My Girlfriend Shoved A Vibrator Up My Ass!

"My girlfriend seduced me into letting her put a vibrator up my ass."

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(episode 12)

It was the winter semester of 2006 at UGA and I had been seeing Jennifer for a little over a year. I still couldn’t believe that I was involved with such a gorgeous girl. My feelings were further reinforced by my fraternity brothers, who constantly told me that I had, by far, the best looking girlfriend of any of the guys and one of the hottest girls on our entire campus; which is nationally known for gorgeous girls.

Sex with Jennifer was more than amazing. Her sexual appetite was voracious and insatiable. I thought about sex all the time, or so I had thought, but amazingly Jennifer seemed to think about it even more than me. Not only did she like to talk about it, better yet, she loved to act on it. I found myself in a sexual relationship that was beyond my wildest imagination and with the most incredibly gorgeous and sexy girl I had ever seen.

But of course not everything is perfect. Jennifer was, after all, a spoiled rich southern girl. She could get quite pouty when things didn’t go her way and sometimes she would spend all day not talking to me. Added to that was the fact that she also liked attention from lots of guys and she loved to flaunt her superior looks and incredibly sexy body, relying on her exhibitionist tendencies to get that attention.

Compounding those things was the fact that I had to deal with the reality that she had much more sexual experience than I did. She loved to talk about sex and much to my chagrin, she loved to tell me about her past sexual experiences. I did my best to disguise the fact that I was often very uncomfortable with this and tried my best to not let it bother me.

I still felt that our relationship was very strong. But there was still the unsettled matter of Jackie, my stalker, who despite my best efforts to rid myself of, was still constantly texting, calling, and following me. Of course ‘the Jackie situation,’ as it became known, did not set well with Jennifer.

The one funny thing that had developed by this time was that the campus sororities at UGA were making their last desperate efforts to recruit both Jennifer and her best friend, Brittany, who were both sophomores, into their membership. The sororities had done their homework and realized that both girls, besides being bonafide beauty queens, were from some of the wealthiest families in the state. Their membership would be a prestigious addition to any sorority in campus, prestige being sacred to the image of southern sorority. I am sure that Brittany would have joined one if Jennifer would have, but Jennifer was absolutely adamant that she would not join and “legitimize those phony bitches,” as she often said.

As it was, Jennifer, Brittany, their wild friend Renee, and myself began to pull pranks on the sorority girls that came calling. When she knew they were coming over, Jennifer would answer the door while wearing a leather S&M outfit she had borrowed from Renee. I’d be on all fours on the floor barking like a dog with a leather mask over my face, wearing nothing but my boxers and some handcuffs. The expressions and stammering comments from these shocked sorority girls was always hilarious. Brittany and Renee would often be hiding behind the kitchen counter so they could watch and listen, trying not to laugh out loud.

Winter semester also found Jennifer trying out some new sex tricks on me.

Both Jennifer and Brittany were having Renee tell them about her evidently endless private vault of sexual experiences. Renee, after all, had been an escort and a stripper, which fueled Jennifer and Brittany’s interest in her.

One Sunday afternoon after returning from visiting my parents for the weekend I was looking through Jennifer’s apartment for my stainless steel Georgia Bulldog travel mug. I ended up looking in the dishwashing machine and found that it was loaded with several dildos and sex toys belonging to Jennifer and Brittany, and some which must have been Renee’s. Right away, I wondered if the three of them had some kind of lesbian orgy that weekend. It didn’t bother me if they had though, I just remember my imagination running wild and getting a throbbing hard on, while wishing I could have seen it.

I looked under the furniture to see if my mug had rolled under the sofa or chairs. I didn’t find my mug but did find the straps portion for a strap-on dildo, along with a nearly empty bottle of sex lube. I was then very sure that the girls had done some kinky stuff. Finally, despite walking around with a raging boner, I found my mug under the seat of my car.

One evening very soon after that while in bed with Jennifer at her place, she said wanted to put a dildo in my ass. I responded, “What? No Way!!!!”

Jennifer was laughing and telling me that I would love it. She told me that Renee had done this to a lot of her customers when she was escorting and they loved it. Then she reached under her bed and pulled a big dildo out of her “toy” box and held it up. Looking at that thing I immediately said, “That ain’t gonna happen!”

She started laughing and told me that she was just kidding. Instead she got a small battery powered dildo and some lube. The dildo was only about 5 and a half inches long and not very big around. She started pleading with me to let her do it. She promised me that it would feel great.

I told her that it reminded me of something we used to do to inseminate bulls at my uncle’s farm. Jennifer, being a true city girl, exclaimed, “WHAT?”

I told her how we’d use an electronic device to stimulate the prostate of the bull and someone would then catch the sperm in a receptacle. That sperm would then be used on the cows.

Jennifer lost control laughing, telling me that she would have loved to have seen the expression on the bull’s face when it happened.

