We spent the first evening catching up on old times and drinking plenty of wine, we spoke about everything like girls do and pretty soon all the boys got bored and left us to it. Beth was intrigued to know how my sex life was since my husband had introduced me into wife watching a couple of years ago (we do discuss everything by e-mail. She knows everything about me and me her!).
I told her it hasn’t been better and we now have an even stronger sex life than before, I think she has been wanting Tim, her husband, to feel the same way but he is very old fashioned.
We spent the first morning mucking about in their pool as the weather was hot.Then in the afternoon Tim and Beth had to pop out for a couple of hours so she asked if I’d be ok on my own.
If I needed anything I was to ask the boys and with that they left me with the lad’s sunbathing.
We all chatted about the different life they had since leaving the UK and gradually the lads relaxed around me. I put sun cream on their backs for them and they on mine.
I was wearing a bikini, quite modest, enough to cover the important bits, but I began to notice both boys admiring my figure each time I turned over. I would lay there with my eyes partly open just enough to watch them perving me. I found it funny as you would think two horny young lads would have better things to do.
As time went on I was getting hot so I decided to go for a swim. I slowly swam the length of the pool a couple of times then got out being careful to check I wasn’t falling out anywhere. The water was nice and cool, causing my nipples to perk up and strain against the damp cloth of my bikini top.
I positioned myself back on the lounger on my back so as to sun my front and dry off. There was a warm breeze blowing across the pool which felt nice as I took in the rays.
I must have dosed off for a while, as I was woken by the lads whispering to each other. I had no idea what they were saying so decided to keep an eye on them through my dark sunglasses.
I cast an eye down over myself to check I wasn’t burning and noticed my top had spread slightly exposing a fair amount of my boobs. My bottoms had also worked their way slightly up my crack probably causing the little bit of excitement between the two testosterone-filled boys.
“Come on Aunty Lou, let’s have a swim!”
The boys ran and jumped in so I got up and adjusting myself slightly I dived in to join them. We splashed and fooled around innocently for a while when they both got out of the pool and bombed me. we began a water fight and it gradually turned into a wrestling match between the three of us.
The boys were trying to pick me up and throw me, their hands slipping on my body. With sun cream and water all over me, it made it difficult to get a grip and we all ended up laughing as I teased them relentlessly.
Martin suddenly grabbed me from behind and pulled me close to him. I felt his hard young cock pushing against my bum through his shorts. I was shocked and tried to pull away but he was strong.I don’t think he realised I could feel it.
Glen then swam under me and came up between my legs throwing me off balance. As I fell off balance Martin’s hand slipped up my tummy and accidentally dislodged my bikini top.
I shrieked and ducked under the water trying to put it back on. As I surfaced the lads were laughing, my nipples were poking through the flimsy top , I covered them with my hands and made my way to the steps.
They called after me and asked me to stay but I thought it would be safer to get out before anything got out of hand.
It had been a while since id had any attention so I was actually starting to get a bit turned on by it all in a funny way and that would be so wrong on many counts.
Before long Tim and Beth returned and the meal and evening went pleasantly. We sat down and watched a movie and again drunk plenty of wine.
I turned in around 1am but I don’t know why but as I got changed for bed I felt I was being watched. I passed it off and stripped off then climbed into bed.
The next day Tim and Beth had to go for the whole day and asked again if I would be okay. I told them I would sunbathe and swim, and that I would be fine.
Glen was out for the day and Martin had gone to meet up with his pals at football, I was alone so I decided to have a quiet day by the pool.
Once everyone had gone I settled down with a book. After a short time, I needed a pee so I went to the bathroom next door to my room. It was the closest room to the pool.
As I sat on the loo I noticed a crack between the old wooden beams. On finishing and washing my hands I took a closer look.
Sure enough through the crack, you had a great view of my bedroom, especially at the dresser where I got changed the night before. I’m sure it was one or both of the lads trying to sneak a peek the night before. It was an old farmhouse with plenty of nooks and crannies to peek through. I’m sure thinking about it that I heard muffled whispers as if they were talking to each other behind the wall or door or something. On the other hand, it could just have been my imagination. If it was one or both of them they would have seen everything from there and more. I giggled to myself and thought, ‘Well, they are young horny lads after all.’
