John turned in his bed again. The sun was starting to rise. It was Sunday, the last day of the slumber party.
Knock, knock. John listened intently as he knew no one should be knocking on his door at five in the morning. Instead of waiting on his invitation, the door gradually opened and closed. The intruder quietly tiptoed to his bed as he lay silent. The person quietly joined him in his bed, wrapped herself under his covers, and snuggled up close to him.
“I know you’re not sleep,” Carmyn whispered as her hand cascaded down his spine.
John quivered. “I think you should leave.”
For the first time, John started thinking with the right head.
“I know you don’t mean that, baby,” she giggled as her hand journey around his waist.
“Leave now,” he demanded as he attempted to prevent her hand from reaching in his silk pajama bottoms. But it was too late. She’d already pulled his limp penis out of his hole and began caressing it. John’s mind wanted her to stop, but his body didn’t.
“See, I know you didn’t want me to leave,” she bragged before licking his ear.
“What… what do… what do you have planned?” he stuttered as his penis began to hardened.
“Nothing,” she sang as her lips traveled to his neck.
“St-stop lying. It’s soooo,” he moaned, “obvious that you’re…ahhh, yesss, you’re the mastermind behind this.”
She laughed, “I’m not. Now shut up or I won’t let you have the Carmyn Delite dessert.”
Obeying her, John glued his lips together. That was until she straddled his face; her long, silky legs on each side of his face with her warm cunt dripping on his tongue. She smell like strawberry candy, he thought as he extended his tongue until it was licking her shaved pussy.
John cuffed each of her firm cheeks into each of his hands and squeezed tightly as he munched hungrily on her young sweetness. He used his tongue to separate her folds in order to penetrated deeper into her moist walls. Several times, he sucked on her engorged clitoris. He knew she was really enjoying it, not only because of her moans, but also by the walls her labia began to swell up in pleasure. It wasn’t long before she was grinding her hot hole over his face, anticipating her big explosion. John drank every ounce of her juices that spilled from her goodies.
After gaining her energy back, Carmyn crawled out of John’s bed. Happy with the way he pleasured Carmyn, he laid in his bed smiling with one hand behind his head and the other stroking his dick. He assumed Carmyn was going to his private bathroom to wash up and return for the vaginal intercourse. But he realized how wrong he was when his bedroom door opened and closed. John cursed himself. He’d gotten played. Again.
Instead of going downstairs to his study to began on his work project, John remained in his bedroom, in the bed, even after noon.
“Daddy,” Stacy cried as she entered his room with a rather disturbed facial expression.
Busted! he thought as he sat up. “Yes.”
“Mom’s here,” she stated.
John froze. “Wha-what? Who?”
“Carol!” a voice roared as she kicked his door ajar. “I need to speak to your father, alone.”
Stacy looked at her appalled dad until he nodded. She exited, closing the door behind her.
“Carol! What are you doing here?” John inquired as the unhappy busty brunette stood before him loudly tapping her feet.
John couldn’t believe anything that was happening this weekend. He hadn’t seen Carol, his ex-wife, in three years since she ran off with her girlfriend. Not even a phone call or postcard from her, and yet here she stood.
“How could you?” she angrily yelled as she tossed a stack of Polaroids across the bed.
John’s eyes bugged out of his head as his eyes viewed his latest sex episode with the young beauties. He couldn’t believe that sent the pictures to his ex-wife. He couldn’t determine why they would anyway. They didn’t even ask him for money.
But then John thought. “Why do you even care who I’m with?”
Carol enclosed the distance between them. Suddenly, her demeanor changed. “Because if I knew you were into threesomes, then I wouldn’t have had to leave. Why didn’t you tell me?”
John’s eyebrow shot up in astonishment. “Wh-what?”
“Take me back John. We could all be one big happy family. Especially me, you, and Amy. She’s a blond with the amazing boobs in the picture.”
Once again, a shocked John stuttered, “Wh-what?”
“I didn’t think you could handle two chicks at once. But now I see how you rocked those young girls world, I know you can please me and Amy. Those pictures got me all hot and bothered now. See?” She raised her sun dress up to display her damp panties.
John realized he was still sexually frustrated from Carmyn’s rude exit earlier. And he did miss his wife. And he really enjoyed the idea of fucking her and her girlfriend.
“Don’t forget about me,” Amy exclaimed as she entered the room.
John’s smile stretched from one side of his face to the other as they began to undress him. The phrase everything happens for a reason shot through his mind as they retreated to his bed. One of the photos’ sharp edge scratch his bare skin. He picked the picture up to toss it on the floor. Before he did, he read the writing on the back.
Fucking your husband’s brains out. XOXO Carmyn Delioz
Delioz, he mumbled to himself. The last name sounded so familiar.
He smiled as Carol and Amy took turns sucking his dick. “Thank you, Dr. Delioz,” he said aloud as he realized his daughter’s therapist Dr. Delioz used his daughter’s sleepover to help both Stacy and him. Stacy was socially reconnecting with her peers, and John had his wife back, plus her girlfriend. In addition to that, best of all, he got to fuck the therapist’s young daughter.
The End…
Shout Out To My #1 Lushee Flytoomuch a.k.a. John Langham, the mastermind behind the creation of this seduction series and the main character! There are many hidden clues in this series some of you may not have realized, you’ll have to read John’s profile to understand. I hope you’ve enjoyed!
~XOXO Carmyn