My Dare Set By A Wonderful Friend On Lush Part 2

"The dinner date with Dave and the three mechanics"

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Around 7:30 pm, I heard Dave’s Audi pull up and come to a stop in our driveway. I looked out of the lounge window, and saw, him and then Alan, Richard, and Gavin, all climb out of the car. They then walked towards our front door. My heart pounding harder than ever now, I looked at myself one last time in the hallway mirror, grabbed my handbag, and my overnight bag, and opened the door to greet them.

Exactly a week ago, I had agreed to let them take me out for the evening, for a meal, then back to Dave’s house, for a weekend of group fun, the likes of which I had not enjoyed for some years. Those of you who have read part one of this story will know all about the dare set for me by a good friend, here on Lush. That was the ’spark’ that re-ignited something inside me and led me to where I found myself one week later.

Earlier, I had showered, curled my hair, apples my makeup, a little heavier than usual, painted my nails, and then I got out my blue-jewelled butt plug and my remote control vibrator egg.

I lubed inside my bum, just a little, then slowly pushed the steel butt plug inside my ass, my bum soon sucked it all the way inside me, so the jewelled round base was flat against my bum cheeks. Next, I pushed the remote-controlled vibe. deep inside my cunt. My Lush friend had instructed me to give the controller to Dave and the guys when we were together.

Next, I slipped into my black high heels, put on a pair of dark red satin knickers, and pulled on the black skirt I had chosen. It had a long split up one leg, high enough to give a glimpse of my knickers to anyone. Then I put on the matching crop top. It had thin shoulder straps and matched the skirt perfectly. The top was also thin enough to make it obvious to anyone, that I was not wearing a bra either.

I looked at the clock and realised Dave and the guys would be here very soon, so I did one last check of my makeup in the hallway mirror and waited, anxiously for them to arrive.

Rather than wear my brown coloured contact lenses, I decided to wear my glasses for the evening. My lenses have been giving me some trouble lately, and I certainly did not want anything to spoil the evening.

When Dave rang the doorbell, my heart skipped a beat, shockingly I grabbed my handbag and overnight things and opened the door.

Dave and the other three guys were all standing there smiling, they were smartly dressed and each of them took my hand and kissed, then kissed me on the cheek.

‘Wow, June, you look absolutely stunning,’ said Dave.

‘Damn gorgeous, June,’ added Richard.

The other two added similar compliments about how I looked. I locked the house and was led to the car by Dave and Richard. It was a tight squeeze in the back of Dave’s car, but I managed to sit between Richard and Alan, with Dave driving and Gavin in the front passenger seat.

Dave looked over his shoulder and said, ‘We have a nice little surprise for you at the restaurant, June.’

I said, ‘Oh, I like surprises.’

‘We hope you are going to love this one,’ added Richard, grinning.

As Dave was about to pull the car off our driveway, I stopped him and said, ‘Oh, I nearly forgot.’

I then handed him the vibe remote control, and said, ‘My online friend told me to give this to you, so the four of you can use it in the restaurant.’

Dave looked down at the remote control, his eyes went wide, and he said, ‘Fuck me, June, I know exactly what this is.’

‘You really are something else, darling,’ he added.

We all laughed at this, and the other guys all said similar about the controller.

‘This is going to be one fucking amazing evening, I can tell,’ said Dave.

During the drive to the restaurant, Richard and Alan, both kissed me and felt all over my body, I responded to their kisses passionately and parted my legs, so they could feel my naked cunt as we drove along. Gavin had turned around in his seat and was watching keenly as the two guys feasted on my body, with their mouths and hands.

‘Save some of her for us guys,’ said, Dave.

During the drive, due to what Richard and Alan were doing to me, I reapplied I was getting wetter and wetter, my dark red satin knickers felt soaking wet and they noticed it as well.

‘Fuck me, June, you are soaking down there,’ said Richard. Gavin leaned over his seat to have a look between my legs.

‘Fucking hell, soaking or what,’ he said.

After about forty minutes, we arrived at the restaurant, Dave parked the car, and we all got out. I was then escorted inside. By my lovely group of mechanics.

We were pointed towards the table Dave had booked, by the waitress who greeted us. ‘Your other guests are here already,’ she said to Dave.

‘Excellent,’ he replied.

I looked at Dave, and he said, ‘There is your surprise, June.’

As we neared the table, there were two guys already sitting, with drinks in their hands. I looked at them and thought they looked familiar. Both got up and held out their hands toward mine. One of them then said, ‘Well hello, June, it’s been so many years, darling.’

Dave then said, ‘Remember, Paul and Andrew, from high school, June?’

