My Dirty Secrets 2.3

"On the night that Nick and Jessi first consumated their affair Melissa had a confusing evening of her own."

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I hated working nights. I’m not sure why I let Jules talk me into it. Sure, the money was better for working 6 pm to 6 am, but money aside, I really didn’t enjoy staying up all night.

“Hey, Jessi, will you please make sure Nick actually reads this note?” I yelled to my little sister as I scrambled to get out the door on time.

My husband Nick is great. He’s just horrible at checking his text messages and usually can’t hear his phone at work. I guess working construction is a pretty valid excuse for not answering his phone, though. As I got to the car, I immediately called Jules.

“What the hell have you gotten us into, Julia?” I laughed.

“Girl, what do you mean ‘gotten us into’? The money will be nice, and it’s a great change of pace.” Jules replied with an annoying cheerfulness in her voice.

“Hell, I suppose I’m on my way in now. I’ll see you there in about fifteen minutes.”

“Yes, Ma’am, are you parking in the South lot?”

“Probably there won’t be much traffic at night, so at least we will have a short walk in the morning,” I jabbed playfully.

“Alright, Liss, I’ll see you there. Wait for me!”

Julia was my best friend. We met in nursing school right out of high school, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. Jules, as I called her since meeting her mother, who refused to call her Julia. Julia was Jules’s grandmother on her dad’s side, and her mom hated that lady. Jules was an above-average girl. A solid nine out of ten easily. She always dressed well, and she was the one who got me started on matching my bras and panties. She had reddish brown hair that was bobbed. She’d come to work with pigtail buns most nights, looking like a high school cheerleader in scrubs.

She usually wore a thong to work to avoid having panty lines in her scrubs. Her boobs were great, and she gave all the old fellas a show every time she bent over them. Her demi cup bras always let her girls spill over the top. She liked to let them look, I think. She had some great thighs that were just thick enough to fill out her scrubs and hold up her slightly jiggly butt. Her smile lit up a room, and she had the most vital blue eyes. I swore they were contact lenses for the longest time until I saw her put on her reading glasses.

As I pulled in, Jules was already in the parking lot. She was leaning against her blue two-door with her backpack on, waiting for me like I was late.

“It’s about time you made it,” Jules laughed as I parked.

“You know you were halfway here when I dialed your number. You live farther than I do,” I laughed back.

“Ok, ya caught me. I was afraid I’d oversleep, so I got up early.”

I grabbed my backpack, and we made our way to the 9th floor. Walking up to the nurse’s station, I checked the schedule, and we weren’t there.

“Jules, didn’t you call and switch our shifts?”

“Yeah, I did. They took us off of days the rest of the week, so there’s just a mistake,” she replied, heading off to find our charge nurse.

It wasn’t long before she showed back up. “Did you get it fixed?” I asked.

“Kind of. They took us off days and filled our spots, but there were already a few girls on the wait list for nights, so either they slot us in on another floor, or we can take three vacation days and relax?” Jules said, shrugging her shoulders and wrinkling her nose.

“What the hell, Jules?” I laughed as I picked my backpack up and turned to follow her as she headed for the door.

I figured it would be a nice surprise for Nick as this was my week to work, and we usually didn’t see each other much during my rotations. As we got to the parking lot, Jules stopped in her tracks and turned with a half-crazed smile.

“Let’s go out!”

“Not a chance,” I said without even considering her idea.

“Why not Liss? You used to be fun until you married Sasquatch, and now you just want to snap into his Slim Jim.” Jules pouted.

“Oh my god, I do not, and for your information, it’s not slim,” I chuckled, blushing.

“I go through your pictures, mama. I know what you’re getting, but this is a chance to be Lissa and Jules and go out and find some guys to buy us drinks!”

“Julia, that’s gross. You don’t go through someone’s pictures,” I laughed.

“What, you keep your lady bits in good shape. I’ve seen pics of them, too. Surely you can flash something and get us some drinks. You know I’m not above it!”

“Fine, let me call Nick. I left him a note that I’d be working nights all week.”

“Why? Let’s just go out and find something to do. He already knows that you’re going to be working. Just let him sleep tonight and not worry about whose junk you’re grinding on for free booze.” She said matter-of-factly.

“I’m not going out like this or ‘grinding junk’ for drinks.” I argued, “And I’m not hanging out with Ben if Nick’s not there, so don’t call him.”

