My Encounter with a Witch

"I was raised a devout Christian. I'm starting to see the light."

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Four years ago, I made a huge mistake. I turned eighteen and married my childhood sweetheart, which sounds very romantic until you know the details. My wife and I were both raised in fundamentalist religious families. We were only allowed to date with chaperones, and I really believed that it was a good idea to save yourself for marriage.

Man, was I wrong. It turns out my wife Sara hates sex. On our wedding night, she cried when I tried to make love to her for the first time. Months went by before she would let me try again and every time since then, she says that it hurts and starts crying before I even get my penis in all the way. Even worse, my wife is a beautiful woman who is normal in every other way. I still love her but I have needs, and that’s what led to this strange series of events.

Keep in mind that my wife’s attitude toward sex has nothing to do with my looks. I’m a physically fit working man, 6’ 2” tall, 195 pounds, with blonde hair and blue eyes. For whatever reason, my wife just doesn’t like sex and it’s probably got more to do with our religious upbringing. I don’t really think she’s ever really in pain when I try to make love to her. I think she believes sex is dirty, even if it’s with her husband.

While Sara’s faith is just as strong as it was when we were married, mine started to fade almost immediately after we exchanged vows. The people at our church are just a bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites and the church elders haven’t done anything to help our sex life. All they keep saying is to have faith in God and everything will work out fine.

Well, four years have gone by with no sex life, so the whole “faith in God” thing is total bullshit in my opinion, pardon my language. Anyway, I stopped going to church about two years ago, which put even more strain on my marriage. Sara keeps begging me to come back to church and telling me she’s concerned about my everlasting soul but I’m just tired of hearing about it.

I work for a furniture delivery company, so I am on the road a lot. Six months ago, I went to a gentlemen’s club for the first time. I even took off my wedding ring so the dancers wouldn’t think I was a cheater. Sara never noticed that I’d stopped wearing it so I put it in my dresser drawer for good.

I was really nervous because it did feel to me like I was cheating on my wife, but I quickly discovered that enjoying the gentlemen’s club wasn’t such a big deal. Turns out, most of the other men were wearing their wedding bands and the dancers didn’t even care!

I started going to the club a couple of times a week to see this dancer named Candy. She paid a lot of attention to me and I enjoyed it. She was also a very pretty petite brunette with large breasts and muscular legs.

After a few visits, and a lot of begging from Candy, I paid for a visit to the VIP room and she gave me a lap dance that made me orgasm in my pants. All she did was work her leg up and down against my penis without even taking it out. She even let me touch her breasts and would whisper in my ear, “Would you like to taste my pussy? When you lick a woman’s pussy, it makes her want to have sex with you.”

I was always taught that oral sex was wrong but Candy turned me on so much I started to wonder what it would be like to experience what a woman tasted like between her legs.

This is the main reason I kept coming back. Having a routine release was actually making life at home with Sara more bearable, even though she was curious why I was working so much later than normal on certain days.

It was during this time that I started fantasizing about Candy. In my fantasy, I would take her out to my delivery van, spread out some mats, and kiss her amazing body from head to toe before making love. And yes, I would also imagine licking her vagina and it was such a turn on it started to become an obsession.

One night, I was laying next to Sara, fantasizing about Candy, and decided I would try to have sex with her again. I mistakenly thought that oral sex would loosen her up because of what Candy had said. Man-o-man did that backfire. Not only did Sara cry, but she also called me a pervert and said she was going to tell the church elders about what I did, because oral sex was a major sin.

Sure enough, two days later the church elders called me, but I told them never to contact me again and ended the call. Sara started sleeping in our spare bedroom and wouldn’t even speak to me for days.

After this all went down, I went to Candy for some sweet relief and one of the other dancers informed me that she quit. I have to admit that I was devastated. I’m not stupid because I realize that being nice to customers is literally how dancers make money but I really liked talking to Candy and became attached to her. It’s not like I have any other friends because my wife was supposed to be my lifelong best friend, but that certainly didn’t work out.

