My Dream Friend Chapter One

"How to survive living with a virgin..."

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Back in the early 80s, my Mum moved us to America when her company offered her the job as an assistant regional manager in ‘The Colonies’. I was seventeen and entering my senior year. The transition from a British all-boys prep school to a co-ed local high school was very, umm, transitional, to say the least. My ‘accent’ made me stand out from the crowd of fellow students. That and my lean, athletic build from years of playing football – soccer to you barbarian Yanks – made getting dates fairly easy.


One lovely lass, Rose Ann, never accepted my invitations to go out but she always seemed to have a steady supply of beaus lined up eager to go out with her. Looking at her one could easily see why. Long, light brown hair, a truly lovely face and a simply incredible five-foot-seven, 34D-23-34 body. (I’ll not use metric so as to not confuse the Yanks.) Every boy in school turned to look when she walked past.

Though she refused my offers to date, I simply thought that I mistimed my invitations when she was already seeing someone else. I didn’t take her rejections to heart. After all, I had many young lassies who did say yes to dates and to things that happen during dates.

Rose Ann and I had several of the same classes and we had plenty of opportunities to converse and to get to know one another. My invitations to date me grew more infrequent. By Christmas break, I knew Rose Ann had placed me firmly into the dreaded ‘Friends Zone’.

But we seemed perfectly content with that. Neither of us was lacking eligible dates. Rose Ann’s sense of dry, sarcastic humor meshed perfectly with my British wit (Or lack thereof) and we could be at ease speaking on any topic. Our personalities meshed so perfectly that, so long as I didn’t dwell on her beautiful face and perfect body, I could regard her as a female me. Easy banter, bad puns and stupid pranks seemed to follow our steps.


After graduation, we each got Summer jobs at a nearby State Park. I rented out paddle boats next to a small lakeside beach area and Rose Ann worked as hotel staff. Her job ended well before mine and she would often stop by either alone just to hang out sunbathing beside the lake or with a current beau knowing I would give her a free paddle boat. She always wore skimpy bikinis to drive the boys crazy and I do admit to leering at her barely covered large tits and tight ass when she wasn’t looking while fantasizing how to get her into bed.

That Fall we both attended a local community college followed by Summer jobs at the State Park again. A second year at community college and a third Summer working at the same jobs as before gave us plenty of time to see each other. I continued to ask her out between the times I was seeing a steady girlfriend. I simply marked her continued refusals down to bad timing and to the blasted ‘Friends Zone’.

During these years, whilst I had steady girlfriends, Rose Ann couldn’t seem to settle on one guy to date for very long. She never seemed like a bird who’d flit from man to man but then I’d never dated her. I simply attributed it to her playing the field, so to speak.

With a month left before the Fall semester began at the state university we’d be transferring to, Rose Ann stopped by the paddle boat concession and made me an offer that astonished me. Her family had rented a smallish, two-bedroom single-wide in a trailer park ten miles from campus for her to live in whilst attending classes. Now, Rose Ann was standing before me in the skimpiest of bikinis I doubted her parents even knew she owned, let alone wore in public, and was offering me the chance to move in with her!


You see, the girlfriend they’d expected to move in with Rose Ann had announced a couple of days before that she was pregnant and would be getting married rather than attending university. Since then her dad had been casting about for someone to share residency and the cost when Rose Ann had brought my name up as a possible. At first, I thought she wasn’t serious and my first words were, “You must be bloody joking.”

Rose Ann assured me she was serious and wasn’t joking. Rose Ann admitted that her Dad had put my name at the ABSOLUTE bottom of the list of prospective ‘trailer mates’ but one-by-one all the other names hadn’t panned out. I didn’t mind at all being the last one standing but I still had doubts that her Dad would really approve. Her Mum had given grudging approval. After all, Rose Ann would be twenty years old a month after classes began and she probably assumed Rose Ann wasn’t a virgin by now.

I didn’t worry about my Mum’s approval. As long as the price fitted within our budget, she’d be cool. She’d known I’d lost my virginity a few months before we’d moved to America when she’d come home from work early one day and discovered me chasing a girl through our flat starkers.

