My Encounter with a Forest Nymph

"Don learns if the stories his dad told him were true or not."

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Growing up in Alaska, my father would take me fishing to his secret spot in the Chugach National Forest. He taught me all about the animal and plant life found there along with identifying animal tracks and witnessed the Aurora Borealis many times. He would tell tales of the wood nymphs who lived in and protected the forest. I asked him if he ever saw a wood nymph and his only response was a look of knowing.

When I turned eighteen, he told me it was time for me to go on a solo one week trip and put everything he taught me over the years into practice. On the day I was to begin my adventure, mom and dad drove me to the trail head. Upon arriving, I immediately signed the registration book letting the rangers know who I was and how long I would be camping along with where I would be. I was also required to leave contact information in case of an emergency.

Placing the book in the box, I returned to the car and saw that my father had all my gear waiting for me. I hoisted the fifty pound backpack onto my shoulders with my fishing rod secured on one side and my Marlin 1895 (.450 Martin) rifle secured on the other side. Mom handed me my map and compass, tears began rolling down her cheeks.

“Don’t worry Mom, I’ll be alright.” I took my thumb, wiped away the tears, and kissed her on the cheek.

“Don,” said Dad, “stay safe, enjoy yourself and always be aware of your surroundings.”

“Thanks dad, I will. See you both in a week.” I said, and headed up the trail. Going the short distance to the top of the hill, I turned and waved to my parents before disappearing out of sight.

It was noon by the time I arrived at our secret spot and set up camp. The river is several hundred feet below, reachable by a gentle sloping path. I finished pitching the tent and hanging my food in a burlap sack from a branch on a nearby tree, out of the reach of any bear that may stroll by, I headed down to the river with rod and rifle in hand. The river has rainbow trout, Dolly Varden Trout along with a variety of berries in the area ranging from blueberries to raspberries.

After catching my dinner and gathering some berries, I headed back to camp. On the way back I heard what sounded like singing, though it was barely audible, I stopped to listen for the direction it was coming from. The sound stopped as abruptly as it started and I shook it off as hearing things that are not there. Back at camp, I gathered wood and started a campfire after which I prepared my dinner. With dinner cooking, I went over to the tree and retrieved my sack of food which consisted of canned goods and freeze dried food.

Sitting by the fire, eating my dinner, I gazed up at the night sky and was in awe at the sight of the many stars peppering the sky. Sitting there gazing at the stars, the faint sound of what I swear was singing could be heard, yet I convinced myself it was nothing and continued with dinner. Afterward, I sat for a bit longer before cleaning up, listening to the howling wolves in the distance. Putting out the fire, I retired to my tent for a well-deserved night’s sleep.




With the sun illuminating the tent, I awoke and quickly jumped out of the sleeping bag. Stepping outside, I noticed footprints scattered all around, particularly around the campfire. Upon further investigation, I noted that they were human and belonged to a female. Standing there, I tried to figure out why a woman or young girl would be in the forest, was she alone or with someone? I decided to follow her tracks.

Grabbing my rifle, some freeze dried food, and a couple of water bottles along with my compass, I headed out. Following the footprints, they eventually headed north, straying off the path to the river. I soon found myself entering a part of the forest I had never seen before. Approaching a slight incline, I definitely heard a female voice singing and just before I reached the top, a grizzly bear charged out from the heavy growth of bushes. Quickly, I slung the rifle from my shoulder and fired a shot over the bear’s head. The animal stopped it its tracks and looked at me for a moment before turning back, disappearing into the brush.

Standing there for what seemed an eternity, I gathered my wits and checked my shorts for any surprises, relieved that there were none, I cautiously continued to follow the footprints. The singing had ceased and upon reaching the top of the incline, I looked down and saw what was left behind from some sort of gathering. Reaching the bottom of the incline, I found myself standing in a small clearing with a large tree trunk lying on its side. I counted six pair of footprints in the dew covered grass along with wreaths made of twigs, leaves and flowers.