I grabbed my towel and headed for the pool. I wasn’t long before I fell asleep under the warm sun.
Around an hour or so later I was woken by Martin and his two mates jumping in the pool.
His friends looked older, about twenty to twenty-five I would say. They were very athletic with tight fit bodies, I watched them playing in the water for a while as I acknowledged them with a wave and a smile.
I’m not sure what came over me but having been woken from quite an erotic dream and with the warm sun on my bare flesh, I found myself having wicked thoughts.
I felt myself subconsciously gazing at one of the lads in particular through my dark sunglasses, his name was Franco, he had olive skin with a six pack, and that gorgeous V shape to his groin. His muscles were much defined. He had his shorts sat low on his hips and he would be someone I would approach, if you know what I mean! He wasn’t too different to the foreign waiter I had been making love to in my dream I thought to myself.
I closed my eyes again and tried to pick up from where I left off in my dream but found myself fantasising about Franco making love to me on the sun bed while the others watched. I’m not sure if it was the sun or the fact I hadn’t had sex for a while but these hunky lads wet muscular bodies were making me horny.
I snapped into reality, what if Beth found out she would kill me.
The lads all kept whispering and looking over and smiling. I’m not sure what they were plotting but I’m sure they were being smutty.
“You look hot! Come in and cool off with us!”
At that point, I should have said no, but something urged me to go. My heart started beating out of my chest. I had no idea what was being planned for me , thoughts of fucking Franco were still running through my mind I couldn’t shake them off. It was too much temptation for me, I know I’m weak and stupid but I couldn’t resist. I got up straightened my bikini, jumped in and swam over to them.
“What were you guys whispering about then?”I asked.
The boys all turned to one another and smiled.
”You need to ask Martin about that I think!” remarked Franco
Lauren, Martin’s other friend then blurted out that Martin had told them about watching me getting changed last night! I blushed and looked them in the eyes.
“Well, I hope it was worth it!”
Martin looked sheepish. Lauren then claimed that he had also told them about the conversation he had overheard Beth and I having the night before about my sexual antics. I looked Martin in the eyes again. He looked embarrassed, bless him, so I defused the conversation by telling them I was a grown woman free to do as I wished and laughed.
“The question is, was it worth the look Martin, do I measure up to your standards?”
Somewhat puzzled by my relaxed manner he just nodded.
“You have an amazing body for your age, and I love the way you keep your pubes!”
His bravado impressed me, but also embarrassed me at the same time. I knew he was trying to impress in front of his mates, I wasn’t about to tell him off and ruin his street cred!
“Well, you certainly got a good look then!” I said, slightly blushing.
By this point the atmosphere was intense, my heart was pounding with excitement, and the boys were moving about nervously in the water. I was starting to get warm and moist feeling between the legs even in the cool water. If they had been more experienced they would have jumped me. I was giving all the right signals that I wanted to be fucked, but they were too young to pick up on them. I had to either stop it there and then or do something about it. I had to get out of the pool, dry off, and go to my room and masturbate which was the sensible option or make it more obvious what I wanted, one or more, hot, young, fit lads shagging me in the open air and the sunshine.
I had no problem now with their ages, I had made love to young men before. Let’s face it its only sex between consenting adults after all and I was feeling hot and really horny. I needed some hard cock up my aching pussy, or my vibrator!
My Senses returned. I hesitated. What was I even thinking? I smiled at the lads and headed for the steps to get out and collect my thoughts.
“I need a wee, I’ll be back in a bit!” I said to them.
I headed for the house and safety. Once inside I went to the loo, then to the kitchen for a drink. Tim had left a bottle of French Brandy on the side so I had a swift swig to settle my nerves, then I poured myself a glass.
I sat down on the sofa and watched the young lads playing in the pool as I sipped my drink. This was the right decision I told myself but I kept thinking about what Martin had said about watching me. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get the naughty thoughts of having sex with young Franco out of my mind; I slipped my hand down my bikini bottoms and began to play with myself. I stopped before I brought myself off there and then. I was so close to orgasm, I’m sure my little pussy was controlling my head now. I tried to read a book but couldn’t concentrate, the boys probably had no idea what I was feeling anyway.
