My Friend the Cuck Part 1.

"How I learned my friend was a cuck."

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I didn’t get to see my best mate from school Rob much anymore with us both being married, having young children and working non-social hours. I had moved away to the nearest city with my partner about eight years previously while he had stayed in our hometown with his wife who had also been in our class at school.


Over the years, my visits home became less and less frequent and other friends from school and our hometown had also started to gradually move away, while those that had already left for farther-flung places rarely came home except at Christmas. What this meant was for the last year or two, any time I came back to visit him, it was usually just the two of us and we usually went to the pub, watched football and drank for most of the day. We had both always been open about our sexual history and both pretty much knew what the other had done and spoke about it in the usual way guys do (usually getting much more explicit and filthy the more booze we had).


We were also both very big on porn and would share magazines and videos growing up and now in our thirties, it was pics and vids over Whatsapp and had similar tastes (teens, public, groups). About a year ago, we had been out earlier than normal and were feeling pretty wasted by mid-afternoon when the conversation got around to discussing his wife Lianne. As I said, we had all been classmates in school and had hung around together in different groups. I and Lianne had snogged (kissed with tongues) a couple of times in our early teens and had gone slightly further when we were about seventeen, which Rob would remind me of, saying I, “owed him one.”


Every so often he would jokingly ask for the details again and I would play along, saying she was all over me and we were up all night banging. I had never told him exactly what had happened which was not much: basically kissing, I sucked her tits and she rubbed my cock outside my jeans and I’m not sure if Lianne had either but for some reason on this day he insisted I tell him. I was slightly surprised that he was so keen to know after fifteen or so years but told him anyway to which he smiled and replied, “Nice.”


We laughed about it and kept drinking with the talk getting more wife-specific with him telling me he loved it when Lianne talked about her previous partners and what they had done together. Or he would get her to talk about fantasies of getting gang banged by multiple guys.


At this point, it is probably worth mentioning that they had not got together straight after school as he had moved two hundred miles away to go to college and she had stayed in our hometown and got a council flat, as had I. He had always kept in touch with her and would also check with me as to how she was getting on although I didn’t expect them to end up married at that point and neither did she. It was in this year or two before I had moved away, that I learned just how many stories Lianne would later have to tell him, we were good friends so would still go out for drinks now and then and once she had a few in her she would talk and talk a lot.


A lot of her more stuck up friends had moved away too, so she basically she didn’t have to worry about what they thought. Now with her own place, she started fucking quite a lot of guys which I would either hear about from her or someone else, (she proudly told me on her nineteenth birthday that she’d had more guys than years she’d been alive before laughing about it). This obviously never got mentioned to Rob when we spoke, and he never pressed me for any details which was just as well, as despite possibly only carrying a torch at that time, he’d still not have wanted to know what she’d been up to.


For example, two guys she’d fucked after a lock-in at one of the local pubs (both pretty good apparently) or the older brother of one of our other friends she’d also fucked in the trees next to the park just because she heard he had a big cock (very big and thick she said.) Or the married neighbour she’d sucked off after a BBQ at her parents’ house for her brother’s birthday. I have to say I didn’t mind her telling me too much as she did know how to tell a hot story and as long as I didn’t know the guy, it didn’t feel too weird. I would also tell her about my exploits, but they were much less frequent, and she would tease me saying maybe I needed to learn how to suck on a nipple as I’d nearly chewed hers off (thanks for the pep talk).


So anyway, back in the pub, Rob was telling me some of the stuff Lianne tells him in bed that gets him going which from what I knew sounded drawn from experience. I had to confess to him that it’s something I quite like too but my wife is nowhere near as experienced as Lianne with me only being her third partner. Although she can do a pretty good fake slut story which is good enough for me. I like it even more in her accent and she is very pretty (Eastern European girls generally are) with dark hair and blue eyes and quite big tits.


He told me that he quite often thought about my wife and Lianne getting it on and I can’t say it hadn’t crossed my mind. He had a bit more to drink than me too as usual and things went up a notch when he drunkenly asked me if I remember what Lianne’s tits looked like.


I said,” it’s been that long I can’t,” and (half-jokingly) that he’d need to remind me.


In a heartbeat, he whipped out his phone and tried to unlock it by stabbing at it with his finger before ushering me into a corner seat at the pub and sitting us down.


He opened a very familiar looking vault app on his phone (same one I used to use) and tapped the first pic before turning the phone to show me a close up of a very decent looking set of boobs being squeezed together. I nodded my approval as he started to flick through them one by one, all were of Lianne either half naked or fully naked but keeping her sweet spot covered or just out of shot and looking very sexy with her bobbed brown hair and brown eyes.