Jules and Ben had a thing. Neither of them said what that thing was, but it ended up with her car in his driveway or his truck in Her’s more often than not.

“Fine, but I’m driving. Leave your car here.” She said, getting into her car.

Tossing my backpack into the back seat, I hopped in and headed to her house. Jules lived just outside of town. Her car looked like she was 16 inside. She had stuffed animals in the back window and light-up dice hanging from her rearview mirror. She had stopped turning them on since she had gotten a ticket for them a while back.

We got to her house and changed clothes. She had some shirts that were a little bigger on her that let my larger boobs fit more comfortably instead of popping out of the top of her usual-size clothes. I had also left a pair of jeans at her house for about four months since our last “let’s go drinking” bad idea where I’d spilled something green and sticky all over myself.

We sat and listened to the radio for a while and had a few beers. Jules had a policy against going out before nine because it made us look boring or desperate or something. I was starting to think this was going to be a fun night! We were going to a club I liked, and Nick could barely stand. He wasn’t much of a dancer, and I loved to dance. I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a beer, and panicked as I heard Nick’s truck in the driveway.

“What the fuck, Jules?”

“What the fuck what?” she hollered back.

“That’s Nicks truck, I listen to that loud ass thing every day of my life.”

Jules just laughed. “Listen closer, that’s Ben’s truck. They both have the same truck and the same exhaust, and I’m almost certain they share a brain between them.”

“Awe, C’mon, girl. I thought this was ‘Liss and Jules’ go dancing, not Jules and Melissa’s husband’s best friend take Liss dancing,” I said crossly.

“I didn’t invite him, I promise!” she pleaded.

“Maybe not, but you give a bored man sex, and he’s going to come back time and time again,” I managed to say with a smile.

“Want me to get rid of him?” Jules said, trying to make amends.

“No, I love that big dumbass. Just see what he wants.”

Ben came in, and Jules filled him in on the whole plan and swore him to secrecy lest she shut the pussy faucet off. He agreed and went to get a beer. At least he decided to go out to the club with us, even though the thought of Ben dancing cracked me up.

“So Nicky doesn’t know you’re out on the town?” Ben said, trying to make conversation.

“Benjamin, did you miss the entire don’t tell Nick or lose sex forever thing Jules just told you?” I joked, making a bit of fun of his attempt.

“No, yeah, I caught that part. I was trying to make some chit-chat,” He fumbled.

“Well, we’ve known each other for years, and you’ve never struggled at talking before,” I answered as we both started laughing.

Jules came back in and sat next to Ben. We had a pleasant conversation and headed out at nine, as expected. The club was excellent, and there were a surprising number of people out. I’d not been out by myself since I’d started dating Nick. Not because of any prohibition on his part or mine. I just didn’t go out without him. I was having a lot of fun just being me.

Some guys kept looking over at us, and it was odd. If Nick was with me, no one ever looked. Jules was right. Nick did kind of resemble Sasquatch. He was a big ole bear of a man, and he had a way of scaring off any potential rival suitors just by being himself.

“Go say hi,” Jules said loudly, trying to shout above the music.

“Really?” I said, unsure of myself. “You think so?”

“Yeah, no harm in saying hi and just feeling like a lady,” Jules said.

Ben nodded and smirked his forced approval of the plan.

“LISS!” Jules shouted again. “Give me your ring; no one is buying you a drink wearing that.”

Without thinking, I wrenched the ring from my finger and handed it to her. I walked over to the two guys who kept looking at me and Jules. The one guy was tall, lean, and clean-shaven. I was used to Nick’s beard and looked a little too long at this guy because he took a step toward me.

“Hi, I’m Jake,” he said, eying me up and down.

“Melissa,” I said, unsure what else to say.

“What are you drinking, Alyssa,” Jake said, botching my name.

“Vodka and cranberry juice, Jake,” I laughed, just going with it.

We chatted a bit, and Jake’s friend faded into the crowd. I felt awkward. Jake made sure my drink was always fresh. I was getting pretty drunk, so I kept looking over at Jules and Ben, ensuring I could see them and vice versa. Jules kept waving like I was a little girl at a birthday party.

“So, uh, Alyssa, what do you do when you’re not dancing, drinking, and looking sexy as hell?” Jake asked, staring plainly at my breasts that were still trying to bust out of my borrowed shirt.