I thought sod it! I knocked back my drink and wandered back out to the pool. I had a warm feeling in my chest and stomach from the brandy and a twitching in my pussy from my naughty thoughts.I sat down on the poolside with my legs in the water and watched as the boys wrestled with each other.
The boys looked across and noticed me looking at them so Martin and Franco grabbed Lauren and between them pulled his shorts off and threw them to me. Lauren looked a bit embarrassed as he asked for them back. I don’t know what possessed me but I stood up and ran over to the fence,
“You’ll have to come and get them then!” I told him.
He clambered out of the pool and over to me, one hand covering his modesty and the other waving in the air trying to grab his shorts. I stretched my arm out over the fence as his wet body slipped against mine trying to reach them. I let them go laughing.He struggled with me as we wrestled. His cock was now swinging around semi erect as he was now trying to get his own back and pull my bikini top off.
I broke away and headed for the house across the lawn. It had been made wet from all the splashing. I lost my footing and slipped over on the damp grass. Lauren was on me like a shot. He pinned me face down on the grass and unclipped my top.
As we both giggled. I reached round and fumbled for my top. I accidentally grabbed his cock pulling it causing him to roll off me and let go. I scrambled to my feet and clutching my loose top to my boobs, I tried to get away again.
Martin and Franco were now out of the pool and headed me off; they both grabbed me and bundled me towards the pool. Between them, they pushed me in. I had still managed to keep my top and as I surfaced I struggled and clipped it round me managing to put my boobs back in place without them seeing a thing.
All the boys jumped in the pool and headed towards me, big grins on their faces.
“No you don’t, this game’s over now boys come on!”I said in my firmest voice.
They surrounded me, Franco positioned himself behind me, the others in front of me. There was a standoff. I slowly span round monitoring the situation. The boys were waiting for my reaction as to how far this would go. They looked menacing. Then as I had my back to him Franco wrapped his strong arms around me and got me in a bear hug. He pulled me up and back almost out of the water.
“Quick strip her, I’ve got hold of her now!” he screamed to the other two.
“Don’t you dare boys, this has to stop now, it’s getting silly?” I screamed.
It was too late. Martin reached round me unclipped my bikini top and pulled it free in one movement. Franco’s strong arms were too tight for me to break free. My boobs were being pushed out of the water like a couple of floats. It was there I thought it would stop be they had other ideas. Lauren swam under the water and tugged at my bottoms trying to pull them down. I crossed my legs hard and hoisted them in the air in a vain attempt to stop them, but Martin and Lauren just grabbed a leg each and lifted my body out of the water spreading my legs as they did so. Between them they peeled my bikini bottoms down my legs removing them completely; I was helpless to stop them.
I was now completely naked in the strong arms of three hunky horny lads. They held me until I stopped struggling then threw me across the pool. Lauren then climbed out with my bikini in his hands. He was still naked with a very erect cock. He headed to the fence and rolling my bikini into a ball he threw it as far as he could. He ran back and jumped into the pool his cock bouncing around freely as he did it.
“One of you go and get my bikini now boys, I mean it!” I screamed,sounding a little angry.
“What if your mum and dad come home Martin?”
Deep down I was really trying not to laugh.
“Mum rang earlier and told us she won’t be back till late and could I look after you?” he laughed.
“And this is your idea of looking after me is it?”
I looked around and considered my options. I could get out naked and run for the house but they would probably stop me or I could just stay and see what happened. I opted for the latter and to stay in the safety of the water.
“Right you lot are for it now!”
I swam towards them as they scattered. Martin was closest and I managed to grab his shorts as he screamed with laughter. He wriggled as I struggled to pull them down. With a bit of luck, I managed to get them some of the way, then putting my foot against them I pushed them off completely. Diving down I grabbed them. As I surfaced I threw them as hard as I could towards the fence, they landed on it! Martin scrambled out naked and ran towards his shorts. I pulled myself up and out of the pool naked and ran after him giggling. As we got to the fence I wrapped my arms around him and grabbed them off him throwing them over the fence with all the others. I laughed as I turned to run back to the pool, he grabbed me from behind.