I started to get quite turned on and get a healthy semi under the table which I blurted out as he continued to swipe through them.


“Better stop mate or I’m going to have to go for a tug,” I told him.


He just laughed and slurred, “on you go mate, but you can’t take the phone with you.” Then he gave me a big wink.


“Why not?” I said. “I need to take care of this bad boy,” pointing at my crotch.


“These aren’t the only photos on here,” he replied with a pissed-up smile.


Intrigued, I told him I needed to see more then If I couldn’t take it with me.


Now despite being pretty pissed, he hadn’t forgotten our old porn habits were based on trading and not one-sided deals and he quickly shot back, “You better have something for me then.”


I knew the drill and feigned protestations, but he wasn’t hearing it, so I opened my own vault app and hesitated slightly, drunkenly thinking that we were crossing a line, but it was only photos and I really wanted to see more of his. I got a bit of a thrill knowing someone was going to look at my wife’s big tits and no doubt, like them as much as me. Being pretty organised, I had mine separated into tit pics, sex/pussy pics, and videos, so started to show him Asha’s beautiful big tits in all their glory.


He went very quiet and I could tell he was getting a boner too particularly when he seen her dressed up like a slutty chambermaid with her tits hanging out in some photos I’d taken after a fancy-dress party.


He kept saying, “holy shit!” or, “holy fuck!” (by this point too drunk to say much else) as I swiped through and mumbled he hadn’t realised how big her tits were as she never dressed in overly revealing clothing. He was especially taken with some pics I’d taken of her in the shower where she was covered in soap and lifting her tits up to bite her nipples.


I got to the end of the tit pics folder and then popped my phone down and said, “Your turn,” with a smile.


He was struggling to keep his eyes and stood up very unsteadily and with a noticeable bulge, he smiled before saying he was going for a piss then staggered to the toilets on the other side of the building.


As he left, I noticed his phone was on the table and unlocked. I checked if he had gone before quickly picking it up and finding the vault app open in the background. Now it looked as though he was as organised as me but had many more folders and they were named things like, “Camping Trip.” And, “Spain.” and one which immediately caught my attention “Amsterdam.”


I paused, thinking he could come back any minute but couldn’t help myself, so I pressed on Amsterdam and began to quickly flick through the images. They started out just simple topless pics from the hotel, some of her standing topless at the window and on the balcony (public nudity is a big fave of mine). They then got slightly dirtier with her spreading her legs and showing her pussy off (in really good shape despite having three kids).


I started to see some pics which my mate was beginning to make an appearance. I stopped thinking, ‘did I really want to see them at their most intimate?’ It’d be very difficult to unsee even if pretty drunk.


At that point, Al the barman popped his head through the hatch onto the empty room and said, “He’s flaked out in one of the booths, do you want to wake him up?”


I definitely did not, not yet anyway. “Give him half an hour.” I said, “I’ll wake him up then.”


Luckily it was a Thursday and not yet six, so the place was dead. I went through to where the booths were and sat in one adjacent, so I could see him but not the other way around and could not be seen from the bar. I unfastened my trousers just enough to get my hand down them and have a stroke of my softening cock before I went back to his phone.


Starting where I’d left off I got my first sight of my friend in the nude and although we’d hung out and slept at each other’s or been camping etcetera, I’d never had to see him in anything less than boxer shorts. It had never really crossed my mind what he might be packing. Being a similar height to me, I assumed we were about the same size down there too, but I have to say he looked a lot bigger with a good pair of balls. He wasn’t yet hard in the first few, where he was clearly doing the helicopter while Lianne took the pics.


Soon enough though, he was back on camera duty as Lianne got to work on him with her mouth and no more than three pics later he was at full stretch. Although not a monster, it looked a good couple of inches bigger than mine at maybe seven-and-a-half or eight inches with quite a fat head and decent girth. I admit I did feel a bit inadequate for a minute.


I’d seen some of our other friends naked over the years playing strip poker or other drunken antics and knew most were bigger, but I’d always assumed Rob was closer to me in that respect, so it was a strange feeling. After another couple of swipes though, I got a nice surprise when a video popped up, again I briefly paused as this was another level of privacy I was seeing but my cock was straining out of my trousers and at its full six inches.


