I admit that what Beau did was exciting, but it scared the hell out of me. I needed to talk to Colt, but I can’t call spirits. Lucky for me, Trina called this morning. I knew that she could.
“Girl, wat you up to?” Trina asked, good naturedly.
At the sound of her familiar voice, I burst into tears and told her everything that had happened during the past 24 hours, since I moved into the house.
“What am I going to do?” I wailed.
“Well, let me tink about it,” Trina said, as she went silent for a moment, “You still talk to dat Odin and his wife, Marie?”
“Yes, why?” I asked, bemused.
“Well Cherie, get dem up to de house tonight. We need dem for de seance. Gonna find out wat dem phantoms need to pass onto de light. Okays?” she told me.
“Alright. I will do my best, but I haven’t talked to Odin in some time now. He may be busy. The last I checked he was inventing sex toys for women, or something,” I said, “For that matter, any reason it has to be them.”
I didn’t want my friends in danger. Also, with the erotic charge in the house, I knew things would get sexual and didn’t want to find out how my resident ghostly lovers would react to a real man in the house, but there was a secret part of me that wanted to get horizontal with Odin and his wife.
“Just get them up der. I be along shortly. Gonna need some supplies.” Trina asked me.
I didn’t have any of the supplies she needed, so she told me that she would gather the stuff, and I was to get my two friends up to the house by no later than 10 pm. I assumed that Trina would be there earlier. I needed to do some things before I let people into my haunted house. I got some caulk and went to the pulsing door on the second floor landing.
Standing in front of the door, I could feel my heart racing and skin crawling. Just knowing what was down there made me want to throw up, but at the same time got me so wet. I could not let an innocent get lured into Beau’s kinky trap. I ran the nozzle of the caulk gun down the seam of the door, in attempt to seal it shut.
Every swipe I made seem to run down the door like it was melted. Frustrated, I kicked the door and received a shocking jolt up my foot. Beau was acting against me. I knew it was him, I could smell the pine scent. He must have been eavesdropping on my conversation with Trina.
“Damn you, Beau!” I yelled.
I went back downstairs to make the call to Odin and Marie. If I remember my buddy correctly, he will turn this whole situation to his advantage. In the past, he was always trying to get me to join Marie and him. That man was walking seduction. There was no telling what he would bring to the party, and it was a party to Odin. Hell, life was a party to Odin, and why shouldn’t it be?
Odin had a rocking body, complete with six pack abs, sculpted shoulders and arms, down to his granite hard ass. His light brown hair was always wind blown perfect. Like the Norse God he was named after, his face was perfection.
What could I say about Marie? What couldn’t I say about Marie? She is the physical embodiment of loveliness. Her olive toned skin and long dark tresses have stayed on my mind after I talk with her in person. To say that I wished I had her curves would be an understatement.
If there ever was a woman that would make me totally give up men for good, it was Marie. Don’t get me wrong though. Odin is not hard on the eyes, either. It would not surprise me if the whole seance was canceled for an orgy. That is how sexually powerful my friends were.
I waited for one of them to answer their phone. I didn’t know if Odin would be home. He works out of his studio, as a photographer, and sometimes goes on assignment.
“Sweetie! I haven’t heard from you in a while! Thought you were mad,” Odin’s deep voice rang out.
“Sorry, love. I been a bit busy with buying this haunted, damn house, which I need your help with. Can you do me a big favor?” I asked, in my sweet voice.
“If it is within my realm of doing, than it is yours,” he said.
“I need you and Marie to visit the house tonight. Trina wants to have a seance to cleanse the house of the evil that resides in the basement. Geesh…now I sound like a bad horror movie. So…can you be here?” I begged.
Odin was quiet for a moment. Shrewd bastard that he was, I just knew that I was about to be an experiment of his. We had this bet for as long as I can remember. I know about his inventions. He needs guinea pigs and wants me to try them out. I have held our for a while, because it is just too embarrassing.
“I will…for a price,” he drawled.
I sighed.
“I have been working on a special strap on, and I know you will like it. The best part of the whole plan is Marie wants to help you try it out, and I KNOW how you lust after Marie. Agreed?” he offered.
I had a feeling that this was a very bad deal, but I needed them. With fear in my stomach, I gave Odin my answer.
“Agreed, but you have to come out early. With Trina getting the spirits all worked up, I feel it would be dangerous to do it afterward. Also, you have to join us. That is the only way I will consent,” I told him, thinking he would back down.