As our naked, wet, slippery bodies met, I felt his erection resting up my arse crack. He reached round and grabbed my boobs with both hands. He got a good handful of each breast. I wriggled free and headed for the water, he slapped my bum as I got away. I jumped in starting to feel a bit aroused by the naked frolicking.
I was a bit nervous now not knowing where this situation was heading, but I was actually getting really turned on being completely naked outdoors in a pool with these horny lads.
It felt really naughty, my erect nipples were a dead giveaway. I kept low in the water as I watched what the boys were going to do next. Martin was sporting a handsome erection now as he climbed back into the pool with a slight proud swagger.
Martin and Lauren headed towards me. There is something gorgeous about a young fit muscular body all smooth and toned with a lovely hard erection.
“Well, Aunty Lou what shall we do with you now then?” Martin said.
I backed up to the side of the pool and crossed my arms, one over my naked breasts and the other hand over my pussy.
“There’s no point in covering up now we’ve already seen it all!” Franco said as he moved towards the side of me.
He clambered out of the pool and got behind me. Reaching down he grabbed me under my arm pits and pulled me towards the shallow water and the large flat steps. I laughed and pretended to scream as they maneuvered me. I still had most of my modesty covered until Franco pulled my arms back around his back pinning me to him and sat on the top step in the shallow water. This position caused me to Arch my back slightly which meant my pussy lifted out of the water. My breasts were standing pert and proud with now very erect nipples.
“No boys come on let me go, this is silly now!” I said very unconvincingly.
I now couldn’t move at all I was helpless. Lauren moved slowly between my legs and spread them. He looked me directly in the eyes and grinned then he put my legs over his shoulders. He worked my legs slowly over his back until his head was directly between my legs at my pussy.
“I’m going to show you how a French man does it!”he growled.
With that, he buried his face between my naked lips and began to suck my pussy.
I was laying back against Franco, the pussy licking was intense causing me to squirm with delight.
As I was about to protest, Franco forced his mouth against mine and plunged his tongue deep inside, his tongue dancing with mine. I could feel hands, Martin’s hands groping my breasts, tweaking hard on my nipples.
At first, it was a bit full on and a little scary. They were on me like a pack of hungry dogs, groping, licking, and sucking like it was their last meal. It was at that point I stopped pretending to struggle; I just let my inhibitions go and decided to enjoy it. Even if I had wanted to stop. I had no choice in what they did to me, they were now in full control.
Franco released my arms sensing I was no longer struggling. I was supported on Lauren’s shoulders as he ate my pussy hungrily. My shoulders and neck were in Franco’s lap. Franco had joined Martin caressing my breasts.
With my hands now free I fumbled under the water till I found Martins hard cock. I slid my clenched grip up and down his ample shaft .With my other hand, I tried to feel Franco’s cock through his shorts. I found my way in through the leg hole. I also stroked it back and forth trying to keep my balance.I could feel myself enjoying the position I was in. I mean let’s face it I was being seen to at the business end and I had an erect cock in each hand as my breasts were groped.
I clamped my knees hard on Lauren’s head and sucked hard on Franco’s tongue. I began to buck as my orgasm approached. I rode my hips against Lauren’s hot mouth, I could tell he was inexperienced at pussy sucking, but it still felt good between my legs.
Just as I began to feel that wave of pleasure come over me Lauren stopped exhausted. They let me down and I sunk slowly in the cool water feeling really hot and horny. I looked at them and could tell they weren’t sure if they had gone too far, I smiled and headed for the steps, there was a deadly silence.
I wasn’t sure who would move or say anything next.
We climbed out of the pool together. I paused and let him take direction. He wasn’t sure what to do next. I turned to face him and taking his hand in mine I slipped it down between my thighs and parted my legs slightly. He started slowly fingering my wet hole. I turned and placed my hands on the ladder of the pool and bent over fully letting him explore my pussy. I opened my legs a little wider letting them all get a good view. Lauren jumped out and joined Martin caressing my bum and pussy.
Franco got out and stood at the side of me. I glanced up as he started sliding his shorts over his very erect cock. He cast them aside and stood stroking his very erect cock as he watched his friends pleasuring my hole, then I felt them stop.