For days, I was depressed. I even felt suicidal. One of my coworkers could tell I was really down and invited me to join him and some other coworkers on their Friday night bar crawl. Drinking wasn’t allowed when I was going to church and I had never gotten into it since I left, but I felt like my life was falling apart, so I agreed to go.

That Friday, which was about two months ago, I told Sara that I was going to the gym to play basketball, which wasn’t unusual for me on the weekend. She barely acknowledged the words coming out of my mouth, obviously still outraged about the whole oral sex fiasco. At least she was talking to me again, even if it was only when she was mad about something I did or didn’t do right.

Only an hour into the bar experience, I felt entirely out of place and awkward. I didn’t even know what kind of drink to order so I ordered a beer like my workmates, but couldn’t understand why they liked it so much. Still, I tried my best to fit in and everyone was really nice to me even though it was obvious that I was out of my element.

The first bar was a dive but the second was much nicer. Halfway through my third beer of the night, I started to loosen up a bit and laugh with the fellas. It was about this time that this woman, a total stranger, appeared out of nowhere, looked straight into my eyes, and said the strangest thing anyone has ever said to me.

“You have some crazy energy coming out of you. Can I touch you?”

I had no idea what this woman was talking about but for some reason, I said, “Sure.” Maybe it had something to do with her stunning beauty. She was around thirty years old, tall and slim, about 5 foot 8, with short straight jet black hair, gorgeous blue eyes that were the color of glacial ice, and ruby red lipstick on thick, full lips. She wore a skintight black dress, with lacy long sleeves and a lacy fringe around the hem that came to her knees, revealing bare legs and black high-heeled boots.

When she reached out and held onto my hands, her eyes remained locked on mine. Her stare was mesmerizing and I almost felt like I wasn’t in control of my own body. Her hands were warm and her touch was delicate and feminine.

She started shaking her head and said, “Wow. I’ve never met anyone with such powerful energy. Would you be okay with sitting down and having a conversation?”

I still had no idea what she was talking about but I felt like I had no power to resist her request. I’m definitely not the most assertive guy in the world. We found a table in the back of the bar and sat down to talk.

The first thing she said was, “Let me give you a proper introduction. My name is Scarlett.”

“I’m Avery,” I said. “Tell me, what do you mean about me having all of this energy?”

Scarlett flashed the most incredible smile I’ve ever seen and said, “Avery, honey, everyone has their own energy field. Even animals and trees and plants have it. Some people call it an aura but that sounds a little too “New Agey” to me. You have this powerful raw energy just pouring out of you. When I touched your hands, I could feel it travel out of your body and into mine. Let’s just say, I’m very intrigued by you. I’m guessing you have an amazing story.”

“How do you know all of this,” I said. “I mean, how can you see and feel this energy?”

Scarlett cocked her head sideways and said, “Because I’m a witch, honey.”

I did not expect that answer and I had no idea how to react. I was always taught in church that witches were devil worshipers and possessed by demons, so my gut reaction was to run away as fast as possible. Yet here was this beautiful woman treating me more like a human being than anyone from my church ever had, even my own wife!

The second I thought about my wife, Scarlett said, “You’re married.”

“How do you know that?” I asked. It was almost like she could hear my thoughts.

“I know things,” Scarlett said with a confident smirk. “But, Avery, you’re not really married. The bond to this woman you call your wife isn’t quite right, is it?”

“You’re freaking me out,” I said without thinking, but she was freaking me out.

“I’m sorry,” Scarlett said, shaking her head. “I’m being too personal. Let’s get to know each other a little bit more.”

We talked for the next two hours. I learned that Scarlett was a job recruiter working from home and had only lived in Coos Bay, Oregon (my town) for a year. She moved from Portland, where it was easier to find people who understood her lifestyle but she liked the solitude of the bay area because she was able to focus more on her “art.”

I told her bits and pieces about my marriage problems but felt a little uncomfortable saying too much. It didn’t matter because Scarlett always seemed to know some truth I was trying to conceal. Was it possible that she had some sort of sixth sense?