Boy, was I wrong.
“Oh baby, you played right into my hands. Did you really think I was going to sit this one out?” he said, smooth as silk.
I hung up the phone with a knot in my gut and anticipation running up and down my body. Odin said he would be here around 8 pm, so that gave me the whole day to sit and fret. So, I spent the day cleaning and arranging.
I heard the clock chime 7 pm some time later and realized that I still needed to get ready myself. Running up to the shower, I hurried to make myself presentable. I missed Colt. I realized that as I looked in the mirror, but that was not all I realized.
Hovering in the corner was a black mass. I watched it, as it watched me. The room was filled with the scent of pine. Beau.
“What do you want?” I asked.
“Not going to be that easy. You are still mine,” he said, as the blob dissipated.
I had a sneaky feeling that we all were in for a bad night. I finished dressing about the same time as the door bell rang. Racing downstairs to answer it, I flung open the door to my favorite sexy couple.
Marie was dressed to kill in a short, black leather skirt and matching corset. Her long legs were encased in silky stockings, hooked to a garter belt. The whole outfit was finished with 4 in stilettos. Odin on the other hand was more casual, if you called his ass in a pair of tight blue jeans casual. His million dollar chest was packed into a white t shirt.
I felt positively dowdy next to them. Dressed in a pair of running shorts and long t shirt, I looked like the ugly step sister. Odin stepped into the parlor, grabbed me by my arms, lifted me off my feet, and planted a soul searing kiss on my lips. His tongue invaded my mouth, showing me of the pleasure to come later.
“Now. Now, love. You don’t want to spoil your appetite,” I vaguely heard Marie say.
When he let me go, I was breathless. A bit wobbly, I faced Marie. Leaning in to give her a hug, she wrapped her velvety soft arms around me. I expected a kiss from her, but instead she turned her face into my neck and sucked gently on my collarbone, sending major chills down my body.
Extracting myself from this lovely creature, I escorted them into the living room, which had been set up in the manner that Trina had asked. With a table and four chairs placed in the middle of the room, this area was to be the center of the energy raised.
Plopping himself into the nearest chair, Odin looked up at me and asked, “So, gorgeous, what’s going on?”
I briefly let them in on the problems I have been having. As I thought, he was intrigued.
“Sounds like a blast,” he exclaimed.
Always ready for the adventure, I could count on my friend to make the best of any situation. Trina showed up about an hour later, arms laden with packages. Helping her inside, I noticed that she had stopped at the foot of the stairs and was staring up at the second floor.
“Trina…Trina…TRINA,” I shook her arm, trying to get her attention.
“Wha?” she mumbled.
“What are you looking at?” I asked her.
“Nothing,” was her reply.
I knew better. I knew what she was looking at and could feel the anger directed at her. Beau was pissed and looking for any way to stop this.
Ushering her into the living room, I helped to arrange the supplies as she needed. The black table cloth covered the table, followed by a large quartz in the middle. She strategically placed black and white candles around the quartz, explaining that the white candles were to cleanse and the black ones were for banishing. All the while she was talking, the room felt as if it was getting heavier.
There was so much electricity in the air that my hair was standing straight up on my arms. I could taste ozone. Expecting to be nauseous, I was surprised to find that the increased energy went straight to my nipples, and I could feel the buzzing in the air working to tighten them.
Glancing over at Odin and Marie, I noticed that they both had a near glazed look in their eyes. A small moan escaped Marie, as she wiggled in the chair, slightly. Odin was better at hiding his arousal, but you could tell he was turned on by his posture.
As quickly as it came, the charge was gone. I shook my head to clear it and noticed that Trina was missing.
“Trina! Where did you go?” I called out.
Getting up from my chair, I went in search of my friend and found her on the second floor landing in front of the the pulsing door.
“What are you doing up here,” I asked her.
“Huh?” she replied, as if in a daze, “I don’t know.”
“C’mon, let’s go back downstairs and get this over with. Obviously, this ghost wants to play,” I gently said to her, as I guided her back to the first floor.
“Der is sumptin very wrong with dat door!” she murmured.
We descended the stairs in silence. Coming around the corner to enter the living room, she and I seemed to have stumbled onto a most erotic scene.
Glued to the door frame, I could do nothing other than watch as Odin, my playful friend, turned into the sex machine he was known for. Shirtless, he had Marie bent backward over the table. Her perfect body was arched upward, as he slowly unlaced the ties holding her corset closed.