A moment went by then I felt someone take up position behind me their hands on my hips. There was the tip of an erect cock probing my swollen lips. It was Martin, he was desperate to fuck me.
As I looked back under my body towards him I could see the pre-come leaking from the tip of his cock.
“Do we need to wear anything, Aunty Lou? We are allowed to fuck you now aren’t we? ”Martin asked politely.
“No, you’re fine, as long as you’re all clean. Not near the pool though, it will make a mess; let’s go over on the sun lounger!” I said
“Awesome!” came his reply
Martin holding his cock moved it away from the entrance to my love hole.I stood up and led him by the hand to the sun bed were I sat on the edge and stood him in front of me.The others followed.
They all stood in front of me cocks at the ready. Lauren was the smallest of the three, followed by Martin then Franco. He definitely had the biggest it was half as much again as the other two.
I took it in turns to stroke them all, then one by one I took them in my mouth and gave them a deep blow job. It didn’t take long before Lauren was making those familiar groaning sounds guy’s make just before they come, and with a few sharp jerks of his cock in my mouth he exploded at the back of my throat. Pulling it out, his come spilt down my chin and onto my tits.I lay back on the bed rubbing his spunk into my breasts and licking my fingers erotically.
“Now get between my legs and suck my pussy one of you, I want to be fully satisfied by each and every one of you or you don’t get to fuck me!”
With that, Martin got on his knees and spread my legs. His tongue darted in all the right places and I gently guided him to my clitty. I told him to concentrate on my hard button as that would make me come.
I could see Franco’s cock groaning, it was quite impressive. I beckoned him to come towards me as Martin worked his tongue between my legs. I stroked his shaft feeling his girth then pulled it to my lips. I sucked and licked the full length of his cock slowly as Martin started to bring me to my first orgasm.
“For god’s sake don’t stop now just do exactly what you’re doing now!” I panted.
Martin had just got his tongue working my clitty into a frenzy. All the pent up ecstasy was about to explode and I couldn’t hold it back. Franco pulled my hair and thrust his cock deeper into my mouth almost making me gag as he exploded and pumped his hot load into my mouth. As his cream hit the back of my throat I couldn’t hold back, I exploded. My thighs clamped Martins head as he struggled to keep licking me. Wave after wave of sheer pleasure swept over me. I bucked and writhed as I enjoyed every twinge of my wonderful orgasm. I struggled not to bite Franco’s subsiding cock as I writhed about in pure ecstasy.
As the feeling gradually subsided, I released Martin from my vice like grip. I also let Franco’s cock flop from my mouth. Franco and Lauren were looking on in amazement, I don’t think they had watched a woman have an orgasm like that before.
“Martin that was fantastic, every girl will love you if you make them come like that!” I said breathing heavily.
Martin stood up his cock now straining to offload. It looked bigger than ever now with a string of pre-come hanging from it. He obviously took after his dad as Beth had always said she couldn’t take his stamina.
“I suppose you want to fuck me now then and pump your hot spunk up my pussy as payment for making me come!” I said spreading my legs and parting my pussy lips with my fingers.
I now didn’t care what happened. I was so hot for sex I just wanted them all. Martin knelt on the end of the bed between my legs and positioned himself on top of me. He lowered himself down onto my chest and gradually brought his hips up pushing the tip of his cock into my wet hole. He paused as he slowly slid it in savouring every moment. I watched his face as he concentrated, trying to stop himself coming too quickly. He was fully in and it felt wonderful.
“What’s it like to have your hard cock stuck up to your balls in your mum’s best friend’s pussy then?” I whispered in his ear as he began to slowly pump it in and out of me.
“Oh God amazing! You don’t know how many years I’ve fantasised about this moment. From the first time I watched you drying yourself out of the shower when I was a boy, I’ve wanted to fuck you!” he groaned.
He tried to hold on, it was all too much for him. He began to pump me rapidly as he raised himself up on his arms and arched his back filling my pussy with his come. Groaning loudly he emptied his balls in me.
Martin collapsed on top of me and just stayed there until his limp cock squelched out of me with a plop.
