Wanting to fulfill your every desire and whim.
My love for you exceeds anything even remotely divine.
Burning cold tears of sorrow whenever your heart bleeds.
My heart racing with every mental touch, I almost disembody.
Words ordered from the whip, executed with brim.
My every fiber aching to melt with yours, complete in line.
Building and releasing sexual tension between the sheets.
My soul for ever entwined with yours, hooked on opium poppy.
Wailing whenever your voice is turned down to a dim.
My mind fencing with reason to diffuse this lovely land mine.
Blowing out the raging fires of jagged emotions when she heeds.
My being, enslaved by tenacious sexual torment, ends up a nobody.
Willing to go any length to survive on the passionate rim.
My soul, thorn between genders, wanting for you to consign.
Barred, boiled and blistered by the burning desires it feeds.
My heroin, my savior, my twin; my lover and antibody.
We’re matter and antimatter, twirling through the universe we swim.
My dear, my girl, my luv, between the stars we will align.
Binding forever in a supernova of desired needs.