He unwrapped her like a present. Spreading the side of her corset, revealing her ripe breasts to my eyes for the first time, he cupped both globes in his large hands. Her nipples, big as erasers, were erect and rosy pink. As if in slow motion, I watched him lower his mouth to one.
I saw his long tongue dart out and flick the nipple, quickly. Marie groaned and grabbed his head, trying to force him closer. Resisting a moment to torture her nipple with several licks, he opened his mouth wide and engulfed her. His hand, resting under her other breast, moved to allow his fingers to pinch and roll her other nipple.
I knew the pleasure he was bringing her must have been exquisite, as I watched her nails dig into his shoulder before raking down his back. He sucked and licked that swollen strawberry before letting it pop out of his mouth and bounce back in place.
He glanced up and noticed me standing there. Locking his eyes with mine, he caught Marie’s nipple in his teeth and gently nipped. She turned her head to me, and with passion filled eyes, Marie beckoned me closer.
Glued to my spot at the door, I was afraid that if I moved, the spell would be broken. Sensing this, Odin straightened his large body and stalked over to me. He moved like a jungle cat.
Taking my hands, he pulled me into the room. I could not break my eyes from the powerful spell his blue eyes were sending. In one motion, he had my shirt off and on the floor. I had not put on a bra after my shower. All my guests had arrived earlier than I anticipated.
My brown nipples were tight, almost painful, as his hands brushed over them. If possible, they tightened even more. He pushed both of my globes together. His tongue flicked and raked over both of my nipples, simultaneously. That torturous tongue would attack one nipple, then move to the other with no apparent rhythm. He was keeping me off guard.
My back was arched, as my head dropped back. Damn, if his mouth and tongue felt this good on my breasts, I can only imagine what it would feel like on my pussy. My head came to rest on Marie’s soft shoulder. She turned my face to hers and brought her bubblegum flavored lips to mine.
Marie’s mouth was soft and warm, gently exploring my lips, jaw, and chin. I felt her tongue trace the seam of my mouth, as if searching for a way inside. They worked together as a team. He nipped down hard on my nipple, causing me to gasp. It was then, she made her move.
Her tongue invaded my mouth, seeking to fight with mine. She tangled her hands into my hair and maneuvered my head in any position she wanted. I was glad that Odin had hold of me around the waist. My legs were like jelly.
He lifted me onto the table with Marie. She shimmied off the table to the left of me. Disappearing out of my vision range, I lost track of her. Straining to see where she went, my mouth felt empty without hers.
“Looks like she left me here to keep you rev’d up. Let’s see…what can I do?” his deep voice mesmerized me, “I know…I am going to lick down your chest, stopping at your cute, little belly button to dart my tongue inside it.”
“Then…you know what I am going to do? I am going to spread those legs, open that pussy, and tongue fuck the hell out of you,” he whispered in ear.
The sound of his voice and what he said brought chills down my spine. I felt a rush of hot moisture pool between my thighs, as he began to do exactly what he said.
His tongue fucked my navel, promising me of what was to to come. I don’t remember when or how my pants came off, but quickly realized that I was entirely naked when I felt his warm breath brush over my bare lips. He planted a firm kiss to my mons, before pushing my legs open, revealing my moist slit.
“Look at the treasure I found, Marie,” Odin said, as he kissed my inner thigh.
Placing his hand under my ass, he let his thumb massage the sensitive area between my anus and pussy. Odin nibbled his way around my whole vulva, stopping at various places to lick and kiss my skin. When he heard my breathing rate increase, he put my legs over his shoulders and began to rhythmically suck on my tender clit.
“Look at the pretty flush across her chest, love,” Marie commented, as she rubbed her hands over my hard nipples.
Between Odin licking up and down my clit, with an occasional flick over it, and Marie pinching and pulling my nipples, I was so close to exploding. When he inserted two of his thick fingers into my slit and began to rub on my spongy G-spot, I saw stars begin to flash in front of me.
Odin knew I was close, so he doubled his actions. He combined his internal manipulation of my pussy with external sucking of my clit, and off I went. I screeched out his name, as my pussy frantically sucked his fingers. My whole body was tense, as wave after wave surged through me.
I laid there, trying to catch my breath. Watching Marie fumble with a buckle, I frowned a bit. My pleasure was not over. I heard Odin chuckle.
“My newest invention. Marie has been dying to try it out,” he commented.
From what I saw, there was a thick dildo protruding from the harness, but every so often, I would hear Marie moan. I looked at Odin, and he was grinning.