Lauren’s cock was now semi erect. It was smaller but he had big balls. I pulled him to me and sucked on him to harden it up even more. It helped a bit! I got him to sit at the top of the bed and I knelt on all fours. I sucked his cock hungrily. Meanwhile, Franco stood with a foot each side of the bed and began rubbing his now hard again cock up and down my pussy lips. I couldn’t believe he had recovered that quickly but it was as hard and as big as before, if not bigger.
There must have been some of Martins come in my slit because Franco slid his fingers up it and scooped juices onto my arse cheeks rubbing it in. He positioned the tip of his large tool at the entrance to my hole and parting my lips with it he slid it in all the way without stopping. I almost choked on Lauren’s cock as Franco rammed it in all the way until his swinging balls slapped my pussy lips.
He was rough and just kept pounding my pussy for all it was worth. He had no finesse but I do enjoy a rough fuck now and then .I had to take my mouth off Lauren’s cock and just hold it as I tried to steady myself for this real hard fuck. You could hear the loud sound of my pussy squelching and Franco’s balls slapping my lips. It was so loud it caused an echo to ring around the pool area as he pumped me hard.
I reached one hand between my legs and began rubbing my clitty as he pounded me. I couldn’t help it I groaned like a woman possessed. He grabbed my hips and really forced his cock all the way in, taking encouragement from my moans. He began taking longer deeper strokes as he was tiring. I could feel myself reaching my second orgasm and began breathing deeper. I think it was the first time for a long time I’d had two orgasm’s that close together. I don’t know what Beth would have thought if she’d come home at that moment?
“Keep going Franco I’m going to come, please don’t stop!” I begged.
I closed my eyes and worked my fingers quicker on my clitty his girth was really stretching me. I really felt filled to the hilt. With each thrust, I could feel him hit my cervix.
Then as I felt my second orgasm come over me, I found it hard to catch my breath. I went into spasm after spasm. It was even more powerful than my first, I found it hard to focus. I clenched my pussy muscles tightly causing Franco to explode inside me. This just intensified everything even more, and wave after wave of pleasure kept coming over me.
I felt like I was having a heart attack. Franco groaned and grunted as he made sure I got every last drop. Finally, I came down from my emotional roller coaster. Franco pulled out of me and squeezed the last couple of drops of come out over my bum using his hand.
As I opened my eyes Lauren had hold of his cock and was waving it at me. He too wanted a piece of the action. I got up and let Lauren get off the sun bed, I was feeling really shagged by now and a little sore, but it wasn’t fair on him as he hadn’t had me yet. I had been well used. I had juices beginning to run down my inner thighs. I knelt down at the foot of the bed and bent over it laying myself on the soft cushion with my bum in the air inviting him to take me. I could feel the soft warm breeze blowing against my soggy pussy it was heavenly. I looked around at the trees and grass and thought what a lovely surrounding to fuck in with three young hunks.
Lauren knelt behind me and put the tip of his cock against my swollen lips. He leaned over me and gently took a breast in each hand,slowly pushing his tool into my very warm and wet hole. He began fucking me slowly. He played with my nipples as he stroked his cock in and out of me. Gradually his momentum started to build and he was thrusting in me as Franco had done but not with quite so much intensity or girth.
It wasn’t long before he too was emptying his balls in me with short sharp jerks and soft groans. He stayed cuddling me from behind until his limp cock slid out of me.He stood up and I rolled over pushing myself up onto the bed properly. I just decided to stay there, naked, somewhat exhausted.
I must have felt like one of those roman women at an orgy just having been fucked watching the men parading around her. Franco had been and got our swimming stuff from over the fence and he handed me my bikini. He smiled and thanked me for a great afternoon. The other two also thanked me and headed off to the house, I think they were worried Beth and Tim would be home soon. I slipped my bikini bottoms on. The fabric rubbed against my sore swollen lips ,I still had all their come dribbling out of me.
I was exhausted so decided to set myself on the sun lounger and stay there by the pool a little longer.
I must have dozed for a while because when I woke up the sun was lower in the sky. I looked around and it was all quiet, someone had covered me with a towel. I gathered my bits and headed to the house. Nobody seemed to be around when I called so I decided to head for the shower.