“Um, I’m a,” I slurred drunkenly. “A nurse,” I managed.

“Oh wow, I have something I’d like your professional opinion on,” Jake said, taking my hand.

He led me through the club to a spot under the stairs. Pulling me in closer, he kissed me. He wasted no time putting his whiskey-flavored tongue in my mouth. He wasn’t forceful, just unexpected. He held my hand and pulled me close against him. I was lost as to what to do. My brain was fully pickled in vodka and cranberry juice. I just kept kissing him. As we stood there, I felt his free hand under my shirt.

He started on my side and began working his way up, finding my left breast. He cupped me softly, probing for my nipple and kissing me deeper. He wasn’t a bad kisser. I reached my hand down and felt his groin, and his cock was pressing against the denim. I started to unzip his fly, and he stopped.

“Follow me,” he said, leading me into the men’s room.

Locking the door, he pushed my back against it and resumed kissing me. His hand was quickly back up my shirt this time with a purpose. He easily found the clasp on my bra and had it loose in a flash. My breasts were not as perky without the bra as he freed them from their cups.

“Jake, I don’t know if this is a good idea,” I said around his tongue.

“Why’s that?”

Nothing, not a damn thing, came to my head. I don’t know if I was a little too drunk, or maybe I was just into it. I’d not had a lot of sex before I got married. It was nice having another man interested in me. I knew it wasn’t the right thing to do and wanted to stop. I made zero effort to stop, though.

“Why’s that, Alyssa?” Jake asked again. “You ok with this?”

I kissed him.

I fucking kissed him. Jake had my tits out of my bra and proceeded to lift me onto the counter as he kept his tongue in my mouth. I reached down and unbuttoned his jeans, and pulled his cock out. He wasn’t small, but not huge. Maybe seven inches, but he was hard. Really hard. I rubbed him and just enjoyed the attention my tits were getting. He was not gentle. His hands were really working my breasts, pinching my large nipples as he started fucking my hand.

Was this happening?

I slid off of the counter and onto my knees. With Jake’s cock in my hand, I started licking the head a bit and preparing to suck him. He was very hard, and the head of his cock was slippery. I could taste the salty precum oozing out of his tip. I started sucking him. He was more comfortable than Nick in my mouth. He wasn’t as thick and was easier to manage. Leaning back against the counter with his hands bracing him, he looked down at me while I licked him. I put my other hand under his balls as his jeans dropped to the floor around his ankles. Sucking and massaging his balls, Jake was moaning and moving his hips as I slurped and sucked him.

This was sexy. I couldn’t help but feel sexy sucking this guy off in the bathroom. He was into it, and his groans were hot as I sucked him harder. Stopping at the tip, I bit down, and he winced a little, but my lips and tongue were there to take the pain away.

“Do that again, Alyssa,” He instructed.

I didn’t wait for a second, and I grabbed his balls forcefully as I bit a little harder into the end of his cock. He shuddered a bit more, this time at my aggressive treatment of his cock. I took his dick out of my mouth and threw my shirt and bra onto the counter before grabbing his sack and pulling that cock back into my mouth. I started shoving more and more of his member into my mouth. I could feel him hitting the back of my throat.

He liked this a lot.

I took him deep into my mouth, pressing my face into his trimmed groin. His balls were warm on my chin. He was careful not to force himself into me. I was the aggressor. I could taste his salty cum begin to appear in my mouth more frequently. As I squeezed his balls again, pulling down, he winced again, and I bit his cock. A slight yelp escaped his lips at my harsh treatment.

“Do you like that, mister?” I said in the most sultry voice I could.

“Yes, ma’am, I do,” he panted.

As I started sucking him again, I noticed just how moist my pussy was as I felt my panties now damp against me. The feeling pushed me to do even more. I put my hands on his ass cheeks and spread them open, pulling him toward me. I held him as deeply in my mouth as I could for as long as I could, letting him enjoy my oral embrace. As I began to pull back, I turned my head to the side, and that was it.

“Oh shit, omg, are you ok, Alyssa?” Jake said, reaching down to pull my hair back.

I had thrown up every free drink he’d bought right onto the bathroom floor. He held me up as I got it all out of my system. I was humiliated. This night had gone from sexy flirtation to one of the best blow jobs I’d ever given anybody to me losing my liquor all over the floor. I began to cry.