As I took a step beyond the clearing, an arrow landed at my feet. Stopping dead in my tracks, I searched the woods in front of me and was unable to see who shot the arrow. Stepping back carefully without any sudden movement, I again looked around the clearing and thought to myself, Are the stories that my father told me about nymphs true?

As I headed out, what sounded like my name, drifted on the gentle breeze coming from the direction of the arrow? The sound was nearly inaudible, making me think that it was just my now overactive imagination. I shook it off and hiked back to camp as it was getting late and I needed to go fishing for my dinner.

Not far from camp, I rounded a bend, and not more than thirty feet ahead, I saw a young woman reclined on a large toppled tree trunk with a canopy of leaves shading her. She was clad in only what I can describe as a light blue dress, which was resting well above mid-thigh. The top of the dress was what my mother would call a bodice which was ruffled. Her right arm dangled to the side and her left leg was bent at the knee. Then I saw it, a crown made of small branches with white flowers intermingled.

I gasped at the sight before me and thought, The tales of nymphs my dad told me must be true. Before I was able to regain my senses, she sat up and gracefully brought her legs over the side of the trunk. When she jumped down, her dress slid high enough that I had a good look at her flower.

“Hello Donald, or would you rather I call you, Don?”

“W-who are you? How do you know my name?”

“My name is Neda,” she replied, walking over to me.

Still unsure of myself, Neda took my hand and walked me, back to camp. I tried to speak, but she put a finger to my lips. We walked in silence and when we arrived at camp, Neda turned to me and said, “Don, you cannot go beyond the clearing. Promise me you won’t, otherwise the next arrow I shoot will not miss.”

“I-it was you who shot the arrow? But why?”

“It’s our secret place, now, promise.”

“I promise, Neda.”

“Good, now go catch dinner, it’s almost dark.”

Entering the tent, I retrieved my rod and when I came out, Neda was nowhere to be seen. I went down to the river and in no time, caught my dinner. As I ate, all I could think about was how beautiful Neda looked and my first glimpse of what lies between a woman’s legs.

After dinner, I went in the tent to retire for the night. Standing there, I stripped off my clothes and laid on top of my sleeping bag. My stiff cock was in desperate need of relief from thoughts of Neda. As I wrapped my hand around the shaft and cupped my balls with my other hand, thoughts of Neda and I together, flooded my head. With long, steady strokes, I pictured Neda’s hand in place of my own, stroking my cock, her mouth licking and sucking my bulbous head until ropes of sticky cum erupted. I grabbed sock and cleaned my mess before drifting off to sleep.

My dreams were filled with images of beautiful wood nymphs dancing and singing in that clearing with Neda in the center of the circle. They were calling to me, beckoning me to return. I awoke with my cock just as hard as it was the night before and ready for release. It only took a few strokes before I shot my second load into my sock.




I quickly dressed and stepped out to find more footprints like before that went off toward the clearing. Clearly Neda wasn’t the only one, but the question was, why couldn’t I go to the clearing and what was so secretive. I thought about the bear and Neda’s warning, what was she hiding and why? My father had shared stories about the mysterious wood nymphs and until now, I was sure it was just a fairy tale like what my mother read to me when I was a small boy.

I spent the day hunting and fishing, sticking to the trail though I wanted to check out that clearing. Neda’s warning echoed in my ears and was probably the reason I missed the doe, it was an easy shot and I could hear my dad’s voice reprimanding me for being distracted.

As I headed back to camp, I saw Neda. “Hello Don. Why didn’t you kill the doe?”

“I missed,” I said.

“You don’t miss,” she said, smiling, “what’s wrong?”

I sighed. “I guess my mind isn’t focused.”

“You want to know about the clearing.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Maybe before you leave I will show you,” she said. “But you must be worthy.”

“And how do I go about proving that I am?”

Neda smiled wickedly, “By us making love in your tent for starters.”

I won’t lie, I was shocked. Neda took me by the hand and led me into my tent. She dropped her dress and stood before me in her glorious nakedness. The tent in my shorts was obvious. She stepped up and kissed me softly, deeply, passionately. I tore off my clothes and took her into my arms. Her soft flesh pressed into mine, molding to my body as we sank to the ground and lay on top of my sleeping bag.

