aside and entered the house. I looked at the naked boy’s body lying on the couch, his dick still erect and wet with Becca’s saliva. There was nothing but fear in his eyes.

“Listen, ma-” he tried to speak.

I was ripping pissed, so I grabbed him by the throat and threw him on the carpeted floor. I grabbed his head and banged it against the exposed wooden floor. He sobbed in pain, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

“Don’t you fucking touch HER again!” I said, kicking him in his gut at he lay there on his floor. The cops ain’t coming. I guess that’s the positive of living in a corrupt town where nobody gave a fuck about nothing.


Published 11 years ago

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