My workmates left halfway through my conversation with Scarlett. One of them said, “Good luck with the goth chick, she’s hot as fuck” on his way out. Fortunately, Scarlett was in the bathroom. I wasn’t entirely sure what a goth chick was but it sounded like an insult.

We talked for another hour. Scarlett scared me as much as she attracted me. More than once, when she could tell I was weirded out by her strange intuition, she said, “I’m harmless, honey.” Still, the more we talked, the more I wanted to talk. Scarlett was intelligent and charming in a way I’d never experienced. She was also powerful, for lack of a better word, probably because she just said what was on her mind. I found myself fantasizing about what it would be like to spend time with her privately but the fantasy wasn’t sexual in any way.

Yet even then, my physical desire for this utterly unique woman was building within my very being. When I looked into her eyes, it felt like some long-forgotten embers deep inside of my body were about to burst into flame. The feeling was frightening and exhilarating at the same time.

It was past 10 pm when we decided to leave the bar. There is a nature park only a block away, so I asked Scarlett if she wanted to take a walk before going home and she said yes. Much to my surprise, she removed her shoes and left them in her car.

“I like to walk barefoot and feel the earth beneath me,” she said.

It was dark in the park, with only the moon and stars to light our way. Not long into the walk, Scarlett took hold of my hand and said, “You are a very nice man, Avery. There is a lot more for you in this world when you’re ready to embrace it.”

Eventually, Scarlett and I came to a small hill, sat down, and continued our conversation. The entire park was bathed in moonlight and Scarlett’s face seemed to glow with a silver light.

“Look how beautiful it is,” she said. “Everything is alive, Avery. The trees, the grass, even the planet itself. The light of the moon is the reflected light of the sun and it powers something called the divine feminine. The moon is what gives women the power of intuition. It’s why I can sense so much about you. Considering the way you were raised, you probably have no idea what I’m talking about, but someday you will. All you have to do is let your heart guide you.”

Scarlett stood up and walked a little further up the hill and said, “Watch me and you’ll feel the moon’s energy inside of you.”

Scarlett raised her hands and arms over her head and started to dance. The perfect curves of her heavenly body were silhouetted against the moon-lit sky as her body writhed and rolled under a canopy of stars that seemed to rotate around her form. Then, in one motion, she grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head, entirely off of her body, and let it fall to the ground.

I sat watching Scarlett dance nude under the moon and I swear I could sense some primal rhythm driving her movements. It was like music without sound. Then I felt something like heat inside of my stomach and it radiated out to my extremities and I felt excited and ridiculously turned on in a way I’d never experienced. It was like I could feel Scarlett’s body even though I wasn’t touching her.

Then suddenly, I swear to everything I’ve ever held dear, I could see something like purple light pouring out of Scarlett’s body, almost like flames but they were all around her.

“You can see it, can’t you?” she said. It was a statement because she somehow already knew the answer. “I can see yours too. It’s red and white.”

I felt like I was under some kind of spell and I liked it. A lot.

Scarlett danced back down the hill and knelt down in front of me. Her eyes seemed almost transparent, inviting me to join her in some ancient way I couldn’t begin to understand. I could see all of the contours of Scarlett’s amazing body. Her full breasts heaved as she caught her breath.

Without a word, she unbuttoned my shirt and removed it, took off my shoes and socks, undid my belt buckle, unzipped my fly, and removed my pants and underwear in one determined pull. Then her body was over mine, straddling my lap. She steadied herself with one hand on my shoulder and with the other Scarlett grabbed the base of my penis and lowered herself onto my lap until my entire length was inside of her.

She pressed her body into mine and it felt like finding something that’s always been missing even though you never realized it was lost. It was almost like being connected with some unknown part of myself. Scarlett kissed me fully on the lips and she tasted like desire feels. She was squeezing her vagina around my penis. The feeling was better than anything I’ve ever felt in my life.

