“Cara?” he paused.
“Yeah, dad?” I looked up at him from my plate of homemade lasagne.
“You know I’ve got that thing coming up, and mum usually comes with me…”
“Yeah…” I stared at him.
“Well I know it’s not your ‘scene’ but would you like to come with me as my plus one, honey? You’d be a lifesaver,” he asked, knowing I would say no.
“Sure! But I get to pick what I’m wearing and you pay for it, okay?” I told him firmly.
“I will let you choose but I will have the final choice and no drama!” A flash of seriousness crossed his face that I had not seen in many years.
I rolled my eyes and nodded in agreement. We chatted as we finished the rest of dinner, discussing different things from what I should wear to when it was, what it was for and, of course, the inevitable how I should act.
The next morning we went out dress shopping, or so my father thought. I knew exactly what I was going to wear and, final decision or not, I was wearing it. Undoubtedly I was going to get some other new clothes out of him first. He took me to the dress shop my mother gets her dresses from; I looked at him with raised eyebrows with the expression ‘Really?’ on my face. Of course he dragged me in and handed me the most hideous of dresses before moving on to the next store.
“Oooh…let’s go in here,” I squealed as we passed my favourite shop.
“No Cara, you’re getting something respectable, you are not dressing like your usual goth self. To be honest, it looks a little slutty,” he scowled.
“Dad! It’s not goth, its Emo!” I stamped my 18 year old foot, as I acted like a spoiled child.
“Fine… let’s go in…” he sighed, rolling his eyes.
“Hey Cara, looking good. What you in for today? And who is this hunk?” the shop owner greeted me.
“This is my dad! We’re looking for something ‘formal’… something respectable. How’s business, Roxie?” I rolled my eyes making a face when saying formal.
“Well hello handsome…” she purred at my father.
“Focus, Roxie.” I snapped my fingers.
“It’s good Cara, especially with my loyal customers like you. Oh, speaking of all things formal, I’ve got the very thing that will look perfect on you!” Roxie squeaked.
“Sit… sit, please.” She guided us to the seating area and scurried off into the back of the shop.
My father looked around in astonishment at the bondage and S and M items on the walls, while I sat giggling at his expression. Roxie came back holding a black leather bustier and full length silk skirt, nodding and smiling.
“This will look a-mazing on your body. Come on, I’ll help you lace it up.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the backroom.
“Cara…!” my father called out.
“Be right out, this thing takes time to lace up. Just look around or something but THIS is the outfit. I’m positive!” I shouted as Roxie was starting to eat my pussy in the backroom.
My right leg draped over her shoulder, bustier laced loosely to the navel, my nipples standing proud against the leather in the cold air of the backroom. I held onto her naturally frizzy dirty blonde hair as she licked me like a hungry cat. Hearing her tongue slurp against my smooth skin made me hornier. I could smell the mix of leather from the bustier with the perfume and sweat of us both. My other hand was rubbing my breasts, rolling my nipples as she started to finger me furiously while flicking her tongue across my clit. I played with my nipples tweaking them harder as I started to feel the deep burning heat of climax washing over me.
Ten minutes later, I appeared glowing from the backroom, wearing the leather bustier with my breasts almost overflowing from the top of it, the black full length silk skirt with a slit to the waist fastened by a diamond gun clasp, and a smile.
“THIS is the outfit for the event!” I squealed to my dad as I twirled around, revealing my bare ass to him.
“That…that’s actually okay. I like it,” he smiled.
“No panties Cara! Mustn’t have VPL!” Roxie purred as she emerged from the back.
“What the hell is VPL?” my father piped up.
“Visible Panty Lines!” Roxie and I laughed as my father hit a shade not far off crimson on his face from embarrassment.
“Oh… erm… Here’s my credit card, Cara. I’ve gotta go pick my tuxedo up. I’ll pick you up outside here in 15 minutes. Be ready,” he said as he rushed out of the shop.
I left the shop with three bags of clothes, a glowing smile and an evil plan.
I was standing in front of the mirror, pinning my long amber tresses to one side of my head, letting them flow down over my left breast, leaving my right shoulder, arm and breast completely exposed. I applied my eye makeup in an Egyptian style and put my lashes on as my father knocked my door, giving me the thirty minute warning.
I started to hurry as I still had to get the bustier on and laced up. I started with putting my five-inch-heel black patent leather stilettos. I then draped the silk skirt over my hips shifting it into position on my right hip and clasping it closed with the diamond gun, leaving very little to one’s imagination. The bustier was loosely laced courtesy of Miss Roxie. I slipped it over my head and down over my breasts, pulling them up into position. It took me twenty minutes to lace the damn thing but it was worth it. The girls where out on show and they were looking very happy, almost falling out of the bustier. I thought to myself that perhaps a bigger size would have been better… Nah; I looked edible.
I fixed my hair as I walked over to the mirror and caught a look at myself; I took my own breath away. I looked so grown up… so sultry… so sluttish… so ME! I laughed as my father knocked on my door again shouting about time.
“Come in, I’m almost ready. Just gotta grab my bag and put my bracelet and earrings on,” I shouted as I finished dabbing perfume in specific places, behind the ears, neck, collar bone, cleavage, crease of the arms, wrists and behind my knees.
“DAMN!” he shouted.
“Is that good or bad?” I looked up at him; well, down with these heels on.
He stood staring at me with his mouth open.
“Well…?” I started to get impatient.
“Erm… Cara, you look beautiful. Grown up. Very grown up. The limousine is outside, are you ready?” he blinked and closed his mouth regaining his composure.
“Yeah, let’s go…” I chirped excitedly.
The limo driver had the same look on his face as my father. I guess the bustier works well, or is it the skirt? Maybe both… I thought to myself as we sat in silence in the limousine on the way to the hotel for the event.