Once out I toweled myself dry and wrapping it around me I settled down in my room on the bed with my book. I left my pussy naked to get some air and recover.
After an hour or so I heard a noise in the hall,
”Is that you boys?” I called out.
“It’s me,” Martin replied.
“Is your mum or dad home yet?”
“Ah about that, Mum rang to say she’d gone to visit Aunty Pat and they both ended up having a drink so they are staying over, they’ll be back around lunchtime tomorrow!”
Martin then knocked and wandered into my room. He was now dressed in T-shirt and shorts
“Glen’s staying at his mates, so it’s just you and me. Mum told me to give you a hand doing some dinner and to keep you company!”
I looked at him as I tied my towel around me and closed my legs. He had a certain look in his eye like the cat that had just got the cream and he wanted another bowl!
Martin approached the bed and as he got closer I placed my hand gently on his chest.
“Martin what happened by the pool this afternoon was a one off, it was one of those moments when you just go with the flow so to speak. It can’t happen again. It’s too dangerous. If your mum found out she wouldn’t be happy that her trusted best friend had seduced her son!”
“Okay! Fair enough. If that’s what you want.We have the whole night together, we could have had some real fun!” he said as he leant forward to peck me on the cheek .He turned and headed out the door.
“I’ll start dinner then, see you in a bit!” he called out as he went down the hall.
I finished drying myself then slipped into a light summer dress. I put on some panties but I didn’t have a bra as it’s always warm. I never take any with me. In fact, I don’t normally wear panties either but as the dress is light and semi see-through and short I thought I should. If I hadn’t you could make out I wasn’t wearing any and I didn’t want to give Martin the wrong idea. I put on a little bit of makeup and looked at myself in the mirror; I thought I looked pretty good for a woman the wrong side of forty and the same age as his mum. The thought of what Martin had said rang in my ears, I asked myself what I wanted, my pussy was still throbbing slightly from the pounding it had received earlier. I decided to just enjoy the evening and what would be would be!
Martin had been busy knocking us up some dinner and as I wandered in he handed me a glass of chilled white wine. I helped him prepare the food and we chatted. He remarked on how beautiful I looked and what a good figure I had. He told me how uncomplicated sex with an older woman was compared to the young girls he normally dated.
He was definitely trying to work his magic, I just giggled and smiled.
Dinner was really good and having consumed two or three glasses of wine, Martin poured me another emptying the bottle.
“Are you hoping to get me drunk then?” I remarked.
He just smiled and cleared the plates; I got up to help him. As I bent over the dishwasher loading it I noticed Martin looking at me again with those eyes. He was mentally undressing me, although he had seen it all earlier and more! The wine had definitely helped lighten the mood. All the attention and sex id been having was actually starting to make me feel a little horny again. Truth be told I really had enjoyed the sex that afternoon and Martin was no slouch. He was young, fit, and quite well hung. As I stood up I noticed I had spilled sauce on my dress.
“Let me try to get it off for you,” Martin said as he reached for the damp towel.
He knelt down in front of me and put one hand up my dress and the other rubbing with the damp towel. He kept damping the towel and wetting my dress even more. As he was pushing his hand against my dress the back of his other hand inside the dress was rubbing against my panties.This was starting to get me really aroused again, as his hand brushed my sensitive pussy lips. I closed my eyes and just let him rub away. I knew I had to resist any temptation again it was so wrong.
Martin knew exactly what he was doing so I decided to let him get on with it. I twitched each time his hand brushed me.
“It’s all out! “he said as he looked up.
My mind tried to justify what my pussy was thinking. At the end of the day, we were both consenting adults and I do love sex!I opened my eyes and in my best seductive voice I said, “I think you’ve made my knickers wet now you naughty boy!”
I lifted my leg up on the chair and putting my hand on the back of his head I lifted my dress and pushed his face against my cotton clad pussy.Well if that wasn’t a come on then I don’t know what was. He placed both his hands on my arse and pulled my pussy to his face. He breathed in the aroma deeply and sighed then he started to lick me through the fabric. It was sending little electric shocks through my whole body as it was still very sensitive from earlier. I leaned back against the counter and held on as Martin started nuzzling my panties.He moved one hand from my bum to pull the damp fabric to one side.
