My friend and I fuck his wife

"A surprise leads to sex"

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I was naked, watching a blue film on my computer and getting a slight hard-on. I started masturbating, intending to cum, but needed some newspaper on the floor to catch it, when it shot out of me. Putting the film on hold and still still stroking my cock, which was now fully hard, I went into my lounge to fetch an old newspaper. I had forgotten that when I left the lounge to go to bed the previous night I had left the curtains on the lounge windows, fully open. I had a terrible shock when I saw my next door neighbours, Mabel and Frank, looking in from the pavement, several yards away.

I realised that they had seen me stroking my cock and rushed back to my computer, very confused. Having restarted the film, it was very soon after that the doorbell rang, so I put the film on hold again, donned a dressing gown and went to the door wondering who on earth it could be. I opened the door and saw it was Mabel and Frank standing there. I reckoned that they were going to complain about what they had seen, but I was wrong.

Frank said, “We saw you naked and apparently masturbating. Were you?”

“Im sorry to say that I was and I apologise if you were upset at what you saw.”

“You needent apologise, George,” Mabel said. “We were both quite interested. Did you intend to cum before we interrupted you?”

“Yes. I went into my lounge to get some newspapers to catch my cum, when you saw me.”

“Why were you jerking off?”

“I was watching a blue film on my computer, I got very worked up and wanted to masturbate.”

“A blue film?” asked Mabel. “We’ve never seen one. Would you let us see the one you were watching?”

“Yes. I was naked when I was watching it, but Ill keep my dressing gown on while you are with me. Come in and I’ll start the film for you.”

When in my computer room, Mabel said that as I had told them I was naked when watching the film, I should take off my dressing gown. I said that if I did I would be naked in front of them. They may not like that.

“Why would we object? We’ve already seen you naked through the windows of your lounge and liked what we saw,” said Mabel. “Although we’ve never seen a blue film, I understand that there is plenty of nudity in them.”

“All right then. I’ll do it,” and I did, so that Frank and Mabel saw me fully naked.

I restarted the film.

“Goodness!” Said Mabel. “There’s a naked man and girl. He has his fingers in her pussy and she’s holding his cock, which looks pretty big. They are masturbating each other. Now the film has moved on and he has his big cock in her pussy. I like it.”

“To put it frankly, he’s fucking her. His cock is right inside her, as you can see, Mabel. I’m getting as worked up as George is. I’m going to strip off and I’ll be as naked as George and you’ll see I have a slight erection, as he has, Mabel,” said Frank.

“I’m getting worked up too. Do you think I could undress, as well, Frank?”

“Of course. I’m naked and I’m sure George would like to see you like that.”

“I would. I can’t wait to see your wife in the all-together, Frank,” I said.

“I’m going to masturbate, as we watch the film,” Frank said.

“I’m going to masturbate too, as I watch you men doing it to yourselves.

I’m looking forward to seeing you both cumming, as I cum.”

I already had a slight erection, as I stroked my cock and seeing Mabel stark naked, I became more worked up. I went back to the lounge, collected some newspapers and returned to the others. Placing some papers on the floor, I restarted masturbating, as did Frank. Mabel put her fingers into her cunt to do it.

“Why don’t we get Mabel to masturbate us? It would be fun for both of us, George,” Frank suggested.

“One at a time or both together? I’d like to do it either way,” she said.

“Both together and perhaps George and I could do it for you?”

“That would mean that I’d have fingers from both of you in my pussy and I would be holding two cocks, one in each hand. I want to try it!”

I stood on one side of Mabel and Frank stood on the other. He and I already had erections and she took one in each hand. Frank put his fingers into her cunt and I put some into her, beside his. Mabel stroked our erections and we teased inside her cunt.

“Oh!” She cried. “I’m cumming! I’m cumming! It’s lovely!”

Frank and I soon followed her. My cum and his fell on to the newspapers, guided by Mabel. She in turn, was writhing, as we made her cum many times.

“My word. That was quite something. You made me cum and cum and I saw you both cumming. My wonderful cumming was because I had fingers of both of you in me. Much better than if only one of you had masturbated me. Surely we can do it again another time?Would you show us how to get blue films on our computer George?”

“I will. There are scores of that sort of film. You will be able to watch on your computer. I’ve seen some like the one we’ve just watched, where one man has sex with a girl and I’ve seen one where two men fuck one girl, one after the other. As in the one you’ve seen the men always pull out before cumming.”

“That sounds very interesting,” said Frank. “But how much does it cost to put on my computer and use it?”

“Nothing. It’s free. I’ll set it upon your computer tomorrow.”

“We will be able to seea film of two men fucking a girl but it’s not the same asactually doing it. How can we manage that, George?” Asked Mabel.

“Easily. Frank and I would fuck you, one after the other. What do you think of that, Frank? I would be fucking your wife and you may not want that.”

“I’d love to see you fucking Mabel. It would be a lot better than watching two men fucking one girl on film. It will give me a thrill to see you doing it with Mabel and she wants you to fuck her, anyway. We’ll do it tomorrow, after seeing a film of two naked men fucking a naked girl. We will all have to be naked as we watch the film, so we will be in the right mood for us both to fuck Mabel.”

That is what we did several times, fucking Mabel and Frank got a thrill watching me fuck his wife.

Published 13 years ago

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