Actually, as I thought about it, the suggestion wasn’t all that crazy. By now Rose Ann and I had known each other for three years and between one year of high school, two years of community college and three Summers of seeing each other several times a week, we’d probably spent more time together than with anyone except our families.

Speaking of family, though I’d never been to her house I’d met Rose Ann’s parents a few times in the stands during high school athletic events. Rose Ann had introduced me to them at the first football game of the high school season before sprinting off to cheerlead. I quite approved of American cheerleading though the rules of the sports they cheered for seemed incomprehensible to me.

Her mother struck me as super nice and she’d always seemed to approve of me, despite dropping hints that I needed a haircut. I had shoulder-length hair back then. Her dad seemed a decent enough chap, though he may have been friendly to me because I wasn’t dating his daughter. Daddy didn’t like any of the boys who dated HIS ‘little girl’. He even took the time and effort to explain American football and basketball rules to me.

To try and make a long story a tad bit shorter, what it came down to were three equally bad choices as far as Rose Ann’s father was concerned. He was NOT in favor of his daughter living alone in a trailer park the first time she was leaving the nest. He was NOT in favor of trying to find on short notice a complete stranger to move in with his daughter…  And then there was me!

He’d met me. He’d known I’d been in Rose Ann’s circle of friends for three years. I’d seemed okay the times we’d met. A big plus in his book was that I’d never dated his daughter. He ‘interviewed’ me that night after I got off work and in between the more expected questions of what my major would be, my plans for the future, etcetera. A few of his questions were a bit personal, such as, ‘Would I be bringing dates to the trailer?’ My answer that I wasn’t seeing anyone at present and it would be quite rude to have overnight guests intruding upon Rose Ann’s privacy seemed to satisfy him. I did not add that I hoped to be rude many, many times and Rose Ann could be as rude as she wished. Wouldn’t bother me at all. Just not the thing to admit to Rose Ann’s father though.

The deciding factor in his approval of my living with his daughter? While I can’t prove this, I think that my longish hair, British mannerisms and accent plus the fact that in three years I’d never dated his beautiful daughter… I believe he thought I was a bit queer!

The Friday before classes began we formed a caravan to drive the two and a half hours to the city and moved in. Our Mums took off to do some shopping in the malls. Rose Ann’s Dad and younger brother left to drive home but only after her Dad pulled me aside. Putting a heavy hand on my shoulder, I was told he wanted me to keep his ‘little girl’ safe. The hard look he gave me put a menacing, without words, ‘OR ELSE’ at the end of the sentence.

I shit you not, while Rose Ann and I were putting our things away, I told her about her dad and his unspoken ‘OR ELSE’. Rose Ann laughed and seconds later walked into my bedroom with a pistol in her hand and struck a gangster moll pose. “Well, maybe Dad gave me this to keep you safe! Or maybe to keep me safe from you,” she joked.

“Yea, right,” I joked back. “After three years of your saying no to dates I’m suddenly going to pounce?”

We sat on my bed and Rose Ann gave me a safety lecture on how to do what with the pistol, since, growing up in Britain, I had zero knowledge of guns. Rose Ann was clearly at ease around pistols. I guessed her Dad had given her instructions in case someone unwelcome tried to get personal and he wasn’t around. Showing me which drawer of her dresser she’d keep it in, she slipped it under her large selection of brightly colored undies.

We were still putting things away when our Mums showed up to unload more towels than we’d ever need and other household items and groceries they must have bought by the ton. Both our Mums teared up at the thought of their babies leaving home. Finally, after long hugs all around, they left. We were on our own.

Tired from unpacking we called it an early night. As tired as I was I found it hard to fall asleep thinking of who was in bed barely fifteen feet away. I had to wank off as quietly as I could to relieve the tension so I could finally nod off.

The next morning I could hear Rose Ann moving around her bedroom as I left my room to piss and shower. Rose Ann’s door was open and her dresser’s mirror was in full view. Rose Ann’s unclothed reflection in the mirror was also in view as she stood beside her bed and ran fingers over her scalp to fluff out bed-hair. The body I’d only seen in skimpy bikinis was now in glorious, naked color before me.