Blue light was swirling all around us. I could see the light as clearly as I saw Scarlett’s body grinding back and forth on my lap, her arms around my neck, her hands clutching the hair on the back of my head.

Scarlett looked like a woman possessed. Considering all that was happening, I should have been afraid but I felt nothing but an intense attraction to her, impossible to explain. Staring me in the eyes, she said, “Your cock fits me perfectly. It’s so fucking big.”

I had never heard a woman talk like this before, much less tell me I had a big penis. Again, I really liked it. It felt like Scarlett and I had somehow merged into one complete person. Waves of pleasure were rising all around us until it felt like we were floating.

My hands found Scarlett’s hips, feeling them move back and forth against my body. I ran my fingertips along her sides and onto her chest, gently cupping her breasts fully in my hands, her hard nipples poking between my fingers. Our hearts were beating in unison. My lips found her neck and she let out a long sigh. Somehow, I seemed to be going deeper and deeper inside of her body. Then her lips were next to my ear.

With a feral growl, Scarlett said, “Avery, your cock belongs to me now. Do you understand? It’s my cock and nobody else can have it.”

I said, “My cock belongs to you, Scarlett,” and I meant every word.

Scarlett wrapped her arms around my shoulders and rotated my body until I was on top of her, my cock still deep inside.”

“Now fuck me with my cock, Avery!” she demanded.

All of my years of frustration suddenly poured out of my body. I grabbed Scarlett’s hips and pushed my cock as far inside of her as it would go. She wrapped her legs around me and our hips started grinding in unison, my rock-hard cock sliding in and out of Scarlett’s perfect body.

“My pussy belongs to you now, Avery,” Scarlett purred. “You can do whatever you want to it.”

Without thinking I pulled out, slid my entire body backward, and buried my face in Scarlett’s luscious pussy. It was soaking wet, musky and sweet. It was like kissing her plump lips but at the same time very different. She moaned under the moonlight and arched her back. Then my cock was back inside of her and I was kissing her again.

“Mmmm, I love the way my pussy tastes on your lips,” she whispered.

“My pussy,” I said, momentarily surprised at the words coming out of my mouth.

“Yes, honey, your pussy,” Scarlett said with a guttural groan. “I want my cock to cum inside of it. Fuck me and cum inside of your pussy, Avery. Now! Fucking cum inside of me now! Do it NOW!”

At that exact moment, Scarlett and I orgasmed together. My cock pumped so much cum inside of her pussy that I could hear it squirting out. Her fingernails dug into my back and she let out a scream of pleasure not unlike a wild animal howling into the darkness.

Scarlett reached down between our bodies, and with her fingers, she scooped up some of our cum. Then she licked it off and offered me a taste. I eagerly obliged. It felt like we had entered into some kind of eternal pact. Then we kissed with our cum still fresh in our mouths and laid silently under the moonlit sky for some time.

Scarlett eventually broke the silence, “You better be getting home, honey. There’s no point in ruining a perfect evening with a witch because of an angry wife who doesn’t know how to treat such an amazing man. But remember, your cock belongs to me now and I’m going to want it tomorrow.”

After getting dressed and walking back to the parking lot, we exchanged numbers and held each other in a long embrace. We made plans to meet at her house the following day, which was only about a ten-minute drive from my house.

Right before we parted, Scarlett said, “You’re the one I’ve been looking for, Avery. I know that sounds weird, but I will be able to explain soon enough. See you tomorrow.”

Sara barely noticed that I came home thirty minutes late. She was still sleeping every night in the guest bedroom, which was a good thing since I smelled exactly like Scarlett. I wanted to savor her smell all night but I knew I had to shower or risk getting caught. I ended up sleeping with my shirt by my pillow because it still held a hint of Scarlett’s scent.

As I drifted off to sleep, I knew my life was about to get very complicated. That night, in my dreams, Scarlett was there waiting for me and I knew everything was going to be okay.

I did visit Scarlett’s house the next day, but that’s a story for another time. Needless to say, falling in love with a witch was unexpected but impossible to resist.

Published 3 years ago

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