I kissed down her soft flesh, feeling my erection grow and savoring her flesh. My father had taught me long ago that when a man makes love to a woman, to always make sure she is satisfied and comes first. I suckled her nipples, feeling them grow and harden in my mouth. She moaned softly as I worked my way down.

Her pussy was hairless and moist. She was very aroused, and I knew she wanted to enjoy the sensation of a good orgasm. Lucky for her, I was just the man to make that happen. Her musky aroma drove me wild with desire, and I knew I had to taste her.

I dragged my tongue slowly over her labia, tasting her sweet juices and savoring the amazing taste. It was like drinking the nectar of the gods. My tongue probed her delicate, inner chamber as she gasped and moaned. I slid a finger into her and she shivered. With a second finger joining the first, I found her g-spot and within minutes she screamed and soaked my face, filling my mouth with her womanly juices.

I pushed my shorts down, my cock was like steel and I realized I hadn’t brought any condoms. I hesitated when Neda said, “Don’t worry Don, it will all be fine.”

I swear she read my mind, but I didn’t care. I crawled up her body, placed the head of my cock at her entrance and slowly entered. Neda moaned and gasped as I slid into her slowly. She was tight and I suspected she might have been a virgin, but all that mattered was bringing her to at least one more orgasm before I lost my own battle.

After a few thrusts, I was fully within her, kissing her deeply and holding her tight. She wrapped her legs around me and I moved faster. I caressed her breasts as I pumped. I knew my own battle would be lost soon so I reached down and rubbed her clit. Her eyes grew wide and her pussy clamped down on me as she came a second time and pushed me to my own climax, filling her with my seed. We cuddled together, enjoying the afterglow of an amazing sexual experience and I drifted off to sleep.




When I awoke, Neda was gone, but her aroma still lingered. It was early morning and I decided to go hiking on the Caribou Creek Trail, to Sheep Mountain. I grabbed the backpack and packed a couple of water bottles, along with some trail mix. After putting the camera strap around my neck and rifle on my shoulder, I headed out.

The air was a cool and crisp as I started out, rays of sunlight began to peek through the trees. About two miles into the hike, I was fortunate enough to see a small herd of deer grazing in a clearing. I stopped for a few minutes to watch and took a few photos before continuing on.

By late morning, it was warm enough to take off my vest jacket, the long sleeve t-shirt would keep me warm enough. Three hours into the hike, I reached the timberline and saw white dots in the distance. Taking the binoculars out of the backpack, I looked and saw a group of Dall sheep. My camera was not one in which I could take photos of subjects so far away, though the binoculars gave me a good view. I watched them move about the rocky mountain face for several minutes, before moving on.

Looking ahead, the trail was fairly steep going up Sheep Mountain. I was about halfway up, when I heard faint cries coming from below as if an animal were in distress. I turned and saw a fawn whose front hoof was lodged between two large rocks, its mother was standing near the edge of the tree line. I slowly went back down, removing my rifle and backpack as to not appear threatening.

I crouched down as I approached the fawn cautiously, keeping an eye on its mother. I reached the fawn and stopped moving for a moment and in that instant, the struggling animal became calm. I carefully reached down and moved one of the rocks just enough and the fawn pulled its hoof free, scampering off to its mother.

They both looked at me and in an instant, disappeared into the woods. I went back, sat next to my rifle and back pack. Taking out a water bottle and a bag of trail mix, I sat there for a while, replaying what just had happened. Rested, I picked up my gear and headed back to camp. On the way, I spotted a snowshoe hare and took aim with my rifle. I thanked the hare for its sacrifice and tied it to the backpack.

It was late afternoon when I arrived at camp. After putting my gear in the tent, I went about gathering branches lying on the ground and started a fire. Once the fire was going, I cleaned the hare and began cooking it. I retrieved the burlap bag from the tree branch and got out a can of beans, then put the bag back. This supper was going to be a nice break from eating fish the last three days.