From her light brown pussy bush to the pale pink of her nipples, all framed by the pale skin of her bikini lines. All of her was burned into my brain as I stopped short of the washroom door in shock. My reflection was in view to her also, as she let her hair fall away from her face. She let out something between a yelp and an ‘eeep’ before dropping to the floor out of sight.


What the bloody hell was I to do? Apologize because SHE hadn’t closed HER door? I quickly stepped into the washroom and called out, “I can’t see the mirror. It’s safe for you to close your door!”

I heard quick footsteps followed by the sound of her door closing. I had to laugh as I turned the water on and began adjusting the temperature. I called out, “You know, after all the times I’ve seen you in bikinis I really didn’t see much more than I haven’t seen before.”

“Fuck you, shit for brains,” Rose Ann called out over the sound of the water as I engaged the shower spray and drew the curtain. Away from her parents, Rose Ann had the mouth of a sailor.

I heard the door I hadn’t locked open and Rose Ann’s voice now came from just the other side of the curtain. “You saw me I think it’s only fair I see what you have,” as she pulled the curtain open. In just panties and bra, Rose Ann kept a death grasp onto the curtain, holding it open despite my grab for it and took a good look, indeed, as I stood there shocked. I was still sporting a morning woody made harder by what I’d just seen and Rose Ann took a good, long look.

I shook off the shock and used the washcloth in my hand to cover Tommy Boy. Rose Ann kept staring at my barely covered hard-on and finally let loose of the shower curtain. I stood in the shower frozen in shock whilst Rose Ann laughed as she left the bathroom immensely pleased with herself.

“What the bloody hell, Rose Ann,” I yelled at her retreating back and glorious tight bum. “What I saw was by accident! I didn’t invade the privacy of your bath!” Rose Ann just laughed more and made fun of my British pronunciation of ‘privacy’.

That morning over breakfast, the two of us set down ground rules for proper dress in the trailer. Neither of us wished to be attired enough to go out in public before we left our rooms when we were just going to be hanging out in the trailer. Studying, watching TV, or just chilling… We wanted to wear comfortable stay-at-home clothes. We both decided that gym shorts would be required wear. I could wear a t-shirt (or not) with gym shorts as the mood hit me to be comfortable as my minimum wear. Rose Ann agreed that a t-shirt (with or without a bra) and gym shorts would be her minimum wear for comfort out of her room.

Other ground rules were set. We could bring dates to the trailer but no disappearing into our rooms to get intimate if the other was home. Light making out on the couch was allowed but all dates had to be out of the trailer by 11 pm so we didn’t disturb the other’s sleep. All very civilized.

We also agreed to alternate weekend trips home. Both, not to let the trailer be unoccupied all weekend and to give each other a time when we could entertain dates at our trailer in intimate privacy. We also agreed that we would not come back from weekend visits before 6 pm Sunday evening and a phone call from a nearby gas station would be nice before showing up. That was to ensure one of us wouldn’t walk in on the other doing whatever with whomever.


There were other house rules, some unspoken, such as I tried not to stare openly at swaying, bouncing breasts moving under loose t-shirts with clearly outlined hard nipples. Though from her smiles I knew Rose Ann often caught me before I could shift my gaze elsewhere. Rose Ann tried not to stare openly at morning woodies and woodies I attained when noticing her tight ass and the noticeable sway and bounce of large tits with hard nipples not restrained by a bra became too much for me.

During this time, it never occurred to me that Rose Ann was purposely teasing me. Perfectly at ease wearing skimpy bikinis in public, in the privacy of our trailer, as long as her body was covered as per our agreement and as she was comfortable, she’d wear what she wanted in our common areas. Her t-shirts, probably stolen from her Dad, were never tight enough to hug her tits and she didn’t cut them off to bare her waist. Most were long enough to end below her gym shorts. She could have worn them without shorts and still have walked around fully covered from neck to mid-thigh. If I occasionally saw something that struck me as erotic beyond belief, that was simply my problem and my good luck.