“What you don’t see is another dildo on the other side. She has one inside her, too. A vibrating one that rotates. When she pushed into you, it pushes deeper into her,” he smirked.
Odin got up from the table, leaving me laying there. Marie took his place. Her beautiful face glowed above me, as she rubbed the head of the dildo up and down my ruby red, swollen lips. Nudging my slit, she eased the thick dildo into my hungry hole.
It was so big that it felt like I was being stretched to the max. The pressure was incredible. With every inch, she and I moaned. I could feel distant vibrations from her toy. Seeing her lovely face covered in a sheen of sweat, I pushed upward to help her bury that cock inside me.
Bucking my hips more, I felt the toy rub every sensitive spot I had. The more I worked myself on that rigid pole, the more I worked her on her own toy. We coordinated our movements to help get each other off.
I felt a shift in weight and noticed that Odin was on top of my Marie. It appeared that he was kissing up and down her spine. What Marie said next gave me so many chills that I almost came right there.
“Yes, baby! You know how much I love when you fuck my ass. Please my love, fuck my ass, while I fuck our friend,” she hissed.
I reached around and grabbed her ass cheeks. Pulling them open for Odin, I could feel his fingers probing her puckered hole. The only thing I could use was my sense of touch and hearing. I heard Marie’s gasp, as I felt him guide his cock to her hole.
Marie tensed up, as he pushed the head inside her sphincter. My Marie was being impaled from the front and back. I changed my tactic and began to work with Odin. When he thrust into her tight ass, I would push up on my toy to cause her toy to push into her.
We fucked Marie in tandem. Working her into oblivion, she could do nothing, but rest her head on Odin’s shoulder. She was so wet that she was dripping her pearly juices all over my pelvis. I could hear the wet sounds of our pussies, as we rode our toys.
Odin’s thrusts were getting erratic. He was so close. His breathing was fast and random. His grip on her hips was like steel. I watched a rosy flush appear on her chest, as her nipples became rock hard. Marie cried out.
“I’m cumming,” she wailed.
“Oh, God, baby! Your ass is tight…so close. Gonna cum,” Odin roared.
I watched Marie convulse with pleasure, as Odin slammed into her from behind a couple times more. His body stiff, as he came. He rested a second, before pulling out of her ass. I felt her twitch, a bit, as a drop of his cum landed on my leg.
She pulled out of me and got down. On shaky legs, Marie began to unfasten the strap on. I watched as Odin cleaned up, then helped Marie. Someone threw a wet cloth to me.
I gingerly wiped the juices from my thighs and pussy, noting how sore I was.
“Damn, girl. You rode me hard!” I laughed.
She laughed. I got off the table.
“OHHH! Trina is gonna be mad. We messed up her table,” I said.
Looking around the empty room, I noticed that she was no where to be found.
“Where is she, anyway?” I asked.
A feeling of dread went through me. I remembered Beau’s warning.
“You mother fucker,” I mumbled.
I knew that Beau had somehow increased the erotic tension in the house. He wanted my attention diverted. It was clear to me now. He was going to take out the one person that could stop him.
Frantic now, I raced into the parlor and up the stairs to the door on the second floor landing. With Odin and Marie behind me, I stepped over the threshold and looked down to the floor below.
“NOOOOO!” I screamed, as I saw Trina laying motionless on the ground below.
I was about to fly down the stairs when I felt Odin grab me and pull me to a stop.
“Wait!” he said, pointing to the loose railing.
We descended the stairs to her. She was lying so still. I rushed to her, kneeling by her side. My nurse side began to take over. I knew not to move her, but there was no other way to get her out of here.
“Trina? Can you hear me?” I said, gently.
She opened her eyes. Pain glazed them. With tears in my eyes, I held her hand.
“You were pushed, weren’t you?” I asked.
She stared at me, and in that stare I knew the truth.
“I have an ambulance coming,” Marie said, softly.
“Odin, take her upstairs. Please be careful with her. You hurt her anymore, and I will skin you alive,” I said.
“Give me some credit, Carrie,” he said, sternly.
Now was not the time to alienate my friends, so I hugged him quickly. Motioning for them to get her to safety, I stayed in the middle of the room. Spying a bat in the corner, I grabbed it and began to swing at the various devices in Beau’s room.
After smashing all his precious sex machines, I crumpled to the dirt floor.
“You sorry son of a bitch. I will stop you,” I said.