Afterwards, I cleaned up and put out the fire. It was a good day and know, I sat, watching the rays of sunlight retreating from the trees. When darkness enveloped the forest, I looked up and sat in awe at the sight of the stars which filled the night sky. It didn’t take long for me to start nodding off, so I called it a night and crawled into the sleeping bag.




What felt like a sonic boom rattled the tent and sent me bolting upright. The sound of rain pounding against the tent with the wind howling like a thousand coyotes rattled my nerves. I shot out of the sleeping bag and opened the tent flap just enough to see that it was darker than dark. It was as if the world was coming to the end and then there was a brilliant flash of light, illuminating the sky. I closed the flap and threw on my vest jacket, hopped back in the sleeping bag to stay warm.

The entire day was a wash out, I was unable to go fishing let alone start a fire. I was glad that there was still a water bottle and a bag of trail mix in my backpack from yesterday’s hike. I checked and cleaned my rifle, then took inventory of what supplies were left. There was enough for tomorrow and the following day, when I would be going home. Neda was on my mind and I wondered if I’d see her again tomorrow.




The chirping of birds and the rays of sunlight illuminating the tent, roused me from my sleep. Getting up, I noticed a ripeness about me and decided to go bathe in the river. Grabbing my eco-friendly soap and towel along with a clean pair of boxers, I headed out with my rifle slung over my shoulder. Once I reached the river, I placed the rifle down and removed my boxers before venturing waist deep in the cold water. I never moved so fast when bathing, my skin started turning blue as I took one last dunk to rinse off.

There was laughter coming from the shore and I turned to see Neda, holding my boxers and towel. Her laughter became more boisterous when she saw my shriveled cock.

”I’m glad, you found that amusing.”

”Here, let me dry you off.”

She quickly toweled me off, bringing me to life. When she finished, I slipped on the boxers and picked up the rifle. We walked back to camp.

”I know what you did on your hike, the other day.”

”How, do you know?”

“I have my ways, along with the fact that you only caught what you could eat and now, the use of eco-friendly soap for bathing.”

Reaching camp, she told me to enjoy the rest of my day and because of my respect for all things the forest has to offer, I was to arrive at the clearing just after sunset. She was going to allow me to witness what takes place beyond it. She left me standing there, wondering what mysterious rituals awaited me.

I spent the rest of the day taking pictures of wildlife as I fished. By late afternoon, I went back to camp and had dinner. When I had finished cleaning up, the sun was beginning to set. Grabbing my rifle, I headed out to the clearing and arrived just as the last golden rays of the sun disappeared behind the horizon.

The moonlight bathed the clearing in a soft light as I approached the log where an arrow shot by Neda, landed at my feet. Singing drifted through the air, the leaves on the trees seemed to join in and enticed me to step beyond the log. With each step, the singing took on an erotic rhythm and the presence of a potent aphrodisiac was having an effect on me.

After walking for another five minutes, I saw Neda and two other nymphs dancing sensually in a circle. Their naked bodies softly illuminated by moonbeams as they stepped into the circle. Their withering bodies grinding against each other as they teased and kissed one another. Their girlish sighs and giggles of pure delight drew me closer. They continued their courtship and I was drawn even closer by the sweet scent of the sexual arousal.

They giggled and smiled at the obvious tent in my shorts and my mouth watered at the sweet aroma of their arousal, though I was sure it was more than just that. Here before me were the three most beautiful women I had ever seen in my life, all naked and all now beckoning me to join them. I quickly stripped off my clothes and walked towards them.

Neda kissed me as hands were all over my body, stroking my cock, caressing my balls, and rubbing my ass and chest. I kissed each of the other nymphs as passionately as I did Neda, touching their hair, their breasts, and their bodies.

We sank down to the ground as a group and I took one of the nymph’s breasts and suckled her nipple into my mouth. Another nymph took my cock into her mouth as Neda sucked the nipple of the second nymph. I was sure I was going to shoot my load within seconds, but I didn’t. I switched nipples and Neda took my cock into her mouth as the other two nymphs kissed over me. Watching them kiss was so intensely erotic.