By the end of our second week of sharing the trailer we were becoming comfortable enough with each other that closed doors to bedrooms were becoming optional, mostly used when full nudity might happen. Rose Ann gradually stopped taking the time to don a robe if going to and fro from her bedroom to the washroom two steps away. Glimpses of Rose Ann in bra and panties in the mornings were becoming common.

With clothes in her bedroom and a bewildering assortment of makeup and what-nots occupying every horizontal space in the washroom, trips between were frequent. When once I complained there was no place for my shaving needs, Rose Ann explained that she simply had to apply her makeup using the washroom mirror because it was much brighter in the washroom than in her bedroom. But she grudgingly cleared a four by four-inch square for my needs.


The days rolled on and her robe was left hanging in her closet more often and by the end of our first month together bra and panties became the norm in the mornings as we rushed to get ready for classes. If I were shaving, Rose Ann, clad in nothing but bra and panties, thought nothing of hip nudging me to one side so she could apply makeup under the brighter light in the washroom.

Again, I thought, it wasn’t Rose Ann trying to drive me crazy, she was simply in a hurry and was becoming as comfortable around me as I was around her. After all, as she reasonably explained one morning, I’d seen her many times in much skimpier bikinis. Shaving while trying to ignore the reflection in the mirror of perfect breasts clad only in sheer nylon which did nothing to cover hard nipples became usual though always appreciated.

What I found even more enjoyable than a tight ass and large breasts in thin bras and panties, however, were what I frequently saw reflected in her dresser mirror. I promise I wasn’t lurking around her bedroom door trying to get free peeks. I will swear that before God and Man with a clear conscience! But from our couch, and our stove while I made breakfast, I could look down a short hallway through her bedroom door.

Her dresser mirror was in view as well as anything reflected. An occasional glimpse in the mirror of Rose Ann in various levels of undress would simply be something I couldn’t un-see! I would let these times go un-remarked upon just as my involuntary woodies might get a sly smile from Rose Ann but no comment.

What made the occasional glimpses become more frequent was the fact that our trailer was just a tad bit un-level. Not very, but enough to make the door to Rose Ann’s bedroom swing slowly open if not consciously pushed to make the latch engage. In her hurry to get ready in the mornings, in her trips to and from the washroom, Rose Ann would often one hand her door closed. Closing her door but not latching it. Gravity would assert itself until soon the door was open again.


I had quite a number of views of Rose Ann in various stages of dress and undress. But she had to have known since she could just as clearly see my reflection when she took the time to look. And, again, I swear I wasn’t TRYING to watch her… She was just… THERE! By God and Saint George, there’s only so much willpower a young lad has!

Our bedrooms were tiny and, gentleman that I am, I offered to move her dresser so I couldn’t see the mirror. Rose Ann had nixed that offer because, after consideration, any other arrangement of her bedroom furniture would have her bed blocking the door so she’d have to squeeze through the tiny space left and she didn’t want to get a smaller bed.

So it was Rose Ann who shrugged, admitted we’d each already seen everything the other had and agreed that it wasn’t as if I was trying to spy on her. If she forgot to latch her door fully shut then it was her own fault if I saw her nude. The dresser and mirror stayed in place much to my private glee.

I know everyone will think I’m lying but we were just becoming comfortable with the occasional look but no touch. We were becoming comfortable enough that the only door to be locked was the washroom door when one was on the loo. If Rose Ann was taking a morning shower the door would be left unlocked in case I needed to shave. Though I always knocked on those occasions and waited for permission, Rose Ann would often simply walk in without even a quick tap-tap on the door and with a hurried, ‘I need this and this makeup and face cleanser.’

If I’d finished my shower and had the shower curtain open while I dried off when she barged in then Tommy Boy would get a look and a sly smile before I could cover up but no comment. If I was still showering and she was on the other side of the curtain while applying this and this makeup and using that facial cleanser she’d toss my towel over the curtain when I turned off the faucet. I’d dry off, then wrap the towel around my waist so I could shave beside that beautiful, panty-clad ass.