“No, Alyssa, it’s ok. I’m so sorry,” Jake said sweetly. “I didn’t mean to make you get sick.”

“It’s not your fault; I’m sorry I had a bit too much,” I said, wiping my eyes.

Jake helped me stand and got me a wet paper towel. He handed it to me to wipe my mouth. Jake helped me put my bra back on and held my shirt while I put my arms in the holes. He looked at me and hugged me.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” he asked softly.

“I’m so sorry,” I cried again.

He held me, shushing me and rubbing my back.

“We’ve all been there, Alyssa.”

“Melissa,” I corrected. “My name is Melissa; it was a little too loud out there,” I said, wiping my tears with the paper towel.

Taking my face into his hands, he said, “It is nice to meet you, Melissa,”

He kissed my forehead and the tip of my nose.

“Jake, look, I really should have told you,”

“Shhh, shh, shh, there is no need to apologize,” Jake said, wetting a fresh paper towel.

He held my face with one hand and delicately tidied up my smeared mascara with the other.

Kissing my forehead again, he smiled and said, ” Are you ready to get out of here? This place smells like a public bathroom. We should find a better location for our first date.” He laughed.

I couldn’t help but laugh with him. He was sweet, and I just needed to get to bed. He opened the door and held it as I walked out. He gave me his hand, and I held it tightly to steady myself while we returned to the spot where I’d met him. I looked around, and Jules was at the bar with Ben. I held Jakes’s hand, and we made our way to the bar. Ben turned and saw Jake and took a step toward us.

“Ben, this is my friend Jake. He helped me when I started feeling sick,” I said quickly.

“Liss, you ok? Where have you been? Who the fuck is this guy?” Ben barked.

“I’m Jake. Melissa got sick, and I didn’t want her to drive, so I told her I wanted to make sure she made it back to her friends,” Jake said, not missing a beat.

Ben looked at me for confirmation, and I nodded.

“Jake, thank you so much for helping me back there,” I said to thicken our story.

“Hey, yeah, no problem, so do you still want to hang out tomorrow? Maybe I can text you?” He fibbed, looking at me with those sweet eyes.

“Yeah, it was great to catch up!” I said, “Do you still have my number?” I lied.

“Probably not. I lost my contacts. Do ya mind?” He said, handing me his phone.

“Thanks again, Jake,” I said, winking at him.

“Jake, thanks for bringing her back. We’ll get her home safe,” Ben said, extending his hand.

Jake shook Ben’s hand, and we headed out to the parking lot, where I managed to throw up again before getting in the truck. We rode home without a word, just the radio on. Ben didn’t seem angry. He was more protective than anything. He was so close with Nick that they really were inseparable, and asking him to lie to my husband was a big deal.

“So, how do you know Jake?” Ben asked, breaking the awkward silence.

“You don’t remember Jake from our nursing school graduation?” Jules chimed in.

“I was a little drunk,” Ben laughed.

I love Jules. She was bound to demand details, but she was my best friend and would do anything for me, no matter if she was fucking Ben or not. Jules snuggled up to Ben as he drove us home and gave me one hell of a side glance, making it clear she knew something was up. We got to her house, and Ben helped us get inside. After a few feeble attempts to paw at Jules, he was back in the truck and gone.

“What the hell, Liss!” Jules said incredulously. “Free drink night, not fuck a cowboy night,” she laughed.

“I didn’t fuck him. I threw up on him, or almost on him.” I giggled.

I spilled the entire story. We laid on her bed as I went through everything from biting Jake’s dick and squeezing his balls to getting sick and him cleaning me up and putting me back together.

“He sounds like a great guy, Liss,” Jules cooed.

“Yeah, he really is,” I said. “Too bad I am fucking married, Jules!” I said sarcastically.

“Well, yeah, but you had fun.”

We both laughed, and Jules clicked the lamp off. She tucked me in and snuggled up to me as we lay there. She was the best. I couldn’t imagine life without her. She was a colossal pain in the ass, but she was great. Her body was warm, and I always enjoyed sleeping beside her. Jules put her arm over me and pulled me close. She knew I was always cold when I slept at her house. It wasn’t long before I drifted off to relive it all in my still half-drunk dreams.

Tomorrow had its own problems. I wasn’t going to stay awake and wait to get sick again. Besides, I was going to have more headaches to deal with than just a hangover when I saw my husband.

Published 1 year ago

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