“Cara… please behave. And no more than five drinks. We know how you get when you’re drunk,” my father lectured me as we pulled up to the hotel; he had just made a major mistake.
“Of course, father. I always behave…” I smiled a sinister smile at him as the door opened and the driver took my hand to help me out.
My father rushed behind me and took my arm, leading me inside like some trophy on his arm to be shown off and passed around his colleagues.
Let the games begin, I thought to myself.
We got drinks at the bar before he took me around to show me off to every single person he had ever worked with. His boss, the main man of the company was the very last person I would meet that night. My father had a sinister plan of his own that was about to backfire majorly and he didn’t even see it coming.
He grabbed the top of my arm, pulling me away from the bar, throwing me into the direct path of his boss. I landed chest first into him, my hands on his chest, our noses touching, the overpowering smell of his heavy cologne and whiskey emanating from him.
“Oh, I am so sorry; I must have tripped over something.” I apologised before turning and drawing my father a dirty look.
“Don’t worry about it, my dear; I’m glad I was the one here to catch you. What is your name, my love? Or is it that angels that fall from heaven have no names?” He smiled an eerie smile.
“This is my daughter, Mr. Johnson. This is Cara…” my father butted in, smiling widely at him.
“Well…you have a lovely daughter, MacDonald. A very nice daughter… It’s nice to run into you Cara,” he laughed.
“As I’m sure it’s nice to meet you… Mr. Johnson, was it?” I held my hand out.
“Jack… call me Jack. Mr. Johnson is my father and what my employees call me. And I would certainly know if you were one of my employees.” He took my hand and kissed it gently. I felt him inhaling my scent and I smiled.
“May I have my hand back?” I looked over at him with a coy smile and flirty eyes.
“May I have this dance?” He stared back into my innocent looking, dusty blue-grey eyes, awaiting my response.
I nodded, walking behind him as he led me to the dance floor, still holding onto my hand. Everyone was watching our every move, even the people around us that were already dancing. A slow song came on as we reached a space on the crowed dance floor; he placed my hand on his shoulder before he slid one hand around onto the small of my back, pulling me close to him. Our bodies moving as one to the beat of the music, we made small talk at the beginning before just letting the music sweep over us and looking into each other’s eyes.
He put my other hand on his opposite shoulder; both my arms around his neck, his other hand ran down my exposed leg and back up round to my perky ass cheeks.
”That little outfit you’re wearing is breaking every heart in here tonight; you know that, right?” he whispered in my ear before licking it.
I jumped slightly, not expecting his strong advances, raising my eyebrow at him with a little smirk. He smiled back at me as he rubbed his hand over my right ass cheek, grasping it before caressing my little puckering star. Everyone knew what he was doing but not one person would say or do anything. It showed me how much power this man really had.
The song ended and his hands appeared where they should have been throughout the dance, at my waist and lower back.
“You know, my love, your father is one of the candidates for a big promotion. I told everyone I would announce my decision on Monday. It would nearly double his earnings with the salary increase and stock options. Maybe you can help me decide.” He whispered in my ear as he held me VERY close in the middle of the dance floor.
“Follow me…” I replied, taking his hand and leading him away from the dance floor.
I went to the bar, asking for a bottle of champagne and two glasses, handing the bottle to Jack as I took the glasses from the bartender. I led him to the coatroom, pushing the door open, checking no one was inside; I pulled him inside and locked the door behind him. I pushed him against the back wall hard with all my force as I kissed him passionately, my tongue darting in and out of his mouth, trailing down his neck.
“Ready…?” I looked up at him, teasing; I got on my knees and rubbed him gently with my hands and fingers as I licked my lips, smiling.
I quickly unbuckled, unzipped and de-pantsed him before he got a chance to argue or answer my previous question. His cock popped out, almost slapping me in the face with its hardness. I took it in hand and stroked slowly as I licked and teased the tip which was already moist with pre-cum. I took the tip in my mouth as I stroked faster, running my tongue over the underside in a zig zag motion. I stopped as he got too excited too quickly and went on to lick the shaft from the base to the tip in the same zig zag motion, covering it completely in my spit before taking his whole cock in my mouth, rocking back and forth slowly.
“OH, Cara!” he wailed.
I looked up, watching him watching me.
I caressed his balls, rolling them in my hand as I started to suck with purpose and intention. Working my tongue on the underside of his cock as my mouth took care of the rest; I felt his balls draw up just before he started moaning and grunting loudly.
Spurts of warm, salty watery spunk ran down my throat and I lapped it up, sucking and rubbing, making sure to milk him dry. I pulled his cock out and slapped it across my face a couple of times before finally licking and sucking the tip for the last traces of his man juice.
I sat on the floor looking up at him with a twinkle in my eyes as I wiped my mouth. He was looking back down at me with a smile and a glimmer of love in his eyes. He helped me to my feet before putting his trousers back on, then went on to open the champagne and pour us both a glass to toast our new friendship. The smell of sex and alcohol was overpowering the small coatroom as we stood looking at each other, stealing kisses and caressing each other.
“I have a room upstairs if you want to continue this in private, my angel?” he said quietly, looking at his feet, expecting me to shoot his advances down.
“Okay, Jack. Let me go get my handbag and tell my dad…” he cut me off before I got to finish.
“I’ll take care of your father whilst you get your bag,” he said sternly.
He took my hand, pulling me towards him with such force, kissing me hard and passionately, almost ripping my head clean off. We left the coatroom separately, Jack heading towards my father as I went to our table to retrieve my handbag before meeting back up at the elevator as planned.
“What did you say to my father?” I smirked as we stood in the elevator heading to his penthouse suite.
“Well… can he really refuse me? After all, I can deny him the promotion if I do not want him to get it.” He flashed an evil grin my…