I do admit I wanted Rose Ann. I wanted to ask her out. Flights of fancy of me grabbing her to kiss and… So many other things… Those thoughts filled many quiet masturbatory fantasies. But everything was going so fine I didn’t want to screw things up. Thankfully, by Halloween, I had a girlfriend (Tina) I could relieve my sexual tension with. We’d been out on one date before she met Rose Ann. I’d asked Tina out for another dinner/movie but I wanted to change clothes first. Tina agreed to come and wait at the trailer while I changed and washed up. I said that would be great as she’d be able to meet ‘my roommate’. At university, it seemed everyone had roommates so that was no big deal. Tina didn’t even ask the name of my roommate.

The look on Tina’s face was priceless when she met the beautiful Rose Ann! Of course, Rose Ann sitting on the couch with her legs crossed under her in her usual comfortable combination of gym shorts and braless t-shirt certainly added to Tina’s surprise. Especially since Rose Ann was watching TV while eating ice cream. The cold of the ice cream making her nipples very visibly hard through the thin material as I made introductions. On the drive to the movie, I had much explaining to do to persuade Tina that Rose Ann and I were best friends and had never had sex or even a date. I think she finally believed me.

Thanksgiving isn’t a celebration in Britain and Rose Ann’s family invited my Mum and me over to have a late celebratory dinner with them on Saturday. Of course, her Dad took advantage of my being there. Inviting me out onto the patio we had a private chat. Under an interrogation disguised as a chat, I admitted that there had been a time or two when I’d seen his daughter’s ‘everything’, but only because her bedroom door hadn’t latched properly and her mirror… I quickly added that I hadn’t been trying to peep Rose Ann but being in a small trailer together, well, accidents happen…

I shrugged and waited for him to draw his own conclusions. I carefully didn’t mention that by now I’d seen Rose Ann countless times in the buff and many more times in just bra and panties. Nor did I admit that the sight of his daughter’s large breasts swaying under a loose t-shirt drove me crazy. I was certain he wouldn’t have found that information pleasing.

He finally nodded. I’d passed his test by being honest. He’d accepted that I wasn’t a peeper and I’d seen his daughter in the buff by accident. He wasn’t going to beat the holy crap out of me. Now, at five-feet-eleven, I’m not a small man but I admit that at that time I had a lean, runner’s body. Rose Ann’s father was six-foot-three and built like a bear with muscles come by honestly through hard work. Rose Ann had her ‘Daddy’ wrapped around her little finger but I was under NO confusion that he couldn’t beat the holy crap out of me with only one hand.

He again reminded me that he was counting on me to keep his ‘little girl’ safe. Once again with a heavy hand on my shoulder with an unspoken, ‘OR ELSE’. I told him that Rose Ann had shown me the pistol and she’d instructed me on how to use it and where she kept it. He laughed when I told him it was in her panty drawer.

God Almighty, if there is a better punishment inflicted upon a man who remembered his teenage years, of lusting and chasing after girls, than having him grow up to become the father of an incredibly beautiful daughter, I can’t think of it.

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas break, Rose Ann was between beaus and, after asking Tina, we invited her to join us for bowling/movies/dinners a few times. Tina and Rose Ann really seemed to hit it off and Tina didn’t complain about our threesome dates. I was ecstatic being in the company of two beautiful girls. I got quite the kick introducing Rose Ann as my roommate and Tina as my girlfriend. But hell, at times I felt like the third wheel as they spoke of and giggled about things they never let me hear.

Christmas break came and since my Mum planned to travel home to reunite with relatives over the holiday there was no reason for me to go home. Rose Ann’s father was glad I offered to stay at the trailer so it wouldn’t be unoccupied over the holidays. Tina was home with her parents so I had plenty of alone time to watch my shows.

Just after Christmas day, a large snowstorm was forecast to charge through the area so Rose Ann called to say she would be coming back early. It was very cold and windy with dark grey clouds thick in the sky but the snow hadn’t started yet when she arrived. For Christmas, Rose Ann’s parents had given her a VHS tape player. I hooked it up to our TV and we realized we had no tapes to watch on the damned thing. Off into the cold to the stores, we charged.

First stop was a liquor store that was pretty lax about carding people. New Year’s was approaching so some liquid celebration was called for. I liked bourbon and coke but Rose Ann liked fruity, vodka mixed drinks. Bottle followed bottle of liquor, soft drinks and fruity mixers until we were satisfied we were well enough stocked to survive the possibility of being snowed in for a week! A market run was next for sustenance in case alcohol wasn’t enough and then the video store.