I was pushed back onto my back as one nymph impaled herself on my rock-hard cock and the other straddled my face. “Taste her,” I heard Neda whisper in my ear

My tongue dove into her pussy, tasting her sweet flavor. While it wasn’t Neda’s, it was almost as sweet. She ground her hips into my face as the other one rode me hard. I reached over, grabbed her hips, and drove her hard on my cock until her moans filled the air and I felt her climax coat my cock with her mystic juices. Her orgasm triggered the other nymph’s climax as I was rewarded with some of the sweetest honey any many had ever tasted.

The nymph on my cock slid off and Neda took her place. As she rode me the other two nymphs kissed me and one another. Then I watched them both suckle Neda’s nipples, one of them cupped my balls while the other tugged at my nipples.

The aroma of raw sex filled the air and made my head spin. While I have had my share of erotic fantasies, never have they ever been so intense nor felt so real. Neda rode me harder, squeezing my cock with her amazing pussy when she said, “Fill me, Don!”

Trust me when I say I didn’t need to be told twice. A primal roar escaped my lips as I shot my load deep into her love canal. Neda climbed off and another nymph climbed on. I was sure it was a wasted effort, but my cock was still as hard as ever.

I looked over and saw Neda and the other nymph in a true sixty-nine, licking each other’s pussies. I swear I could taste each of their pussies on my tongue and it fueled my desire. I grabbed the nymph on my cock and flipped her over, pounding her pussy with a fever that was unlike anything I had ever known before. The harder I fucked, the more she wanted until we both exploded in a joint climax.

I was still as hard as ever and there was one more nymph I hadn’t fucked. Neda seemed to present her to me as I moved off the nymph I was just with and mounted her. I was driven by a fever and a lust I never knew existed. Within a moment I was balls deep in her and lust couldn’t seem to be quenched. The more I thrust, the more I wanted. I was sure the four of us would be fucking for eternity.




My erotic dream was interrupted by the hoo, hoo, howah, oouuff sounds of a Bull Moose responding to a cow. Now fully awake, I looked about and found myself back in my tent. Sitting up, I tried to remember the events of last night and how I ended up back at camp.

As I was going about packing up, Neda appeared and I asked, “What happened last night?”

“Last night will appear in your dreams tonight and you will experience every moment as if it were actually happening.”

“That’s it, you aren’t going to tell me?”

“No, that would take away from the experience you will have tonight.”

I was a little disappointed, yet found myself anxious for tonight. She stayed with me as I continued dismantling the camp. By mid-morning I was all packed up. I hoisted the backpack onto my shoulders with the fishing rod strapped to it. Taking my rifle, I slung it over my left shoulder.

She took my hand, “I will walk with you.”

The two of us headed out on the trail, back to where my adventure started. Three hours later we arrived at the foot of the hill and on the other side, my parents would be waiting.

“This, is as far as I can go.”

She kissed my cheek and then softly on my lips, “Go and know that from this day forward, no harm will come to you or your family when you come back.”

“I-I don’t know what to say.”

“Nothing to say, now go before your parents start to worry.”

I started up the hill and when I reached the top, I turned and Neda was gone. Turning back, I saw my parents, waiting for me and waved to them. Reaching the bottom, my mother grabbed me in a bear hug, kissing me on the cheek.

“Let the young man breathe, Mother.”

Releasing her hold on me, my father shook my hand.

“I see you survived, son.”

“That I did, dad. Your stories about nymphs turned out to be true.”

“So, you met Neda.”

“How do you know her name, mom?”

“Well, that’s a long story to be told when we get home.”

We loaded up the car and headed back home, now I had a story to listen to and the dream later tonight.





I want to thank you for accepting my invitation to write this story with me. It has been a long but pleasant journey. It was a pleasure working with you.



The above story is a work of Fiction. The names, characters, places and events are the products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author, Banes1






Published 7 years ago

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