Then she was laughing and teasing me by accusing me of being a perverted animal abuser. She finally calmed down from her laughter and again started pleading with me to let her put that dildo up my ass. Jennifer smiled and said, “I promise it will only vibrate some and won’t shock you with current.” Then she giggled.

Next she was whispering really sexy into my ear, “I want to suck your cock and lick your balls while I slide that vibrator around in your asshole.”

My cock began responding to her sexy talk as it began to throb and grow in my boxer shorts. After much coaxing, some really passionate tongue kissing and teasing, I finally relented to her request.

Jennifer sensually lubed my asshole along with the little dildo and began giving me a slow wet blow job, licking my nuts and scrotum. Her big sexy brown eyes were looking at me seductively as she played with my ass and slowly began to slide the little vibrator up my tense asshole. After slowly moving it in and out I was thinking that it wasn’t too bad, but still didn’t quite get why someone thought it was so great. Jennifer continued to suck my cock, something she truly excelled at and had me squirming on her bed. Then she turned the vibrator on!

What else can I say but ‘DAMN!’ That was an entirely new feeling and it was really great! The tremendous feeling that riveted throughout my scrotum was unbelievable. It did not take me long at all before I was ready to cum. The orgasm built up inside me and exploded like a rocket on take-off, rushing through all that tubing running from my testicles and into my throbbing shaft. I forcefully shot a thick load of cum into Jennifer’s mouth which she eventually swallowed, after playing with it on her tongue.

I truly felt spent, even though I had not exerted myself. We both fell back on the bed and she lay her chin on my chest looking me deeply in the eyes for a response. My mind seemed too numb to muster anything intelligent as I racked my brain for something to say. I was about to tell her that it did feel great, but a crazy mischievous thought came over me and I just looked at her and let out a very realistic, “Mooooooo” like a cow.

Immediately Jennifer started laughing hysterically and I playfully “mooo’d” at her again.

Jennifer starting laughing louder and beating on my on the chest with her fist in a funny way. She then started telling me to quit ‘moooing,’ but I kept ‘moooing’ and making funny faces at her. She started ‘moooing’ back and it led to other farm animal sounds and a lot of loud laughing. Obviously, our antics aroused her roommate Brittany’s curiosity and soon we heard a knock on the bedroom door and Brittany yelled, “What in the hell are y’all doing in there?”

Jennifer and I both began laughing out of control.

Brittany opened the door and walked in as Jennifer was laughing so hard that she became immobile and had tears in her eyes. I was laughing and trying to pull the sheet up to cover myself, but couldn’t get enough of it to do that.

Brittany looked at me and said, “Oh, stop silly! I’ve already seen you naked bunches of times!”

Brittany then jumped on the bed with us, starting to laugh herself just because we were laughing so, and she started shaking Jennifer and telling her to stop laughing and tell her what was so funny. Finally, Jennifer got enough control to blurt out. “Buz is an animal abuser!” and she died laughing again.

Brittany just looked at me curiously.

I finally said, “Jennifer begged me to let her shove a dildo up my ass!”

Brittany looked very amused and turned to give Jennifer a funny look.

Then I explained that she was still laughing because I told her about how we used to get sperm from bulls to artificially inseminate cows. When I got that out Jennifer still laughing said, “Isn’t that one of the most perverted things you ever heard?”

Brittany grinned and said, “I’ve helped to do that to some of our horses!”

Upon hearing that, Jennifer just screamed out another really loud laugh falling back on the bed almost convulsing in laughter and finally got out the word, “WHAT?”

Then Brittany said, “We do that to our race horses to inseminate the mares!”

It seemed like five minutes before we could get Jennifer calmed down from her uncontrollable hysterics. Finally she managed to say, “You two are so sick,” before she dissolved into laughter again.

Finally her ‘giggle box’ had exhausted itself and she caught her breath.

I asked Brittany, “Y’all have race horses, like thoroughbred horses or what?”

“Sure,” she said, “My family owns a horse farm in Kentucky.”

I thought to myself, I knew she was from a rich family, but damn! A thoroughbred horse farm in Kentucky?

Finally when things had settled down, we told Brittany all the dirty details of the little vibrator experiment. She was thoroughly entertained by it, but I did make her swear to never tell anyone. It was not something I wanted to be shared with my fraternity brothers, because I was sure that the razzing I’d take from my buddies if they knew about the vibrator insertion, would never end.

That vibrator-laughing incident led to nearly two weeks of Jennifer, Brittany and myself all making impromptu animal noises and constantly joking around with each other.

I have let Jennifer put that little vibrator up my ass just a few times since then but despite her asking, I have never let her use anything larger than the original toy that first began our crazy little p-spot adventure.

Copyright ©2013 Buz Bono. All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author, Buz Bono.

Published 14 years ago

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