We had never been in a video store since we’d never had a player. We were browsing the aisles when Rose Ann whispered, “Look over there,” pointing to a section of the store roped off and labeled ADULTS ONLY.

“You wanna,” I whispered.

“I will if you will,” Rose Ann whispered back and off we sprinted.

Now, you have to remember the time period here. This was when Playboy and Penthouse magazines ruled. Commodore 64’s and Pong were considered state-of-the-art and the internet with free porn sites wasn’t even a glimmer on the horizon. Neither of us had ever seen a XXX movie. With our new membership cards, we were each limited to only three movies at a time. I picked three that that had the prettiest women on the front, of course. Not sure what Rose Ann used as her guide but the women on the covers were pretty, too.

The first snowflakes were falling as we unloaded all our goodies at the trailer. An hour later and there was an inch on the ground already. By then both of us had enough alcohol in our blood that we didn’t care if we were snowed in.

Snug in our warm trailer we changed into our comfortable clothes. I popped the first XXX VHS tape into the player and we settled on the couch with a large drink to watch our first sex tape. It started with idiotic dialogue about a weak storyline that we both made fun of. But then the actors fell onto a couch and the real action started. By the end of the first sex scene (a short blow job followed by straight missionary), both of our asses were squirming on the sofa cushions. Then the movie switched back to the pointless storyline.

We used the break to mix more drinks in our kitchen while agreeing we could write a better plot and dialogue than this! Rose Ann had to have noticed yet didn’t make any mention of the tent in my gym shorts that I tried but couldn’t entirely hide. She just critiqued the movie, remarking, “This is stupid! Why have a shitty storyline when all anyone who rents these tapes wants is to just see the sex!”

I agreed, while refreshing my drink and sipping while watching as Rose Ann downed her drink quickly and made another. Rose Ann wasn’t done with her criticism of the movie as she drank this one down quickly, too. “And why pull out to come on her stomach? He was wearing a rubber!”

Again I agreed it was stupid but opined, “Maybe to prove he came?”

She seemed to accept my conclusion as she began mixing another drink. With her third drink of the ‘intermission’ mixed, she rejoined me on the couch as the second sex scene began. This started with the obligatory blow job. But this time, after the blow job, the guy took his time kissing the girl’s neck and sucking on her tits. Moving past her stomach the guy soon had his head between the girl’s legs fingering and eating her pussy.


Rose Ann was much more interested in this scene than she had been the first. Her eyes never left the screen. Her drink was quickly gone and the glass was held forgotten in her hand as she watched intently what was happening on the screen. After a couple of minutes, she leaned into my side and asked in a hushed whisper, “Have you done that?”


Rose Ann shifted to move closer against my side. I became very aware of the breast pressed against my arm. Even as close as we were I could barely hear, “Do you like doing that?”

“Uh, yea,” I answered as I shifted my hips trying to cover my raging hard-on with more t-shirt.

“Is it… What does it taste like?” Rose Ann wasn’t looking at me when I looked down at her to answer. Her eyes were glued to the TV. She was definitely more interested in what the man was doing between the actress’s legs than she’d been in blowjobs and missionary sex. I thought about making a bad joke about how it tasted like chicken but instead answered honestly.

“It just tastes… Good. And I like how a girl moves while I’m doing it,” I whispered back and returned to watching the action as a close-up showed the man now sliding a finger into the woman’s pussy while he continued to suck and lick around her clit. I could hear and feel against my side as Rose Ann sucked in a deep breath when the guy’s finger moved deeper and faster. From how his cheeks moved you could tell he was sucking hard on the actress’s clit.

When I glanced down at Rose Ann this time there was a rosy flush on her cheeks. Her lips were parted and her nipples were hard and tight against her t-shirt. Rose Ann began breathing in short, quick breaths and it was like her breaths were in sync with the woman on the screen. It was clear the actress was enjoying everything happening between her legs, even grabbing the man’s head and pressing his mouth harder between her pussy lips while humping her hips up to rub against the man’s mouth.