I now felt his rough tongue directly on my clitty. Well, I nearly went through the ceiling. He sucked my pussy and nibbled my button. He slid his finger up me and began fingering me. The combination of the pussy licking and fingering were bringing me close to yet another orgasm. I tried to stop him but he just became more determined. He sensed I was close. My breathing became deep and I started panting as he finger fucked me. He licked and sucked faster as I started to feel that gorgeous sensation sweep over me once more. I twitched and moaned, then without warning it hit me again like a wave. I rode his tongue until the sensations subsided. Martin stood up and pressed me to the counter, I was dazed and subdued.
I could feel his hard cock through his shorts pushing against my pussy, he kissed me passionately on the lips. I could taste the juices of my pussy on his mouth. He put his hands around my waist and spun me round. I was facing the wall and a picture of Beth and I with the kids. He put his hands up my dress and hooking them in my panties. He peeled them down to my ankles and without hesitation I stepped out of them. I kept thinking of Beth in the picture but I was horny for more of Martins cock so I closed my eyes as I heard his shorts drop to the floor.
He flipped my dress over my back exposing my bum to him and slowly but surely he proceeded to slip his beautiful cock once again into his Mums best friends pussy.This time he was like a stallion. He fucked me against the counter for some minutes before pulling out of me.
Taking me by the hand he led me to his room and his double bed. I stretched out on the bed facing him. We didn’t say a word, he knelt at my feet and pulling my knees up he parted my legs. I put a pillow behind my head so I could watch him entering me, his strong muscular chest led to a nice V shape to his groin. His very erect cock stood hard thick and proud from a neat bush of pubic hair, with a large pair of balls below it.
I just watched as he moved forward and put his cock back in its home for the night. He took his weight on his arms and proceeded to slowly make love to me, this time he was taking his time. He took long strokes almost coming out before slipping it back in again.We made love like this for what seemed like an age. I was really enjoying the sensation of this firm cock sliding slowly in and out of me. I watched his face as I knew he was close to coming.
“I want you to fill my pussy with your come, darling,” I said softly. With that, he quickened slightly before pushing with one last thrust pumping his load up me.
He collapsed on top of me and we cuddled a while. Well after that sensual fuck there was another an hour or so later, then another. Over the course of the night, we must have fucked several times as we shared his bed.
We had a final session in the morning. As I got up I decided to stay naked it felt liberating.We both stayed naked for the morning. Truth be told he hadn’t allowed me to get dressed, he kept me naked like a slave girl making me serve him and do the chores.
Every time I was within his reach he would slip his hand between my thighs and play with my pussy. He grabbed my hair and forced me to suck his cock as I tried to pour the milk. He rubbed yogurt on my breasts and licked it off. Then finally being the dutiful servant to my master, he ordered me to clear the table then to bend over it with my legs spread and my arse in the air. He took his position behind me and slipped his cock in me once again. This time he was rough and dominant, he slapped my arse from time to time as he pounded me. I stretched my arms across the table to grab the rim and get my balance as he pleasured himself. His pace quickened and then just as he was about to come, he pulled out and shot his hot spunk over my arse and back. He wiped his cock against my lips and headed out of the door leaving me to clean myself up. I wiped the come from me and headed to my room to get showered and dressed.
Beth and Tim returned at lunchtime as they said they would and never suspected a thing. I had only got a couple of days left and Beth and I managed to catch up fully. Every spare moment Martin had alone with me he would try and put his hand up my skirt or caress my tits. Occasionally I would let him. He even managed to slip his foot between my legs at the dinner table whilst his mum and dad sat with us. He had asked me not to wear knickers that evening. They were oblivious as he proceeded to slip his toe inside me and fuck me, he did have a little help from me!
On the last day, he offered to drive me to the ferry, although we did leave at least two hours early. He told his mum he had an errand to run which was code for I’m going to fuck your friend one more time in a friends barn before I take her home, but that’s a story for another time.
Well, I had a wonderful week and I hope you enjoyed my story, I’ll be sure to tell you of any more interesting stories I have.