I turned the volume down a bit and started to play it, it started with my friend face fucking his wife with one hand holding her hair. She was gagging and spitting and generally seeming to enjoy it which came as no surprise to me. He took it out completely slick with spit and with the head red and veins bulging from the confines of Lianne’s throat I have to say it was an impressive looking cock.


He proceeded to slap her in the face with it a few times before she grabbed it and shoved it back in her mouth like a cock-starved porn star. With the low volume, I could just make out my friend signalling he was ready to cum and took it out and started to jack it as he moaned louder so she grabbed it and popped the head back into her mouth as he bucked and moaned and emptied his balls down her throat.


This was too much for me and despite taking precautions not to be seen, I hadn’t thought about what I was going to do with my own cum. I quickly rolled onto my side and opened my trousers enough to get my cock fully out, with no choice other than to cum on the carpet under the table. I then did my best to rub it into the carpet with my shoes (not my proudest moment). By this point, my friend had been passed out for about half an hour and after cumming (and with the slight pang of guilt over invading his privacy) I tried to wake him up. He didn’t move (he’d had several whiskies and beers whereas I’d stuck to beer).


I needed the toilet and fancied a smoke even though I’d quit, but I knew Al the barman would have some, so I took one off him and a lighter and went outside after taking a piss. Having not smoked in a while and with what I’d just seen still in my mind I got a bit light headed and sat down on the step outside. I took out his phone again which I’d put in my pocket, but it had locked, oh well, maybe for the best I thought.


I’d definitely seen a lot more than I expected when I’d arrived at his that morning and it’s safe to say that we would probably not be able to casually laugh this off straight away. I then remembered that Amsterdam folder had over three hundred files in it and I’d maybe looked at forty or fifty. Plus I’d seen it all now anyway so maybe there was more. Despite still being half cut, I knew the only way to see more was by getting him to unlock it (or rather his fingerprint to). I went back in, ordered another pint and went over to where he was still out cold.


I gave him a light shake, but there was nothing doing, so I pulled his sleeve up enough to get his arm out and taking his finger, I put it to the sensor and bingo, I was straight back in. The vault app had locked now too which was also fingerprinted (no point worrying now). I went back over to him again and I was in.


I started where I’d finished off. The next few were of Lianne in various states of undress but clearly preparing to go out, with her finally posing in a short dress and heels, lifting her dress for one to reveal no underwear and a shaved pussy. Clearly, they weren’t going on a museum trip, I thought. Sure enough, the next photos were of them in various places around the city with Lianne flashing her tits or pussy or both. Next, they seemed to be in a bar of some kind, nothing too racy but soon it became clear there was a strip show ensuing with two girls doing softcore sex.


The next lot of photos started to get interesting immediately. A sign said, “Devil Dungeon.” and the next picture was a selfie of them in the club robes. Most sex clubs had this rule I knew, so I was sure I was on to something. Next was another few selfies of them in a bar type area with other people in the same robes and some people with nothing on at all. I swiped onto a video next and immediately felt my cock twitch as I pressed play.


Two gorgeous Asian looking girls in short white masseuse coats took to what looked like a small stage area while an announcer spoke in Dutch then English requesting a volunteer to join them on stage for a massage. There were no takers right away and Rob was clearly trying to persuade Lianne to join them, but an older gentleman stepped forward and was disrobed and lay on his back as the stage and table began to slowly rotate.


The girls went to work rubbing the guy down and giving his cock a pull before they too stripped off and climbed on top. Both looked no more than twenty with small boobs, but they knew how to work a dick and in less than a minute the guy came all over himself. The video stopped there but there were plenty more photos and they seemed to be making friends. Lianne was enjoying plenty of attention from guys, no doubt egged on by her husband.


There must have been a bit of a gap as the next one was of a table of empty glasses and then another selfie with them both looking slightly merry. Lianne’s robe was a little more open with a good bit of cleavage exposed and fewer people seem to be wearing them in the background. I noticed a few black guys in the background of some of the pics and had remembered Lianne saying she’d always wanted to try one. Well, Rob must have read her mind, or she asked because in the next pic she was standing posing with a tall shaved-headed black guy wearing nothing but a black thong.


In the one after, she was now pretending to cup his large package and in the next one, he had her hand by the wrist. He was cupping it for her while she grinned widely with her eyes tightly closed in faux shock. I started to get hard again at the sight of this and loosened my trousers once more to get my hand back down to grip my stiffening cock.


I was already in no doubt that Rob had a thing for the idea of sharing Lianne but had thought it was just that, an idea. I was also not against the fantasy of it with my own wife and would think about it when masturbating sometimes but never really thought about pursuing it seriously and assumed he was the same. I was starting to realise he had gone a lot further down the road of being cuckolded than I had and the next few photos confirmed my suspicions.