Honestly, I was more intent upon secretly watching Rose Ann than the movie. I heard a soft sigh, almost a moan, from beside me and when I looked the flush on Rose Ann’s cheeks had spread to her neck and all the way to under her t-shirt as her hips unconsciously moved on the cushion next to me. When the guy stopped eating pussy and moved up to cover the woman, I doubt Rose Ann was even aware that her hips were moving in time to his first slow thrusts.

It was another straight missionary fuck with cum on the woman’s stomach at the end. Whatever it was about watching that actress’s pussy getting eaten, it had really turned Rose Ann on. The soft, full breast pressing and rubbing against the side of my arm as her breathing quickened had my cock hard as a rock! I had to wonder at her reaction, but certainly, she’d had her pussy eaten before. I just couldn’t believe otherwise! But, the more I thought of her questions and her reactions… Damn! Had not one boyfriend taken the time to… What kind of wankers had she been dating!?

More crappy storyline dialogue began and Rose Ann rose a little unsteadily to go fix another drink. I stayed sitting to let her go past and her ass was so close that… Bloody hell! There was a wet spot in the back of her t-shirt where she’d been sitting on it. Not large, maybe the size of a dime. Damn! I never would have believed that any girl’s pussy could get so wet that it showed through panties, gym shorts and a T-shirt. But the evidence was right there at eye level. I wondered if she was even wearing panties and how I could find out as I got up quickly to follow.

We both stood in the small kitchen again fixing new drinks at the bar that separated the kitchen from the even smaller den. Standing beside her, as hard as I tried there was no hiding my huge hard-on. But Rose Ann didn’t say anything and I didn’t comment on her rock-hard nipples, the flush that was fading from her chest and face and the wet spot on her t-shirt. But we were both very aware of the sudden, quiet tension between us.

Rose Ann made and downed two drinks in the time I made and downed one. She was mixing her third and I, my second when the crappy dialogue stopped as a new guy began stripping the clothes off the actress from the first sex scene. He was already sucking on a nipple when Rose Ann blurted, “Pause it until I get back!” I did and held her drink as she stumbled her way to the washroom. From the way she fumbled with the doorknob coming out of the washroom, I could tell that while I was tipsy, she was three sheets to the wind!

Settling close beside me, Rose Ann leaned closer against my side in a way that I could feel the soft pressure of her breast against my arm again as I un-paused the tape and we watched what we’d already come to expect except this blow job was done while the guy was standing up with the girl kneeling before him.

This time, instead of a missionary fuck, we watched the guy pull the girl up from her knees and position her for a doggy-style fuck. Her knees on the side of the bed while he stood beside the bed and slid inside. We watched him hold her hips tightly to pull her backwards to meet his thrusts and I could feel Rose Ann’s body tense as her breast pressed harder against my arm as the actress began to moan to be fucked harder.


I was the one who mustered the courage to pose a question this time. Clearing my throat and asking Rose Ann if she enjoyed that position. My girlfriends had always seemed to like doggy.

“I don’t know,” Rose Ann whispered absentmindedly without taking her attention from the movie. My God! What kind of shits had she been dating? No pussy eating or doggy style!

Still intently watching the actress being fucked from behind, Rose Ann added, “I’ve never…” She suddenly stopped what she was about to say, then moved away putting distance between us.

“You’ve never…” I whispered back and left the question hanging.

Rose Ann stood up quickly and stumbled into the kitchen. Mixed drinks forgotten, she took a pull from the vodka bottle. Coughing and spluttering Rose Ann waved her hand towards the TV and hoarsely whispered, “I don’t know if I’d like that.”

Rose Ann swayed as she brought the bottle with her and collapsed as far away from me as was possible on our small couch. She seemed to withdraw into herself even more before waving a hand at the TV and adding in a small voice I had to strain to hear, “I don’t know how I’d like any of it. I’m a virgin…”

To say I was shocked would have been the understatement of the decade! I sat frozen as Rose Ann sipped more vodka, refusing to look at me.

“No fucking way,” I said in astonishment and turned to face her. “How? How can you be a virgin? You’ve had so many boyfriends!”