‘God yes! I exclaimed, ‘I thought I recognised you guys.’

Dave then explained that he was still friends with both of them after decades since we were all at school together, and that once he told them about tonight’s plans, they asked if they could join us all.

‘I have a feeling you might be up for this, June,’ he asked me.

After a moment of blushing, I said, ‘You naughty boy, Dave, well I guess it is too late now to say no isn’t it.’

‘Of course, it’s not,’ he replied. ‘Nothing will happen that you are not comfortable with, June, you have my word.’

‘Thank you, Dave, ok fuck it, why not,’ I said.

‘Good girl,’ said Dave.

‘June, thank you so much,’ said Paul.

Andrew added, ‘We both always fancied you at school, June, but we never dared to ask you out.’

It turned out that Andrew and Paul had driven up from the south, quite some distance, so I added,’ I can’t say no to you, seeing as you have driven such a long way.’

‘Thanks so much, June,’ said Andrew.

After more pleasantries, Andrew stepped aside, and I took a seat at the back of the curved sofa at our table. Everyone sat down, and we ordered drinks and our starters.

So there I was, a married woman, having dinner with six men, three of whom I knew from high school, and the other three, I knew from Dave’s garage, knowing in my mind that later on that night, they were all going to fuck me, together, un-reservedly, and unashamedly, and I knew then I wanted this so much, no guilty feelings this time. My heart was pounding with excitement, bringing back all those memories of my younger days. I knew I was in for one wild weekend, and I couldn’t wait!

Over dinner, the guys all asked me about my life, my past, and my kinks. So I told them everything, going right back to when I was seventeen and on to my mid-thirties. No one spoke, they just listened intently, often open-mouthed at certain things I have done sexually. Around an hour into the meal, I needed the toilet, so I made my excuses and left the table to go to the ladies’ toilet.

It was while inside, that I then carried out my other dare, set for me by my friend on Lush. I removed my now soaking-wet knickers, placed them into the sink, and took two photos on my phone.

Upon returning to our table, I produced my soaked knickers from my handbag and dropped them into Dave’s lap.

‘My online friend, told me to do that, Dave, he said he thought you might wish to keep them.’ I said.

Dave looked at his lap, picked up my knickers, and showed them to the guys. He said, ‘Holy fucking Christ, June, you gorgeous, dirty, sexy bitch.’

Everyone made similar comments, then laughed as I returned to my seat.

‘These will have pride of place in our workshop,’ said Dave.

Our meal was lovely, and the restaurant was very good indeed, with good food, wine, and excellent service. After around, two hours or so, Dan paid the bill. I thanked him for the treat.

‘My pleasure, June, it will be all of us thanking you later on, for the treat of having your beautiful body to enjoy tonight,’ he replied.

During the meal, the remote control to my vibe inside my cunt, was passed around among each of the guys. Dave had told, Andrew and Paul all about what I was wearing inside me, and they shook their heads in amazement when they heard.

As the remote was used, it was always when I least expected it, for example during mid-conversation, and I struggled to keep my voice under control, due to the sensations of the vibrating egg, inside my now free-flowing cunt.

At one point someone turned the control up to the maximum, and I let out a little whimper, on and on it went, so I squeezed my thighs together, covered my mouth with one hand, and ended up biting my hand to stifle my cries. The guys all found this hilarious of course, as well as a huge turn-on.

After paying the bill, we left the restaurant, with Paul and Andrew following behind in their car. Around thirty minutes later, we arrived at Dave’s house. I had never seen it before, but it was a grand old place with beamed ceilings downstairs, but a modern look to the upstairs.

‘I have prepared my second bedroom for tonight, June,’ he said, ‘There is no bed, but I have a large comfortable couch, big enough for our needs.’

‘That sounds fine, Dave,’ I replied.

Dave went to the kitchen to open a bottle of wine. He returned soon after with a tray with seven glasses of red wine on it.

‘We will take these upstairs, I think,’ he said.

I left my handbag and overnight bag on the sofa, and then we all made our way upstairs, the guys behind me cheekily groping my behind as I ascended the stairs.

Dave’s second bedroom was beautifully appointed, it was a large space with a cream-coloured sofa in the middle of the room. Dave had lots of trophies in glass cabinets from his days playing sports, and there was a computer and desk, covered in paperwork to one side.

He then said, ‘Darling, June, can we assume you will be ok with no condoms from the six of us tonight?’

‘Of course,’ I replied, ‘Besides, I hate them as much as anyone guys.’

‘Oh fucking perfect,’ said Andrew.

‘Thank you, so much, June,’ added Paul.

‘All holes, June?’ asked Paul.

‘That would be wonderful,’ I replied.