Lianne and the black guy were now wrapped around each other with Rob clearly happy to be a spectator and photographer. Lianne’s robe was now open and completely off one shoulder exposing her good-sized c cup tits and her new friend was having a good feel of them too as he nuzzled her neck. Meanwhile, she was keeping a hand on his thong covered meat. They must have moved to one of the club’s private rooms (which can be paid for by the hour) after this, as in the next photo they were sat on a low sofa with Rob on the floor judging by the angle.


I was stroking myself quite happily when I noticed Rob stirring on the other couch but after a minute he seemed to quieten down again which is just as well as the next swipe presented a video.


My cock lurched at the thought of what it would show, I pressed play they were both seated as in the previous picture. Rob was now seemingly kneeling next to Lianne with the black guy to her left and they were gently kissing. He had more or less removed her robe and was gently rubbing her breasts as she kept going from his stomach to his increasingly massive bulge which was pushing the thong up in every direction and struggling to contain it.


The guy asked her in broken English if she wanted to see it to which she replied, “definitely!” before turning to Rob and grinning like an idiot for the camera. The grin was soon wiped off her face when the guy removed his thong and revealed his gigantic member which with a couple of pulls grew to a huge size.


The camera closed in on it a bit to show the large circumcised head and thick ridge on the underside before turning to Lianne who was wide-eyed and open-mouthed and managed to just stammer, “What the fuck?” and then, “It’s bloody enormous!” The guy motioned to her to touch it, she leaned in but turned to Rob and asked, “are you sure about this?” clearly realising she was crossing the threshold and was about to touch a cock unlike any she had ever had.


Rob quietly said, “go on,” so she turned back to face the monster dick, stared at it for a moment before she reached her hand out to grip the shaft just under the helmet remarking that she couldn’t even get a hand all the way around it. She began to pull the skin back and forth over the exposed engorged end and moved closer as the guy leaned back. The camera lowered now so it was looking up at them. “Go on babe,” said the voice from behind the camera clearly wanting her to put it in her mouth.


For the first time, she looked timid and said, “not sure I’ll manage this thing to be honest,” with a chuckle.


She looked at the camera, then at the guy, before lowering her head towards it and giving the tip a few light kisses and swirling her tongue over it. The guy leaned back further and let out a light moan as she opened her mouth wide and engulfed the top three or four inches then started slowly going back and forth while she gripped the rest of it about half way down.


She was getting into it now, getting faster and also braver as she tried to deep throat it but gagged after a few seconds and went back to the top portion before she took her head off it completely. She stood up to remove her robe, giving her new friend a look at her naked body, getting back on the sofa on all fours. She composed herself briefly before trying to deep throat it again, this time getting almost half of it down before gagging again.


The camera took the opportunity to move closer to capture her lips at full stretch going back and forth over the massive member and her saliva could be seen running right down the length over her fingers to his big black balls. Now on all fours with her naked pussy exposed, the camera moved around for a close-up view of her asshole and slit which was clearly moist and dribbling juices, Lianne was clearly enjoying herself as much as anyone.


Rob inserted a couple of fingers and slowly worked them back and forth before spreading her hole wide for the camera to zoom in on. He also made sure to give her ass plenty of attention and took his moist fingers out of her pussy and slid them up and into her tight little hole. She was now moaning as she sucked the guy off vigorously while I was treading water, so took my hand off my cock for fear of cumming before I got to see the end of the video.


This was just as well, as the camera moved back round in time to see the guy take Lianne’s head by the hair and pull it up off his dick before kissing her deeply and pushing her backward in one motion, clearly preparing to fuck her dripping cunt. He seemed to then remember he was dealing with somebody’s wife and turned looking just over the camera to ask, “It’s ok we fuck, yes?”


Lianne looked over too, smiling, saying, “Please say yes!” clearly desperate for the thing to be inside her.


They needn’t have worried as the camera dropped down to show Rob pulling at his own rock-hard erection which he had obviously been yanking at the whole time, then panned back up, “Of course its fine, get stuck in, mate.”


The guy then asks, “Condom?” reaching for one in a bowl on the table next to the couch.


“Are you clean?” Lianne asks, “No STD’s?”


The guy, unsure exactly what she was saying, said, “I’m ok, no virus.”


“Ok fine,” she said. “Just go, I want to feel it properly.”