“Yea, and the reason I’ve had so many boyfriends is that when I won’t put out they dump me,” Rose Ann replied angrily. “Or I decide they aren’t the one and I tell ’em to take a hike!”

The movie was completely forgotten as Rose Ann stood up. Swaying, she caught her balance and began pacing our small common room. After a long pull from the vodka bottle and an even longer coughing fit, she looked at me and drunkenly added, “I always wanted my first time to be, you know… special. Not just a few minutes in the back seat of a car.”

Rose Ann stopped and leaned heavily against the counter that separated the kitchen from our small common area. Waving the bottle at nothing, Rose Ann declared, “But all the guys wanted was sex… Pawing at my tits. Trying to get my pants off… I just never… Either the time wasn’t right… Or the guy… Or the place…”

Rose Ann shrugged and pointed the bottle and an accusing finger at me. “And you! You gutless piece of shit! I thought when we moved in together that…”

Rose Ann stopped and took another deep hit from the bottle. Coughing and sputtering, her temper flared hotter as she pointed a finger at me again and angrily declared, “But you and your damned British honor… You fucking asshole! Christ Almighty, we’re drunk and watching a fuck film and you wouldn’t even put your arm around my shoulders…” Rose Ann stopped and looked sad, ending with a weepy, “I thought you liked me.”

“Rose Ann, of course I like you…”

“BULLSHIT,” Rose Ann shouted, suddenly invigorated again. “What the hell did I have to do? I walk around in my underwear… Get drunk on the couch watching a fuck film with you and… NOTHING! Shit, do I have to put a neon sign over my bed saying, Take me?”
Rose Ann sighed heavily and seemed to deflate. “Wouldn’t even try you fucking shit…”

What the bloody hell! All this time Rose Ann had WANTED me to make a move on her?! Were all those ‘accidental’ peeks at her nude or nearly nude body not been so accidental? I was still mulling this over as she took another hit from the bottle. Then another. Coughing and making odd faces, Rose Ann stumbled back to sit on the couch. She leaned forward to put the bottle down on our small coffee table and I had to quickly grasp her arms to keep her from falling forward onto the floor.

I pulled her back into a sitting position but she slumped into me and wound up lying with her head on my thigh as she slurred profanities about me being too gutless to even try making a pass. I was running my hand over her back in a calming way when she yawned and went still. Another yawn followed by a long, alcohol-scented sigh and… It dawned on me that she’d fallen into a drunken sleep.

Jesus H. Christ and damn me for a bloody fool! I had a beautiful, passed-out woman – a virgin no less in my lap and I couldn’t even bring myself to cop a feel of those perfect tits I’d dreamed of for years! By my damned British honor, I knew I’d feel guilty later if I did. With the worst case of blue balls in history, I picked her up and carried her to bed. I couldn’t turn down the covers but I folded the duvet over her as best I could.

I wasn’t interested in the movie any longer so I began tidying the kitchen after I left her. I needed to do something to keep my mind off the fact I’d been living with a virgin. A virgin who apparently had wanted me to try getting her into bed. Well, I had her in bed now and I couldn’t do one damned thing!

Only a few minutes passed before Rose Ann came running out of her room, darted into the WC and began worshiping the Porcelain Goddess. I ran in and helped by holding her long hair out of the toilet. When her first up-chucks seemed over I ran water into a glass, telling her to rinse and spit. Afterwards, Rose Ann fought me when I tried to help her to her feet. Her favorite name for me now seemed to be ‘gutless shit’ with other expletives tacked on both before and after.

Rose Ann didn’t seem to be in any hurry to return to her bed and instead stretched out with a groan on the cool, washroom floor. Having been drunk myself a few times, I didn’t try to get her to bed again. I knew how cool and comforting a washroom floor could feel. Instead, I fetched a pillow and covered her with the blanket we kept folded on the back of our couch.

“Damn, you are one high maintenance drunk,” I told her as I put the pillow under her head.

“Fuck you,” came a slurred reply.

“In your dreams, Rose Ann. Apparently only in your dreams,” I joked back but she was already past hearing.

Chapter Two coming… 

Published 4 years ago

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