The guys then wanted to know where they could cum when they needed to, I replied, ‘You can cum wherever you want to guys, inside me or over my face if you like.’

The curses and comments from the guys then were priceless, I felt myself blushing a little, so I said, ‘As I told you all over dinner, I have been gang-banged many times in my life over a long period, and I love it.’

Dave leaned closer to me and said, ‘I know where I want to cum, June, deep inside that tight bum or yours and all over your gorgeous face later on.’

‘Thank you, Dave, id like that,’ I said.

‘You bet your ass you will,’ he replied.

It was decided that my time with the guys would all be photographed and videoed on my own phone. My phone has limited storage, so I told the guys that any videos would have to be short clips. Also with six now taking part, I could not really ask them not to take their photos and clips using their own phones, so each of the guys held their mobile phones at the ready.

The one stipulation we all agreed on, however, was not to record any sound, voices, and so on, to protect each of us. Dave said, laughing, ‘Maybe we should send some of the video clips to your husband, June.’

I replied, ‘Don’t even go there, Dave.’

Andrew asked, ‘Is that right, June, your husband is away on business, and has no idea what you are doing tonight?’

‘That’s correct, Andrew,’ I replied.

‘Fuck me, that’s so fucking hot,’ he said.

‘Fucking beyond hot, June,’ added Richard.

As I was staying the night, the guys asked me if they could enjoy me more than once, I told them I would love them to, then asked what they would like to do first.

‘How about a nice long slow blow-bang to start the ball rolling, June,’ said Richard.

For the next thirty minutes, I found myself on my knees, still dressed, with the six men all standing around me, their cocks out and in their hands, as I slowly shuffled around sucking each of them hard. I used my hands to stroke each cock on either side of my head, and as I worked, whoever I was sucking would be holding the back of my head with his hands, forcing his cock ever deeper inside my mouth.

Round and round I went, slowly shuffling from one cock to the next. The guys didn’t photograph or video the blow-bang, as they had no free hands to do so, but photos and videos were taken when I was sucking Dave, Richard, and Alan, as they wanted an extra long blow-bang from me.

When the gang-bang started, everyone was nervous, to begin with, I think only Dave and Alan had group used a woman before, so we went slowly at first. I was stripped by four of them, my butt plug and remote vibe removed, and they began by fucking me in groups of three at first. The sex soon became harder and more intense as the guys got more into it and into me.

Due to five of them being around my age, they had good holding power and said they were going to hold off from cumming for as long as possible. Only Gavin, the youngest in the group had trouble holding back, and it wasn’t long before he cried out and came inside my cunt, before collapsing on top of me.

I was spit-roasted deep and hard by them all, they would switch between fucking my cunt, then my bum, then moving around to use my mouth, something Dave was particularly turned on about.

‘Fuck, June, you dirty cow, you doing ass to mouth is so fucking hot.’ he said.

They pulled me around like a rag-doll, between the six of them. my glasses didn’t stay on for long, nor did my hair stay in place, and pretty soon it was a complete mess, however, I was lost in lust by this point, and my hair was the last thing on my mind.

During one especially hard and deep spit-roasting, As Dave erupted heavily inside my bum, and Andrew and Richard both came in my mouth, I climaxed for the first time that night, anal climaxes are so different from normal ones, they start deeper and more inside me, but they kind of creep up, without warning. I cried out, two loads of cum dripping out of my mouth, as Dave thrust all the way inside my ass, gripping my hips as he came. I felt Dave’s hot spunk flood deep inside my bum as he climaxed.

This first group session, with the guys, or gang-bang if you will, carried on until around midnight. Each of the six guys either came inside my cunt, ass or down my throat. It was my first session like this in many years, and I was on cloud nine. I felt used, desired, devoured, overpowered and submissive throughout, it was fantastic.

They used me a further three times over thirteen hours. The second session was in another upstairs room and the third was in Dave’s bedroom. I got the feeling he wanted me to be used in every room in his house. It certainly seemed that way.

Session three, was in a downstairs study-like room, culminating with all six guys cumming over my face. Session four, was after lunch that day and was in Dave’s living room, under those period beams in the ceiling. During this one we even had the TV on for a while, showing the Kings coronation! I watched a little of it when my view of the Tv was not obstructed by one of the guys, cock in hand of course.

Around 3 pm, we were all spent, me especially. My bum was very sore, I was exhausted but euphoric. I had climaxed three times in all and felt beautifully sated.

Before Dave drove me home, the guys all made me promise that this would not be a ‘one off’ and that as and when my husband went away on business again, I would contact Dave and we would arrange another such evening.

Published 2 years ago

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