I just about emptied my sack at this point. For some reason, the disregard for her own health just to have the feeling of real meat inside her was so hot. The guy then proceeded to push her gently back and positioned himself between her legs. Lianne was lying flat on her back with her head on the cushioned armrest. She looked down at him lining himself up with his giant length still rock hard and swinging about and started to breathe in and out like she was practising for labour.


He put the tip against her opening and Rob got up to get the camera closer, obviously not wanting to miss this moment He nudged it in gently but there was resistance due to the sheer size of it. She pulled her legs open further and looked down at her wet cunt, about to get opened wider than it ever had been by any dick.


He nudged it in again and got the helmet most of the way in. She threw her head back and let out a loud moan as he gently pulled back a touch before pushing it in further. The veins started to rise on the surface of the shaft as it was squeezed by her tight pussy, but he was building up a steady rhythm and managing to get it deeper each time as Lianne’s moans got louder and louder.


She reached forward to put her hand on the back of his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss and then directed his head to her chest so he could suck and lick her tits. Her moans now turned to screams as he fucked her harder and harder


“Holy fucking shit, you’re fucking me so good!!” she shouted at one point, her tits bouncing all over the place as she was pounded.


You could hear her orgasm building after this as she begged, “I’m cumming, don’t stop!” then put both hands around his neck as she wailed, “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuuuuuck!” before bucking and cumming hard on his dick.


She let go of his neck and lay back on the couch clutching her boobs as the guy started to slow a little to let her breathe before he pulled it out. He asked her to suck it again which she slowly and sensually did, licking her own cum juice off the entire thing. He then motioned her to turn around so he could fuck her from behind.


“I’m not sure I can take that again.” she says, “I haven’t come like that in years!”


There was nothing from Rob as she said that, clearly realising he was no match for this guy. She got into position and he got behind her wasting no time. He pushed right in and started to fuck her quickly. The angle on the camera was perfect as the entire length could be seen going right in and out with the balls swaying to and fro and Lianne’s tight little ass bouncing off his midriff as he pummeled her.


The guy was clearly getting close himself now and Lianne was also on the verge of cumming as his strokes got faster and faster. She moaned, turned to look back at him, gripping a tit with one hand and the sofa with the other before starting to cum hard again. This put him over the edge and he took her firmly by the waist and pushed her forward as he howled and unloaded inside her for what seemed like ages.


He collapsed forward before pulling his cock slowly out of her battered pussy and as the end finally flopped out, her hole stayed wide enough to get most cocks in without touching the sides and his load started to seep out from deep inside her. The camera was now on her pussy as it slowly closed before it moved round to her head. She was lying eyes closed on the armrest breathing slowly and deeply. Lianne looked like she had the fuck of her life and not one to waste an opportunity, Rob’s own hard cock came into view as he shoved it against her lips.


She opened her eyes and softly smiled before opening her mouth and welcoming his much less challenging dick into her mouth. Clearly as aroused by what he has seen as I was, he only needed a couple of shoves in her throat before cumming loudly himself. At that point, I was no longer able to contain myself and also came hard into some toilet paper I had put in my pocket. I fastened my trousers up and checked the time which was about 7 o’clock. I realised I had probably better keep it in my pants now in case anyone came in for a drink.


I did take the liberty of quickly checking the rest of the pics, however, as my needs had been met. The rest of their night seemed to go much the same way but another video of Lianne sucking both Rob and the black guy at the same time nearly had me reaching for my cock again. Lianne in typical playful mode had them top to tail their dicks for a side by side comparison squeezing them together and chuckling, “Ha Ha no contest!” Before returning to sucking them while playing with herself and getting them to finish on her tits. Only at the end of the video did I notice the other feet at the edge of the screen, it seems this time they had an audience.


About ten minutes later, just as I had feared, a few lads came in for drinks after work, so it looked like this little session was over for now. I gave Rob a good shake to wake him up.


He stirred, “How long was I out for?” he mumbled.


“About an hour mate, we better get going, Asha is coming to pick me up in a while and Lianne will be wondering where you are too.”


We gathered ourselves and I realised I still had his phone. I handed it to him saying it had fallen out of his pocket which he seemed to buy. We got a coke and waited for my lift.


“Did I dream it, or did you show me Asha’s tits?” he suddenly said. 


I replied, “No dream mate, and you showed me plenty of Lianne’s tits too.”


“Ach well, fair trade then,” he said rubbing his head.


Not exactly I thought to myself… not exactly.



To be continued…

















Published 7 years ago

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